THE BERLIN WEEKLY NEWS. V ol. II. 3ST0.13. B E R L I I s r , THUESDA.Y, 1^0V. lO. 1893. Price .3 Cents. BERLIN BREVITIES. THE ELECTION IN BERLIN. Wethersfield 2S5 14s yiiu Boston & Heriden Bury the hatchet. Total, 3541 21)99 215 LARGEST VOTE EVER CAST Holcomb’s (rep.) plurality, 542 At last a soaking rain. CLOTHING CO. I N T O W N . In 1890 Garvan’s (rep.) pluraliry 425 Largest, Finest and Best Fitting Stock of Clothing in the First snow Wednesday night, Nov. 9th. >'lr.st Congressional D istrict. Incoming vessels report terrible storms at Summer Weather PreTails and Henry, r. Sperry, d, Morrison, p. State at Lowest Cash Prices. sea. Brings Out, Practically, the Hartford. 5364 6571 BOSTON & MERIDEN W. S. Brandegee advertises a horse, dy Avon, 122 146 4 W hole Vote—The Entire Demo­ 36 Colony St.. Merid-.i. CLOTHING CO. namo and other articles for sale. Berlin, 2S7 297 18 The Yale Brick Co. offer oxen, carts, and cratic Ticket Elected With the I'.loonifield, 128 190 10 pressed brick for sale. .See the advertisement Exception of RepresentatlYe— liristol. 843 893 59 Burlington, 92 164 Work on the new depot is being pushed Quiet, Earnest Work Done by Canton, 304 2()6 20 right along. The foundalions are nearly up Both Parties—Slight Republican Kast (iranby. 98 93 . BERLIN BRICK CO. C. P. Merwin is burning two very large Q ain. Ivast Hartford .509 514 36 kilns of brick. Probably the last for this East Windsor, ■U3 293 season. The election in Berlin for 1S92, MARCUS E. JACOBS, Proprietor. Knfield, 70S 55 2 55 Miss Mary Hannon left for New York last win doubtless be recorded Us the Farmington, 329 364 2<) Once More a Democrat­ MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN FINEST QUALITY Monday morning, where she e.\J)ects to spend most remarkable one the town ever Glastonbury, 434 373 36 the winter. t iranby. lu i took part in. Remarkable for the 135 We would call the attention of our readers Hartland, 92 53 ic President. PALLET FACE, PALLET BUILDING AND to the adv. of Ives Upham iSI; Rand in tiiis amount of work done by both par­ Manchester, 879 579 57 (mj number of the N e w s . ties to bring out the vote, the un­ Marlborough, 39 3 New Britain, 1840 2276 Mrs. Henry Sage has returned from her certainly as to the general result 156 Newington, 90 106 3 PALLET SEWER trip to Syracuse, N. V., where she has been the large vote polled, the rivalry be­ CONNECTICUT GIVES NEAR­ Plainville, 210 for the past si.\ months. 257 35 tween the nominees for representa­ Rocky Hill. H 2 121 6 LY 5000 M.\J0R1TY, B. K. Field left Tuesday night for Bostontive and their friends, the quiet that Simsbury, 260 160 22 on one of his weekly flying trips, in the in­ prevailed all day, etc. Southington, 687 614 . terest of the Bridge Co. There was every indication Mon­ SouthWindsor,,211 199 10 AND ELECTS A DEMOCRATIC Some nice ruled and plain padded paper, Surtield, day that election day would be 467 317 14 GOVERNOR, SURE. Just the thing for school purposes, Jor letter W’st Hartford, 281 125 19 U Cliys passed tlinii«ii a Disiitergntor Out writing. For sale at this oftice. stormy and unpleasant. A heavy Wethersfield, 284 149 I Last Sunday morning brought us the hard­ south wind, with low' hanging clouds Windsor, 3S8 330 34 aH S to H t est frost so far this fall. Ice to the thick­ and occasional showers prevailed all Windsor L’ks, 21O 334 6 All Fears of Uncertainties Set a* ness of a window-glass formed on outdoor day and night and gave evidence, Rest—Luzon Morris’s MaJoxitj water. Total, I : if),4S4 till after daylight Tuesda)% that it O-rer M r. M erw tn ’s fo r Gk>TeTnor The world’s fair to those whose minds are Correspondence w itt Contractors and Builders es^>ecially in­ would continue so throughout the 1,100—The Senate a Tie—A Re- easy because they traded with W. 11. Gidd- Sunday Services. vited, Prices quoted on any number of Bricks. ing in his line of furniture at fair dealing and day. But as the sun rose, rifts in publica;. Legislature. Sunday, Nov. 13th, preaching at 10.44 fair prices. the clouds began to appear and by It has always been regarded that fine L ai^ orders solicited. Prompt de- and 7.30 by the Kev. Thomas Clayton. A pair of spectacles in a new case was nine o’clock the sky was clear and weather on election days was indicative of delivery. Satisfaction Sunday School at 12 o’clock. found near the polls Tuesday and left at this blue, and the sun shone forth bright Republican success. In fact, whenever the Guaranteed. office which the owner can have by applying Junior society of Christian Endeavor at 3 and warm as an early summer day, Republicans have suffered defeat and the for the same. and never hid its face till it set at p. ra, in the church. Offlce and Y»rd on Middletown Branch N. Y,. N. H. & H. R. R. Three minutes from weather has been unpropitious, it has in- The Mechanic’s are having the e.\terior of V. P. S. C. K, at 6,30 p.m. Berlin Depot. Connected by Telephone. their hall covered with a fresh coat of paint. evening. The courage of everyone varibly been attributed to “the weather.” It rose with the sun and hearts were Weekly Prayer meeting on Thursday even- When completed it will add greatly to the iJig at 7.30. is very evident there was something else in A d d r e s s a l l c o m m u n i c a .t i o n s t o beauty of our street. cheered accordingly. All are conlially invited to these services. the air last Tuesday besides the bright warm The memorial prepared to the memory of Work commenced promptly at the sunshine and soft balmy air, for the work of B erliix . O oiaxx- the late A. H. Hull, has been printed in nejit opening of the oils, and by noon booklet form, and is for sale at ihis ottice. that day re.sulted in almost the greatest considerable over half of the votes KENSINGTON. Ten cents each or three for 25 cents, political revolution the country has ever had been cast. Almost every possi­ Myron Patterson has resigned his position Among the antiquities and relics found in known. Had a firey meteor fell from that as clerk for H . N. CJalpin, and Charles Fow­ ble team was brought into service, the home of Mrs. Ellen .Smith, and to which clear bright sky of Tuesday, it would not ler will take his place. We hate to have and a very large crowd assembled allusion has before been made in these col­ have caused greatei consternation in the Re­ Myron leave, for he is one of the most around the town hall all day. The Toniest Things You Ever umns, is a packet of old papers. In a Hart­ accommodating young man that ever waited Following is a result of the ballot publican ranks than did the result of the upon a customer. ford Cour.int of 1816 is the following notice election when it w^as made known. It waa a as cast, officers of the day etc., etc. which is evidently inserted in all good faith The menitJers of the Christain Endeavor vertable earthquake and the feelings of those Society will hold a “ Blue Jay” social at the Moderator, William M. Fow'ler. in a column of somewhat similar matter:— who had not only never dreamed of defeat, home of Mr. Ernest Mildrum, at East Berlin, Ticket Booths, C. H. Risley, W. Ran awa}- from the subscriber on the 26th Saw! inst. an indented apprentice Boy, by the Friday evening, Nov. iith. All members W. Vance, C. 1). Bartram, W. L. but of a glorious victory, can better be im­ are cordially invited. name of Jared Minor Chapman, Whoever agined than described. The victory came, Atwater. will return said boy shall receive no thanks, That’s the verdict of the ladies regarding those E. I. Clark recently purchased seven Booth Tenders, W. M. Fowler, ■nor no charges paid. All persons are forbid and it is so decided that not the possibility of thoroughbred Shorpeshire sheep of an im­ harboring or trusting said boy on my account, a doubt exists, to cause contention or dis­ porter, as a nucleus to a larger llock. The W. M. Risley. as I will pay no bills of his contracting. agreement. For this everyone shotdd be sheep are called in their native home, the Checkers, Jos. J. Morse. W. H. James King, thankful. “tax payers of England.” Shumway. Enfield, July 27th, 1S16. That sink drain running across the road The vote : The victory, not only in this state, bat all Mohair Crushed from T. GiJligan’s to the railroad crossing, A prayer meeting was held at the home of over the country,is conclusive. Ex-President is a matter that demands the attention of the Whole number of votes cast, 603 IlenrJ' Norton, W'ednesday evening. This is the first of such meetings to be held bi­ Grover Cleveland carried the state by over Board of Health immediately. Aside from THE RErUr.LICAN TICKET. the dadger that would arise from it as a weekly in that part of the parish during the 5000 maJority and Luzon B.
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