7 ^ / / X •'i y ,\- / / m iroAT, MAT 6, X' 4 t f The U i-ulhm FAUE SIXTEEII Manchester^ Emhing ^Hei Average tHdIy Gircalation F(w the Month-x^ April, 1044 .''’orecaiit nt U. N. Weafher Bmvigii h/ /:/’/ ■ V fhe Intermediate YouthX«l*°'*^' Occasianat light rain tonight ahlStoi: the South Methodlob and SundayXcooler. out Town ch u r^ la sponaorlng 4 morning r of the Aadii . > of m ^ a Cor aU SbtU rm in the dreulatloBa Ma.v 14, T./K. Chweh Btfl tomorrow morning at ^Manchestert^A City Villa fie Charm 9-SO a. mXThe pictures wUI con­ X. will tonclud* hli •erv- ■ X " dt EnwmMl Luther* sist of ca rt^ , come^es, ^yel- X (TWELVE PAGES) i 'r i X e t h r e e c e n t s an cliirrh. th take u p /h li new ogues and spAlaltlea and will last yO L. LXIII., NO. 185 (ChMaUled' Adverttalng on Page Id) MANCHESTER, CQNN., SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1944 (lutlpe ywith theoM ilpiiw two hours. X small admission as dii'scior of *J>M«rdihlp, charge will be' m h ^ to cover ex^ V heaUquartera id Jfihneapolli. The penses.^ Walter TS;w, presidej; following Sunday lUuj* O. HJelm, i)f t ^ group,. Is in mjarge Hollab^ia'' Invasion Fitree Pursues Japs student paator who,/naa been at rangements and will X the church the past two/^m m era by a number of others, More j a] IS Forced will be In charge, and ilev\Harry and glrfi are welcome. A. Peteraon of Portland wlll^«rve ■X,' as vice pastor of the congrega^bn Mrs. Walter K a n eh l/of tells during the pastoral vacancy, ^ street, who was chahrman of la expected that the Rev. Theodore " sgree o? ‘ Pocahontas rumm Toward Palmer, who recently accepted the yesierday, is m ^ t grateful to :ain in to call of Jlmanuel to become Its pas* all Who assl.oted/ln any way to tor, will assume his duties, on or m ak^Jt a s u ^ s s —merchanU. ''• V X ' before September 1. m em beX neigHfcors. friends ^ho As donated, bnd%speclally those who North Methdi^St WSCS mem­ patronized X It was the first sale %) ’’-•f« - .f bers will meet •'Wednesday after­ of the org^daatlon. certainly the Coast A rea noon .at two o’clock for business. A . ■’S Capture or Death^l6eal- first in W great, many years.^ and Price S^tup ' feature of the social time follbw- with two others ^ I n g on In t o ^ ing Barge Fligkts Alter­ ihg will be the exchange of favor­ yesterfay, the resmt was 4rratlfy- ite recipes. The society will com­ natives for 140,000 A 111 e r I c p fi Liberators .British Halifaxps and plete plans for the parish supper Ing. / ' Shifts M ^ y Nipponese Troops in Reds Mass Wellingtons - B, the following evening, and It will Z' ' j v' Duiii|> Bomb Loads 111 b 'be necessary to notify Mrs. ALICE’ O O FB^ , New Guinea, New Bril- Le Verne Holmes and Mrs. James (Known As Queen Allbe) > x , . ’-'*:. ■.... Come Soon Iii^' Gentian Installa­ To Launch R a ilw a y Y (Is . aiid^ Pickles In, regard to reservations SPIRITUAL MEDIUM \ Seventh Daughter of n Seventh Spn am and New Ireland. tions in Pas-dr-Calais Ml Storage Tank$ ' at \ Center Church Young' People Rom With a VeU V' Series o / Changes in ArtP as Allies’ Pre- N ew Drive C a'l^i p i n Following have plans well under way .Yor ReMilngs Dally, Including Snnda Advanced Allied Headquar­ .. their three act comedy, “Wlibls 9 A. M. to » t. M. Or By A pp^ ters, Southwest Pacific, May Atlminisiratiofk May Invasion Air Oifen- Speelaoinar B reach­ meat. In the Service of the Peo­ ^ Limited" which is. being ejected "i ‘J m 6._(/P)—Relentless extermi­ sive Continues 22iid ISazis Rieftort Cofieen- ing Ql Pescara Dam; xby Miss JJarJorle Mitchelp Ad­ ple for 80 Years. / Be in Making,; Wagner ditional numbers will be presented 60 Chnrch Street, Hartford Con* nation raids by land and sea t rat ion of^ Men and Phone 6-20t4 / today were forcing more and Proposal Opens "W^ay. Day; Weather Bad. RaiF Centers*’ Targets.. between the acta by Miss Gene / Walton, whistler, and Miss Wilma more of some .J40,000 Japan­ Equipment on Enor> London, May 6. — )— ' Hied HeiMquarters, Na- Tracy, pianist. Refreshments and ese tfoops in New Guinea, Washington, May —(>P)—A (JP mous Scale in Poland. social dancing will' follow the FOR TOP VALUE Britain and New Ireland series of change] d^the Admin- 'American Liberators dumped May 6.—(A*)-^—Allied play. New IN A NEW HOME istration of Price .control may be boR^ loads into German in- bombas sti-uck again last toward surrender or death- London, May .6.—(>P) — Gennan Advertisement— Invlting barge flight. • in the making. / stalui^ions in *thg Pas-de-Ca- night hito the Balkans f(^- Sec the O nw ^lng Bailt By X reports relayed through Stock­ Bomber* Pound Islands Senator (R„ Ohio), today lais a r ^ of Fraqce today as owing Friday’s spectacular,; PefiUllzer $2,90 and $8.25 per \ holm said today that the Russians 100 lb. bag—Bone Meal—Lawn Ahead o^ Gen. Douglas MacAr- said he interpreted a proposal of the Allies’ pre-invasion air breaching 6f the Peseqra dam GRE;Elr^ROOKE had massed men bnd equipment grass -seed SSb Ih., Cement 76c thur’s Philli^lnea-pointed spedr- Senator Wagner (D... N. Y.l, offensive cdntiniied for the in Italy and daylight Ibttackff Bag. Elngland’s Manchester Oreen, INC head. poised In the Hollandla area which Would take the final deci­ 22nd day, d^pite miserable "on an enormous” scale in old Po­ b.v heavy, bombers • Phone 8451. V of Dutch New Guinea, bombers sion bn railway labor disputes out ..flying weather dver the Eng- land for a hew drive on'the path on two Romanian rail cen- Walker Btreet i t C are pounding tha^ Sqhouten Is- 01 the hands of the economic sta­ to Beilin. lailds, where the enemy Is at- Acro.ss an open field of kunal grass, hundreds of U. S. inf'anlryhjen advance in pursuit of rapidly Rph channel. |t was ttm 12th con­ tarti. In the overnight blow, Brit­ TALL CEDARS farther infortiatloa eoU *t bilization director, as opening the secutive day of heavy Immber op­ The lepoi'ts said the Red Army ish Halifaxes and Wellingtona tei^ting to mass Xavlatlon for wajn,' to other amendments to a retreating Jap.-xneso in the HbHandia, Dutch New Guinea area. Thes,. .-oldiors constituted the initial ider Jarvis Oo. olllce on '■ Counter-blows, and Wakde Island wave of the amphibious, invasion xpree'that began the action April 22. (AP Wirephdto from U. ^ erations fronfi Britl.sh bbses, but was concentrated in great strength bombed the rallwa.v yard* and oil street or *t 26 Alexander pending stabilization authorit.v once more it was only a .^smali in the vicinity of Kowel, 170 miles storage tanks at Campina, in Ro­ 1^- BIN 60 Bter I • and ^ r m l oii the coast. Dill. "The bill, now before the Signal Corps.) / Phenes: 4112 er 1276 Behind HoUandla, darting mo- force, probably loss .than 250 southeast of Warsaw, and also mania 10 miles northwest of Plo- • street. Senate Banking committee, would bombers with an equal number was gathering near Kolomyja, 30 e.sU. It was the first R A .F. raid, TONIGHT ; tor-toj-^o (PT) boats team up exteild the authority for 18 on that oil field'. 'with .plahes to hammer by-passed of escorting Lightnings. ThunderX miles southeast of Stanislawow KNOWS NOW TO K lie n»TTY months. bolts and Mustangs which hopped bear the old Czech border. Dive-Bomber* Smash Dam OR4NGE HALL / ■ Japanese garrisons enclosed In a Ma.v Offer Amendment Dive-boinbing Kittyhawks and huge geographical fishhook, out­ Priest Avers the channel to hand Hitler’s At­ .Call* Struggle* Significant Taft said he probably will of­ Japs Narrow Chinese lantic wall emplacements their A tfuasian Tass agency military Mustangs, 'flown by British, Aus­ lined by Wewak and" Hansa bay fer an amendment tp the bill to tralian and South African pUota, . on the British Kew Guinea coast, sixth blow by hear)y bombers,^ in coinmcbtator said, nreanwhile, THE SHERIDAN \ provide for headings before^ an seven days. < that the'aectional stnrggle* which executed tho . attack on the Pea- I Rabaul in New Britain, and com­ Office of Price Administration ap­ Stalin Friend cara dam, spilling flood w atpn . ing to a point at KaVieng,on New Damage Parked Aircraft have been gqing on near Staniala- peal board -in cases where'' com­ Hold on Vital Railway wow since inkj-April were aignifl- over German communications and RESTAURANT ' Ireland. plaints had been made against The daylight blow followed a cant because ofo f strategicstrat railways -defenses 10 miles beyond th* Print Dresses I Six Barges Sunk Of Catliolies night in which British plane* -laid, price-fixing ^^egulatmns. Jb that part of former Poland. A Adriatic erid o^the I6ng-dormant ’ Invlfes the People of I Headquarters spokesmen an- He said hb, also may offer an mines in enemy waters without Soviet communique said 300 Ger­ Eighth Army front. ■ A remembrance for Mother’s^Duy. , nounced today that new, air-sea amendment which would prevent loss and Canadian-manned Mqa- In qll,'opei;4tions in the Medi­ Manchester To Try Their •’7"' Crusade Plans mans were slain in a Iwo-hour bat • blows sank six, probably seven,' the payment of food subsidies afi- Springfield^Pastor Con­ qi.ito bombers on gn offensive pa­ tie in that area yesterday.
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