Infantry Weapons Infantry Weapons

Infantry Weapons Infantry Weapons

Infantry Weapons US Pistols Weapon: Colt M1911A1 Type: Pistol .45 ACP Damage: 4D+2 Range: 25 / 50 / 75 Ammo: 7 box ROF: 3 Description: This weapon was the mainstay for the US military since its introduction in 1942. The 1911A1 boasted an incredible knockdown capability that would ensure that your enemy would go down and stay down no matter where he was hit. The weapon also had a quicker recovery rate from recoil than many service revolvers allowing the shooter to get rounds off more quickly. Weapon: Colt M1917 Revolver Type: Pistol .45 caliber Damage: 4D+1 Range: 30 / 60 / 80 Ammo: 6 ROF: 1 Description: A long time standard service weapon for the US military. It was used in conjunction with the M1911A1 throughout WWII. Weapon: Liberator Model 1942 Type: Pistol .45 ACP Damage: 3D+1 Range: 10 / 20 / 30 Ammo: Single Shot ROF: 1 / 2 Description: A cheap, mass produced one shot weapon intended to be airdropped to resistance groups in enemy held territory. Not very effective at long ranges, but could be a useful backup in a pinch. Weapon: Smith & Wesson Model 10 “Victory” Type: Pistol .38 S&W caliber Damage: 4D Range: 15 / 30 / 45 Ammo: 6 ROF: 1 Description: Another popular revolver in use throughout the war. Many Victory Models were used by British, Canadian and Australian troops as well. US Rifles Weapon: Browning M1918A2 B.A.R. Type: Rifle .30-06 Springfield Damage: 6D Range: 150 / 300 / 550 Ammo: 20 box ROF: 10 Description: The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) was a standard automatic rifle in use by many troops throughout the war in both the European and Pacific theaters. The M1918A2 was re-designed to be fired in full automatic only but with an adjustable rate of fire. The ROF listed here is the maximum. Weapon: M1 Garand Type: Rifle .30-06 Springfield Damage: 5D+2 75 / 325 / 800 Range: Ammo: 8 stripper clip ROF: 16 Description: The M1 Garand was the main semi-auto rifle issued to frontline US troops. It was designed as a replacement for the aging Springfield M1903 bolt action rifle. Weapon: M1 Carbine Type: Rifle .30 carbine Damage: 5D+1 Range: 65 / 300 / 600 Ammo: 15 or 30 box ROF: 20 Description: The M1 Carbine is a semi-automatic rifle used by troops throughout the war. It was originally designed for troops in the rear, paratroopers and support personnel to replace the heavier M1 Garand. Weapon: M2 Carbine Type: Rifle .30 carbine Damage: 5D+1 Range: 65 / 300 / 600 Ammo: 15 or 30 box ROF: 20 Description: A selective fire version of the M1 Carbine. Weapon: Springfield M1903 A1 Type: Rifle .30-06 Springfield Damage: 7D Range: 150 / 400 / 800 Ammo: 5 stripper clip ROF: 1 Description: Introduced in 1903 as the main frontline combat rifle for US troops, this bolt action weapon remained in service throughout World War Two as an effective weapon for sniping. US Sub -Machine guns Weapon: Thompson Model 1928 Type: SMG .45 ACP Damage: 4D+2 Range: 35 / 75 / 110 Ammo: 30 box / 50 drum ROF: 35 Description: One in a long line of Thompson sub-machine guns, the Model 1928 was widely used by Marines and Navy personnel. Weapon: Thompson M1 “Tommie Gun” Type: SMG .45 ACP Damage: 4D+2 Range: 35 / 75 / 110 Ammo: 30 box ROF: 30 Description: A cheaper design of the M1928 Thompson. It had a slower rate of fire and reduced ammunition capacities and a horizontal fore grip in place of the pistol type. Weapon: M3 “Grease Gun” Type: SMG .45 ACP Damage: 4D Range: 60 / 125 / 200 Ammo: 30 box ROF: 10 Description: The M3 was designed as a cheaper, mass-produced sub-machine gun to replace the standard Thompson “Tommie Gun”. It got its name from its similarity in appearance with an automotive grease gun and an oil reservoir in the pistol grip. The M3 was not as efficient as the Thompson but its inexpensive production in large quantities outweighed any drawbacks. US Machine guns Weapon: Browning M1919A4 / A6 Type: Machine Gun .30-06 Damage: 7D+2 Range: 125 / 475 / 1,000 Ammo: 250 belt ROF: 12 Description: The M1919A4 was a light machine gun used by infantry troops in great numbers throughout the war. It was mounted on a tripod for field use and could also be mounted on a vehicle for armored units. The A6 model was fitted with a bipod and wooden butt stock for easier field carry and usage. Weapon: Browning M2 HB Type: Machine Gun .50 caliber Damage: 9D Range: 200 / 725 / 1,830 Ammo: 100 belt ROF: 3 Description: The standard heavy machine gun in use by US troops. The weapon has a slower rate of fire than the lighter Browning 1919, but packs a heavier punch with each hit. It was dubbed the “Ma Deuce” or simply fifty cal by the soldiers who used it. The weapon is typically fitted on aircraft and ground vehicles, but can also be mounted on a tripod for use by ground forces. US Anti -Tank Weapons Weapon: M1A1 Bazooka Type: AT M6A1 Rocket Launcher Damage: 10D Range: 50 / 65 / 80 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 2 Description: Weapon: M9 Bazooka Type: AT M6A3C Rocket Launcher Damage: 12D+1 Range: 60 / 80 / 110 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 2 Description: Weapon: M2-2 Flamethrower Type: Flamethrower Damage: 5D Range: 10 / 18 / 36 Ammo: 9 ROF: 1 Description: British Pistols Weapon: Enfield No. 2 Revolver Mk.I* Type: Pistol .38 British Service Damage: 4D Range: 10 / 25 / 35 Ammo: 6 ROF: 2 Description: Weapon: Webley Mk.IV Type: Pistol .38 British Service Damage: 3D+2 Range: 10 / 25 / 35 Ammo: 6 ROF: 2 Description: Weapon: Webley Mk.VI Type: Pistol .455 British Service Damage: 5D Range: 10 / 25 / 35 Ammo: 6 ROF: 2 Description: Welrod Mk.I Assassination Weapon: Pistol Type: Pistol 9mm Parabellum Damage: 3D Range: 3 / 8 / 12 Ammo: 6 box ROF: 1 / 2 Description: Welrod Mk.II Assassination Weapon: Pistol Type: Pistol .32 Browning ACP Damage: 3D+2 Range: 2 / 5 / 8 Ammo: 4 box ROF: 1 / 2 Description: British Rifles Weapon: De Lisle Carbine Type: Rifle .45 ACP Damage: 5D Range: 80 / 125 / 250 Ammo: 8 box ROF: 2 Description: Weapon: Lee-Enfield No. 4 Rifle Mk.I Type: Rifle .303 British Mk.VII Ball Damage: 7D+1 Range: 150 / 275 / 500 Ammo: 10 magazine ROF: 1 Description: Weapon: Lee-Enfield No. 5 Rifle Mk.I Type: Rifle .303 British Mk.VII Ball Damage: 7D+1 Range: 250 / 400 / 700 Ammo: 10 magazine ROF: 1 Description: British sub -machine guns Weapon: Sten Mk.I / II Type: SMG 9mm Parabellum Damage: 3D+2 Range: 20 / 40 / 70 Ammo: 32 magazine ROF: 10 Description: Weapon: S.T.En Mk.II S (silenced) Type: SMG 9mm Parabellum Damage: 3D Range: 15 / 35 / 50 Ammo: 32 magazine ROF: 10 Description: Weapon: Sten Mk.III Type: SMG 9mm Parabellum Damage: 4D Range: 20 / 40 / 70 Ammo: 32 magazine ROF: 10 Description: Weapon: Sten Mk.V Type: SMG 9mm Parabellum Damage: 4D Range: 20 / 40 / 70 Ammo: 32 magazine ROF: 10 Description: British machine guns Weapon: Bren Mk.I Type: Light MG .303 British Damage: 7D+1 Range: 150 / 375 / 550 Ammo: 30 box ROF: 43 Description: Weapon: Lewis Mk.I Type: Light MG .303 British Damage: 6D+2 Range: 150 / 375 / 550 47 or 97 round overhead drum Ammo: magazine ROF: 46 Description: Weapon: Vickers MG Type: Medium MG .303 British Damage: 7D Range: 275 / 785 / 1,500 Ammo: 250 belt ROF: 50 Description: British Anti -Tank Weapons Weapon: Boyes .55 Mk.I Type: Anti-Tank Rifle 13.9mm Damage: 9D Range: 250 / 500 / 800 Ammo: 5 stripper clip ROF: 1 / 2 Description: Weapon: P.I.A.T. Mk.I Type: Anti-Tank HEAT Launcher Damage: 10D Range: 20 / 45 / 90 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 3 Description: British Flamethrowers Weapon: Flamethrower No.2 Mk.II Type: Flamethrower Damage: 5D Range: 10 / 25 / 35 Ammo: 10 ROF: 1 Description: German pistols Weapon: Pistole Parabellum P08 "Luger" Type: Pistol 9mm Parabellum Damage: 3D+2 Range: 10 / 35 / 70 Ammo: 8 box ROF: 2 Description: Weapon: Selbstladepistole Walther P38 Type: Pistol 9mm Parabellum Damage: 3D+2 Range: 10 / 35 / 70 Ammo: 8 box ROF: 2 Description: Weapon: Walther PP Type: Pistol 9mm Parabellum Damage: 3D Range: 10 / 20 / 30 Ammo: 8 box ROF: 2 Description: Weapon: Walther PPK Type: Pistol 9mm Parabellum Damage: 2D+2 Range: 12 / 25 / 35 Ammo: 7 box ROF: 2 Description: German rifles Weapon: Karabiner 43 Type: Rifle 7.92mm Damage: 7D+2 Range: 125 / 450 / 800 Ammo: 10 magazine ROF: 3 Description: Weapon: Karabiner 98k Type: Rifle 7.92mm Damage: 7D Range: 120 / 425 / 750 Ammo: 5 magazine ROF: 2 Description: Weapon: Sturmgewehr 44 Type: Rifle 7.62mm Damage: 8D Range: 125 / 450 / 800 Ammo: 30 magazine ROF: 8 Description: German sub -machine guns Weapon: Maschinenpistole 40 Type: SMG 9mm Parabellum Damage: 3D+2 Range: 75 / 130 / 200 Ammo: 32 magazine ROF: 10 Description: German Machine Guns Weapon: Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 Mk.II Type: Light / Medium Machine Gun Damage: 8D Range: 200 / 600 / 1,000 Ammo: 20 box ROF: 33 Description: Weapon: Maschinengewehr 34 Type: Light Machine Gun Damage: 7D+2 Range: 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 Ammo: 250 Belt ROF: 75 Description: Weapon: Maschinengewehr 42 Type: Heavy Machine Gun Damage: 8D+2 Range: 500 / 1,200 / 2,200 Ammo: 250 Belt ROF: 100 Description: German Anti -Tank Weapons Weapon: Granatbuchse 39 Type: Anti-Tank Rifle HE Grenades Damage: 10D Range: 120 / 260 / 500 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 2 Description: Weapon: Panzerbüchse 39 Type: Anti-Tank Rifle 7.92mm Damage: 8D+2 Range: 150 / 300 / 500 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 2 Description: Weapon: Panzerfaust 30 Type: Anti-Tank Rocket Damage: 12D Range: 10 / 20 / 30 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 3 Description: Weapon: Panzerfaust 60 Type: Anti-Tank Rocket Damage: 12 D+2 Range: 20 / 40 / 60 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 3 Description: Weapon: Panzerfaust 100 Type: Anti-Tank Rocket Damage: 13D Range: 30 / 60 / 100 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 3 Description: Weapon: Panzerschreck 54 Type: Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Damage: 13D+1 Range: 50 / 110 / 180 Ammo: 1 ROF: 1 / 2 Description: German Fla methro wers Weapon: Flammenwerfer 41 Type: Flamethrower Damage: 5D Range: 10 / 20 / 32 Ammo: 10 ROF: 1 Description: .

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