REAL-TIME 4D ANIMATION ON A 3D GRAPHICS WORKSTATION 1 Clifford M. Beshers Steven K. Feiner Department of Computer Science Columbia University New York, NY 10027 [email protected] [email protected] tectl1l'e of typical 3D workstations to regain the real-time Abstract animation of four dimensional objects. We describe the general structure and implementation We describe the general structure of a real-time four di­ of our four dimensional animation system and provide a mensional animation system and its implementation on a small catalog of graphics techniques for exploring four di­ 3D graphics workstation with hardware support for trans­ mensions. 2 formations. Our focus is not on four dimensional geome­ try, but on techniques of exploiting the graphics hardware Euclidean Four Space and software for this application. Real-time performance is achieved by employing the hardware matrix multiplier A great deal i3 3ugge3ted by analogy, but while to do 4D modeling transformations. Gouraud shading is analogy i3 often a U3eful guide and 3timulu3, used to perform 4D depth cueing by relating the color in­ it provide3 no proof3, and may often lead one tensity to a function of the fourth coordinate. An O(n) a3tray if not 3upplemented by logical rea30ning. software clipper is described that clips the 4D object be­ [Som58, p. 2] tween near and far clipping hyperplanes. A constant time method employing color map manipulation and 4D depth We begin by giving a brief description of four dimen­ cueing is described as a useful high-speed approximation to sional space and the hyperobjects residing there, relying the hyperplane clipping. heavily on analogy between two and three dimensions to motivate the jump from three to four, despite the warning KEYWORDS: Four dimensional transformations, real­ above. More elegant and fuller descriptions can be found in time animation, scientific visualization. [Abb52]' [Gar77] and [Dew86]. Our description is intended to clarify the mathematics and organization used in the Introduction implementation of this program. For more complete math­ ematical descriptions see [Cox69], [Som58] and [Nol67], the last providing an especially useful and concise description Mathematicians have long been fascinated with the ge­ of the mathematics required to implement four dimensional ometry of higher dimensional objects and spaces, attempt­ animation. ing to understand and analyze extremely complicated and The mathematics of two and three dimensions general­ non-intuitive structures. Computer graphics provides an izes to n dimensions quite simply, assuming a fourth axis excellent means. for exploring these objects visually. As perpendicular to each of the familiar three axes of three di­ early as 1967, N 011 used a pen plotter was used to create mensions. One can imagine an infinity of parallel 3-spaces images of hypercubes [NoI67]. In the mid 1970's, Banchoff or hyperplanes all perpendicular to this fourth axis, just as [Ban78] explored four dimensional geometry in real-time we imagine an infinity of planes parallel to the XY plane using BUGS, a multiprocessor, microprogrammable vector and perpendicular to the Z axis. P oints residing in 4-space graphics system with special microcode for 4D transfor­ are naturally represented as ordered 4- tuples, (x,y,z,w). mations [vDSH74]. With raster graphics, solid, shaded im­ It is important to realize that we are considering a fourth ages became possible, but at the sacrifice of real-time speed spatial dimension, not time as a fourth dimension, although [FSB82]. Modern raster workstations have again achieved it is interesting to consider a 3D object changing over time real-time performance, now with three dimensional shaded as if it were 4D . images, and this paper describes how to exploit the archi- l This work supported in part by DARPA grant # N00039-84-C-0165 and an equipment grant from Hewlett-Packard Labs - AI University 2We have recently learned that Banchoff has independently devel­ Grants Program. oped a similar system [Ban87J. Graphics Interface '88 2 Because any object of dimension n cannot fit into a we will call the intermediate image, which can then be ren­ space of dimension n - 1 (e.g., a cube cannot fit in the dered in the standard fashion with 3D modeling and view­ plane without being flattened), we need to reduce a 4D ing transformations. As the object is rotated in 4-space, object to a 3D one using projection. Similarly, we need this 3D intermediate object continually changes shape, just to further reduce the dimension of the 3D object by pro­ as the projection of a rotating cube on a plane continually jecting it onto a 2-dimensional screen for viewing. The changes, and it is partly this constant change that makes simplest projection to consider is orthographic. Given the these objects so baffling to view. It is important to notice plane z = c as the image plane, the 3D to 2D orthographic that these 3D modeling transformations can be thought of projection of any point (x, y , z) is (x, y , c) . Similarly, given as image transformations of the intermediate object, i.e. , a projection hyperplane defined by the equation w = c, the fixing the 4D and changing the 3D modeling transforma­ 4D to 3D orthographic projection of any point (x,y,z,w) tions produces different views of a static 3D object. Image is (x,y,z,c). Notice that, in terms of a computer imple­ rotations can be immensely enlightening, especially because mentation of orthographic projection, we need only ignore these objects are unfamiliar and one often misinterprets the last coordinate. their structure with a single view. Perspective projection from 4D to 3D is also possible. In summary, the 4D rendering pipeline consists of the Given a 4D eye point on the w axis at distance d from the following stages: origin and a projection hyperplane w = c, the projection pi of a point P = (x,y,z,w) is given by • P erform rotation, scaling and translation (modeling transforms) in 4-space. pl= ((d- C)X, (d-c)y, (d-C)Z,w) [NoI67]. d - w d-w d-w • Project the object into 3-space to obtain the interme­ diate image. This provides a limited viewing model that is sufficient for most purposes: the 4D eyepoint lies on the w axis; the • Apply any 3D modeling transforms. viewing hyperplane is perpendicular to the w axis; paral­ • Apply 3D viewing transforms. lel projection is always orthographic with the direction of projection coincident with the w axis; the perspective view volume is the 4D analog of a right pyramid. Transformation System We proceed to the modeling transformations, rotation, scaling and translation, in four dimensions. Just as in 3- Our implementation has been geared for the increas­ space, four dimensional rotations occur in a plane. Four ingly common high performance 3D graphics workstations axes taken two at a time gives six planes of rotation, namely [Cla82], [ST86]. The important feature of these machines is XY, YZ , XZ, XW, YW, and ZW. The rotation matrix the hardware matrix multiplier and an associated transfor­ M for any pair of axes a, b has entries: M[i, i] = 1 except mation stack of 4x4 homogeneous matrices. The top matrix for M[a, a] = M[b, b] = cos( B) and M[i, j] = 0 except for on the stack can be overwritten, or pre- or post-multiplied M[a , b] = -M[b,a] = sin(B), i -# j. For example, a matrix by another matrix. In normal use, all graphics operations for the YW rotation has the form such as move(x, y, z) and draw(x, y, z) are sent to the hard­ o o ware pipeline, where all coordinates are multiplied by the top matrix, and then passed along to clippers, scalers, and cos(B) o Si~( B) 1 o 1 o . finally to the scan conversion system which draws the prim­ -sin(B) o cos( B) itives into the frame buffer. A good graphics library will make it possible for an application to multiply points by the Scaling matrices are just like 3D scaling matrices, with en­ top matrix without sending them down the pipeline. The tries along the diagonal result is that the programmer has access to a high speed 4x4 matrix multiplier, which can multiply two matrices to­ SX o o gether and transform a large number of 4-coordinate points Sy o 5= 0 very quickly. ( o o S z o o o Recall that in three dimensions, rotation and scaling can be described with only a 3x 3 matrix, but that translation Translation is also simply generalized, but requires a 5x5 and perspective projection require the fourth row and col­ matrix umn of a 4x4 homogeneous matrix. To get translation in 0 0 0 4-space and perspective projection to 3-space with only ma­ 1 0 0 trix multiplication we would need a 5x5 matrix. If we are 0 1 0 willing to sacrifice 4D t ranslation and agree to perform 4D T~(~ 0 0 1 to 3D perspective projection in software, then the remain­ Tx Ty Tz Tw ing operations can be performed entirely with the hardware These modeling transformations are nfollowed by projec- multiplier. tion from 4-space to 3-space, producing a 3D object, what Graphics Interface 'SS 3 Thus, the program performs all transformations and the hyperplane is another, and everything below is a third projections in a two stage process. First, a 4x4 matrix de­ color. scribing rotation and scaling in Euclidean 4-space is placed on the matrix stack, and all 4D vertices are multiplied by Hyperplane Clipping that matrix, producing a new set of coordinates that repre­ sents the object transformed in 4-space.
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