Volume 160 Number 3 The Temple of Loving - Kindness November,2018 Messenger Cheshvan—Kislev 5779 Temple Hesed, 1 Knox Road, Scranton, PA 18505 Bus Trip to Philly Planned Gov. Robert P. Casey Medal to be Awarded to Rabbi, Two Others The entire Temple Hesed nwnepa.org/casey as soon homebuyers, hundreds of community is cordially invit- as possible. improved properties and ed to attend the annual over $120 million worth of awarding of the Governor The Governor Robert P. Ca- investment into local neigh- Special points of interest: Robert P. Casey Medal for a sey Medal for a Lifetime of borhoods. There are individ- Lifetime of Service to our uals in our community who, • Pittsburgh Tragedy Service is presented annual- own Rabbi Daniel Swartz. ly by NeighborWorks® North- like NWNEPA, have faithfully • Chanting Circle eastern Pennsylvania invested their time and tal- The award will be presented (NWNEPA). ents in the betterment of the • RAC Condemns Trump on Thursday Evening Novem- quality of life in northeastern Transgender Proposal ber 15, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. For over 35 years, NWNEPA Pennsylvania. This honor ~ at the Hilton Scranton & has faithfully served the named in tribute to the late Conference Center. In addi- greater northeastern Penn- governor ~ is intended to tion to the medal presenta- sylvania community by em- acknowledge their efforts, tions, there will be a Cocktail powering individuals and and most importantly, to Reception with hors d’oeu- families through homeown- allow the rest of us to learn vres and complimentary bar. ership education & promo- from their service. tion, property rehabilitation The price for the event is and neighborhood revitaliza- NWNEPA is pleased to pre- $50.00 per person . Those tion. sent the 2018 honorees: Inside this issue: who are interested in attend- Jack Tighe, Reverend Her- ing should make your reser- This work has resulted in bert B. Keller, S.J. and Rabbi vations and payment at thousands of educated Daniel Swartz. Donations 2 Rabbinical Reflections 3 Co-President’s column 4 Gender Affirming Clothing Fair, November 10th and 11th from noon till 4 p.m. Calendar 5 You can now drop off your gen- get good deals, and raise some tly used clothing at Temple money in the process for the Yahrzeits 6 Hesed for NEPA's first Gender NEPA Youth Shelter. We do Affirming Clothing Fair. The need a few volunteers on both clothing fair is a chance for the 10th and the 11th -- let the URJ/RAC News 9 people who are transitioning, Temple office know if you're have recently transitioned, able to help out, and please aren't binary, etc. to try out dif- pass on this info to anyone you Back Congregation Information ferent types of clothing in a think might be interested. Page safe, supportive environment, Page 2 Messenger BUILDING FUND MILTON M. AND Sandy Cooperman Donations to MIRIAM E. FRIED- Temple MAN SCHOLARSHIP In Honor of the Yahr- FUND Hesed zeit of Beloved RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Mother, Sadie Ler- FUND ner In Honor of the Yahr- zeit of Jerome M. Janet Slawitsky Friedman In Honor of the Yahr- Paula and Jim Kane zeit of Miriam E. Mazel Tov to Sue Friedman Meyer on Achieving The Davis Family her Bat Mitzvah In Honor of the Yahr- zeit of Miriam E. Sandy Cooperman Friedman In Honor of the Yahr- Paula and Jim Kane zeit of Paula Yudkin Call the Temple Albert office at (570) ROSELLE B. AND The Davis Family 344-7201 to LOUIS A. FINE ME- donate or for MORIAL FUND RABBI’S DISCRE- more TIONARY FUND Wishing Larry Gold- Information. en continued good In Honor of the Yahr- health The minimum Congratulations to zeit of Louis A. Fine Sandy Cooperman donation that Rabbi Swartz for re- Toni Cerra can be ceiving the Lifetime acknowledged Achievement Award by mail and in the Messenger is $10. Major credit or debit cards accepted. Volume 160 Number 3 Page 3 Rabbinical Reflections Why Interfaith, Why not? how small their numbers were an “ambassador for Judaism” By Rabbi and realized that they could be everywhere from the Abington more effective if they partnered Community Garden to the Daniel J. hen you with larger religious groups. Friends of the Poor Thanksgiv- Swartz, get this, ing dinner (which in part is why Spiritual WRabbi Marjorie and I will have It also increasingly became an they’ve asked us, for the sec- just finished celebrating our 7th ideal, something that Jews ond year in a row, to host the Leader, could be proud of. American wedding anniversary (how can Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Temple we still be newlyweds if we’ve Jews spoke of the “Jewish mis- that kicks off the whole week of been married 7 years al- sion” to be “a light unto the Thanksgiving festivities, on Hesed, ready?!?!) and will be arriving in nations.” Our long history of Friday, November 16th – see Toronto for the Parliament of exile, global wanderings, and the article about it elsewhere in the World’s Religions, the frequent misfortunes was cast this Messenger) And our com- world’s oldest and largest inter- in a new light – it was all part of munity has, by being welcoming faith gathering/movement/ God’s plan to bring Jews to all to communities that have felt organization. I’ll report on the corners of the world to share marginalized in NEPA, such as Parliament itself when I get the teachings of the prophets, immigrants and the LGBT com- back, obviously, but in the not to convert others to Juda- munity, also become a haven meantime I wanted to reflect on ism as much as to spread the for those who aren’t Jewish and the whole idea of interfaith key values of our tradition – for aren’t likely to become Jewish, work, particularly why I do it at example, that all people are but are incredibly grateful that all and how it is changing, even created in God’s image and so they can find any religious com- in the four years since I was at equally deserving of dignity and munity that opens its doors to the last Parliament, held in rights. For many Jews, this idea them. I’ve had so many people 2014 at Salt Lake City, Utah. of “mission” became THE most come up to me after a chanting important part of their Jewish circle who have said, thank you The Jewish community in Ameri- identity. so much for hosting something ca has been involved in inter- “(W)e play a In the 21st century, particularly like this! And the reason Queer faith efforts long before the NEPA approached us to host word “interfaith” was coined. in the past 10 years, interfaith unique role here work has continued to evolve. the Gender Affirming Clothing But for much of the early history Fair on November 10th and 11th of this work, the chief motiva- First of all, a majority of new in NEPA, and we “Jewish” families are now inter- (which you can read about else- tion was at least partly self- where in this Messenger) is serving. One way to put it faith – so the lines between need to recog- “interfaith” and “Jewish com- because they know they are not would be: “if Christians get to just tolerated but rather cele- know us better here than in the munity” efforts are blurred. And nize how valua- brated here. old country, there won’t be pog- as fears of pogroms continue to roms.” Rabbi Isaac Mayer fade, as Jews feel more and Of course, Temple Hesed’s first ble that role is to Wise, the founder of American more secure in our joint identi- duty is to our own families. But Reform Judaism, had a much ties as Jewish Americans, we we play a unique role here in the entire com- more optimistic vision. He be- have less and less need to justi- NEPA, and we need to recog- lieved that people in America fy our Jewishness through some nize how valuable that role is to munity.” didn’t have long-entrenched mission. It’s just who we are, the entire community. I hope religious prejudices. And so, if like some of our neighbors you’ll come to one or more of they came to learn about Juda- might be Catholic or Protestant our interfaith events this month ism, they, unlike their close- or Muslim or Hindu or None of and see what I mean – whether minded forebears, would come the Above. So now interfaith it is our Chanting Circle on the to recognize its beauty and work becomes a way to really 10th, the Clothing Fair, or the get to know not only others, but soon, the majority religion of Interfaith Service. our country would be Judaism! to see ourselves anew through other’s eyes. By the time we get to the 20th century, things had shifted And then there’s the special somewhat. As American Jews nature of interfaith work here in became more and more in- Northeastern PA. While the volved in a variety of social jus- Jewish community has old roots tice causes, from public educa- here, there is still much of our tion to workers rights to health area with little to no knowledge Rabbi Daniel J. Swartz and safety campaigns, inter- of Judaism – so here, interfaith faith cooperation was seen as a work sometimes has to start key tactic. Jewish leaders saw with the basics. I feel like I’m Page 4 Messenger Esther’s Thanks to Those Who Participated Dear Temple Hesed Family, CoThe-President’s tragic news we’ve Page witnessed in Pittsburgh touches us all and breaks our hearts.
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