FEBRUARY 2020 Volume 25 Issue 1 WRIGHT in WISCONSIN MEMBER NEWSLETTER \ CELEBRATING THE LEGACY OF FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT BackBack toto MadisonMadison WRIGHTWRIGHT ANDAND LIKELIKE RETURNSRETURNS TOTO MADMAD CITYCITY FORFOR 20202020 SHOWCASESHOWCASE pagepage 44 PAGE 2 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 8 Wright in Wisconsin welcomes Vintage Photos focuses on the Mark Hertzberg remembers Wright Thoughts: The process a new office administrator Wisconsin River Terrace the life, career of Ron McCrea of planning a Usonian house © Monona Terrace © Monona Wright in Wisconsin Welcomes Bill Swan New office administrator brings deep ties to our group and enthusiasm for Frank Lloyd Wright President’s Message by MARK HERTZBERG by GEORGE HALL Bill Swan’s Wright resume has gotten even more conferences in Wisconsin. If that is still not impressive as he settles into his duties as Wright in enough for you to bring him into our fold, also Wisconsin’s new office administrator. He succeeds consider that he has been a docent at Wright’s Sherri Shokler, who left in August, after more than Laurent House in Rockford, Illinois, since 2015, 20 years with us, to pursue a new career path. and that he has done extensive research into the Swan, who lives in Sun Prairie, is a familiar face house, including in the Wright archives at the to Wright and Like participants. Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Co- He has been a docent on our tours each year lumbia University. Hall © Joan since 2012. If that is not enough to bring him into He has visited or stayed overnight in Wright our fold, he was a bus captain for the 2015 and Hertzberg © Mark © Mark Hertzberg © Mark 2018 Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy BILL SWAN CONTINUES ON PAGE 07 As we begin the new year, thank you to those of you who re- cently sent in unsolicited memberships and contributions, at- testing to your faith in this organization. And to all of you WRIGHT IN WISCONSIN VOLUME 25 ISSUE 1 awaiting the start of our annual membership campaign, thank WRIGHT IN WISCONSIN is published three times annually in you for your patience. CONTENTS February, May and September by Wright in Wisconsin, a You are the ones I have in mind as I write this column. In the nonprofit organization designed to promote, protect and preserve the heritage of Frank Lloyd Wright, his vision and his past six months, we have regrouped and committed ourselves to architecture — as well as the work of his apprentices, Taliesin rebuilding the organization. — Associated Architects and like-minded architects in his We now have a streamlined board, including two new native state of Wisconsin. Membership benefits include discounts at the Monona Terrace Gift Shop and on Wright and members: Brian R. Hannan, our new vice president for com- ARTICLES Like™ tour tickets, this newsletter, volunteer opportunities and munications from Evanston, Illinois; and Curt Szymczak, our more. Donors of $100 or more receive reciprocal membership new treasurer from Racine. They join our continuing board benefits at Wright sites nationwide (benefits vary by location). members: Ken Dahlin; Mark Hertzberg, our secretary and Hertzberg © Mark 03 President’s Message To join, visit us at www.wrightinwisconsin.org or contact us at the number or address below. newsletter editor; Henry St. Maurice; and myself. We expect the eight public sites to shortly name their own Our newly reorganized board of directors meets at the Hardy House (1905) in 04 2020 Wright and Like Racine. Members include (left to right): Henri St. Maurice (Arnold House, Wright in Wisconsin Member Newsletter representative to the board. Our intent is to work individually Returns to Madison 1955); Curt Szymczak (Hardy House); Brian R. Hannan; George Hall; and Bill Editor Mark Hertzberg with each public site to learn its unique needs and how we Swan. Mark Hertzberg, our long-time board secretary, took the photograph. 06 Remembering Ron McCrea Designer and copy editor Brian R. Hannan might better develop services of value. We have earmarked Special thanks to Patrick J. Mahoney for the vintage postcard funds to assist the public sites (and the Frank Lloyd Wright at the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan and our excursion and to Robert Hartmann for his vintage pictures. 07 Taliesin Preservation Trail) with reprinting what we call our sites brochure, a rack to Mason City to stay in Wright’s Park Inn Hotel and see card distributed at many Wisconsin tourist information centers. Wright’s Stockman House — along with Walter Burley Griffin’s Receives Preservation Wright in Wisconsin Board of Directors and Staff Award We hired Bill Swan, as office administrator, to assume the Rock Creek/Rock Glen subdivision. Interim president George Hall many tasks that Sherri Shokler, our former office administrator, You may well read this column before our 2020 membership Vice president, operations Open so ably performed. Bill, a mechanical engineer with an abiding campaign finally unfolds. It’s delayed while the board proac- Vice president, communications Brian R. Hannan Director, at-large Ken Dahlin interest in Frank Lloyd Wright, brings skills to us from the pri- tively gets our corporation back up to speed, including devel- Director, at-large Henri St. Maurice vate sector, as well as experience as a long-time volunteer with oping several surveys to help us better plan a range of events Secretary Mark Hertzberg the Laurent House in Rockford, Illinois, the Madison Trust for and services that meet your interests — as well as the demands REGULAR FEATURES Treasurer Curt Szymczak Office administrator Bill Swan Historic Preservation and the Frank Lloyd Wright Building of the preservation community and the owners of these marvel- Conservancy. We look forward to working with him on your ous buildings that inspire us all. 05 1 0 Vintage Photos Tours & Events Wright in Wisconsin behalf. Your Wright in Wisconsin is built on volunteer help. 08 1 2 Wright Thoughts Vintage Postcard P.O. Box 6339, Madison, WI 53716-0339 In addition to announcing our upcoming Wright-related As we round out our reorganized board, we hope to find (608) 287-0339 www.wrightinwisconsin.org speakers, we’ll soon have a save-the-date announcement for a Wright-inclined members with a variety of areas of expertise, fall bus tour to Minneapolis that’s being planned with former including a bookkeeper to assist our treasurer and an attorney board member Karen Bergenthal. She also helped with the lo- familiar with nonprofit law. If you’d like to volunteer, please gistics for our 2017 and 2018 tours of the Wright at 150 exhibit reach out to us at wrightinwisconsin.org/contact. © Monona Terrace © Monona ON THE COVER: Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center. Learn more at mononaterrace.com. 02 WRIGHT IN WISCONSIN MEMBER NEWSLETTER VOLUME 25 ISSUE 1 FEBRUARY 2020 03 © Mark Hertzberg © Mark The Rudin House (1957), a Marshall Erdman prefab house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Madison, will be open for tours during the upcoming Wright and Like. Hartmann © Robert Return to Madison Vintage Photos Wright and Like heads back to Mad City for its annual architectural tour, set for June 12-14 Wright’s vision for a restaurant near Taliesin takes shape with Wisconsin River Terrace project by WRIGHT IN WISCONSIN by ROBERT HARTMANN With George Hall taking the lead on and we speak with owners. have never been available for tour. Frank Lloyd Wright had long envi- initiated in 1954. The Spring Green restaurant nears completion during the summer of 1967. Windows and exterior our annual big event, planning is in full Meanwhile, a three-day event is shap- On Sunday, a pontoon boat excursion sioned a restaurant along the sloping site Progress continued in 1955, including trim work are being installed on the north face of swing for Wright and Like™ tour in Mad- ing up. will enable a viewing of Wright’s several overlooking the Wisconsin River on the installation of huge steel beams that the building. Wood batten strips on the soffit ison, scheduled for the weekend of June It begins with a Friday afternoon Lake Mendota sites of note (Pew House Highway 23 near his home and studio, Wright had purchased in 1948 as salvage above the windows are not yet in place. 12-14. Wright exhibit at an art museum that from the water, the site of Rocky Roost, Taliesin. from the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Wolverine. Those of you who attend our annual isn’t yet fully vetted, followed by an even- designed for Wright’s Madison school Wright’s first proposal for this site was These beams elevated the restaurant formed the Wisconsin River Devel- tours around the state know that every ing presentation by Jack Holzhueter on friend Robert (Robie) Lamp and the site a speculative scheme for Glen and Ruth above treetops along the banks of the opment Corporation (WRDC) and pur- year we usually feature, along with the John Howe materials in the Wiscon- of Wright’s Lake Mendota boat house) Richardson for a service station, restau- river and would eventually provide chased the building and 3,000 acres of homes by Frank Lloyd Wright, a nearly sin Historical Society archives that con- to round out the weekend. rant and residence in 1943. It never came breathtaking views of the water and Wis- land from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foun- forgotten mid-century architect or little- cludes with conversation and heavy hors Helping with this year’s tour is a steer- to fruition. consin hillside when the restaurant was dation that work on Wright’s restaurant known homes by Taliesin apprentices or d’oeuvre catered by the University Club ing committee comprised of: Terri Boyd, A decade later, Wright’s restaurant completed.
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