MEM @-S.90 -5.80 25.50 @ 25.50 @ 25.45 25.10 @ 25.00 @ 25.00 @ 24,9s @ 24,60 @ 24,55 qb24,50 @ 24.50 year no. 30 @ 24,55 September 24,1968 qb24,4s qb 24,10 23.10 Release Male-Sterile 18.40 18.20 3@ 18.20 Hybrid Wheat 5@ 18,00 Strains 17.90 Another step toward hybrid protein content of hybrid wheat. )na 17.80 wheats for the Great Plains The Kansas station is releas- @ 17.70 states was announced by Dr. 5@ ing 25 grams of germ plasm of 17.65 Floyd W. Smith, director of theeach male -sterile variety, along )na 17,60 Kansas Agricultural experiment )@ with the propagator strainnec- 17.50 station at Kansas State universi-essary for increase and possible 5@ 17.45 ty use in developing hybrid wheats. p 17.30 The Kansas station and the Missing from the releaseare 17,20 Crops Research division of the J@ fertility -restoring varieties, call- 17.10 Agricultural Research Service,ed "R -lines," required for com- 5@ 16.90 USDA, are releasing six male- 9 mercial hybrid seed production. 16.90 sterile hard red winter wheat However, such lines are being @237.50 varieties to be used in produc- developed by the Joint USDA- @230.00 ing hybrid wheats. Kansas station arrangement. @185,50 The male -sterile strains orig- Any commercial seed com- inated at the Fort Hays branchpany, plant breeder or qualified ION of the Experiment station; threeperson may request seed of the were increased at other Kansaspaired male -sterile and propaga- experiment stationlocations. tor wheat strains being released. The male -sterile varieties be-Requests go to Dr. R. W. Livers, ing released are Scout, Tascona,Branch Experiment Station, Shawnee, Aztec, Kaw 61 and Hays67601. irys Concho. All possess cytoplasm The U.S. Department of Agri- from Triticum timopheeir,a culture has no seed for distribu- cereal that seems to increase tion. ans. Trucker Clinton Rollenhagen, Onaga, sold 12 steers anda cow last week. Clinton and his father Walter farmnear Onaga, inaPottawatomie County. Tax Surcharge Not Doing Job In Cooling Economy, Slowing Inflation n.Cattle The Commerce Department real growth rate remained just wain. officially admitted for the first under four per cent. time that a 10 per cent tax sur- Taking price increases into ac- charge imposed in July is hav- count, it would indicate the real ing an unexpectedly small im- growth rate remained just tin- pact on economic growth. der four per cent. r The International Monetary Commerce Secretary C. R. Fund this month urged the U.S. 9p 19,45 Smith followed up the announce- to bring its growth rate to a 7p 19,40 ment by warning that creeping'point well below four per cent sp 19,40 inflation could turn the U.S .into in order to restrain expansion. 3p 19,50 a second class trading power Smith said America could lose 4p 19,35- and undermine the nation's se- 19.30 curity. its pre-eminence in world trade 4p by pricing its goods and services 3p 19.40 19.10 The department predicted that out of world markets. 3p the gross national "A nation left prostrate by un Ong 19.45 product 19,20 (GNP)-- the total value of the controlled inflation is in no po- 3p f country's goods sition to defend itself against at- 4p 19.35 and services --- 18.00 would showa substantial in- tack, whatever formitmay 5@ 13,50 crease in the thirdquarter oftake," the Commerce secretary 1968. 5@ 13.70 said. op 15,80 The economy continues to He told the U.S. Air Force As- 7p 17,45 surge ahead because Americans sociation convention that failure 18.50 to achieve a healthy economic @ apparently would rather cut 17,00 base would mean that U.S. pres- @ back in theirsaving than reduce 16.75 tige and influence in world their spending,a commerce of- 16,50 ficial said. councils diminishes. ' The personalsavings rate, which grewthroughout 1967 FEEDER GRADING SCHOOL and early 1968,was believed to Al' YATES CENTER have dropped YATES CENTER - The Mar- back to its 1964-66 t1 level ofabout six per cent of keting Division of the Kansas IOU disposableincome. State Department of Agricul- Officialssaid they expected ture in cooperation with the CO. the currentquarter would show Standardization Branch, Live- a rise ofabout $15 billion in the stock Division, U.S. Department GNP. Thiswould be less than of Agriculture, is sponsoring a tO gains registeredin the first regional feeder livestock grad- half ofthe year but still about ing school at the Fairgrounds $5 billionmore than earlier in Yates Center at 9:30 a.m. Melon Man forecasts. Sept. 25. The grading of feeder Jim Clark, St. George, sold melons one day last week in Manhat- Taking ger price increases into cattle and feeder pigs will be tan. Jim and his father A. W. Clark have 12 acres of melons in western vls'n account, it would indicate the discussed. Pottawatomie County. - , was selected at PurdueAgricul- not apply for tural Experiment Station from acounty agentsseed through Soybean until t116 Two New cross of(Lincoln x Ogden) x ary 1, 1969. after Grass & Grain September 24, 1968 Hesaid eh k Much 2 Clark. Callano OK'd will beavailable Varieties sseiemdilarrules in ooder Two new soybeanvarieties, Calland's chief advantages are Kansas Grain Cutler and Calland,have been that it yields more than Wayne in fg? released by the USDA,the Kan- and distinctly more than Shelby, SuPPro McCULLOCH Experiment and it resists phytophthora root Farnlers sas Agricultural rot and is moderately resistant JuniorHereford more Station, and stationsin several ode] it, downy mildew. Unlike Wayne ain other states. Group Meeting 6;uppert loa Chief advantage ofCutler var- it has not shown iron deficiency iety is that it yields morethan in high pH soils, nor do its year, the more stems remain green after its At ment says. OILY Clark 63 and somewhat Wichita cro than Kent.Italso matures pods mature. It lodges less than The annualmeeting than Shelby or Wayne. Kansas Junior of about five days earlier HerefordAsk Clark63 ation will be held pOUOL Kent.Itoutyielded It is from a selection, (Black - Sept 29 in in 29 Kan- chita at the Broadview 4, PUTS YOU IN THE two bushels an acre hawk x Harosoy) x Kent, also Hote14.4 WORK SAVING, sas tests at eightlocations in made by the Purdue Agricultur- ginning witha banquet state. p.m. The election at 7:, TIME SAVING the soybean area of the al Experiment Station. of Cutler resists frog -eyeleaf follow. re WINNER'S CIRCLE moderately It has been tested in Califor- spot (race 2) but is following root nia, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, evenik WITH 2 GREAT susceptible to phytophthora Sept.30,the annual than KentKansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Heref NEW CHAIN SAWS! rot. It is more likely Club calf sale will to be damaged bydowny mil- Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey be heldate. and Ohio. 711%icohiptamUr.iTihonesSatloeckiys dew but less likely thanClark at is quite a rhdesld 63. Otherwise, Cutler Cutler was tested in those conjunction with the similar to Clark 63 andKent. It same states plus Iowa and Wichita South Dakota and Ontario, Can- GRASS' & GRAIN ada, and minus Kentucky and iation The Mid -Kansas news weekly. Maryland. Glenn Oleen of Falun,Kalisz Published each Tuesday at 1207 and secretary is Willa Moro,(Box 1009)Manhattan, In Kansas Cutler seed will be son of Abilene. Oleen Thorai, Kansas, 66502 by and k AG PRESS available to be planted only by hie Olivier of Harper Dean Coughenour certified seed growers in 1969. will 6N ficial delegates to theAmerico; E. R. Woodward Ted Walter, chairman of the National Junior Hereford Second classpostagepaidat Kansas State University seed co Manhattan, Kansas. vention which is heldin Kanso distribution committee, said ev- Cityal during the American Subscription: $3 year Roi. CIRCULATION 14,200 en certified seed growers should CUTS A 6 -INCH LOG IN SECONDS! CUTS LIKE SAWS TWICE ITS WEIGHT! CENTER BALANCED for ONE HAND CONTROL! Lift it, maneuver it, like a hand tool!It has the MUSCLE-you don't need any! Get more done -cut firewood, branches, 95 brush, posts-with less effort, without trying! A whole new concept in chain saws-you'll Complete with 1 2 -inch fac- want one! tory installed bar & chain Less bar and chain New Patented SOUND SILENCER Cuts Motor Noise up to 75%! CALVES WEANED 19 POUNDS HEAVIER McCULLOCH 110-10A G WITH PURINA RANGE CHECKERS Lightest Weight Chain Saw with Automatic Oiling! bi 100% Frictionless Bearings Throughout! Ina test at the Purina Research Ranch, 41% cottonseed cake was matched against Factory Pre -Tested for Top Power, Performance! Purina 20% Range Checkers. The cows on Purina Range Checkers averaged d, calves 19 pounds heavier at weaning. Power increased up to 15% for '69! Get all this Sc and Sound Silencer-today! 41% Cottonseed Purina 20% Ir only Cake Range Checkers tc Gives you the biggest fist full Pounds per cow per day 21/2 lbs. 21/2 lbs. of cutting power, with the least weight! Only 101/2 pounds less 3 bar and chain. It's McCulloch's Difference in weaning weight at 210 days +19 most popular chain saw with automatic oiling. With factory installed 16 - With a $30.00 calf market, those 19 lbs. wouldbe worth $5.70. *Comparison made to standard inch Bar & Chain cavity -type muffler Purina Range Checkers provide protein SeeThem Both Demonstrated Today! your cows need, plus the otheringredients ti, necessary for proper diet. If you're looking for extra cow condition, an early calf crop and heavy weaned calves, stop in atour sign of the Checkerboard.
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