, . -.... -..~ ..... r Phyllis 0"0 Cooler Takes Medalist Honora IOWA: Clear and cooler in souih At State Meet THE and east Portions today and DAILY IOWAN tomorrow. See Story on Pa,e t Iowa City" Morning Newspaper Tal ASIIOCIATBD ••1811 IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1942 ral AIIiOCIATID rallll VOLUME XLD NUMBER 256 nvt CENTS p e aZIS e ' a,. oronez British Fliers Pound Axis Bases Enemy Retreats in Upper Don u.s" JI. 1#- ... 1#- 1#- ... • ..... 1#- • • * * * Area, ·Drives Ahead in 'South ~;};~?:'7"~'7:"v::::"",:.;"7-7.~... ,....:,_,,.... ..,.. .. ,., .... ,..... _.... ,.S:::.CENES FROM BOTH SIDES OF EGYPTIAN FRONT Nile Defenders More Than 700 Germans Killed in Single Adion In Fiercely Disputed Voronezh Sector; Score Advance Soviet Airmen Active By EDDY GILMORE MOSCOW Tuesday (A P)-The Russians have seized .the in· itiative in thtl battie of t he upper Don near Voron~zh and 8t;e 41 fl Alamein forcing the nazis back step by step to the west, they declared early today. , land Forces Take In the south, though, th oviet midnight communique ac· knowledged that the Germans pointing at Rostov had smashed . 6,000 Axis Prisoners their way southeast or Voro hilovgrad in a continued advance to· In Recent Attacks ward the Cauca us defenses. The Russians said thc whole conlplexion of the ligbting in the Br EDWARD KENNEDY Voronezh arc a had changed, and that tbey bad not only beaten cAIRO (AP)-Heavy U. S. off German attacks on Sunday and Monday but hall qIade ad­ bombers teamed up with the RAF vances themselves, tunllS and planes dealing the nazis a heavy flank blow northwest of tho city and cntting their lines of com- and British fleet to batter axis munication. More than 700 Germans were Commercial Airlines killed in a single 8.~tion in the fiercely disputed Voronezh see· 101', and 13 tanks and 8. quantity To Transport Troops o( German guns were either de- stroyed or captured, the communi. And Army Supplies, que said. Soviet airmen were pounding'UItI Germans in low-kvel attacks both New Ferry Service in that area and southeast of Will Be in Operation Voroshilovgrad where the Russians destroyed 39 additional nazi Throughout the World tanks, 95 trucks with supplies and troops and a vast quantity of oth~r WASHINGTON (AP) - The as they were led to • prl!lOn camp by their Brltlsb captors after they wer~ found equipment which the GerJT1lns . drifting On the Mediterranean In a rubber dinghy. Their Heinkel was shot' dor.n over army yesterday gave the na\'ion's need sorely to continue their rapid the sea. Field MarShal Rommel Is shown, center In photo at rlll'ht, as he studied maps commercial airlines a vastly in­ drive on Rostov. to plan new moyel to meet BrlUsh counter-attacks. creased task of carrying men and Bitter F~htln .. (Central Press Phollephotos) Between the Don and the Voron­ materials all over the world, while ezh rivers a terrific battle is bein. at New Orleans, Andrew J . Hig­ (ought, late dispatches said. DUr­ gins, shipbuilder, said be planned ing the night, it was added, one to build 70- ton flying poats at his Russian unit had cr06Sed the Don ~iant shipyard. south of Voronezh forcing the Ger­ A t a pI'ess oonference pl;ll'e, mans of tbe east bank to retire to Brigadier G e n era 1 • Harold L. the other side. George, commanding the air trans­ The RUIIIlana wbo bad neap­ port command, disclosed that the tured some poa!Honl oa &be • anny would rely on the commer­ wester!) sIde of the river before U. S.·Plans to Build City Council Passes House Okays Increase cial airlines to operate greatly in­ Voronezh were reported to have U. S. Fliers Hit creased numbers of transport systemaUcaUy destroyed Ge........ planes. carrying personnel, mate­ brldrelleads, cuttln, off the Ia­ Huge Planes for RAF New Milk Ordinance In Corporation Taxes rial and mall throughout both vadera from tbelr eomradel. Japs in China hemispheres. Army Diers will con­ Although heavily attacked, nuts Law to Be Effective WASHlNGTON (AP) - Over- tinue to perform the functions they entrenched In the outskirts of the New Allied Fighters CHUNGKING (AP)- Thc Unil_ do now, the new program rep­ city were still throwing up forti­ riding its tax committee'll recom­ Have 'Higher Speed, ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP)-M. After Publication, ed Slales all' force in China an­ resenting an addition to existing fications. mendatlons, the house made a services by military and commer­ Greater Firepower' L . Annenberg, 65, who rose from Willellbrock Declares nounced yeslCl'day two more at­ "Southeast of Voroshilovlrad," lack on Japanese-used airfields last-minute boost in rales to add cial transport lines. the Russian communique said, "ottr immigrant peddler's son to ruler of and in vasion bases, and a Chinese millions of dollars to the tax load "We are ,0101 to have no troops fought stubborn defensive LONDON (AP) - Thc United a multi-million dolhu' racing pub- A new milk li nd cream pro- spokesman said the Americans' of corporations yesterday and then forees aDY'where In the world engagements." Voroshilovarad is States is planning to build 1,000 Ucations dynasty and the Phlla- duction and distribution ordinance operations alrCady had lessened passed with only two dissenting tha~ are not, and cannot be 100 miles above Rostov, -"d Uie lour-motored bombers each month delphia Inquirer, died last nigbt at for Iowa City was pass~ by the considerably the threat of raids on serviced by air," Geor,e said. Germans are headin& without' for the RAF, said Sir Charles Mayo clinic. City council at its meeting in Chungking. voles a revenue bill designed to It was indicated that this did pause toward that key to the Cau­ Bruce-Gardner in the 1942 edi- He died a 9:45 p. m' (cwt) the city hall last night. A communique from the head- raise more than $6,271,200,000. not mean that all supplies would casus. Once ranked among America's "'he (lId Ol'dl'naoce, WL1' Ch war quarters of Lleut. Gen. Joseph W. One: ot the most unruly meet­ be carried by air, bu t that Abandon Vorwhllov,rad tion of "Jane's All the World's wealthiest men, Annenberg was' IJ. Stillwell said large fires were. ings in many months with dozens wherever American forces are lo­ The Russians announced the Aircraft," authoritative year book paroled only seven weeks ago placed in stlltute fOrm in 1936, started in an attack upon a Japa- .' . cated, they will be reachable by abandonment of Voroshllovarad of members clamorlllg slmultan- on fighting and civilian plaoes, (June 3) from the federal penl- was unanimouslY repealed at last n e se ari d rome a t Can ton w h cre aerial transports. yesterday as Marshal Tlmoshenko's published yesterday. tentiary at Lewisburg, Pa., after night meeting. The new ordi- IlO to 60 planes were caught eously for recognition, preceded There was no Indication here southern army began concentratiq ~any of the big bombers will !/Crving 23 months o( a three-year nance will go into effect immedi- aground. .. the financial rollcall of 392 to 2 tbat the plan had thus far re­ its reserves and equipment bel,"" sentence in the largest individual ately upon j)ubJJc,rlion. Mayor A central n~w s dispatch from [or lhe bill. ceived official approval. Tbe (or a supreme effort to hold Ro&- be Lib era tor s (Consolidated income tax evasion case on l'ecord. Hefli'y F. Willenbrnclt slatcd Ehat Ule Chekiang-Kiangsi front said The legislation, would Increase navy said merely &hat It would tov. B-24's) and Flying Fortresses He had been in poor health lor the law would be published com­ wide-spread guerrilla campaigns be ,lad to confer with any But there was no Russian retreat (Boeing 8-17's), said SIt" Charles, months and entered the clinic soon pletely In booklet form as soon were under way to disrupt Japa- individual income taxes by about ba.llder a' any time on ways to in the Voronezh area whJch sWl who is chairman of the Society of after his release. Pneumonia de- as possibie. nese communications and break $2,872,300,000 and corporation lev­ prosecute tbe war, while tbe may develop Into an acute tbrflat British Alrcraft Constructors. (See ANN ENBERG, pale 3) The title paragraph of the new the invaders' grip on the rail line. ies by more tban $2,670,700,000. maritime commtaslol) was silent. to the nazis. The communique law AUied Superiority ruling follows: this view ot Ule situation there: ' He added that the ideal of "Ordln.n~ delh"n.- IlLilk and "In the area of Vonmah ... "standardized Anglo - American Gl'lletfe Censures lag certain prod-ltd , mILk producer, troops contlnue to deal blows military airplanes embodying the lIa11teuruation, etc.: lIhohlbUlna" against tbe Gennaa fue... best thought of the two nations" I S th t' Rbb the sale of adulterated and mts- troops. , was in sight and that the battle n yn e IC U er brl\lIdecl mUll and mUk ProdUcts; W,OMEN. OF IOWA ' CITr-~. "Our tl'OGPI have oce ......,. between the allies and the axis requJrlng permits for the sale or !leveral Don crOll". • for superior combat ceiling for mUk and milk products. "The red Itr torce aeUveb II their warplanes was progl'essing WASHINGTON (AP)-Senator "Reculatln, the l,\,peeUon 01 One of the most desperate needs in this community, right now, is for tlUpportln, our land treo.. .... tllvorably. Gillette (D-Ia) asserted laBt night [ daJry trams and' mUk plania, bomb In, eneDl)' pWltiona.
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