The Quarterly Journal ofthe Fleet Air Arm Association of Australia I c. Volume 14 Number 1 2003 'IMITATETHE ACTION OF THE TIGER' -816 Squadron mascot checks the hardware Photographyby RANASPhotographic Section - Courtesyof the RoyalAustralian Navy Publishedby the FleetAir ArmAssociation of AustraliaInc . Print PostApproved - PP201494/00022 Editor:John Arnold - PO Box 662 NOWRANSW 2541 Australia Phone/Fax (02)4423 2412 - [email protected] SHELF J -0150.123 CW2-C Slipstream ~ --------------------- FOREWORD by CaptainSimon T CullenRAN CommandingOfficer HMAS Albatross 2002was a very busy year for HMASALBATROSS and culminatedin two significantevents for the Baseand the localcommunity. Extensiverestoration of the Navy Gravessection of NowraGeneral Cemetery was completedin November. Earthmovements since the site was establishedin 1950 had caused considerable damage to gravestones. Paintwork had peeled from headstonesand gravel pathwaysencroached onto the graves. The restoration work, which commencedin May 2002 included the replacementof the existing gravestoneswith polished granite headstones,cleaning and polishingof plaques, linking of gravestoneswith concretesupports and the installationof a pathwayand turf. ChaplainTed Brooker, RANrededicated the NavyGraves site on 18 November. Decembersaw the returnof the Iroquois894 to its site at the gatewayto the town of Nowra.The helicopterwas removedfrom this site earlier in the year, havingbeen severelydamaged by vandals.Navy volunteers, some of whom were involved in undertaking the extensive restorationwork, carried out the re-positioningof the helicopter.Both civilianand militarypersonnel, based at HMAS Albatross,participated in the restorationeffort . This Iroquoisis a lastingreminder to those enteringthe townof Nowraof the longand proudassociation between Navyand the Shoalhavencommunity. Navypersonnel from HMASALBATROSS contributed to fire fighting efforts from November to February. Bushfiresaffected the Shoalhavenregion from November to December,during which time airfield and refuelling serviceswere provided in supportof the fire fighters The fire fighting services at HMAS ALBATROSS workedin conjunctionwith RFScrews to battleblazes in the NowraHill area and to put out spotfires on the base. Helicoptersfrom 816, 723 and 817 Squadronsprovided waterbombing, fire spottingand transportsupport during the Shoalhaven, ACT and Victorian bushfires, and refuellingtankers were deployedto providerefuelling for civilianaircraft. I havecommenced my term as CommandingOfficer of HMAS ALBATROSSand I am looking forward to maintainingthe strong relationshipthat exists between ALBATROSSand the Fleetair ArmAssociation. IROQUOIS894 BACKON THE POLE - Photo courtesyJ im Hill 2 Slipstream BIOGRAPHY EDITOR'S Captain Cullen was CORNER born in the United The next editionof Slipstreamwill probablybe Kingdomin 1959.After my lastas editor. migratingto Australia, For over a year I havebeen in and out of he completedprimary .;,. the hangarin an endeavourto correctproblems and secondary · · broughton by heavy landingsand overloadingto the airframe schooling in Western duringmy time in the Service.The resultso far has resultedin a Australia. jury rig to supportthe Starboardoleo. The AEO has suggested Captain Cullen joined ® that I needa breakfor somelengthy rehab. If anothereditor is not the Royal Australian ~ forthcoming,I may reconsider at a laterdate. · Navy in 1977 as a ~ In closing,I must apologiseto NormanFarquhar and his SeamanOfficer. After / family,for includinghis name in the Last Farewellsection two initial officer training'-------'-------_.._J issuesago. Be kindto eachother. both at sea and ashore,Captain Cullen gained his Primary • Qualificationin HMASBRISBANE in 1979. Australia'sNavy turns 102 CaptainCullen's initial career postings were to HMAships The AustralianNavy has reachedanother milestone as it SWIPE, BOMBARDand PARRAMATTA. In 1984 he celebratesits officialbirthday. It was formed102 years ago on undertooka postingto HMASSTIRLING in WesternAustralia 1 March1901 with the transferat Federationof NavalForces from as the Assistant OperationsOfficer before commencing the six independentStates to the Federal Government. WarfareOfficer training in the UnitedKingdom, specialising in Thetitle 'Royal'was not granteduntil 10 yearslater in July1911. Anti-SubmarineWarfare. Since its inceptionthe Navy has served the people of Australiain peace and war with honour,integrity, loyalty and On completionof his training,Captain Cullen returned to courage.These are the characteristicsthat its men and women Australiato take up duties in HMAS SYDNEY. This was continueto strivefor 102years later. followedby a postingto HMASWATSON in Sydney,as an While a dynamicand often-changingorganisation that is Instructoron theAustralian Warfare Officers course (following determinedto represent the community it serves it has repatriationof the course to Australia from the United neverthelessmaintained its strong traditionsand values in a Kingdom). challengingworld to becomea naval force that is respected CaptainCullen was selectedto undertakean exchange world-wide. postingwith the RoyalNavy in 1987,where he servedin HM ships BRAZENand PENELOPEand on the staff of Flag Officer Sea Training. Returningto Australia in 1990, he ANZACDAY MARCH completedthe RoyalAustralian Navy's Staff Coursebefore SYDNEY undertakinga postingas a StaffOfficer in the WarfareBranch of NavyOffice in Canberra.This was followed by postingsas Those members of the OperationsOfficer to CommodoreFlotilla's and Executive Association who will be Officerof HMASDERWENT. participating in the Sydney Onpromotion to Commanderin 1994,Captain Cullen was Anzac Day activitiesare advised postedashore to undertakeduties as CommanderOperations that due to the closure of the Hilton Hotel and Westat HMASSTIRLING. In 1987Captain Cullen returned to Marble Bar, arrangementshave been made for Canberra as the Deputy Director of Sailors' Career the HMASMELBOURNE and FM Associations Management. to gather for refreshmentsand small eats at the VERANDAHHOTEL, 60 Castlereagh Street, CaptainCullen commanded HMAS SYDNEYfrom April after the march. 1999until November 2000, during which time the shipplayed an activerole supporting INTERFET in East Timar. Entry can also be made from Elizabeth Street, opposite the NSW Leagues Club. For On completionof his postingto HMASSYDNEY, Captain Cullenwas promoted to his currentrank and was postedto those attending the Dawn Service, bacon and Canberra,where amongst other duties, he wasthe Directorof egg roll breakfasts will be available at the NavalCommunications. Captain Cullen assumed command of VerandahHotel after the service. HMASALBATROSS in lateDecember 2002. Marchers should rendezvousat the usual CaptainCullen has a passionfor watchingcricket and spot in CastlereaghStreet by 0900. rugby,enjoys bush walking, playing social sport and is an avid reader.Captain Cullen resides in NorthNowra. lb- NEXTDEADLINE -23 JUNE 2003 3 Slipstream ~ --------------------- DearEd DearEd ~. I ' Frank Eyck, (SlipstreamVol 13 No 3) · My wife and I passedthrough Broome in earlyAugust 2002 and presentswhat I believeto be an irrefutable l. cameacross Roger Colless , ex-AEOof 724and 805 Squadronsin case for the acceptanceof PTSD as 'a the 1970's, and who would be rememberedby many of legitimatediagnosable disorder' . KW Cammand RobertRay also Slipstream'sreaders. Roger, and wife June,own and operatethe raised valid points. They all seem to have failed to notice, hovercraftfrom the baseclose to the DeepWater Port area south however, that NormLee was referring not to PTSDarising from of the city. combat service, but was commentingon the awarding of The uniquecapabilities of the hovercraftallow tourists to visit compensationto people who merely witness non-operational coastalsites inaccessible to othermodes of transport, suchas the traumaticevents . As Frank Eyck points out, veteransclaiming wreckageof flying boats sunk by the Japanesein WWII and disabilityas a resultof operationalservice are preventedby law dinosaurfootprints in rocks at a beach landingat Red Cliffs. fromreceiving lump sum compensation. Sunsetflights includehors d'oeuvresand non-alcoholiccocktails Further,the subjectof compensationwas not raisedby Norm on the beach.(Bring your own alcohol) . Lee, but by John Dacostain the previousissue of Slipstream. If anyoneis planning a visit to JohnDacosta seemed somewhat bemused that an ex-sailorwho Broome, considertaking a trip on had witnesseda fatal aircraftaccident in which he (John)was the Spirit of BroomeHovercraft or involvedhad receiveda large sum in compensation, while he enjoy the best cup of coffee in himselfhad not. That remarkmust have 'struck a bell'with a lot of Broomein the base'scoffee shop. people,including me. We certainly enjoyed the PJRlT OF BROOME IIJ(lt&Hf llllllf Apart from the well-knownSydney Harbour episode , I was experience. involvedin severalrather traumatic incidents . I saw Voyagersink. Rogercan be contactedas follows: I saw Evanssink. I was on the sceneimmediately after two fatal Email:broomacv@wn .com.au aircraftaccidents. On one occasionafter an enginefailure in a (civil)helicopter I spentthirty minutesor more swimmingamong Website:http:/www .broomehovercraft.com the whitepointers in the GreatAustralian Bight. I was involvedin JohnSelby severalhelicopter rescues , and a coupleof very hazardousbut failed rescue attempts.Failed rescue attempts are for more DearEd traumaticthan successful ones . On oneoccasion after a mountain I
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