K Issued Weakly, Entered ea B«e our!-Class Metier at tbv Pcot- VOLUME XLV. NO. 21. offlcs.at Eed Beak, H, JU under*tb« Act of Match Sd, 1B79. RED BANK, N. J.,. WEDNESDAY,' NOVEMBER 15, 1922. $1.50 Per Year. PAGES 1 TO 8. BAKERY Bus ss The will was made last February. IM 01 Iff/» ELECTION DAY HUNT. SALE OF THREE PARIS. | !5£ The Asbur/il'ark imd Ocean Grove! uLliill iMEW CLUB IT LICEOFf. ' . _ I Dennis Murray's Place of Business ii bank was inade executor. I Hurir;hac!tcr« Race Tlirout;ii Middle- iNEW OWNERS FOR THREE "UP Beinff Enlarged. I MANY WILLS WERE PROBATED Albert Liming of JUanasquan or- town anil Holmdcl Tov/nahips. FORGED NOTICE WAS A BOOM- ITS AIMS AHE MUSICAL, LITER- COUNTRY" PLACFS Frank Tomaine i.i building an ucl • AT FREEHOLD LAST WEEK. dered {HOC given to Atlantic View The Monmouth county hunt Hub lion of 20x25 feet to his building cemetery of Mmiusquan, to keep lite ERANG FOR POLITICIANS. ARY, SOCIAL AND CJVIC. tnc rode horseback through u large part Tho Robert Laird Farm at Scobey. "" south side of River street burial plot in order. Whatever per-! T, 1 Mrs. Jeanic C. Chcmeroy and Mrs. e Republican Machine Tried a of .Miiidlctown and Holmdel town- ville, tho Farm of John Lonjj, Sr., ! "''if' Is rented by Dennis Murray Mary J. Willey of Red Bank Left sonul property or money is left niter [ ,-;hips on (.-lection day. Edward W. The New Society I>e.['an Life With 35 of Everett, and tho Form of* John ''"' n's bakery business. Mr. Mur- the payment'of this beijuesl, ia to be 'Smart AL'cIs" Stunt Last Wert, Member* and It i» Expected That AH Their Property to Their Hus- but the Italian-American Voters .Murphy of Virginia, while on tin- • H. VanMator Channo Handa. j ray started the business a few weeks bands—Eleven Other Wills. invested and the proceeds used to hunt, was thrown from his burse It Will Have 100 Member. Iltfare 1 110 nnil fl om tlle were Not Fooled by It. the Winter is Emlr;d. The old Robert Laird homestead " , ' beginning it has Mr:-\-Jennie-. C. (!humeroy of Red keep and maintain the homestead u'hile taking a fence at Nutswamp. i r a untintl1l the youngest child readies the Of tricks that are vjiiii ;uirl of His (-ye wan bruised and he was! Th" new society or club at Lin- ait Scobeyville was bought last week p ?. fo>'«d- . It soon _ outgrew the Bank, who died a short time ago, left I » f% y°»»Bo«tch.lcl reaches the cl by John C. Schenck of Colt's Necic hlllld'n<f and tho addition is required a will which she mode March 3d, '^ oi ~ ft"!'"- "'e will then says: ways that an- devious tlv- pi-nwrbinl -liakeii up and cut. cruft which was recently ort;-ani£fcd n tl 3 !lccount T!le ln r<icr thu m oIllI Ir 1 ma lv "Heathen Chinee" dees not excel :•.•. William A. liai--sett'e under tkt for $8,500. The property comprises I ? " ' addition will ! 191 !>, with Howard S. Ilijiginson and ( ° . ' ' ' '- " V ' « The hunters gathered on the. Red | "'• mvc concret e Red Bank Republican politicians in n; • of the Lincroft choral docicty seventeen acres and it is on the I L . enclosures and the IIMM..S. Uarbcr n» witness. Mr.s. together in P^ee ;m,l harmony I Hank railroad station ground:;' and ! 1 the estimation of John IliKiorc, Mi- i: branched out to inehi-le littra- I Chameroy left all her estate I .. I hereby order-and direct that no per-, lh< fh\.;t cheek was made on Charles < ' 'son shall be. permitted to live with I ehnel Ciinzona ami Mrs. Kdv.'iird M. 'C"lly'.s farm near Kverett. The nextl'11 ami social event.-, -ati I husband, Auatole Chameroy, and Haley of Red Bank. All three <.f a: i; made him executor. my said children in said borne with- run was throug_h the _Pleasan_ vt Valle^y | • rmi. ie. Meetings are held Monday these persons on election morning re- section of liofmdel township" to An'-' nights at the Lincroft chape! and one Mrs. Mary J. Willey, wifo of Wil- ceived a little typewritten note ami 0 lium Willey'of Red Bank, who died ! a,nd. L'ry of my i-.ald children, and nie Ogrleii's corner. The third start! *' tin! chief objects of the society ii Jordan's bakery. Bennett Bros, will should this provision of- my will be it was the contents of this mite which was made on Richard Herbert's farm 'l" further the interests of the chapel. lugs are on the farm. They nrc in ! about a month ago, left all her caused them to believ.1 that, th fair condition. The sale did not in- build tho addition. erty of every kind violated by the entry of any percon u near Ili.lmdel and thy finish was :it: William A. Has.-'ett is president, clude, the Laird cider mill, which ad- •"—-, ••- and requested him that he dispose of mt0 saia.nome without such consent, "Heathen Chinee" h.'id been outdone. William A. Magee's farm between I Mrs. George C. Richdale vice prerf- joins the farm property and which is 1 her m l !> ml 0 hcrc The note with capital letters and Holmdel and Everett. Rufus Finch i dent, Joseph W. Thomp?on treasurer, RITII FSlMf VV>m UAIICTC jewelry and furniture in accord- Mf™ J J. "#l " '.f ^ <""- punctuation just as it was written, was master of the hounds and John I James C. Richdale w-i-n-Uny ami Mrs. operated by John E. Laird of Mata- uggestions made during, ., ... - , , J wan. Before prohibition came into her lifetime. Jtfrs. Willey'n husband j ^.H ,aal.f houK "'"' }h" land upon follows: Cideman WIB huntsman. The honor-J, ennie Dahlgren assistant secretary- BUILDING TWO HOUSES.! ^1^^^™^ duringwl - »»?, *~f, ™>;,,t, ^^± ary whips were Arthur Jones and i The music committee consists of s effect tho late Robert Laird mudo and Harry Campbell, president of !"--l> the same stands at public or Eed Streak applejack, which wua re- NEW DWELLINGS GOING UP AT the Broad street national bank, were private sale and to invest the pro- To the Vot.Ts hf-thv H< Ariiory Haskcll, Jr. The hunters! Frederick Conklin, Mrs. Kenneth liowned from coast to coast as the ceeds thereof for the benefit and If you live in fnvnr gave an ovationti to W. SStrotheh r j Wyckotr and Mrs. George ('.. Rich- LITTLE SILVER POINT. made executors of the will and Ed- Street to the Itivir, tli finest "Jersey lightning" in the land. win R. Conovei' and Kenneth II. Mc- support of any infant child or chil- from the Tlnturii Mniw ones, as his birthday occurred'the | dale. Mr. bassctt, the.presid-nt, says The farm is at present occupied They nro Being Constructed on the Queen were the witnesses. The will dren until they shall each arrive at and the Ktoppinjr of tti y before the hunt, He is G-i years , the club expect!! to have 100 mem- by J; Henry Vinlug, who has lived River Front for Lorenzo Getty and was made June Stli of last year. the age of 21 years." When the jlic chui n Brill,:.' J and !u> hunts and ])la\^ polo with • hei-s before the winter end:,. The Vote f< Mr. A. Miller f. Min- club will change itsi name, but. the there ten years. Ho will vacate next Graham B. McGregor of New Uridget MeCue of Atlantic town- youngest child is 21 years old, then Ik-mofi ijiueh vim and zeal as men half his March and ho has not decided where York—Will be Finished Next Year ship made her will hist August. Slie j the house and land, if not so d pre- age) ] new name has not yet been selected. Possibly a good many more per- "The Lincroft Community League" he will move. Mr. Schenck bought Two large houses costing about left $3,000 to her itaughter, Ann Me- viously ns provided m the will, is to 5 sons than these three receiver! a sim- i seems to be the name most favored. the farm for his own use. His son, $30,000 are being built at Little Sil- Cue, in consideration of her services I" su'd and the proceeds divided ilar notice. The notice was palpably WoLKN FOR A NIGHT. Harold Schenck, will move on the Mr, j Other members of the dub besides ver Point, fronting on the South to her mother and father. Sh-• e lef• -t• equall• . y-, among all the children. "- a forgery and all three of these per- j Rulers Took Norman Stout's Car ' those entioned are Mr. and Mrs:. John farm where Mr. Schenck now lives. Shrewsbury river. The owners are to this (laughter the sum of $500 in j Lim'»g B eon> KarEarl Liming, was. sons recognized it as such at once. John Long, Sr., of Everett, bus as executor. The will was \V and Damaged It. ; R. (,'onover, Mi-s. Joseph W. Tliomp- Lorenzo T. Getty and Graham IS. trust, the income of which is to be named All'of them were working for Demo-, >''<n, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes Cono- Bold his farm at that place to Grove McGregor of New York. The houses made in October of last year with Niormlv' k Stout of Uraneli avenue used for yearly masses for the repose cratic success at the election anil', 1 young'vi-r, Miss Bessie Fenton, Mrs.
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