![MAUD S PUMPS! Tools](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
15c. A Y ear in ^Vdyance ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. JUNE 18, 1891. LKBANON. ' ’ Union Farmer** Club. able securities in various Hums, and will Business Locals . Tlie‘May menting of the riiioii Farm­ Children ’s day exercisis at Benjamin be glad to describe them to inveetora, ers’ club was h«*l(l with .Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. church Sunday evening. .V'large attend ­ -ireat % Off Sale THE :\'''VV:' who may inquire. On Saturday, June 20th, we will sell all Au lnd«peucl«iit NeM'Hp.ipcr, Woodbury. Owing to the press of farm ance. The band furnished some f;hoi«*e work not very many male members were music. Rev. G. S. Northnip will preach on four Ready Trimmed Hats, exclusiveof orders PwbU whod nvoi »y—Thw »»mUtw i'i'ii»> »i>it ><’,»*««» sn eesssivs Siindwy svsnings a sm-iss o f at 1^ Off th e iHstulsi* prif s*- —Como eariy Block Comer of ‘State and SprloK li\ present. No busini^is was transacted un Eloii \> inuns wlio had collar bone and till after dinner, when vi«te-president several ribs brokeu at .lohu .SptsM-b !•«*<• k- disi^onrses, entitled resiiectively, “Why and have first choice. J. T. Colk & Co. am I a (3iristian, ” ‘Why km I a Rai>- St. Johns News C o. M'bodbuv.V calledthe meeting to order and er’s raising over a week ago. is able to Carpi't Sale. Jit 76 rents S Vear strict I j in Advsnrr. f(*ad a pais ‘r, subject, “mjreation. ” The walk around with his left arm in .-i slimr. tist,” ‘M’hy I am a Minister ” and “Why For the next two weeks we shall make Yearly advertlalaH; niioK m.*!** l ihmvh «m-- subject wtis so well Imiidled that it left It will be some time before he can labor. I belong to the Y. P. S, (’.E.” The tirst siieciat prices on Carjiets to 'reiluce our appllcatloa. ______ will l>e given next Sunday evening. jBTulneaa loL‘uLi.3 lujuTsTper iiuE cai-ii Uuii‘-. no room for discussion. I(» cr<‘am smnal at E.E. Vance ’s Friday stock. If you are in ueed.of a carjiet do Locaia anioiiK rradliiK ina' Ht eeata j»‘T i icks IM eacli inflection Kditb -Hollnaadc .“-wbat tUu aight, tlur 26tir, Uur be n efit uf I ixtinnon -ili>smcdTuriifir_oL SLJoliiis, wliyLiji not fail to get oni- j»riiN*M^ Jon x H .__ BuHineHH Directory canla tjl -a line per year. CardH of tliaiikH ceiKH e4K-li. neighbors say.” band. A general invitation. working in the Lansing wheel barjow To OebtorH. Marrtaxe and Death noriew frcM'. • j .Mrs. T. il. .\very mul,”fals(*ef:onomy. ” Wish our noted Riley prophet would works, hml his hand laeeratiHl 'n a ma­ Those who are indebted to me on note Letfal .Noticea at atatutc* ratea. i ifl^S(«ttlementH will be aiade (inarterly on Suggestions fftr the good of the club, hurry around some of his cool weather chine last Saturdav. A few days befoie or book account are re<pn*Hte<l to cull he flmt of Decenila'r, Mnrcli, .luue, aa<I Aept. : he paid $3 to the Lansing hospital wuich and settle at once, and tliereby save Transient advertlHliiK payable in advance. resulted in the president opportuning he is to have this month. AddreHH all commnnicatfonK to all the male members itre.sent to keep au Several T.s'banouites took in 4 Paw’s ensured him a pltw-e Utiy time during the costs. I mean business. St. JOHNS NEWS CO., St. Jokn, Mich. accurate account of the cost of product ­ show at Ionia lust week. .\n iiiiiaense year, for treatment and caeo «.i case of Jkhsk Sl'LMVA.V. ion of different crops raised on the farm jam of peo|)]e and all boiling over with sickness nr acc*dent. He was taken to Business Directory . and report at the .November meeting heat. the hospital aud twed for. Gooil standard prints, both light and insi :r.\nck . what the cost had been and the value of Pal and Sile Travis have gone on a Visit He yanke<l stumps, wat-hed Indiana, dark JJ^ceiits u yard at .lohn Hicks’. the crop. Barley, beans, oats, corn, po ­ to New York. KO. W. KSTKS. Fire liiHurance Affent. — are bear in(*at aud scrambled generally Siiiiiiiu>r DreMH G imx Im. Firat-claMH inanrance at loweatratea. Of­ tatoes, {teas, raspberries an<l strawber ­ Rogei-sA Bauer’s have finisherl sawing. Gfice with ‘St. .ToluiH XewM. for bread in the .Vlichijiaa \\oo«ls beroro Challies, Outings, Wash Surah, (fiug- ries, were taken, to the amount of 95 __ A'rTOUNEYS. UKKKNRUSU. the state grew out of its waddling clothes hams &e,, at.Iohu Hicks’. acres, It^nd valued at $50.00 jier acie. J. F. Andrus l0‘St a very valuable horse (lid Henry Osterliout. anotherof the way- dwin H. LYON, Attorney at Law. St. Man and tc>amf5.50 ]M.‘r dav, h -V l-'liie o|»|ioi-ttiui.‘y ‘lohne. Office over'll. L. Kendrick ’s ast Sunday night. back members of the state pion<H*»* soc­ EStore. for an investmcMit in St. Johns; two $1 .25 per day. A brother of Mrs. O. B, Gary, from iety. He (^arne west from York state story house with baseiiieiit; eight bed OKTON & HRILNSON. Ottlce formerly li. I*. Keys lead a paper, subject, “in ­ Washington, D, C., is visiting her for a when he was 8 yeai*s old, away back in occupied by Aiiten & .Mohh , St. Jobn». rooms up stairs eai;!! lDxl2, five good N door work for men. ” Tlie ladies discuss­ few weeks. 1816. There wei-e only seven roofs in ^ sizeil rooms down stairs ainl lai-ge dining M. H. CAKTLK, Attorney and .Money ed this paper some, after wiiich it being Two new Sunday schools have been or­ town when he drove into .Vnn .\rb,or. and Loaner, St. .JnhnH. j room and *fi tlir latsfinent, with W the l.'lth anuiversary^f Mr. and Mrs. ganized in Gre«*nbush, one in district No.l the .Vtheiis of tin* west ha.d almost ns EIIKWA Si MKUItlLL, Attorneya at Wooilbury ’s i arriiigej^ie club pn ‘sent- j tiatli r-ooi!i and celliir, city water and and one in the French district. We hojie many liowling natives then as it docs Law, St. .lohna. 1 large <-istei ti. Siocated uiitnly for hourd- F ed to them a beautiful castor. Mr. Wood­ much good may be done. now. Tln'i-e was plenty of land ojien for I iiig houM^. I Iis l»f*st <>i reasons foi- sell- MO.NET L(UNIN(J. bury responded in a few well chosen re­ Tlie qailt social held by the E. L. on settlement, and .Mr. Osterhout tricNl sev­ 'I'tt- ‘I.VH. I). Estks . IOHIOAN MOKTGAOE COMPANY. marks tendering his tliauks to the club. last Weilnesday evening, was a decided eral Hfiots, flnully locHling in Duplain, (Limited.) Capital ¥7o,()00. Corner of Some recitations and select readings fol­ MWalker and ‘Spring atreeta; .St. Jolina. Mon ­ success. The net proceeds were $26..56. ('linton county, as the very best H(*ction •1 «lsU,“.roll Heil-lllM. ey to loan, Inveatmenta made, iaortKaKc*a for lowed. when the following program was Miss Hattie (.’iela.iii] ii‘i.eiv«‘il_t,lia niii.si OU t.‘Ul th. __ Hi: Inul Imi wives, four child- ,-------------------------------------------------(’all .at till* .N’kws olfii-e and spx , ------------pli..I.n.n4 announced fur the .lune meeting, to be votes for the quilt. .Vll jiresent n*port a rcti, and he )uu( rolled up enough monev ,l" ‘M“**'ty that will increase in I»HVSI('I.\N.S. held with Mr. and Mrs. Decjitiir BrnsR gnnTpttTiip,"7rnTUrmn ’?gn*r \ymrt7rjrt fTiev to TiialTe TiTm ni<Tejiefrd<MiT' of everyTiOTIy. J...... ArDrEpTRs; AgenL 'AKY P. HAVKN,S, M. I>. Oflicp f)ver it. Saturday, June 20th at 10 o ’clock'a. in.: ___ V-fxnlTuff* H Htore, Kt.- did not Jiave euougU ic4s tn-eam. —-Det-roit .VeWK. —j----------VtitlUo '.i',!!.. .1 n Tt tTai'n«-r .sTiop. --------- hoxirs: 0 to 11 am and 'J to .*i |>m. 1 Music ; paper, \V. K. Sage ; recitation, When pumits allow their children to During the time that England was i. "'H hiid mv rooms t!,e best place r. a . J. WIGGINS, PlivKlclan and Sur­ Julia Bross ; select reading, Mrs. H. 3. geon. Ottlce over Huliivan ’K (llothinK Smith ; suggestions for the good of the go to the school house and swiyir at the making her sec^ond little attempt to lick r" ’’'"’'I I’.atli, Sha ve or DStore. 48tf scholars, there should be some measures club ; dinner ; music ; question box and the rnit«‘d States. William F. .J.‘nison, of j ^‘crvice. .Iapoi : Ficrry . M. PO.ST .H. I>. PhyMlflan, SurKtMMi und taken by the school board. Clinton county, was tKirn. It hapin-ned | Maddnc needtes. Oils and Repairs at S• N«»tary Pul)lic. Otiice eant side of main roll call; i*aper by Decatur Bross ; select ■t., Enrekn^ .Mich. reading, .Mrs. M’, K. Sage; paiier, Mrs. Wla^li young jK?ople ait? lying in the in Biyan, York state. Long betori* ] It. -\. Foote ; recitation, Edna Itenigar : hammock, they should not lie so much Jloraoe Greeley sprung the great thought ' essay, Stella Keys; nniitation, Jennie on one side of t6e~Eanimbck as to fall about coming west, young .Teuison was O. J. PUTMAN, out. C. S. C. i i;: E IL------------- .\very, qm^tion for general discussion lumbered into a wagon along with tin* __ _____ The St.
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