The Legendary Purim PURIM 5718 In the Austrian Winter BEHIND THE PICTURE THE STORY OF THE מבצע הדפסת תניא Retaining Chassidus CHAZZARA AND HANACHA $2.00 IN DOR HASHVI’I - PART II ADAR II 5776 ISSUE 42 (119) DerherContents ADAR II 5776 ISSUE 42 (119) Yom Huledes 04 DVAR MALCHUS The Legendary Purim 06 PURIM 5718 Jump Into the Sea 14 KSAV YAD KODESH Complete Trust 16 HORAOS V’HADROCHOS Retaining Chassidus - Part II 18 CHAZZARA AND HANACHA IN DOR HASHVI’I The Momentous Gathering About the Cover: INSIGHTS IN HAKHEL The cover of this month’s magazine features a photograph of 38 Chassidim printing the Tanya in enemy territory, in Beirut, The Cost of Clarity Lebanon, during the IDF campaign “Peace in the Galilee.” MOSHIACH UGEULAH Shortly afterwards, on 13 Tammuz 5742, the Rebbe spoke of these Tanyas as they laid on his table at the farbrengen. 40 DerherEditorial The yom tov of Purim holds very deep meaning on the theme of Purim, and how it should bring a person to according to Chassidus, beginning with the mesirus nefesh forget about his personal needs. One should pick himself up of all the Yidden at the time of the story, culminating with higher above all these ‘trivial’ issues—even the things that he our serving Hashem in a thinks are very important to his avodas Hashem. Think only—עד דלא ידע the obligation of manner transcending all limitations; a result of Hashem’s about Hashem Himself! unconditional love for us. Purim is the day when the “etzem “...Hashem asks the Jewish people on Purim: ‘Each of haneshamah” shines. Our intrinsic bond with Hashem is you should use at least a few moments of the twenty-four revealed. hour period to forget about yourself, your b’nei bayis, about At the Rebbe’s Purim farbrengens, perhaps it could be what you are lacking in gashmiyus and ruchniyus… In this said, this notion was most apparent. In this regard, the manner, you will be able to lift yourself up to the highest of Rebbe’s chozer, Reb Yoel Kahn relates: heights, and continue the great joy [of Purim] throughout “The Rebbe’s Purim farbrengens, especially in the earlier the whole year…’” (See more in Toras Menachem vol. 13 p. years, were a very special phenomenon. The Rebbe was 324). in a very joyful spirit; a joy that broke all boundaries. We In this spirit, we present the Adar Sheini edition of witnessed many giluyim as the Rebbe expressed himself with the Derher, at the center of which you will read about the a different and more outstanding style than usual. Within “legendary” farbrengen of Purim 5718. the Rebbe’s joy, one sensed his deep sentiment of ahavas We also continue with the second of a two-part series Hashem, ahavas haTorah, and ahavas Yisroel. on the process of chazzara and hanacha of Chassidus, along “I recall once, in 5715, when people lined up to ask the with the regular set of columns and featured articles that Rebbe for brachos during the farbrengen. After the line comprise the Derher magazine. finished, the Rebbe grew very serious, and he spoke at length ב"ה Feel the Other 43 ARUM CHASSIDUS Tanya to the World 46 THE PRINTING TANYAS CAMPAIGN 46 Cheshbon HaNefesh 62 DARKEI HACHASSIDUS A Merited Shidduch 66 A STORY 06 In the Austrian Winter 68 BEHIND THE PICTURE Letters to the Editor 72 18 A Chassidisher Derher Magazine is a publication geared toward Bochurim, published and copyrighted by Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Haolomi. All articles in this publication are original content by the staff of A Chassidisher Derher. One of the themes of Purim oft-quoted by Vaad Talmidei Chabad Lubavitch of Long Island Rabbi Shmuel Lesches Hatmimim Library of Rabbi Sholom Dovber Levine Rabbi Tzvi Altein כל הפושט יד נותנים the Rebbe is the halacha of Agudas Chasidei Chabad Rabbi Zalman Levine the obligation to give tzedaka to anyone—לו Editors Kehot Publication Society Rabbi Shmuel Lubecki Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov who stretches out their hand. Kfar Chabad Magazine Elie Robinson Rabbi Moshe Zaklikovsky The Rebbe once explained (Sefer Hasichos Pinny Lew Rabbi Michoel Seligson Advisory Committee also means that each Shmuel ben Tzvi Rabbi Levi Shemtov יד p. 572 fn. 95) that 5749 Rabbi Mendel Alperowitz Vaad Hanochos B’Lahak Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin one should stretch out his hand to receive the Rabbi Dovid Olidort Yeshiva Gedolah Melbourne Rabbi Tuvia Teldon brachos from the nossi hador (who will, in turn, Design Special Thanks to receive them from Hashem Himself). At the Rabbi Mendy Weg Rabbi Levi Treitel Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook same time, the nossi hador (and the Aibershter Photo Credits Rabbi Zushe Wolf Jewish Educational Media Chaplain Yaakov Goldstein Printed by stretches out his hand to pour out Rabbi Mendel Gourarie The Print House (כביכול brachos for all good things. Reproduction of any portion of this Magazine is not permissible without express permission May we be zoche this Purim to the greatest from the copyright holders, unless for the use of brief quotations in reviews and similar venues. :Submit your questions and comments גאולה האמיתית והשלימה תיכף of all brachos, the Call: (970) 680 3370 | Email: [email protected] To subscribe, order a copy, or access back issues visit us at www.Derher.org !ומיד ממש נא לשמור על קדושת הגליון. !A freilich’n Purim The Editors A Chassidisher Derher is honored to feature unique and historic photos from Jewish Educational Media’s Living Archive photo collection. The Living Archive is a project to preserve, and provide access to the video, audio, and photographic recordings of the Rebbe. These photos are copyright by JEM and are available at TheLivingArchive.org YOM HULEDES A Personal Day Have you ever counted how many breaths “For every single breath that a person takes he should praise you take each day? Hashem,” instructs the Midrash, and then provides us with a - כל הנשמה תהלל י-ה הללוי-ה' reason; “Because it says in a possuk Now imagine that after each breath you everything with a soul will praise Hashem.’ Instead of reading it stopped whatever you were in middle of neshama, soul, read it as neshima, breath.” Meaning, that for every and thanked Hashem for it. breath one should praise Hashem. Now despite this explicit directive, we look around at the In this sicha the Rebbe quotes a Midrash world, even the world of Torah, and we can see that this is not the that says to do just that. accepted practice. There is a good reason for this, as the Gemara You don’t do that? Well neither does anyone tells us that saying Hallel every day is actually compared to else because it is not the accepted minhag blaspheming. This is because if we were to praise Hashem for every miracle, of Yidden. See how the Rebbe explains this then we should be thanking Him every moment of the day for with a Gemora about not saying Hallel creating the world. The possuk says, “He renews in His goodness every day. The Rebbe then ties this in with every day the works of creation.” Chassidus takes this a step the special qualities of a birthday. further and explains that the renewal of all creation actually This article is based on the opening sicha of occurs at every moment, and if Hashem would stop for even a moment, the world would revert back to nothingness, just as it the Yud-Aleph Nissan farbrengen in 5722, was before creation. Despite the greatness of this constant miracle, and we present it here in honor of 25 Adar, it is not new; we have become accustomed to it and call it ‘nature.’ the Rebbetzin’s birthday - and the day the Therefore we do not offer constant words of thanks for this. Rebbe launched “mivtza yom huledes.” During the six days of creation, when the novelty of creation was clear to all, then it would arouse a recital of Hallel. Hashem has directed us in His Torah that we only offer this type of praise ADAR II 5776 4 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER PHOTO: JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 104489 PHOTO: לע"נ הרה"ת ר' יהושע בנימין בן הרה"ת ר' שלום דובער גארדאן ע"ה שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר למעלה מארבעים שנה ב"וואלי", קליפורניה נלב"ע כ"ט שבט ה'תשע"ו נדפס ע"י הרה"ת ר' משה וזוגתו מרת קריינדי קליין “Once a year, however, this idea does come as a novelty and that is on one’s birthday.” when it is a clear novelty and needs no revealed recently by the Frierdiker equated to matan Torah, because at explanations. Rebbe. that point you become obligated to This also explains why we don’t A birthday has two main fulfill the Torah and mitzvos. say Hallel on Purim, despite the factors. One is that it is a time With this greatness in mind, we magnitude of the salvation, because it of introspection, a time for each still see that a bar mitzvah bochur is was hidden within the rules of nature. individual to sit alone and think about required to say tachanun on that day. It is now clear why we don’t say the year that passed and how he can In a similar vein, it is known that the praise to Hashem for every breath correct his past misdeeds. The second Rebbeim didn’t omit tachanun on any of air that we take, although the idea is the idea that a person’s mazel is yom hilula. As the Tzemach Tzedek makes sense and is always happening shining strong in a way that it requires says, “Being that a yom hilula is an in our minds, nevertheless it doesn’t a praising of Hashem.
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