I ON THE INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY ~S, max' Yanks Butcher Browns .. ....... Page 2 Once again partly cloudy weather is predicted Plan $50,000 Hydraulics Annex .... Poge 3 for the Iowa City area (that makes four days in a row), but with slightly rising temperatures. Atomic Course Plans .......... .. Page 6 Established 18SS-Vol. 79, No. 25S-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Friilay. July 25. 1947-Five Cents I Gel Excess ICo~gr 'a ss Adjourns '. Remove Bodies of ~S Trapped • I Saturday, But May F,ail Miners; 13 Slill in Gassy Pit Russians Oul- Go Back Next Howard Lewis, UndJ rground WASHINGTON (IP) - Repub­ Superintendent and Brother lican leaders decided yesterday Hous~ Group . to lldjourn congress on Saturday Of John L., Escapes Disaster , in such a' way that they, as well WFST FRANKFORT, JIl. (JP)- Twenty eight miners were counted labor Subcommittee as President Truman, can call a dead early this morning by Fran~l~ County Coroner D ..r. Clayton Urges 'Removal' After special session next fall if they in the underground explosion that rocked the Old Ben Coal company's see fit. No. 8 mine here yesterday afternoon. Refused Russia Trip Unless there is a special session, An estimated 170 miners escaped trom the 500-feet deep diggings the 50th congress will not meet of the mine, one of the largest. in, the state. WASHINGTON (IP) - Turned again until Jan. 6. Clayton said 15 bodies of the trapped victims had been removed to down by the Soviet government The Saturday adjournment goal a temporary morgue set up in the Central Junior High school and on a lrlp to Russia, a house labor appeared assured of realization, that 12 other bodies still were in the gas-filled pit. One miner was subcommittee yesterd'sy urged meanwhile, as a batch of appro­ removed dead from the shaft shortly after the explosIon. "immediate removal of all excess priation bills and other "must" Howard Lewis, brother of UMW RUSliian nationals" from the Uni- legislation made good progress. chieftain John L. Lewis, is under­ ted States. The final confercnce version of ground superintendent of the mine Re pre s entative Kersten (R- the bill to put the armed services Wls), sub committee chairman. under a single "secretary of de­ Old 8en Safe .' and early was feared to be among proposed this step to Secretary fense" was appl'oved unanimously those trapped but he later turned 01 Slate Marshall. by the senate. House aclion, ex- up safe. In addition, he asked in a letter pected speedily, will send the A UMW official announced the that the secretary "adopt a strict- measure to the president. Allnspecli death toU lor the disaster at 26 \Y reciprocal policy towards Soviet Republican leaders also decided SPRINGFIELD, IlL, (If'}-T h e shortly before Clayton released nationals and authorize the resi- to put through before Saturday ~t{lte mines and minerals depart­ his figures. dence in this country of only thaL resolutions calling for joint sen­ ment said the old Ben No. ~ mine Eddie Franco. official of Local number of Russian nationals as ate-house investigation~ of price at West Frankfort. where an ex­ 959 of the UMW, emerged last is permitted to citizcns of the uni-I and housing. plosion occurred yesterd;lY, was night with bodies of four men and ted States in the Soviet Union." The day brought this action on last inspected May 9 and at that said: "There are 21 more men Kersten and Representatives appropnation bills in the house: lime was reported to have "con­ down there-all dead." Owens (R-IIl) and Kennedy (D- 1. Passed bill to finance "inde­ I formed to all state mine safety One identified victim, Carroll Mass) were named to a subcom- I pendent offices" not COlllwcted regulations." mittee to visit Ru ssia in Septem- with cabinct departments. Stevens, was removed dead from bel' to study education and labol' ·2. Passed $960,044,908 agl'il'ul- Plasma Rushed to Mine the pit shortly after the explosiob. conditions there. Lure department appropriation hill Franco said rescue crews ex­ The state department approved, and $35,040,000 government cor­ By AP, Health Office ' pected to bring 15 of the bodies Kersten said, and provided pass- po rations bill. to the surface momentarily but ports. He addcd that he saw Soviet The senate passed and sent to CIlICAGO (IP)- Blood pla$rna added: Amb~ssador Nikolai V. Novikov the White House a bill providing COl' victims of the West FrB'nk­ "We can't get to six of them July 2 to apply for visas. $74,254,000 supplemcntal funds to RELATIVES OF MINE DISASTER victims huddle around entra.nce Frankfort JunIor high Howard Lewis, brother of If.MW Chief fort mine explosion was on its right away. They are partly bur­ On July 19, he got a letter from run the reconstruction finance to Old Ben Company's No. 8 mine at West Frankfort, Ill., where 28 John L. Lewis was (lrst ttroCght k11led in thc blast. Un~rground way yesterday through the ~om­ ied under a fall of rock." Yuri M. Bruslov, chief of the corporation until next June 30 miners are believed to have perIshed Irom an explosIon stoff by superlntelldent of th mine, llioward Lewis was later found alive and bined efforts of the state depart­ Franco said carbon monoxide consular division of the embassy and finance conversion of wartime spark-Ignited dust. At press time last nIght, ambulances such as the safe. \ ment of public health and the fumes were preventing attempts turning down the trip. housing for velc/'ans at colleges. one above had removed J5 bodies to a temporary morgue hI a West (AP WIREPHOTO) Associated Press. to reach the six. Kersten said he is informed only The bodies of miners brought 16ft Amcdcans, including all the up !rom the pit were taken to the embassy staff, are residing in Rus­ Central Junior High school which sia today with passports and tha t • is being utilized as a temporary Ihe number has remained almost constant for yea rs. morgue. Russians registered with the William W. Lamont, manager of stale department in the United the United Mine Workers' hospi­ ulry tal, said one of the miners, Thom­ States have va ried from 2,500 In o·n Fraud ~efuses Delay fnq , 1945 to 810 this year, Kersten as Palmer, 40, previously reported saId. dead at the hospital, was alive The U.S. Today- but "in an awful condltlon." Salesman Sells Police- IJava nese Plan World in Action- Sen ale Takes Four others now in the hospital Vole 10 Kill But on Wrong Thing were "sinking," the manager Convicted Killer A ro d asserted. 'Nation In Frank WitI'Y, Waterloo, tried Snllpl"ng War un Nllght Aell-on They were John Banicky, 40, to seU the Iowa City pollee new Buying Laws seat covers for thel!· patrol cars Ih GI ' b WASHlNGTON (JP)- Aroused yesterday. BATAVIA, JAVA, (JP) _ The 0 WASHINGTON (IP)-The sen- The News Officers saId they didn't need e e ate refused early today to post- by a mixup at a White House Ry Ttll! MIIIOOIATID .8&81 new seat covers just now. They powerfully-equipped Dutch army J,tt rUB ASSOCIATID PAles pone until January action on a Disaster Hits news conference, a senate-house ·t ' t h ill four days ot mobile warfare conference committee voted last A ROCKING TYPE earthquake llS k e d WJ ry s name so e y GERMAN POLICE and the oW- proposed senate Investigation of night to kill aU controls on in­ was felt in Los Angeles at 6:11 could contact him later. apparently has won its campaign cial newspaper of the Soviet mili- Attorney ~neral Clark's handling stallment buying on Nov. 1, 1947. p.m. yesterday. The shock was "U's right here," he replied for control of Java's startegic ar­ tary administration said yesterday A remark by President Truman also felt distinctly in Santa Ana. as he pulled an overtime park- ca s-but in moun Lain and village "gross carelessness" in handling of Kansas City vote fraud charges. The action brought a first­ ga ve congress the impression he Th d d 'd d .jng ticket from his pocket. some oid war mines, not sabotage, e tremor cause a eel e stir strongholds the Indonesians plan- round victory to Republicans in might use his emergency powers In the crowded courtroom where I ned last night for another kind of was responsible for an explosion in police headquarters in lhe their seven-day fight to gain ac­ to keep the curbs in effect. Later the Louise Overell-George GoUum --' - reslstanc guerrilla Lighting. tion on the proposal, made by it was explained that he had no Soviet sector III whIch nine Ger­ murder trial ls underway. Heavy HId S Unable to match their equlp- mans were ktlled Wednesday. Senator Kern (R-Mo) . such Intention; that it was all due chandeliers in the courtroom 0 eaman u/JJI against the tanks and aircraft It came on rejection of a motion to a misunderstanding. · swayed sharply. of the Dutch. the Indonesians now TO AVOID A CONI'" ICT by Senator ~orge (D-Ga) to de­ But the conferees agreed upon * * * were discussmg how to conduct a hi djscU5SIOns* *with * the Brit­ lay 'Until the next session 01 con­ a bill d\;!nying him the authority TWO FORMER FRIENDS. F M d fIght in whIch SnIpers and spears Ish on Ruhr coal production, gress action on Kem's resolution. Lo continue such regulations after who fell out durlns a political or ur er mIght playa more important part the state department is sUPPres­ The senate had been in session Oct.
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