The Organ Spiel Newsletter for the Sierra Chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society Potluck and Open Console June June 2010 2010 Once again, Pete & Dianne McCluer have graciously opened their “barn” to Sierra and Sunday, Norcal Chapter members for a Potluck / Open June 13th Console event. Come and hear Pete’s com- pleted 3/19 Wurlitzer. We are requesting that attendees with last Home of names beginning with Pete & Dianne A – K bring either a salad or dessert. McCluer L – Z bring a Main Dish. Everyone bring their own plate and eating utensils. Drinks and napkins will be provided. When: 1:00PM to 4:00PM Time to eat: 1:30PM Open Console After Lunch Exit #39 Note: Hazel St bridge will Pete & Dianne McCluer be closed on June 13. 5001 Mistywood Lane Shingle Springs 530-676-5922 June 2010 Page 2 ATTENTION: AMTRAK riders to the Seattle Convention\ If you have purchased tickets, or plan to purchase tickets for the Saturday eve- ning (June 26) train to Seattle, please contact Dave Moreno ([email protected]) and let him know how many are going. He will arrange for Amtrak to have sufficient seats available, for everybody, on 1 car. Her path was not without challenges. woman hired into an orchestra of 156 As the only skirt in the orchestra pit, she men. Transitioning to television, Rosa routinely challenged men who consid- played the organ for many network se- ered her second fiddle because of her ries, including "The Today Show", “As gender. She allayed those stereotypical the World Turns”, and "The Guiding reactions with talent, charm and, at Light”. times, a bawdy sense of humor. Rosa On piano, Rosa accompanied many began taking piano lessons at 8 and at 10 vocalists, but most notably Mary Mar- landed her first job at a silent movie tin's middle of the night, no-notice, audi- theater in her hometown of New Orleans. tion with Cole Porter. In 1960, Rosa Rio She studied music at Oberlin College and Rosa Rio moved to a new home in Connecticut, silent film accompaniment at The East- outfitted with a large music room and June 3, 1902 – May 13, 2010 man School of Music. recording facilities, where she published Rosa accompanied silent films in musical arrangements, played, taught and ROSA RIO, famous theatre movie palaces. The balloon burst in 1927 recorded. She later moved to Florida. organist for silent films, radio and televi- with the advent of "talkies”. In the sion, was born on June 3, 1902 in New Since 1996, Rosa performed for over 1930s and 40s, Rosa was dubbed "Queen 30 silent films with full houses at the Orleans. At 107, Rosa Rio was a testa- of the Soaps", providing organ accompa- ment to the will of spirit. Her career be- Tampa Theatre on their 1,400-pipe niment for 24 soap operas and radio dra- Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Organ. Well- gan with a simple declaration to her fam- mas, dashing from one studio to another ily at age 8. "When I grow up, I want to deserved standing ovations were the with seconds between shows. On aver- norm. She graciously returned the acco- play a big piano, wear pretty clothes and age, she played 5 to 7 shows per day, lots of jewelry, and make people happy." lades, "I have such gratitude for the won- including "The Shadow" with Orson derful people who have such love for the Her extraordinarily positive, motivated Welles and "The Bob and Ray Show," and determined attitude allowed her to theatre organ, silent pictures and Tampa “Cavalcade of America,” "My True Theatre." seamlessly adapt to changes in the enter- Story," and "The Goldbergs." Rosa was tainment industry (silents, talkies, radio, hired by NBC as a temporary replace- TV, and back to silents). “I can’t believe ment while they searched for a man. “I that I’ve been so fortunate to have been asked them if they were looking for a in so many things that went out and I man or an organist” Rosa said. She bounced back”, she said. stayed for 22 years and was the first Chapter Officers President Treasurer/Web Master Board Member Membership 2nd term expires Dec 2011 1st term expires Dec 2011 1st term expires Dec 2010 Terry Clifton Carol Zerbo Dave Sauer Robert Barrett, MD 916/863-6344 916/624-9182 916/925-7440 916/962-1988 [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Program Director Board Member Newsletter Editors Vice President/Publicity 2nd term expires Dec 2010 1st term expires Dec 2010 Craig Peterson Sherry & Terry Clifton 916/682-9699 Marian Galbraith Randy Warwick 916/863-6344 E-Mail: [email protected] 916/722-0411 661/392-0269 [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Historian Board Member Barbara Harris 2nd term expires Dec 2011 Organ Technician Secretary 916/332-2837 Jim Leach Dave Moreno 1st term expires Dec 2010 916/484-7356 916/797-9125 Terry Clifton E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Recording Library 916/863-6344 Beverly Harris E-mail: 916/332-2837 Board Member Music Librarian [email protected] 2nd term expires Dec 2011 Jim Leach Craig Peterson 916/797-9125 916/682-9699 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] June 2010 Page 3 President’s perspective—Carol Zerbo How time flies when you're to that effect) was Paul's response. ing much is going on having fun - or about to. I got to Group hug! And everything went with theatre organs participate in my first organ work- beautifully for Chris Elliott's ap- doesn't live around day at CAM. Professor Dave Mo- pearance on Friday, the 21st, to here. reno showed Adele Warwick and play Buster Keaton's silent film Here's a heads-up for anyone me how to cut leather for gaskets, "Our Hospitality". considering installing a theatre glue bumper felts and gaskets and We are not due back at CAM pipe organ. The beautiful 4/42 wrap pneumatics (always won- until September but I would like Wurlitzer, originally from the dered how that worked). We had to take some space to deliver a big Oakland Paramount Theatre and fun! THANK YOU to Craig Peterson now in the Roaring 20's Pizza and But, I don't know about Tom and Tom Norvell. There would Pipes in Ellington, Fla., is looking Norvell who was doing manual be no refreshments without these for a new home. Yes, I'm aware labor cleaning the chambers and two fellows! They provide the it's clean across the country, but- Craig, cleaning the organ closet, ice, drinks, popcorn, candy - set take a look on their website and helping Paul Brown install the everything up and Tom is popping www.roaring20spizza.com. This new computer system. Randy away by the time people start is a Publix 1 and mostly original, Warwick, all 6' plus of him, was coming in. It's a lot of work but it one of few remaining. How nice it stretched out in the solo chamber adds so much to our Silent Film would be to preserve it intact dropping the bottom board on the nights and to the Scholarship Fund SOMEWHERE in our area!!! tuba windchest to remove bad since proceeds from refreshment Any takers? Contact Dan Sar- pnuematics so Dave could do sales go there. miento at 941-448-7837. some repairs and put our pneumat- It's picnic time! Y'all come to Well, I'm off to Jasper San- ics in. (If I sound like I know Pete McCluer's in Shingle Springs filippo's in Barrington for the what I'm talking about - trust me- I on the 13th, Wendell Jacob's in Hopeful Heart Concert for Life. had help writing this.) Davis on August 22nd and Bert But, we all had a good laugh at Atwood's in Clearlake on Septem- This is all just so much fun! the end. When computer guru, ber 26th. Bert's picnic is a NorCal Paul Brown, finished installing the event, but we're invited just as See y'all at Pete new system, we turned the organ NorCal members are welcome at and Dianne's on, loaded a disc and Paul Quarino our events. The ATOS Conven- picnic. came through loud and clear. tion in Seattle rounds out our sum- "Dang! It really works!" (or words mer activities. Whoever says noth- Carol MEMBERSHIP NEWS Renewing at the Patron Level: Neal Wood Renewing at the Contributing Level: Walter & Pauline Arndt Frank & Sondra Fuson First Class Postage Stamp P.O. Box 2017 Fair Oaks, California 95628 We are on the Web: sierrachapterATOS.org youtube.com/SierraChapterATOS PRINTING COURTESY OF hp DIGITALLY PRINTED ON AN hp LASERJET 9040 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR EVENTS SIERRA CHAPTER EVENT ATOS CONVENTION NORCAL CHAPTER EVENT Seattle, Washington Sunday Sept 26 Sunday June 13 Picnic/Open Pot Luck/Open Console Console Home of Pete & Dianne McCluer Home of Bert Shingle Springs, CA Atwood 1:00PM - 4:00 PM Kelseyville, CA 11:30AM to Dusk Stockton Fox Event Friday June 25 6:30PM Sunday August 22 Pot Luck/Open Console Yankee Doodle Dandy Home of Wendell Jacob June 28 - July 4 Davis, CA Featuring Tom Thompson www.atos.org On the Mighty Morton 1:00 - 4:00 PM The Chapter was organized in 1968 as a not-for-profit corporation under the statutes of the State of California and is recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 23701d of the California Revenue and Taxation Code.
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