Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Reports of the Secretary to the President Student Affairs President’s Correspondence, William J. Kerr 1900-1907 2-1-1904 National Educational Association Program: Department of Superintendence, Atlanta, Georgia National Educational Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/kerr_reports Recommended Citation William Kerr papers, University Archive, 03p01s04d02Bx002Fd14 (National Education Association, 1902-1903) This National Education Association, 1902-1903 is brought to you for free and open access by the William J. Kerr at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Reports of the Secretary to the President Student Affairs President’s Correspondence, 1900-1907 by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Nattoual Jrngram lrpartmrut nf §uprriutruhrurr i\tlauta, ~a. JJ!'ehruaru23. 24. mtll 2.5 l!JU4 . DEPARTMENT OF SUPERINTENDENCE OFFICERS Preside11t-HENRY P. EMERSON Superintendent of Schools, Buffalo, N. Y. First Vice-President-EDWIN B. Cox Superintendent of School s, Xenia, Ohio Seco11d \ 'ice-I ' resicle11t-Jo11N vV. AnER C IWMBIE President of t he Universi ty of Alabama, U11i1·er­ sity P. 0., Ala. Secrelary-JoHN II. I-l1NEMON State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, Lit tic Rock, Ark. Registration Sec,,elary-IRwIN SHEPARD Genera l Secretary N. E. A., Winona, !\!inn. 2 PROGRAM . All general sessions of the Depa rtment will be he ld in the GRAND OPERA HousE. The halls for the meet ings of t he various Roimd T ables will be announced by Bulletin at the Piedmont Hotel. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, HJQ4 9: 30 a. m . r. Addresses-Hon . JOSEPH M. TERRELL, Governor of Geor­ gia; H on. HoKE SMITH, Atlanta, Ga.; Hon. W ILLIAMB. MERRITT , state school commissioner , Atlanta, Ga . • . Educati on at the Universal Expo sition , 1904 : (a) F rom the poin t of view of the Chief of the Depart- 1nent: How ARD J. ROGERS, chief of Department of Educa ­ tion, St. Louis , Mo. (b) Exhibit of the United States Bureau of Educat ion: W. T. HARRIS, United States Commissioner of Education , Washington, D. C. (c) Some City Exhibits ; Their Purpose and Plan : F. Lou rs SOLDAN, superintendent of schools, St. Lou is, ~1o.; ANDREW W. EosoN, associate super­ intendent of schools, New York city; ALDRRT G. L ANE , district super intendent of schools, Chicago, Ill . 2 :30 p . m. ,. Topic- The Cours e of Study in Elementar y a nd Second­ ary Schools . (a) The Superintendent's Influence on the Course of Study: WILLIAM H. ELSON, superintendent of schools Grand Rapids, Mich. Discuss ion" led by CHARLES M. ]OR DAN, superinten ­ dent of schools, M inneapolis, Minn. (b) What Omissions are Advisable in the Present Course of Study, and what should be the Basis for the Same: FRANK M. McMURRV, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York city. D iscuss ion led by E. H. MARK, superintendent of schools , L ouisvi 11e, Ky.; J. H. PH ILLIPS, superinten­ dent of sc h ools, Birmingham, Ala.; CLINTON S . MARSH , super intendent of schools, Auburn, N. Y. 2. Athletics a nd Other Collateral A ctivities in Secondary Schools : PAUL H. SAUNDERS, University of Mississippi, University P. 0 ., Miss . Discussion led by F. D. BOYNTON, superintendent of schoo ls, I thaca, N. Y. 3. Busin ess; Appointment of Committee s. 3 4 :00 p. 111. 1?01111dTable Session of State a11d Cou11ty Snperinte11- de11/s Leader-RrcnARD C. BARRETT, of Iowa. Topic- The Recognition of Certificate s and Diplomas granted (a) by State and County Authorities , ( b) by Schools of Education: L. E . W OLFE, supe ri ntendent of schools, San An ­ tonio , Texas. Discussion led by G. W. NASH, state s uperintendent of public instruction, Pierre, S. Dak. 8:15 p . 111. Address -(Speaker to be supplied.) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 9 :30 a. m . r. Declaration of Educational Principles with Es1,ecial Ref­ erence to the Needs of the:south: (a) CHARLES W .' DABNEY, president of University of Te nnessee, I{noxv ille , Te nn.; (b) C HARLES D . M cl vER, pres ident of State No rmal and In dus tri al College, Greensbo ro, N. C. 2. The Factory Child: LAWTON B . EVANS, superintendent of schoo ls Augusta, Ga . 11:J0a . m . DUSINESS SESS ION. r. l{e1,orls of Special Committ ees . (a) Report of Committee on Co-operation of State Assoc iations to promote the cause of Simp lified Spc llin g-W. H . ELSON. Grand Rap ids, Mich. , chairman. (b) Report of Comm ittee of Conference on a Universa l System of K ey No t ati on- E . 0 . VA ILE, Oak Park, Ill. , chairman . 2 . Report of Nominating Committee; Election of Officers . 3. Selection of the next Place of Meeting . 4 . Miscellaneous Business. 2 :30 p. m . flo1111dTable Session of City S11perillte11de11ts Leader-EowrN G. COOLEY, superintendent of schools, Chicago, Ill Topic - The Suppl y and the Compensation of Teacher s. (a) The Expediency of I mpor ti ng Teachers of Proved Mer it from wi thou t the C it y or T own: SAMUEL T . D UTTON, T eachers Co llege, Columbia Univers ity , New Y ork city. Discussion led by A LE XAN D ER T. STUART, superin ­ tendent of pub lic instruction, W ash ington D . C. (b) Should Teachers be R equired to Present from Time to Time Evidences of Increased Scholarsh ip? If so, of What Natu re-Examinations, Cert ificates, or Credits from R ecogn ized Institutions of Learn ­ ing? WALTER H. SMALL, superintendent of schools, Providence, R. I. 4 Discussion led by E. C. BRANSON, president, State Norma1:school, Athens, Ga. (c) The Laborer is Worthy of His Hire -(Speaker to be supplied) (J) The Value of Schools for E-xperimentat1on and Practice-(Speakers to be supplied) Ro1111clTable Session of State and County Superi11/e11- de11ts Leadcr-R1c }:ARD C . BARRRTT, of Iov1a . Topic-Increasing the Efficiency of Rural Schools: ARTHUR LEFEVRE, state superintendent of public instruction, Austin, Texas. Discussion of this topic from the following points of view: (a) Consolidation of Schools: J. Y. JOYNER, state superintendent of public instruc­ tion, Raleigh, N. C.; WILLIAM N . SHEATS, state superintendent of public instruction , Ta11ahaEffC, Fla.; JOSEPH D. EGGLESTON, ]R., superintendent of schools, Prince Edward County, Worsham, Va. (b) Improvements in course of Study and System of Grading: DELOS FALL, state superintendent of public i11struc­ tion, Lansing 1 Mich.; Mrs. HELEN L. GRENFELL, state superintendent of public instruction, Denver, Colo . ; CHARLES P. CARY, state superintendent of public instruction, Madison, Wis. (c) Higher Standards in the Employment of Teachers: F. P. VENADLH, president of University o[ North Carolina, Chapel IIill, N. C.; P. P. CLAXTON,de­ partment of education, University of Tenn essee , l(noxvillc, Tenn.; M. L. BRITTAIN, superintendent of schools, Fulton County, Atlanta, Ga. (d) Expert Supervision: CHARLES R. SKINNER, state superintendent of public instruction, Albany, N. Y.; IsAAC W. HILL, state superintendent of education, Montgomery, Ala .; THOMAS SHARP, superintendent of schools, Guilford County, N. C. 8:15 p. m. Address-The Ethical Element in Education: WALTER B. HILL, chancellor of the University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 9:30 a . m . Topic- Administration and Supervision: (a) The Superintendent, a Man of Affairs: WILLIAM H. MAXWELL, superintendent of schools, New York city. Discussion led by SEYMOUR A. 1v1YNDERS, state super­ intendent of public instruction, Nashville, Tenn.; L. D. BONEBRAKE, state comn1issioner of common schools, Columbus, 0. (b) The Assistant to the Superintendent, his Functions and Methods of Work: Miss ALICE E. REYNOLDS, supervisor of schools New Haven, Conn. 5 (c) The Management of Special Departments, such as Manual Training: C. N. KENDALL, superintendent of schools, Indian­ apolis, Ind. Discussion led by J. C. FANT, superintendent of schools, Meridian, Miss. (d) The Teacher-Beneficiary or Victim? Miss CELESTIAS. PARRISH, Athens, Ga. 2:00 .p. m. Topic-Extension of Public School Privileges: (a) The Organization of a System of Evening Schools THOMAS M. BALLIET, superintendent of schools, Springfield, Mass. Discussion led by EDWIN F. MOULTON superinten­ dent of instruction, Cleveland, 0.; CHARLES S. Foos, superintendent of schools, Reading, Pa. (b) Adult Education as Illustrated by the Free Lecture System of New York city: HENRY ?\'L LEIPZIGER, supervisor of lectures, Board of Education, New York city, (c) University Extension for Teachers in Service: R. H. HALSEV, president, State Normal School Oshkosh, Wis.: (d) Vacation Schools Playgrounds, and Recreation Centres : Miss EVANGELTNE E. WHITNEY, district superin. tendent of schools, New York city. Discussion led by B. E. NELSON, superintendent of schools, Lincoln, Ill . TUE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF EDUCATION This society will hold two meetings; one at 4 o'clock P. M., Monday. the 22d, and the other at 2.:30 P, M., Wed- nesday, the 24th. The printed Year Book of this society sent to - members contains papers discussing: The Relation of Theory to Practice in Education. W. S. JACKMAN, President. THE SOCIETY OF COLLEGE TEACHERS OF EDUCA­ TION The program of this society will consist of preliminary reports from the chairmen of the several committees ap­ pointed to collect data regarding the work in p'edagogy in colleges and universities in this country and abroad, as follows: l-/istory of Education-Professor ELMER E . BROWN, Univer­ sity of California. Organization and A dn-zinis /ration-Professor PA UL H. I-JANUS, Harvard University. The Theory of Education-Professor CHARLES DE GAR'10, Cornell University. Practical Work-Professor JAMES E. RUSSELL, Teachers College, Columbia University. Ed ·ucational Psychology-Professor ELLA FLAGG YOUNG, University of Chicago. M. V. O'SHEA, Secretary. 6 HOTEL RATES The following hote l rates arc guara nt eed: Piedmont Hotel -Headquarters; rso ava ilable rooms.
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