PRECISION FARMING TECHNIQUE FOR WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT THESIS SUBMIHED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF Bottor of $l)ilD£(opI)p (N Agricultural Economic and Business Management BY AARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DR, SAGHIR AHMAD ANSARI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AUGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH-202002 (INDIA) 2013 3 1 OCT 2014 T8823 DEPARtMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SHAFl HOUSE, 2-QlLA ROAD, ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSfTY ALIGARH-2p2002 (INDIA) CHAIRMAN CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Precision Farming iJechnique for Water Resource Management" has been completed by Mr. *k.arif Mohammad Khan under my supervision. I have allowed him to submit |t in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. To the best of my knowledge the thesis work is original and done by the candidate himself. (Dr. Saghir Ahmad Ansari) Tele Fax.- 91-571-2702238, Internal: 3755, Fax: 91-0571-2702238 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Looking back, I am surprised and at the same time very grateful for all I have received throughout these years. It has certainly shaped me as a person and has led me where I am now. All these years of PhD studies are full of such gifts. The first and foremost "thank you" goes to Allah. He has given me the strength and mind opening to see this study through. Without his care, blessings and guidance, none of this would have been possible It would be sheer ignorance and arrogance to believe that any work of research can he an individual endeavour. I therefore humbly acknowledge the guidance and the h?lp provided by my respected teacher and supervisor Dr. Saghir Ahmad Ansari, for his advice, constructive and valuable suggestions which made him the backbone of this research and so to this thesis. His involvement with his originality has triggered and nourished my intellectual maturity that I will benefit from, for a long time to come. Above all and the most needed, he provided me unflinching encouragement and support without which the length of the systematic and organised plan of study, the breadth of view, and supremely the deep study of my research work would have been impossible. I express my deepest regards and gratitude to the Chairman, Department of Agriculture Economics and Business Management, AMU for providing all the necessary facilities during the course of this work. I would also like to thank all my respected Teachers and Non-Teaching staff of Dept. Agriculture Economics and Business Management, AMU and my student colleagues, for their encouragement, insightful comments, and hard comments. It is my proud privilege and humble duty to acknowledge with gratitude, the help rendired to me by Dr. Jabir Ali, Associate Professor in Centre for Food and Agribusiness Management, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow, for sparing his valuable time for my work. His able guidance and valuable suggestions helped in enriching the thesis. I am really indebted to him. Most importantly, I want to thank my family. My wife. Dr. Uzma Khan and our child, Maria khan, helped me stay "grounded". They were a steady source of love and support. I am also grateful for my parents, siblings that were always very encouf aging during this process. Finally I would like to thank everybody who was important to successful realization of this thesis, as well as express my apology that I could not mention personally one by one. Aarif Mohammad Khan Ill CONTENTS Page No. Acknowledgement /• - //• Contents /// - V List of Tables vi List of Figures vii Abbreviations via - ix Chabter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 -15 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Increase in production and teclinological change 2 1.3 Emerging challenges in agricultural production and productivity 3 1.4 Land and water resources 4 1.5 Irrigation systems and water use efficiency 6 1.6 Application of precision farming and focus on water use 8 1.6.1 Advantages of Precision Farming Application 9 1.7 Significance of the study 11 1.8 Limitations 12 1.9 Scheme of the study 12 Chaker 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 16-60 2.1 Irrigation system and agricultural production 16 2.2 Policies and regulations for water resource management 24 2.3 Precision farming technique adoption and water Resource management 32 Chai^ter 3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES 61 - 69 3.1 Research objectives 62 3.2 Research Hypotheses 62 3.2.1 Hypothesis 1 63 3.2.2 Hypothesis 2 63 3.2.3 Hypothesis 3 66 IV Chapter 4 APPROACH AND METHODS 70-76 4.1 Data source 70 4.1.1 Secondary data 70 4.1.2 Primary data 71 4.2 Methods of primary data collection 72 4.3 Survey Instrument 72 4.4 Approach and data analyses methods 73 4.4.1 Simple descriptive analysis 73 4.4.2 Chi-square tests 74 4.4.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 74 4.4.4 Factor analysis 75 4.4.5 Regression analysis 75 Chabter 5 IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 77 - 90 5.1 Water requirement of India 78 5.2 Sources of Irrigation 81 5.3 Emerging trends in Micro-irrigation 85 5.4 Water resource management 87 Chai)ter 6 FARMERS RESPONSE ON ADOPTION OF PRECISION FARMING TECHNIQUES IN INDIA 91-114 6.1 Understanding socio-demographic profile of precision farmers 93 6.1.1 Age of surveyed farmers 93 6.1.2 Education status of surveyed farmers 94 6.1.3 Social category of surveyed farmers 94 6.1.4 Occupations of surveyed farmers 95 6.1.5 Monthly household income of surveyed farmers 96 6.1.6 Types of landholdings of surveyed farmers 96 6.2 Opportunities and barriers in adopting precision farming 97 6.2.1 Farmers' response on factors motivating the adoption of precision farming 99 6.2.2 Farmers' response on barriers in adopting precision Farming 103 6.3 Factors influencing adoption of precision farming 107 Ch^ipter 7 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 115-122 7.1 Summary and conclusion 116 7.2 Policy and Implications 119 7.3 Future Research 121 Bib iography 123 -139 Apjiendix 140 -147 VI LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No. NQ. 3,1 Summary of Hypotheses 68 4.1 Frame work of the study 72 5.1 Annual Water requirement for different uses (in KmO 79 5.2 Sources of Irrigation in India (1950-51 to 2008-09). 82 5.3 Irrigated Area according to Source of Irrigation, 2005-06 84 5.4 Trends in Micro-irrigation 85 6.1 Age wise profile of surveyed fanners 93 6.2 Educational status of the surveyed farmers 94 6.5 Social category of surveyed farmers 95 6.4 Occupations of surveyed farmers 95 6.5 Monthly household incomes of surveyed farmers 96 6.() Types of landholdings owned by surveyed farmers 97 6.'' Farmer's response on the factors motivating the adoption of 100 precision farming 6.8 ANOVA- Farmer's response on factors motivating the 101 adoption of precision farming 6.9 Rotated Component Matrix-Factors motivating the adoption of 102 precision farming 6.11) Farmer's response on barriers in adopting precision farming 103 6.11 ANOVA-Farmer's response on barriers in adopting precision 105 farming 6.12 Rotated Component Matrix- Farmer's response on barriers in 106 adopting precision farming 6.1-i Regression results- factors affecting adoption of precision 110 farming 6.1 ^' Summary of regression result and hypotheses testing 113 VII LIST OF FIGURE Figure Title Page No. >o. 3.1 Flowchart of the research hypotheses on the adoption of 69 precision farming techniques in India 5.1 Transitions of Indian Irrigation system 80 5.2 Sources of Irrigation 81 ;).3 Trends of sources of irrigation in India (1950-51 to 2008-09) 83 ;).4 Shows the types of irrigation system 84 5.5 Depicts the trends in Micro-irrigation selected state wise in 86 India 5.6 Technologies used in Precision Irrigation System. 87 5.7 Inputs and Outcomes associated with precision irrigation 89 6.1 Farmer's response on motivating the adoption of precision 100 farming (%of farmers agreeing) 6.2 Farmer's response on barriers in adopting precision farming 104 (%of farmers agreeing) 6.3 Flowchart on regression model for the adoption of precision 114 farming techniques VIII ABBREVIATIONS AgGD? Agriculture Gross Domestic Product APIB Agro-Climatic Plarming and Information Bank CIAE Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Ckm Cubic kilometer C WC Central Water Commission ESS Decision Support System FAO Food and Agriculture Organization C DP Gross Domestic Product C IS Geographic Information System C PS Global Positioning System P a Hectares HZID International Committee on Irrigation and Drainage lEG Independent Evaluation Group IWRM Integrated Water Resource Management K JA Knowledge Initiatives on Agriculture Mha Million Hectares MI Micro Irrigation Ml Micro-Irrigation MoSPI Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Mt Million Tonnes > Nitrogen > AIP National Agricultural Innovation Project PA Precision Agriculture PF Precision Farming PFDC Precision Farming Developing Center IX PI Precision Irrigation RS Remote Sensing UNEP United Nations Environment Programme VRA Variable Rate Applicator VRT Variable Rate Teclinology W(JS Working Groups W"0 World Trade Organization WUE Water Use Efficiency YM Yield Monitor Chapter Q WTRGDUCTION l.l. Background Analysis of agricultural productivity has a special place in agricultural economics because of the large dependency on natural resources in this sector and periodic concerns that we may be reaching limits in natural resource capital available for food praduction (Fuglie, 2007). Recent assessments of trends in global agricultural productivity present a mixed picture. One recent analysis of agricultural yields finds a declining rate of growth for major crops and for global agriculture as a whole and attributes the yield decline to a secular decline in the rate of growth in agricultural rqsearch spending resulting in less new technology (Alston et al., 2009).
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