The Osteopathic Physician January 1903 Vol. 3, No. 2 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) and Michigan Auxiliary to the Macomb County Osteopathic Association May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine SM (formerly Still National Osteopathic Museum) 'Pioneer Day·.$ Edition. THE OSTEOPAT Ie HYSICIAN THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN OSTEORATHIC ASSOCIATION. Volu%ne 3. CHICAGO, JANU:ARY, 1903. granted no privileges in the "Proposed Medical ILLINOIS WILL ASK Bill." REVIEWS PIONEER DAYS FOR A NEW LAW. What We 'Propoore doing, And Why. Ai a called meeting of the Legislative Com­ Dr. "Bill" Smith Recounts His Meeting mittee, held at Dr. A. S. Melvin's office, in Chi. Will Frame a Bill Out and Out Os­ cago, on January 7, 1903, we decided, after due with Dr. Still. teopathic. consideration, ,to frame "A Bill to Regulate the Practice of Osteopathy in the Sta-te of Illinois, and Establishing a Board of Osteopathic Reg­ HOW THE A. S. O. STARTED. istration and Examination," which will be DECIDES TO ACT ALONE. printed in pamphlet fOTm and mailed to A Gossipy Review of the Beginning of Our eve'ry Osteopath in the State, that he Profelsion of Special Interost to Every Practitioner. Report Is l\lade Herewith By Dr. J. D. Cun­ or she may use influence directly or in­ nioJ:ham, Bloomington, TIl., Chairman directly, through patients or ()therwise, of the Lel:"isiative Committee. with members of the Legislature. Let us all "But, damn it-he cures them!" put a shoulder to the wheel and help raise the These were the words' that first interested me standard of Osteopathy in minois! Why we in Osteopathy, that led me to meet Dr. Still, The expression at the Peoria meeting of the should have better legislation needs no explana­ and that laid the foundation for ten years of illinois Osteopathic Association, July 4th anj tion to those acquainted with the Medical Prac­ hard work in the interests of ,the science. 5th, 1902, is sanctioned b~ the legislative com­ tice Act, approved April 24, 1899, and in force I was in Kirksville, Mo., in the month oi July 1, 1899, under which we are practicing. June, 1892. In an office on the South side of tht) mittee. square I met Dr. McCarthy, who was bitterly After full and free discussion at the Peoria expressing his feelings at the decline of medi, meeting of the minois Osteopathic Association, cal praotice in the town, s'tating that "an olrl it was unanimously adopte'd that we secure, 1f quack had killed business." I remar~ed that possible, better legislation. A Legislative Com­ nothing would please me more, were I in prac­ mittee was appointed and given full power to act tice, than the presence of a quack; he would· as it deemed' best, realilOing the fact that the make business. To that, McCarthy replied in the words with which I begin this article. 1 character of a Legislature might make it very told him that, in that case, if he cured th'! . difficult, if not impossible, to secure the pas­ people, he was, in my opinion, no quack, but r;age of an Independent Bill, while at the same simply a man of greater eJ>.-perience. I backed time we might be able to coopera;te with the up my opinion by going over to see the so- M. D.'s and secure recognition in "A Proposed calle'd quack. , Bill for the -Regulation of the Practice of Medi, I found an office III an old" log cottage, which cine, and Establi hing a Board of Medical Ex· was simply filled with persons reciting to one aminers," which will be presented in tbe pres­ another wond,ers, which they had either ex, perienced themselves or seen otbers experience. ent Legislature. And' which, if passed, means I remained, made an appointment for half an that the "State Board of HeaHh" will be made hour of the doctor's time that evening at the a Sanitary Board, and appl.icants for examina­ Pool hotel, and waited from that moment im­ tion from all schools will submit themselves pa,tiently for the evening 'to come. At that to this Board, composed of Allopaths. This office I bad' heard enough to interest me. made the other school of Medicine indignan t, At the appointea. hour the Old Doctor en, and' "We have ascertained that .the Homeopatbs, tered my room. Our conversation lasted-not Physio-Medics, Electics, etc., will combine on Q half an hour, but four hours. I sat entranced; bill of their own. the theories he introduced were so novel, so con·trary to all I had ever read or heard, that What We Ha'tJe 'Done. I failed to follow his reasoning. Arguments From the time of the Peoria meeting of the as to their impossibility were &imply met with 1. O. A. this committee has worked incessantly, the one statement: "But it IS so! there are holding meetings from time to ,time to con­ no ifs and ands about it; I do what I tell you; sider our position and best mode of proceedure_ and ,the people get well." At length I asked Also, we have had interviews with State offi­ for proof, and, until two o'clock the next morn· cials and those concerned in legislative work ing I was going from boarding-house to board­ in behalf of the State Medical Society. We WILLIAM SMITH, M. D., D O. ing-house seeing patients and getting confirma offered amendments to their bill, appointing tion. I was satisfied that cures were ma<Le; ,a representa'tive member on their board, or We have NO law. It is true we are licensed of that there could be no doubt. But let me in­ the appointment of a committee of three Os­ by the State Board of Healt'h by ,examination; terrupt myself. Before ever I saw Dr. Still, I teopaths by the Governor, to work in conjunc­ but not on examination in the Theory, Prin­ knew that McCarthy's statement that he DID tion with the Board, who56 duty would be to ciples and Practice of Osteopathy. Why? Be­ cure was true, for McCarthy told me at that examien applicants in the Theory, Principles cause the Board is composed of medical exam­ time that Dr. Still had cured him eight months and Practice of Osteopathy, and, at the rec­ iners who do not know the fundamental prin· • before of asthma of long standing. ommendation of the committee, the applicant ciples of Osteopathy. Therefore the qualifica­ To make a long story sbort, we sat and talked should be examined further by the Board. Also, tions of an Osteopath in his own schoor of prac­ on the stoop of Dr. Still's house till four o'clock, we submi·tted, other amendments that we thought tice is not considered. and' when I went back to the hotel it was with "Would strengthen iheir Bill, where, in our estI­ What We Want 'D. O. 'or To 'Do To the understanding ;that in July I would come mation, it seemed weak. We were shown it to Kirksville to teach Anatomy to a small cla&a Supreme Court decision referring to ,the prac­ Help, and How To 'Do It. and myself to learn Osteopathy. What an ex· tice of medicine under one of two heads­ To the D. O.'s, we wish to impress upon ample we have here! As Dr. Heiny Marks said either "Medicine and Surgery in all Its your mind that a Legislative work cannot blJ to me at the City Hospital in the October of Branches" or "Other Methods"-wherein no carried on without money. The Committee ha~ that year: "Still is a philanthropist, but a fool; school can be recognized by name in a Bill. been put to considerable expense, also giving the he could keep that knowledge to bimself ana In this connection, let us say that we were time of its members, while you have been at his family-make himself and themal1 rich; but shown every courtesy by our Medical brethren home enjoying a lucrative practice, perhaps giv- he gives it to ,the world. We need more men in these interviews, but that availed nothing ,ing the matter very little thought. We should like thai." as regards our legal status' and from what the nat stay in our cradle all our lives because we Our lit-tle class opened in Sep,tember. I can committee can ascertain, the Osteopath will be [Continued on Page 8.] shut my eyes now and see that gathering in a OSTEO?ATHIC HEALTH WILL NOT CA~~Y SCHOOL A1JVE~TISE­ ME,NTS IN THE FE'B~VA~YISSVE O~ THE~EAFTE~. .. The O. P." iJ a }{ewJpaper. 2 THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN small back room of the tumble-down cottage. carried ,to bim on a stretcher at Eldorado the ELECTRIC METAL LOCATING COM­ Eighteen students were there «he class subse· Springs, to find out if he could be cured of hi. PANY in the future. quently had tw,mty-three members), and eac:·, asthma. Those were before my time; but m:, Another $100,000 is needed for the de­ and ,everyone thiire was there not for the 'experi~nce in Osteopathy, my knowledge of it velopment of the good properties already money there was in it, but had either been a leads me to look for a gr~at future for it. Ti,e acquired by this company and in explora­ sufferer and was cured by OSlteopa't'hy or a seed has been SOW'l; the soil ha been tended tion for additional ones.
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