THE JBRONTE ENTERPRISE Vol. 36 BRONTE, TEXAS, FEBRUARY 2<J, 1963 »>.f util No. 8 More Hay May Be New Bronte Water Made Available Bronte Boys Win Over Mertzon It is possible to deliver more emergency hay than is now on Projectj Completedorder, J. E Quiscnberry, Jr., secretary of the Coke County Work on the pipeline from Oak wi<Kr system and Youngblooa PMA, said this week To Take District Championship Creek Lake to Bronte and the said that apparently everything "Due to some of the counties filter plant in the north part of was in order. However, he said, cancelling their orders and add­ The Bronte Longhorns won the town have been completed. L. T. the UCRA will not accept deli­ itional money being made ave.l - championship of District 22 B Youngblood, chairman of the Up­ very on the job until it is actually able, it may be possible to get here last night when the local per Colorado River Authority, put into operation. This cannot more hay sent to Coke County 'age team defeated Mertzon announced this week. be done until sufficient rain fall* farmers and ranchers," Quisen- 48 34 U> put some water in the Oak On an inspection tour recently, berry said. The game was a thriller from Creek Lake. nicinbera of the UCRA and leve- Up to Feb. 6 Coke County had start to finish, as was expected, ral others looked over the entire Making the inflection topr received 147 can, of emergency since tlie Longhorns slipped by were Youngblood, Gerald C. Al­ hay. This leaves 650 tons still on Mertzon Tuesday night by the len of Robert Lee, secretary of ordkr but not delivered This narrow margin of 50-46 67 CAR TAGS ,the UCRA, Mayor H. O. Whitt; 660 tons will be shipped on or High point man for Bronte was Mr Duncan and Ted Brown, San about March 1. J O Bagwell with 14 points and SOU) IN COKE Angelo real estate men; Mr Quiscnbrry urged farmers and Lyndon Waldrop made 13. Wilk.% of the firm Wilks. Duke Bale of license tags was m ov­ rtinchmen who want to order Durwood Denton and Buck and Steed, contractors on the ing slowly during the first week more hay to get their orders in Babe of Mertzon led their scor- pipeline job, and S. C Cooper uf they have been on sale. Only 67 to his office just as soon as pos­ ir with eight points each. Lubbock, who is employed by licenses had been issued at the sible, "because the **srlier that By winning this game, Bronte the UCRA as an engineer. office of the county tax essessor- we can get our order in the bet­ is eligible to compete in the reg Collector Paul Good. This includ­ Youngblood said that approxi­ ter chance we have of getting the lonal competition at Brownwood ed 55 passenger cars, 10 pick-up mately $2,500 of the cost of the hay." next week The regional tour­ and two commercial licenses. pipeline and filter plant wili be Oscar £ Kresta. C E Arrott ney is held there each year at Good said that a number of held out until the plant is put in and Lem E. Cowley compose the Howard Payne gymnasium people had been asking about the operation. Coke County'i PMA committee Bronte and Mertzon have com ­ auto inspection tags and said When there is sufficient water peted in the finals for the past that it is not necessry to have the available to put be system in op­ four years. The victory last irsp .ion tag to secure a license. eration, members of the contract­ Two Sisters Are night gave Bronte three wins out He said that the only paper re­ ing firm as well as the UCRA Recovering from of the four quired la the Certificate of Ti­ engineer will return to Bronte to Bronte guls also won their tle. Deadline for purchasing 19- see that everything is working Eye Surgery game last night, the first in a 53 license plates is March 31. properly. Getting water from the two-out-of-three series with Wa­ Oak Creek Lake to Bronte on Two sisters, who had their ter Valley, for the district pen­ this test and checking all the right eye operated on Saturday. nant Score was Water Valley equipment will take about two February 7, underwent surgery Shown above is tha Longhorn Jimmie Gray. J. O. Bagwell. Smith. Atbie Phillips. Coach 30. Hi nte 34 The second game Houston A. Jolley. Beauiord days. t on their left eyes Teusdav Feb­ basketball team this year. They Dean Stephenson. Stanley Phil­ n the series for the district Dimes ruary 10 They are Mrs A G. James and Harold Joe Denton. championship will be played at are. left to right, back row; lips and Kenneth Scott. Burton of Odessa, who a 69, and Boys shown on the top row Wa'er Valley Tuesday night Boy Scout Fund \ Mrs Ida Brunson, formerly of Lyndon Waldrop, Jimmy Best. Front row shows Johnnie are usual starters for the team Bronte Longhorn cagers won Drive Is Bronte and now of Abilene, who the first round in district play Drive T oBe Next is 66 Tuesday night at Mertzon in a They are now in a Big Spring hard fought battle ending 50-46 Wednesday Hospital convalescing from the A ’.arge crowd of local citizens operations. foHewed the Longhorn, winners Success Edward Cumbie, chairman for Dr J H Fiah told the two of ttie north side of District 22-B the 1953 Boy Scout Fund Cam­ County officials are well pleas­ to Mertzon Tuesday night, to see paign, states that a coffee will women that their operations ed with the Coke County March ’ heir erg-uunter with Mrtrtzon, bp held next Wednesday morning seemed to be a success Mrs. uf Dimes drive which went well Brunson's operations are for glo- winners uf the south side at 8:30 o'clock at the Baptist over the top this year with a At the half of the game Tues­ church Workers will organise cunu and Mrs Burton’s for cat­ total of $3,515.67. almost $1.00« aracts. day night, the locals were behind and make plans for the campaign more thar last year. in a 17-22 score but they didn't at that time. Cuntbie said that The two women were so pleas­ Chairman A. J. Kirkpkarick ed that they talked Mr Brunson, give up. when at the end of the all persons interested in the Boy reported $2,117.03 from the west husband of Mrs. Brunson, into third quarter, they were still lag­ Scouts and willing to help with side of the county and Chairman entering the hospital where he ging behind 31-33 The teams the drive are invited to attend Bud Maxwell reported $1,398 64 also had some cataracts removed stayed neck and neck until the from the east side Small amounts Bronte has no goal set for the Mr. and Mrs. Brunson had liv­ histel blew ending the game remain to come in but. officially, amount they should raise but ed in and around Bronte for ma­ M) 46 in Brontes favor. the drive is over. workers are hoping to get more ny years until ten years ago jvhen County Chairman Dr John R than the $320 raised last year. they moved to Abilene Proccetks from the drive g" to the liohhy Clark Promoted Harris expressed appreciation to Mrs. Floyd Bagwell, their dau­ To Staff Sertfcant all workers and all donors who Concho Valley Boy Scout Coun­ ghter, went to Big Springs Sat­ cil and are used to advance scout gave generously to the worthy urday and stayed until Tuesday •Sgt Robert D Clark of cause It is .believed that Coke worlg in the Concho Velley dis­ of this week. She reported that Goodfetlow AFB at San Angelo, will have one pf the htghcdt trict Among projects which the both Mrs Brunson and Mrs. Bur­ has been promoted to staff ser- per capita donation records in the council take up are administra­ ton were in the hoq>ital room eernt, rt was announced this state. tive work and maintenance and together and seemed to be doing week Clark, who is the son of Half of the money collected operation of the summer camps fine. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Clark of will go to the National Foundrt- for acouts. Local boys annually Bronte, and his wife, the former on for Infantile Paralysis for re­ attend these encampments. Pictured above is the Bronte FoiL Blue. Rena M a e Singleton. Billie Jean Millikm, reside in search, equipment and help in Everyone is urged to donate Representative of Girls Basketball team. They In the second rowi Rickoy Rita McCulchen. Ruby Over- San Angelo where he has been emergencies and the other half generously when contaccd l»cal are now engaged in play tor Hester. Barbara Singlaton. Flo­ street. Mary Gray. Joyce Wrin­ stationed for the past year Will be kept for use in Coke scoutmasters are Leon Sharp, United DryvS Will kle. Jo Dell Walton. Fayrene Bobby entered the Air Force in the diarict title against Water ra Mae Brown. Linda Lass well. county as need for it arises Bill Clark and Bill Looney. Brice. January, 1951, and was station­ Speak Sunday Valley O the back row. left Sue Robertson. Wands Bell Girls pictured in the center ed at Lackland AFB. San Anto­ H T Arnold, former United to right are Patsy Mackey.
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