1 - PACfB THIRTY-TWO manrlf^Bti^r lEtt^ntus WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1872 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O ^Clock Boy Scout Troop 133 will meet Court Trials Film. Cold Hearted TWef . A b o u t T o ^ toni^t at 8:40 at Community HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Stualt S O im i BEND, Illd. (AP). — Baptist Church.” at 'VriaaaMp Itosenberg’s first of two films City police were looking for on Lottery Nurhher OtfloMM Lodge ambitious—and strong—^bur­ The Weather at MwotH will iHive a meeting he will produce and direct for The meeting at the Oolden glar, the oqe vriio removed the at the botne at Wlltiur M. C9iad- ScmuL CapitaL 20th Century-Fox will be "Part Clear and cold tonight; low Age Club scheduled for tomor­ 35," which is based' on an ac­ furnace from Robert C. Berry’s 63S18 10 to 15. Tomorrow mostly sun­ wlck, maater, at 0 Lincoln 8t., row afternoon has been post­ tomorrow at 8 p.m. tual. New York City courtroom home. ny, continued cold; high in low poned until March 16 at i:S0 I Ry Sol R. Cohen J involving H>8ctacular trials. ■Hie theft foUowed Indiana’s , Story, Page 23 30s. Saturday outlook . fair, p.m. at the Senior Citlxens Cen­ Production is scheduled'to be­ ctSdest winter weather Mnce no'i quite so cold. Hie Senior Choir at Center Watching the General Assembly In Nicknamed the "Oowdlfied Milk ter. After the meeting, there gin in the sumiher. 1893. Manchetter— ^A City o f ViUage Charm Oongregatlonal Church will re­ will be a kitchen social. session in this interim year, ope gets B ill," it drew the following com­ the Impresalim that the legislators ments flNim three RepuUican legis­ hearse at 7:15 In Uiie church VOL. XCI, NO. 135 sanctuary. At 9 p.m., the choir are just going through the modens— lators: (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1972 Bed Advertising on Page « ) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS will have a social In the Rob­ Town Man Hurt that they are fulfllllng the require­ Ronald Sarasin of Seymour — "I bins Room of the church. ment for annual sessions, at %irhat- think we’re beating a dead cow.” In Hebron Crash ever cost.’ William Lyons of Norwalk — “I "Black Sash," according to its First Church of Christ, Sci­ And, that "whatever cost" is the have a way to .pesoive the debate. press release, "is a non-partisan or­ Craig Cook at Wellman Rd., entist, will have Its regular mid­ passage of bills that would never Perhaps we shoWd stamp the date ganisation at housewives who are Manchester, is in satisfactory week testimony meeting tonight have been missed If they had on the cow.” not themselves on welfare and are condition at Manchester Me­ at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main never been drafted. Most of them And Morris Hogan of Burlington, ■ opposed to possible' outs in an AiFDC N i m morial Hospital where he was St. Hie meeting Is open to the have been resurrectad from the ash­ noting that the bill received a favor­ (Aid to Families with Dependent admitted after being inJUKd in public. es of the 5,000 or so bills that never able reixirt from the committee on Children) family’s budget.” Irving Indicted a three-car accident on Rt. 66 made it in the 1971 session. general law think the lawyers In Hebron yesterday. One gets the feeling t^ t everyone are more familiar with the bill than A four-page pamphlet, "Bill Cot­ Calvary Church will have a Cook was charged with im­ and everything is just marking-time they are with the cow." ter Reports,’" has been received In midweek Bible study of the proper passing and is scheduled —waiting for the only real business Book of Romans and an open Voting for the bill were Manches­ the mall by every home in the First to appear in CirAilt Court, of the session — appropriations, tax­ ter’s three leglslaton, Dixiald Congressional District. discussion tonight at 7 :80 at the WilUmantlc, March 28. State es, no-fault, and piaybe a revamp of church. • Genovesi, Fraiusis Mahoney and N. In it, the Hartford Democrat re­ Police ^ d a trailer , truck, the state statutes dealing with the Charles BflSginf; plus Thomas Doo­ ports on his first year In Cemgress operated by Donald Rowe at courts. In Grand Theft ley of VeniMi, William O'Neill of the and lists his goals for the future. NBW YORK (AP) —Trans ♦ Hie Trinity Covenant Church North Madls<» was parked off 52nd District.^ and Hiomas Donnelly Everything else the legislators are Protection of existing Jobs and the World Airlines officials were NEW YORK (AP) A New that they were authentic. The myterious veiled woman who choir will rehearse tonight at the travel lane and another doing seems to be to "keep their of South Vl^ndsor. creation of new jobs in the First Con­ 7:30 at the church. reported today to be negofiat- York County grand jury today firm later changed Its con- Identified herSelf with an alleg- smaller truck driven by hand in," to let die folks back home Voting against it were Robert King gressional District is called by Cot­ with extortioiiiato vdio indlcted author Cliftord Irving, elusion and said the documents forged passport as ’Helga Frederick Smith Jr., of Ashley know they are "on the ball," and of Tolland and Dorothy Miller of ter his top priority. The pn^rty committee of Falls, Mass., traveling in front Bolton. planted bombs on two jetlinera his1 . 1 a wifeu , 4 # a Edith' C ' . l l . k anda « . 4 hisk l a research- _________were______ not.. ____authentic,_______ i . H U g h C S . that they are looking out. for their in­ Hie woman later withdrew Center Congregational Church of the Cook car, signaled to and demanded |3 miUlon ran­ er, Richard Susklnd, on grand Among the documents terests: ' Of course. It goes, without “Las Vegas Nights,” which raise som. PoUoe said one uiuuccess- the money and deposited 8442,- will meet tonight at 7:30 at the make a left turn into a rest Among the 760 Republicans at larceny, conspiracy and forgery McGraw-Hill’s three canceled saying, even though we’re saying it, money for charity through games of fiil, ransom delivery attempt church office. area. According to police, Cpok Monday night’s $10(Mi-pIate GOP charges in connection with Irv- checks, which, at Irving’s bid, o^**®*^ secret accounts. that they have an eye on next chance, would be legalized - under a had been mode. At the end of January Irving pulled out and tried to pass the dinner in New Haven vrere the fol­ BE SURE .'SaBlISS hai been Miving the Homs Owner Howard Hgbes. were payable to "H. R. November’s election also. bill proposed by Democratic State Extraordinary security pre­ admitted tha*. hla German bom Hie North Manchester Al- small truck, in a no passing lowing from Manchdster: for 90 YEARS. For i eemplele FREE INSFECTION of ing’s disputed autobiography of Hughes.” Sen. Charles Alfano, president cautions were in effect on TWA S'wiss wife waa the elusive Anon family group will meet to­ area. Police said Cook struck at State Comptroller Nathan Agostl- In a separate indictment, Irv- 'fhe checks were deposited In April 15 this year is double im­ pro tern of the Senate. your homo by ■ Termite Cenirel Expert, tupervhed and other airlines after a so­ night at 8 at the Second Cimigre- the left front bumper of the nelll. State Sen. and Mrs. Daidd Ode- big, 41, and Susklnd, 88, were a secret bank account by a portance to Connecticut residents. Hie State Police recently issued by the finest technical staff, phene eur neareat phisticated bomb exploded in (See Page Five) gational parish house. Hie truck, lost c<Hitrol and hit the gard, GOP Town Chairman M. Adler charged with perjury In the H iat’s the deadline day for filing warnings that "Las Vegas' Nlghte" local office: the cockpit at an unoccupied Thursday group will meet to­ parked trailer truck, headon. federal tax retuxns. Buf it’s also the Dobkln, Deputy State ~ Comptroller are illegal and that those operating second degree. morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the VemoD TWA je t In Las Vegaa Wednes­ The county grand jury ac­ deadline day for adjournment of the and' Town Director 'William Diana, them would be subject to arrest. day. A bomb waa defused in 9 Pathfinders Club, 102 Norman Victor Posado, '26 of 98 W. cused them in a 25-coimt in­ General Assembly,' if we are to be­ and former assistant town counsel Alfano has asked the legfislature’s the cockpit of a plane at Kenne­ St. Both groups meet weekly Main St., Rockville, was charg­ dictment of grand larceny in lieve its leaders. Hiomas O’Marra. general law committee to draft a 649-9240 dy airport Tuesday. and meetings are open to ed yesterday with criminal the second degree, which cov­ Anderson Claims Agostlnelli sat at the head table, bill that would explicitly allow A ’TWA spokesman would not friends and relatives living with trespass, first degree and ers larceny 'where exortion is Hie House had a lot of fun yester­ next to Gov. Hiomas Mesklll. Hie gambling for good causes by non­ comment on a rqiort In the a drinking' problem. breach of the peace, In connec­ not involved, and with con­ day deibating and passing H.B. 5075, main speaker was Arizona Sen.
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