Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, December 18, 2000 Volume 36ÐNumber 50 Pages 3041±3100 Contents Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies Chernobyl nuclear powerplant shutdown, Emergency military assistance to the United videotape remarksÐ3096 Nations mission in Sierra Leone, Childhood immunization initiativeÐ3059 memorandumÐ3065 ``Christmas in Washington''Ð3050 Funding for emergency refugee and migration Ireland assistance, memorandumÐ3098 Improving immunization rates for children at Community in DundalkÐ3068 risk, memorandumÐ3061 Reception hosted by Prime Minister Ahern in DublinÐ3067 Interviews With the News Media National Christmas Tree lightingÐ3062 Exchanges with reporters Nebraska Air Force OneÐ3085 Arrival at Offutt Air Force Base in Belfast, Northern IrelandÐ3071 BellevueÐ3041 Dublin, IrelandÐ3065 Nebraska 2000 victory reception in North Aylesbury, United KingdomÐ3077 OmahaÐ3042 Roosevelt RoomÐ3048, 3059 Radio addressÐ3044 Interview with Forrest Sawyer for the Special Olympics dinnerÐ3095 Discovery ChannelÐ3051 United Kingdom Meetings With Foreign Leaders People of Northern Ireland in BelfastÐ Ireland, Prime Minister AhernÐ3065, 3067, 3072 3068 Resolution of the 2000 Presidential election, United Kingdom remarks in North AylesburyÐ3077 Northern Ireland University of Warwick in CoventryÐ3078 Deputy First Minister MallonÐ3071, William J. Clinton Presidential Library, design 3072 unveilingÐ3045 First Minister TrimbleÐ3071, 3072 Prime Minister BlairÐ3071, 3072 Bill Signings Proclamations Water Resources Development Act of 2000, Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and statementÐ3063 Human Rights WeekÐ3049 Wright Brothers DayÐ3095 (Continued on the inside of the back cover.) Editor's Note: The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also available on the Inter- net on the GPO Access service at http://www.gpo.gov/nara/nara003.html. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. ContentsÐContinued Statements by the President Statements by the PresidentÐContinued See also Bill Signings Monitoring the Future SurveyÐ3094 Death of Representative Julian C. DixonÐ Trade agreements, guidelines for 3044 environmental reviewÐ3077 Edmond Pope U.S. International Trade Commission action ReleaseÐ3094 against gray market cigarettesÐ3097 Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to pardonÐ3049 Supplementary Materials Ethiopia-Eritrea final peace agreement, signingÐ3068 Acts approved by the PresidentÐ3100 Faith Leaders Initiative of the National Checklist of White House press releasesÐ Conference for Community and JusticeÐ 3099 3076 Digest of other White House International crime, action againstÐ3097 announcementsÐ3098 Irish deportation proceedings, terminationÐ Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ3099 3063 Week Ending Friday, December 15, 2000 Remarks on Arrival at Offutt Air safer and more prosperous and a better part- Force Base in Bellevue, Nebraska ner in an interdependent world. Now, one of the things that I wanted to December 8, 2000 do in coming here is to say that none of that Thank you very much. Thank you. One of would be possible if our foreign policy was my critics once said it would be a cold day not backed by the finest military in the entire when I came to Nebraska. [Laughter] But world. I think I got a pretty warm welcome here I was told a couple of weeks ago, you know, today, and I thank you very, very much. since I'm a short-termer, as you might sayÐ I want to thank all of those who welcomed [laughter]Ðall the statisticians are coming me, but especially, thank you, Brigadier Gen- up to me and saying, ``Well, did you know eral Power; thank you, Admiral Mies. I thank this; did you know that; did you know the the officers and enlisted personnel here. other thing?'' And I was told a couple of I want to thank Senator Bob Kerrey for weeks ago by one of the people who is sup- being, first, my colleague. We were Gov- posed to look at all the White House records ernors together, and we have been friends that I have now visited more military units for a long time, and he has superbly served than any President in the history of the coun- the people of Nebraska and the United States try. in the Senate. I know you'll miss him, and Having said that, I do not believe my serv- I thank him. ice in that regard would have been complete I also want to congratulate his successor, if I hadn't come to Offutt Air Force Base with whom I also served as Governor. Thank to see the people of the Fighting 55th and you very much for running and serving, Sen- the Strategic Command. Many of those serv- ator-elect Ben Nelson and Mrs. Nelson; ing in the 55th couldn't be with us today. thank you very much. You heard the General say the Sun never I brought with me today former Nebraska sets on the 55th. They are now serving on Congressman Peter Hoagland, and I thank this day from Okinawa to Mildenhall to Saudi him; Secretary of State Moore; Mayor Daub; Arabia, keeping a watchful eye so the rest Acting Mayor Sorensen of Bellevue; and the of us can be secure. other elected officials who are here. For decades nowÐfor a full decade in the You know, earlier today I went to Kearney Persian Gulf, the 55th has helped check the to speak at the University of Nebraska there ambitions of Saddam Hussein and guard to the young people about an American for- peace in the region. In Bosnia, in Kosovo, eign policy for the 21st century. And I made you risk your lives to help stop genocide. The a pretty simple argument: that the world is days of winter may be short here, but it is getting smaller and smaller; that people and really true that the Sun never sets on you goods and ideas and information are crossing and your work. national borders more freely and faster than I also want to honor the men and women ever before; and that, therefore, it was quite of the Strategic Command. For every minute necessary, even here in the heartland of of every day during the past 50 years, you America, that every citizen of our country and your predecessors at the Strategic Air care about what goes on beyond our borders Command have never let down our guard. and support the next President and the next The cold war may be over, but we still need Congress across party lines in making the you. You are the cornerstone of our deter- kinds of decisions that will make America rence and our security. 3041 3042 Dec. 8 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 I also want to recognize the other units NOTE: The President spoke at 2:10 p.m. on the who serve here: the Defense Finance and tarmac. In his remarks, he referred to Brig. Gen. Accounting Service, out of Omaha; the U.S. Gregory H. Power, USAF, Commander, 55th Air Force Heartland of America Band; the Wing, and Adm. Richard W. Mies, USN, Com- mander in Chief, United States Strategic Com- 311th Airlift Flight; the 343d Air Force Re- mand, Offutt Air Force Base; Senator-Elect Ben cruiting Squadron; and the U.S. Air Force Nelson of Nebraska and his wife, Diane; Secretary Weather Agency. Would someone please ask of State Scott Moore of Nebraska; Mayor Hal J. them to turn up the heat a little bit? [Laugh- Daub of Omaha, NE; and Acting Mayor Bruce ter] Sorenson of Bellevue. This item was not received Let me just say one other thing. These last in time for publication in the appropriate issue. 8 years have been a great honor for me, and it has been a joy to serve. But the one thing Remarks at a Nebraska 2000 Victory that I will leave office feeling more strongly Reception in Omaha, Nebraska than I did even on the day I took the oath of office, almost 8 years ago, is that the true December 8, 2000 greatness of America resides not in its leaders Thank you very much. First, let me say but in its citizens. And yes, it's important who to my great friend Vin, to Laurel, thank you wins; and yes, it's important that we all be- for having me here. It took me a little while lieve that the system is truly democratic and to get to Nebraska. [Laughter] fair. But our system is premised on the hard I was at Offutt, and I told the crowd, I work, the innovation, the values, and the de- said, one of my, sort of, critics said, ``It'll be votion to freedom of our citizens and espe- a cold day when the President comes to Ne- cially, of course, those who serve us in uni- braska.'' [Laughter] So I just picked a cold form.
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