August, 2013 200"&+%,&-$./*0,%&03% !"#$%&%'()*&+%,&-$./*0,1%%% We had Kazuri jewellery, we had bags, Volume 7, Issue 5 .+.#-*(04% books, angels and WUW scarves (of 5&6%789%7:;<% Contacts: course!) for sale, we had African food and a big cake, and we had guests. Co-Chairs Our speaker, Marjorie Kort, came from Ottawa for a reunion and graciously agreed Nancy 204-654-1045 Our New Executive to remain in Winnipeg to talk to us about Frances 204-256-7652 her work with various Canadian (Left to Right) Events: Nina Logan Fundraising Lisa Petit Newsletter • Potluck Dinner, Deb Radi Fundraising St. Margaret’s Stan Croall Membership Anglican Church, Linda Watson GRAN 160 Ethelbert Liaison 6:00 p.m.Sept. 23 Nancy Cosway Co-Chair • Members Meeting Barb Fletcher Treasurer Sept. 5 at the Frances Molaro Co-Chair Riverview Charlotte Caron Secretary Community Centre Elizabeth Bryan Awareness on Ashland Co-Convenor 7:00 p.m. And, not photographed, Dianne Sabourin Awareness !"#$%&$'#()#*+&,(*-.*/#&0.*%& (Continued from page 1) Reread the Manzini Statement on of them were there – we page 4 of this newsletter. applauded their efforts, lauded grandmother groups as well as her We conducted business: financial their creativity and expertise, trips to Africa. and membership reports, Working took photos, paraded about 20 Deb Radi did a PowerPoint Group annual reports (in the May bags from early ones to most celebrating this past year and newsletter), election of our 2013 – recent ones (and made some looking forward to the coming 2014 Coordinating Committee, and money for SLF from the months. made a small donation to Riverview loonie/toonie “votes” we made). Community Club in appreciation of Particular thanks go to Laurel their support for our meetings. Garvie for her unflagging support We celebrated “the sewers”- our for and coordination of this featured guests for the night! Many crucial fundraising project. See the group photo on page 3. Claudia Kuryk-Serray and Joan Wilton shared parts of the Manzini Statement; it’s a good way to remind ourselves about the strengths of the African grandmothers and how our efforts can support them. As well, special thanks to Kay % Douglas, who did yeowoman’s =.&/%>03%>).0-% duty in the kitchen (eventually with some help). We bid her % farewell and best wishes on her % move to Edmonton. Thanks to all !"#"$%#&'(%#)*"$#+%,-%./#+%%"0(1# the Kitchen Crew for your work 2"#304%.40%5#67,,'(0"8#6%(".%# over this past year. 5%#17"#"71%"$%.#97.#2#,740%#(01$"# 50"$#:7:;7.(#2(<#<.0(=/#2(<#2# All in all, it made for a good 40%50(1#79#>!#6?7/%.#@2?=AB###!# finale to our past year’s work, 6?7/%.#@2?=#0/#2-7'"#:%7:?%# and a set-up for the coming year. %4%.85$%.%#2;C'0.0(1#=(75?%<1%# 2-7'"#"$%#.%2?0"0%/#79#!DEF#0(#"$%# Newsletter 57.?<G#2(<#"$%(#:2//0(1#"$2"# =(75?%<1%#2?7(1#"7#7"$%./B## Contributions # D9#87'#,0//%<#"$0/#,740(1#90?,G#87'# H$2(=#87'#97.#87'.#,2(8# ;2(#/"0??#-7..75#0"G#2?7(1#50"$# 5%?;7,%#;7(".0-'"07(/J## 7"$%.#1.%2"#,2"%.02?G#9.7,#7'.# F:%;02?#"$2(=/#"7#&%2(#F7.=7# ?%(<0(1#?0-.2.8B##H$2(=/#"7#I2"# 97.#$%.#-%2'"09'?#:$7"71.2:$/# +2?0/#97.#,2=0(1#"$%#90?,# 2(<#"7#K2.-#L?%";$%.#97.#$%.# 2420?2-?%B# ,%"0;'?7'/#:.779.%2<0(1B# % 2 B$.%A.&"-*C"+%A&,%D&3*.41% Standing, L to R: Evelyn Horton, Virginia Wiebe, Marcia Martino, Agnes Wilderman, Betty Nesbitt, Kit Gates, Shirley Wiest, Pauli Guld, Madeline Ford, Elaine Mayer, Sid Love. Kneeling, L to R: Noreen Rossnagel, Laurel Garvie, Janis Kaminsky. Missing: Lori Douglas, Chris Knoll, Joan Nurse, Diane Magill, Bev Bryce, Linda Cooke, Norma Zyla, Enid Schwandt, Donna Bulow, Sewers from Fairholme and Oak River Colonies. ?.@%A&,%A"4*0.44% summer months. visit their website at % We have just recently been www.cbwc- Most sewers took a well- invited to sell our bags through manitoba.com/treasure-chest- deserved break although some the shop Treasure Chest, Gifts --gifts-and-things/index.html ! sewers still beavered away and Things, operated by the to see the work they do on making totes, minibags and Black Women's Congress at 703- behalf of women in this balloon balls throughout the 44 Princess St. The shop is open province and be sure to tell on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 2 friends about this new sales p.m. We are putting a link on our venue. website to their website. As well as the new We took a supply of all our items “Conference Book Bags” to the shop in mid-July and the which are already a success, volunteers at the agency were Agnes Wilderman showed us thrilled to see them. We look an example of a custom gun forward to ongoing cooperation carrier intended for guns used between our two groups. Please in competitive shooting. 3 Grandmothers Campaign would have been incalculable. Equal urgency and passion must now come from our Governments MANZINI around the provision of services, and the guarantee and delivery of our rights. Urgent STATEMENT action must be taken in these priority areas: 1. Violence against grandmothers. 1ese W! "#! $"%&!#!' &!#! () M")*()(, S+"*(,")' egregious acts, whether domestic – 500 grandmothers from fourteen countries, violence, elder abuse, or accusations of sharing our experience and knowledge, and witchcra2, must cease and be censured. celebrating our progress in beating back the 2. Grandmothers must have meaningful support ravages of &(- and "('.. In 2006, at the first in the form of pensions and social security. Grandmothers’ Gathering in Toronto, we heralded the dawn of a new movement. Four 3. Laws must be passed and implemented years later, the strength and momentum of our ensuring the safety and rights of movement are undeniable. We, the grandmothers grandmothers and their grandchildren. of Africa, issue this clarion call to the world. We will continue to provide a protective embrace In 2006 we were ba/ered by grief, devastated by around our grandchildren and communities. the deaths of our beloved sons and daughters, Our hope, indeed, our expectation, is that our and deeply concerned for the futures of our governments will provide our families with the grandchildren. We stand here today ba/ered, social and legal protections – from inheritance laws but not broken. We are resilient, and stand to educational opportunities for our grandchildren. unwavering in our resolve to move beyond To the international community we say: true basic survival, to forge a vibrant future for sustainability is in the hands of grandmothers the orphans and grandmothers of Africa. and other community activists. We call on you We are the backbones of our communities. We form to deliver on your promises. We have reached a the core of community-based care. With our love real turning point in the struggle to subdue the and commitment we protect and nurture our orphan "('. pandemic. Now we are seeing the growing grandchildren. Africa cannot survive without us. impact of our joint efforts, the need for increased and consistent resources is greater than ever. Integrity and autonomy are at the heart of our agenda. We are leaders in our communities and countries. We have come together in this historic moment to We demand the economic independence to support lay the groundwork for greater support from our our families, to provide nutritious food; decent friends, our governments and the international housing; access to ongoing quality education for our community. We will continue to come together grandchildren; and a richer quality of life for us all. until such time as we and our grandchildren are We must have the resources to build our own secure and able to thrive. We will continue to capacity to raise healthy families and assist one stand in solidarity with one another throughout another. We call for more training in critical areas Africa and with our Canadian sisters. such as home-based care, &(-0"('. education, We are strong, we are visionary, we have on parenting orphaned children and adolescents, faith and we are not alone. Together health care, literacy, and financial management. we will turn the tide of "('.. We have lived through the enormity of "('. in our Viva! communities, and have played our part in helping our nations survive the devastation. Without M")*()(, S+"*(,")' us, the toll on orphans and our communities 4 M"5 6787 Stephen Lewis Foundation · 260 Spadina Ave, Suite 501 · Toronto, ON, M5T 2E4 · Canada Tel: 416-533-9292 · Toll free: 1-888-203-9990 · Fax: 416-850-4910 www.stephenlewisfoundation.org · [email protected] 4 E(F*0,%>).0-4 % ! # ! September Potluck ! !"#$%&'()&#*+,-.&%+( 96)1$:%;*²*UDQVQ¶0RUH ! </22/=1;$>$?%@'0/$A1B1((104$ St. Margaret's Church ! ! 506C$?124%$560$*%(1D$ Ethelbert and Westminster ! ! ! ! 6 p.m. September 23rd I1%&#J%1(&),!0%<!0*&&(1! ! 42&#%<K!4(J)(LM(1!FK!BC:8! The venue is small so only 80 tickets will be ! sold...get yours early! .(1L%&!N1*51!>(&)1(! ! DC!O5<%/!O5%#!P51)?K!N51)%3(!/%!N1%*1*(! ! The speaker will be Ruth Bonneville from The ;*L(-!G-8C!JQLQ!! Winnipeg Free Press. She recently was in Uganda helping to build a school for Living Hope, ! "#$%&'(#!)*'+(),!%)-! a centre that helps women abused because of ! war and orphaned children. Ruth is a photo- .*//,!0123!4)51(!6%,)! journalist and will show her photographs and talk 6W0DU\¶V&KXUFKRIILFH 7898:! ;1*&*)<!=&*)(#!>?21'?!5@@*'(!ABCDE!FGH7!DDH:! about her experience. ! !"#$%&%$'%#()*+%(&#*,--#.,/%(#,(#01234#5678392:# !! Check out this website for more information: !)*+%(&;#!"#$%&'()*+$!,$-./(&012$,$3$",$41%0*$$ !""#$%%&&&'&())(#*+,-**#-*..'/01%0#()(0)%,2(%3+4 %2&$5011$560$-./(&012$7$41%0*$%2&$'2&108$ )54678*..*564-*6"!*6/!(85-*)69:;<=>::?'!"18@ Elizabeth Bryan Fundraising Brunch to Honour Muriel Smith Fort Garry Hotel Garry St.
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