— CiAtiH i^MtllUU LiEAPER Feily Open Letfer f America'9 Largest Weekly for tublic iLmpioyeea See Page 3 Vol. XXH, No. 13 Tuesday, December 6, 1960 Prie« Ten CenU N Grievame Plan Young Resig iiw As MVB Deputy t Monroe Due For Nassau, Sought Campaign Counties Win Funds From Aides (Special to The leader) Patterson Says ALBANY, Dec. 5 — The Rocke- feller Administration has accepted 5-Point Plan By PAUL KYER the resignation of Donald W. Young, the deputy State Motor Erie and Monro» Counties last week joined the growing A. Holly Patterson, county executive for Nassau County, Vehicle Commissioner, who sent list of political subdivisions which are usinn the retirement Informed The Leader last week that some form of grievance a letter before election to a group contribution plan developed by the Civil Service Employeea machinery will be put In effect for Nassau County's public of county employees seeking GOP Association to increase public workers' take-home-pay. employees in the "near future." campaign contributions. A1 Burke, president of the CSEA Erie chapter, and Mr». At the same time, Mr. Patterson told The Leader that a No mention was made of the Ruth McFee, president of the Monroe chapter, Informed Th« request by Nassau County chapter of the Civil Service Em- fund-raising letter, however, in Leader late last week that their efforts to win the so-called ployees Association for an Increase In. mileage allowance from the exchange of letters between 5-Point Plan for their members had resulted In victory, Mr. Young and State Tax Com- 8 to 10 cents had been approved. Mr. Burke and Albert C, KUlian, At the County's budget hearing missioner Joseph H. Murphy. OSEA fifth vice president, who bershlp drive and Mr. Burke said laat week. Irving Flaumenbaum. Chapter'i program, Mr. Patterson Used MVB Envelopes lives in Erie County, expressed that payroll deduction of duee President of Nassau Chapter, called at Leader press time declared: The Incident occurred several thanks to both OOP and Demo- would give strong impetus to car- for ft $500 across-the-board In- "The County of Nassau ap- weeks before election when Mr. crat members of the County Board rying the chapter to its goal of creas» for county workers; asked preciates the dedicated efforts Young, using some Motor Vehicle of Supervisors for their sympathy 100 per cent meml}ership in Erie for uniform attendance rules, In- of all its loyal employees. It is envelopes, sent a letter to employ- and help in putting the plan K- County. oreased mileage allowance, liberal- sincerely interested in better- ees of St. Lawrence County sug- cross. ized vacation and other employee ing all their living and work- gesting they give a percentage of Under the plan, tiie counties—or benefita. ing conditions. their pay to the Republican Party. any other political subdivision — St. Lawrence Hikes Patterson's Comment "I believe that most mem- Mr. Young signed the letter as may pick up the first five points Mileage Allowance Commenting on ths Na'ssaa bers of the Nassau County the finance chaiiman for the St. of an employee's contribution to St. Lawrence County has In- Civil Service Employees As- Lawrence County Republican the Retirement System. The result creased the mileage allowance fof sociation have a feeling that Committee. is a net increase in take-home pay workers on county business, Mar- Niagara County Ups I am friendly and would like Under State law, political pres- of aijout five per cent. lon Murray, president of St. Law- to do everything I possibly sure on public employees for pol- Monroe County Gains rence chapter, Civil Service Em- Mileage Allowance can to make their organiza- itical contributions is prohibited. ploy^ Association, announced Beginning January lat, 1961, tion a more effective, co-oper- The Young letter was criticized Mrs. McPee announced that the last week. th« Niagara County Board of ative grmip of public em- by both H. Eliot Kaplan, president Monroe County Board of Supervis- Supervisors has granted employees ployees. of the State Civil Service Commis- ors had aoted on three major Mrs. Murray said the increased mileage allowance completed an- who use their own car* in per- (Continued on Page S> (Coiitinued on Page 3) items, they were: forming their duties, an Increase 1. Adoption of the 5-point Plan other plank in the chapter's pro- in mileage allowancs from the for county employees. gram for county employees. 8 cents to 10 cents per mile, 8. Increase in automobile mile- Previously, through efforts of allowed under the new mileage VISITOR TO CENTRAL ISLIP age allowance. St. Lawrence Chapter, county em- bill passed in March 1960. 8. Payment of SO per cent of ployees I'eoeived an increase la take-home-pay by adoption of the Niagara County members of the health insurance plan for retired CSEA 5-point plan and gained Civil Service Employeea Associa- members as of Jan. 1. authority to deduct Employees As- tion are especially interested in Assisting Mrs. McFee in present- sociation dues from pay checks. the passage of this bill and the ing arguments to the County extension of its benefits to County Board, was F. Henry Oalpin of the workers, because the original reso- CSEA Headquarters staff. Rock/and Grants lution from which this bill finally Mr. Oalpin, % salary research emerged was sponsored by Niagara analyst, told the board that « 5-Point Plan But County and presented to the CSEA great value of the S-point plan was Stops Increments Delegate meetings for several that It Increased take-home-pay The Rockland County Board of years before action was finally without dimlnuation of retii-ement Supervisors granted its employeee taken to remove the 8-cent ceiling benefits. an Increase In take-home pay — on mileage. Mr. Oalpin pointed out that if and then practically negated it by the county wei* to provide an freezing increments. equivalent 6 per cent net raise in Deduction of CSEA employees' pay checks, It would The County board adopted the Dues OK'd in Utica require % substantially larger gross 5-Point Plan for the Civil Service pay. He argued further that about Employees Association, whereby The City of Utica has granted au- a third of any raise is deducted the county can pick up five pointe tliorizatloii for deduction of dues for from the average worker's pay of an employee's contribution to membership in the Civil Service check befoi^e he gets it. the Retu-ement System, thus in- lEinployees Association, Mrs. Rutli creasing his take home pay. The Board adopted the plan ann, president of Oneida Coun- unanimouslir. Rockland County chapter, CSEA, •y chapter, and S. Samuel Borelly, announced that the Board's action chapter representative, announced. Duea Deduction for Erie in practically canceling the bene- At the same time, authoriza- Mr. Burke infoi-med the Leader fits obtained by the 5-Point Plan tion was given to permit payroll also that authority for the deduc- would be protested vigorously. payments for the CSEA Accident tion of Association dues from pay- CSEA Headquarters, too, will pro- and Health Plan, a low-cost insur- checks was expected next month test the action, it was learned. ance program underwritten by The for Erie County. Travelers Co. and administered by The CSEA chapter there already Amsterdam City Ter Busli & Powell, CSEA insur- is engaged 4n a substantial mem- ance agents. Aides Win CSEA Previously. Utica had granted 5-Point Plan the CSEA 5-Point Plan to city em- State Director Employees of the City of Anw ployees. Santa Clam, at portrayed by Hordd Dermitt, I* getting ready sterdam have come under the Mrs. Mann and Mr. Borelly ex- to visit the children of Central Ulip State Hospital at the re- Of Farms Meet pressed thanks to Mayor Frank sult of planning by the Civil Service Employeet Association ALBANY, Dec 8 — The annual Service Em- Dulan and Comptroller Thomas J. Chapter at the hospital. Attitting with the costume at lower meeting of the men who operate P'^yee* Association and, thus, have gained an inci-eose in take-home NeUon for their co-operation in ob- left it Martin Alliton, chairman for the Chrittmat party, while the state's 31 farms at various pay of approximately five per cent. taining the dues deduction foi' CSEA Lawrence Hartinton, chapter president, and Or. Francit J. institutioni waf held in Ithaca nienibers. O'Neill, hotpital director, look on. The event, which It for em- this week. Oeorge R. Oilbert, di- Richai'd Tarmy, Montgomery ployees' children and hospital child patients, will be held Dee. rector of iiistltution farms, said County chapter repiesentativt, iiv- 20 and "Santa" will have a gift for each child. Thero will be the emphasis of ths conference formed The Leader, that it was ex- r«M Your oopr of Th« Leader plenty to eat and plenty of entertainment. All the toys were would be on food production, pected County employees would •u t« • Non-meoiber donated by tho laythor* Farmert Market. management and disease control. soon leoeivs tbs benefit, too. Page Two CIVIt SERVICE LEADER Tnei(T«y, neccmher fl, MM {mm- 16 State Clerk UCSl Will Defend Jobs Pilled In City; IN CITY CIVIL SERVICE Next Pool Dec. 14 By RICHARD EVANS JR. The New York City office of «))• Right Of Government State Department of Civil ServlM no-Man Cadet "Exodus" Benefit held a special clerical hiring pool last Wednesday in Its 270 Broad* Class Marks Start Set for Jan. 8 way office, which resulted in 1« The Civic Center Synagogue has Workers To Organize cleric appointments down to num- Of New Police Unit chartered the Warner Theatre, ber 2.24S on the eligible list.
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