Shivaji Univ., TITLES BY ACCESSION NO. Page : 1 Kohlapur ----------------------- Date : 22/07/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Accn No. Title Details Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 84 Great chemists / Eduard Farber(ed). , 1961 925.4 FAR 1035 Nobel prize winners in chemistry 1901-1961 / Farber, E. , 1953 925.4 FAR 1730 Men of mathematics / Bell, E. T. , 1937 925.1 BEL 1751 A bunch of old letters / Neharu, Jawaharlal. , 1960 923.25404 NEH 2248 वव के महान वैानक / Cane, Philip. , 1966 925 CAN 2283 A nation in making / Banerjea, Surendranath. , 1925 923.254 BAN 2415 ी वामी समथ / Phatak, N. R. , 1951 922.94 PHA 2424 राजमाता िजजाबाई / Kannamwar, M. S. , 1963 923.254 KAN 2520 The lives of the Nobel Grecians and Romans / Plutarch. 920.038 PLU 2530 The autobigraphy of benjamin Franklin and selections from his other writting / Franklin, Benjamin. , 1950 923.173 FRA 2531 The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and selections from his other writing / Franklin Benjamin. , 1950 923.173 FRA 2537 The education of henry adams / Adams, Henry. , 1918 923.797 ADM 2607 ी ानदेव / Altekar, Madhav Damodor. 928.9146 ALT 2620 Bismarck : The man and the statesman / Taylor, A. J. P. , 1955 923.143 TAY 2725 Ekanath / Mahipati. 922.94Ekn MAH 2728 Bahina bai / Bahina Bai. , 1929 922.94 BAH Shivaji Univ., TITLES BY ACCESSION NO. Page : 2 Kohlapur ----------------------- Date : 22/07/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Accn No. Title Details Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 2730 Tukaram / Mahipatis. , 1930 922.94Tuk MAH 2731 Ramdas / Mahipatis. , 1932 922.94Ram MAH 2732 Stories of Indian Saints Bhaktivijaya / Addott, Justin E. , 1933 922.9408 ABB 2733 Stories of Indian Saints Bhaktivijaya / Addott, Justin E. , 1934 922.9408 ABB 2734 Nectar from Indian saints bhaktililamrit : Chapter 1- 12,41-51 / Abbott, Justin E. , 1935 922.9408 ABB 2735 Dnyaneshwar the Out - Caste Brahmin / Edwards, J. F. , 1941 922.94Dny EDW 2790 तकाराममहाराजु यांची गुपंरपरा / Bendre, Vasudev Sitaram. , 1960 922.94 BEN 2791 तकाराममहाराजु यांचे संतसांगाती / Bendre, Vasudev Sitaram. , 1958 922.94 BEN 3243 Jawaharlal Nehru / Shah, A. B (ed). , 1965 923.254 SHA 3267 Edwin montagu: A memoir and an account of his visits to india / Waley, S. D. , 1964 923.242 WAL 3532 Lajpat Rai autobiographical writings / Joshi, Vijaya Chandra (ed). , 1965 923.254 JOS 3646 Lokamanya Tilak : A biography / Gopal, Ram. , 1956 923.254 GOP 3647 Nehru : A pictorial biography / Edwardes, Michael. , 1962 923.254 EDW 3657 पहया महायातीलु (1914-18) मराठयांची मदमकु / Anawakar, D. V. , 1965 923.595406 ANA Shivaji Univ., TITLES BY ACCESSION NO. Page : 3 Kohlapur ----------------------- Date : 22/07/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Accn No. Title Details Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 3658 पहया महायातीलु (1914-18) मराठयांची मदमकु / Anavakar, D V. , 1965 923.595406 GUP 3705 An autobiography on the story of my expriments with turth / Gandhi, M. K. , 1927 923.254 GAN 3755 The viceroyalty of lord ripon 1880 - 1884 / Gopal, S. , 1953 923.254Rip GOP 3763 नाबाद 89 / Paranjapye, R. P. , 1965 925.1 PAR 3770 लाला लजपतराय / Ramnath, Suman. , 1965 923.254Lay RAM 3928 Lal Bahadur : A political biography / Mankekar, D. R. , 1964 923.254 MAN 4025 लाल कयांया छायेत / Gadgil, Naraahar Vishnu. , 1964 923.254 GAD 4026 Memories of two universities / Dongerkery, S. R. , 1966 923.754 DON 4027 Mao Tse-Tung : The lacquered image / Boorman, Howard L. , 1965 923.151 BOO 4185 Mahadev Govind Ranade: A Biography / Parvate, T. V. , 1963 923.654Ran PAR 4225 महष कु लवैभवम हद भाषानुवादपसारांशे सहतम / Oza, Shri Madhusudan. , 1961 922.94 OZA 4266 The Alexander memoirs 1940-1945 / Alexander. , 1962 923.542 ALE 4277 Lala Lajpat Rai writings and speeches / Joshi, Vijaya Chandra (ed). , 1966 923.254 JOS 4278 Lala Lajpat Rai Writings and Speeches / Joshi Vijaya Chandra (ed). , 1966 923.254 JOS Shivaji Univ., TITLES BY ACCESSION NO. Page : 4 Kohlapur ----------------------- Date : 22/07/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Accn No. Title Details Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 4293 My story / Hazare, Vijay. , 1964 927.96358 HAZ 4294 My story / Hazare, Vijay. , 1964 927.96358 HAZ 4376 पथक / Gadgil, Narhar Vishnu. , 1965 920 GAD 4401 Lincoln / Nevins, Allan (ed). , 1966 923.173Lin NEV 4418 An India pilgrim : An Unfinished auto biography and collected letters 1897-1921 / Bose, Subhash Chandra. , 1965 923.254 BOS 4426 महादेव गोवंद रानडे यांचे चर / Phatake, N. R. , 1966 923.454Ran PHA 4631 बाणभ क 'आमकथा ' / Dwivedi, Hajari Prasad. , 1963 928.9143 DWI 4681 काय का देवता : नराला , 1964 928.91431 VIS 4682 " 4707 ' कमवीरोपनषद ' / Patil, P.G. , 1964 923.654 PAT 4889 इतहासाचाय ववनाथ काशनाथ राजवाडे यांचे चर व राजवायांया दोन तपांचा ववसहवास / Bhat, Bhaskar, Vaman. , 1946 928.9146 BHA 5641 Muslim intellectual : A study of Al-Ghazali / Watt, W. Montgomery. , 1963 922.97 WAT 5687 Lokmanya Tilak / Keer, Dhananjay. 923.254 KEE 5688 Lokmanya Tilak / Keer, Dhananjay. , 1959 923.254 KEE 5689 Lokamanya Tilak : Father of our freedom sturggle / Keer, Dhanajay. , 1959 923.254 KEE Shivaji Univ., TITLES BY ACCESSION NO. Page : 5 Kohlapur ----------------------- Date : 22/07/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Accn No. Title Details Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 5691 Dr. Ambedkar : Life and mission / Keer, Dhananjay. , 1954 923.254 KEE 5694 Mahatma Jotirao Phooley: Father of our socail revolution / Keer, D. , 1964 923.654 KEE 5695 Mahatma Jotirao Phooley / Keer, D. , 1964 923.654 KEE 5696 Mahatma Jotirao Phooley : Father of our social revolution / Keer, Dhananjay. , 1964 923.65479Phy KEE 5711 Days of youth: Selections from autobiography / Warher, Alan. , 1960 920.02 WAR 5712 Days of youth: Selections from autobiography / Warher, Alan. , 1960 920.02 WAR 5727 The sixth race / Bartlett, Robert Marrill. , 1959 920.02 BAR 5737 Speeches and writings of Gopal Krishna Gokhale / Patwardhan, R. P (ed). , 1962 923.654Gok PAT 5824 Aristotle / Ross, David. , 1923 921.95 ROS 5968 Khrushchev remembers / Talbott, Strobe (ed). , 1971 923.247Kur TAL 6113 Plato : The man and his work / Taylor A. E. , 1960 921.94 TAY 6114 Plato : The man and his work / Taylor A. E. , 1960 921.94 TAY 6127 Gandhiji's life, thought and philosophy / Diwakar, R. R. , 1963 923.2 DIW 6301 Charles Ammi Cutter / Cutter, William Parker. , 1931 920.2 CUT 6318 Pioneering leaders in librarianship / Danton, Emily Miller (ed). , 1953 920.2 DAN Shivaji Univ., TITLES BY ACCESSION NO. Page : 6 Kohlapur ----------------------- Date : 22/07/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Accn No. Title Details Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 6320 Samual Swett Green / Shaw, Robert Kendall. , 1926 920.2 SHA 6323 John Cotton Dana a sketch / Hadley, Charlmers. , 1943 920.2 HAD 6324 John Shaw Billings : Creator of the national medical library and its catalogue / Lydenberg, Harry Miller. , 1924 920.2 LYD 6325 Charles coffin jewett / Borome, Joseph A. , 1951 920.2 BOR 6331 Portrait of a librarian William Howard Brett / Eastman, Linda A. , 1940 920.2 EAS 6412 European freebooters in moghul India / Hutchinson, Lester. , 1964 923.254 HUT 6413 European freebooters in moghul India / Hutchinson, Lester. , 1964 923.254 HUT 6417 The first Nizam / Husain, Yusuf. , 1963 923.154 HUS 6444 Oriental Jones : A biography of sir Willian Jones (1946-1794) / Cannon Garland. , 1964 928.2Jon CAN 6525 The life of lord curzon / Ronaldshay, Earl. , 1928 923.254Cur RON 6526 The life of lord curzon / Ronaldshay, Earl. , 1928 923.254Cur RON 6527 The life of lord Curzon / Ronaldshay, Earl. 923.254Cur RON 6533 British Government in India / Curzon, Marquis. , 1925 923.25408 CUR 6534 British Government in India / Curzon, Marquis. , 1925 923.25408 CUR 6544 Ranjit Singh : Maharaja of Punjab / Singh, Khushwant. , 1962 923.15403 SIN Shivaji Univ., TITLES BY ACCESSION NO. Page : 7 Kohlapur ----------------------- Date : 22/07/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Accn No. Title Details Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 6556 Leaves from viceroy's note book / Curzon, Marquess. , 1926 923.242 CUR 6578 Napoleon / Fisher, H. A. L. , 1912 923.144 FIS 6721 Diary of Sammuel peps / Peps, Sammuel. 923.542 PEP 6722 Diary of Sammuel peps / Peps, Sammuel. 923.542 PEP 6729 Makers of the modern world / Untermeyer, Louis. , 1955 920 UNT 6756 Man and spirit / Commins, Saxe (ed). , 1947 921.08 COM 6757 Man and man / Commins, Saxe (ed). , 1947 921.08 COM 6758 Man and the state / Commins, Saxe (ed). , 1947 921.08 COM 6759 Man and the Universe / Commins, Saxe (ed). , 1947 921.08 COM 6857 Lives of the poets : The story of one thousand years of english and American poetry / Untermeyer, Louis. , 1959 928.08 UNT 6872 Plato / Friedlander, Paul. , 1958 921.94 FRI 6913 European freebooters in moghul India / Hutchinson, Lester. , 1964 923.254 HUT 6942 A nation in making / Banerjea, Surendranath. , 1925 923.254 BAN 7058 डॉ.ं आंबेडकरांया सहवासात / Kharat, Shankarrao. , 1961 923.254
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