I r 14 THE WASHINGTON TEVJE&' THURSDAY; APRIL 24, 1919. V f r uinunnniTnr HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY . PRESIDENT'S STAND 1 Arnnuu t . Lord and Lady Reading in New York Qeneriiand Mrs. Barnett Entertain Battt) WEAR E' R S RES Weddings Engagements ITHE $c$oPENNAJWLAT TH.ST Ishiis Dinner Hosts and BUSY CORNER 8 I I N . -- - U ,i .'I naVy tho British Ambassador and the of the army and and all Open 9;15 A. M. P. M 1 will represented." to 6:00 PARIS. April 24. Diverse newspa- NEW XORK, April 24. "Aphrodite," of Reading, who went patriotic societies be THE be! reserved for, per criticism today preeted President but not like the "Aphrodite" of the New York on Tuesday, arc A large box win c: comic verse, who wore a "nightie," to- public expected back at the embassy the regents of tie District cnapiers Two-Da- y Wilson's declaration that will be seen on the New Tork stage morrow evening. They are staying American Sale Friday, Saturday Flume should not be given to Italy. year, Morris Gest, pro- of the Daughters or the this theatrical at the Plaza. Revolution, who are patronesses,, and The Figaro referred the state- ducer, announced on his arrival from Lord Reading attended the banquet today. for the, national officers. ment as a "thunderbolt,", saying: that Paris of the St. George Society last even- box will be provided for the It jma.y do more harm than good. Instead of reproducing the scene ing, wiU be the hon- A Spring Helps for a the Paris and tonight he Wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Housecleaing The Oeurvre expressed the opinion that created furore at or guest of the Association of For- an'd the se- opera, when a nude woman was cruci- din- Hospital, will' be under that the President "Is tired of eign Press Correspondents at the ,. Ire- fied, crucified Slav vf & 3b . tBur x MI'S v ""j XflBSMSBSSSflBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSB: supervision of Mrs. Jferrjtt W. crecy" and is now appealing' to the Gest said that the ner which the organization is giving who will rln which will be featured a special demonstration by a peoples girl will wear tights. be land and. Mrs. Carl Darnall, themselves. at the Plaza. The occasion will also- - bo. hostesses surgeon factory expert MHbover" VacourA Sweeper The Echo de Paris was distinctly of an international character, the for the of the including general's bureau. hostile, saying: "We have sacrificed countries to be represented The floor committee will be headed too much to President Wilson al- America, Britain, France, Italy, Japan, AUSTRIA-HUNGAR- Belgium, by Col.. Robert; N. Harper, of the Sons ready. Are we going further?" Y Scandinavia. Argentina, of the Revolution, 'chairman, and vice The Petit Parisien regards the sit- Australia and Canada. Rear Admiral chairman. Dr. J. G. B. BUllock, repre- uation as simply a suspension of the "Vvllliam S. Sims will be present. To- senting the Order of Lafayette. negotiations. morrow Lord Reading will attend the The young ladles committee will The Journal, In Its comment, re- memorial service for "Walter Hine3 BREAK REPORTED Page, to have as chairman, Mtoa Leila Qord6n ! II msssfly VS.3lsssssssfeSlA J C?5!i calls that England, France, and Italy late American ambassador and vjee chairmen Miss Helen BJo4-get- t, signed an agreement that none of the Great Britain. MUs Bicker, Gertrude powers should sign a separate peace Lord and Lady Reading are accom- andMlss ' AMvyI j X &&Jt2S-- ' K. 3K&f. vv j& .4X-j- s. XSjBjHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ' witfi Germany. panied by Major Crauford Stuart, of Mrs. George will be Hostess "In spite of the high tone of Presi- PARIS, April 24. A Vienna dis- the embassy staff. Barnett published for the marine corps. dent Wilson's statement, it is nothing patch in the Berlin Vossiche The- - reception of gentle- less than an appeal to Italy against Zeitung declares that Austria and MaJ. Gen. and Mrs. George Barnett committee diplomatic tonight men wlt he composed of officers of that country's own government and Hungary have broken off will entertain at dinner at the army and navy, 'members of the to-- the world against Italian asplra-tfems- ," relations, the latter's representatives the Commandant's House, Marine Budapest. being asked Sons of the American Revolution, said the aiatin. "Substituting leaving for Barracks, their guests of RevjpUitlon,. Order of himself for the conference, Bresident to meet the Acting Secretary of the Sons the the says Navy D. Roosevelt, Washington, the Order of Lafayette, only and Mrs. Franklin Pan-Americ- Wilson that the solution is PEACE DATfGER. an Union, Italy's jurs. Mrs. Henry members of the full renunciation." "I don't know about these war-inventio- ns Barnetfs sister. the Diplomatic Corps) members of Comingl" y and The Matin Mustin, is for a visit prep-ator- 'Company's took the attitude that when peace comes." ' with her Congress. the break is only temporary, adding about them?" to opening her house in N patron- no peace "What street,whtch was rented for the win The committees and lists of that there could be real "These aviator fans may go about esses are In charge of Mrs. Walter The rugs- - are a sight. No time to don cleaning togs, to treaty unless it was signed by all of bombing um- ter months. com- in baseball times the go Long E. Hutton, .chairman of the ball broom-swee- p dust" the powers, including Italy. pires." Baltimore American. Mrs. Barnett will to Is mittee' and Mrs. Margaret Montelro and then afterwards. But prerityof time land next week to stay with Dr. and Major to just run your over because The Hoover Mrs. Preston Satterwhite at Great Berryj regent of the William Hoover cleans Overton-Calli- 8 Chapter, Daughters of dustlessly and quickly without mussing your "Sunday Neck. General Barnett will join her the best" ithere later. American Revolution. Vbotu by Harris &. KWlDK. T.he prpceeds will be usedjto restore Each easy stroke of The Hoover means:' a .beating out homes In a French village. Dinner at Embassy. MRS. HENRY W. KEYES, of buried1 dirt a sweeping up of all litter the straightening cnarj The Japanese Ambassador and the Wife of Senator Keyes of New Hampshire and, one of the most Senator and Mrs. Qeorjje W. Norris, of the the brightening of bedimmed cotrirmgs in Viscountess Ishli entertained at din- x Nebraska, and their daughter. Miss addition to an electric vacuum cleaning. f interestingnewcomers to official life. three-wee- ner last evening In honor of the As- Hazefforrls, who haVe made a k SHOEDEPT sistant Secretary of State and Mrs. trip to Panama an&"the Canal William Phillips. The other guests at luncheon yesterday for her niece, for an indefinite stay. They have Zone, will return to Washington this TF1 RUN VOUR were Brig. Gen. and Mrs. William Miss Antoinette Graves, of New York, been spending the past few months week. ' IF just Crozier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ham- who is her .guest. a.t Chicago, HI., and Louisville, Ky. lin, Miss Anna Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Lieutenant Doron has been assigned Mrs. Am', 'wife of Prof. Ami." enter- Larz Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John New York. to duty "In this city. tained .at luncheon yesterday at .the Bakers la Marks. Her guests included Mrs. Gardiner Coolidge, Mrs. John B. Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Baker . St Mc-Clell- Mrs. JBryan, Pleasing Models in derson, Mr. and Mrs. William an Mrs. Gronna lieturns. David White, W. B. Mrs. MoOVER have gone to New York and are at the Mrs. Gronna, wife of Senator' Asle H. B. F. Ma'cfarland. Mrs. Whlteman Bitter, John B. Henderson, Mrs. will remain i and --Mr. Debuchi, Mr. Mr. and Plaza, where Baker J. Gronna.--o- f North Dakota, has 're- Crqss, Mrs. Cha'Ies Heniy Butler, and until they open their country place at turned to." her home here after a brlftf her" sister. jf Jss FJagg. Mrs. Nulda, Mr. Fuji!, Mr. Shiratori, Mr. will "'divide Graceful Footwear and Mr. Kaku, all of the embassy Lenox, Mass. Baker visit with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert, staff. his time between Washington and at McLean, --Va. Mrs. Rapdolpi) Miner had a company New York. i at luncheon yesterday at' the Share-ha- m. Congressman and Mrs. J. Campbell - The Bulgarian Minister and Mme. Edward W.-Eberl- U. Panaretoff left last night for Old Point Rear Admiral Cantrill have returned to Washington S. N., and Mrs. Eberle are at the Hotel after a visit to their home In Lexlng-ton- ,- Engagement Announced. Comfort to spend a few days. They they will be the " will return on Monday. Mme. Astor, where until Ky. t The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph here on April IT BEATS AS CLEANS- - Hussein, widow of the former charge fleet leaves the Hudson river Krauakopf, sof 471$ Pulaski avenue, IT SWEEPS AS IT 30. Mrs. Eberle will 'then recurnto The Hoover's the best. widely Made- - . d'affaires of Turkey, Hussein Bey, Washington. Philadelphia, announce the engage The most bought bjf'the who has been, with her children, the Flan Movie BeneCt. ment of their daughter. Miss Made- world's largest' makers with eleven years success tp their credit guest A motion picture film, "Masks an.d of the Minister and Mme. Pana- Peyton C. March has returned leine Krauakopf, to Julian Arthur retoff, has returned to New York, Gen. Faces," Sir Johnston Forbes Hlllman, of Atlantic City,. &t?"."' and to Washington after a shoft visit to with See T&e Hoorer flatter a carpeting sore tfiaa 1,666- - ' will sail today for England, where Robertson in the leading role, will be times each mlnnte apoa an thereby .
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