![Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu Table of Contents](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
VOL. LXXIX FASC. 158 JULY-DECEMBER 2010 ARCHIVUM HISTORICUM SOCIETATIS IESU Paul Oberholzer, S.J. Editor Advisory Editors Sibylle Appuhn-Radtke (Munich) Julius Oswald S.J. (Munich) Pau! Begheyn S.J. (Amsterdam) Antonella Romano (Florence) Robert L. Bireley SJ. (Chicago) Flavio Rurale (Udine) Louis Boisset SJ. (Rome) Lydia Salviucci Insolera (Rome) Francesco Cesareo (Worcester, Ma.) Klaus Schatz SJ. (Frankfurt/M) Rita Haub (Munich) Nicolas Standaert SJ. (Leuven) Jeffrey Klaiber SJ. (Lima) Antoni J. Oçerler SJ. (Oxford) Mark A Lewis SJ. (New Orleans) Agustin Udias SJ. (Madrid) Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer (Bern) TABLE OF CONTENTS Sif?yl!e Appuhn-Radtke, Ordensapologetik als Movens positivistischer Erkenntnis. Joseph Braun SJ. und die Barockforschung 299 Matthieu Bernhardt, Construction et enjeux du savoir ethnographique sur la Chine dans l'oeuvre de Matteo Ricci SJ. 321 Heinz Sprof~ Die Begriindung historischer Bildung aus dem Geist des Christlichen Humanismus der Societas Iesu 345 Cristiana Bigari, Andrea Pozzo S.J. e la sua eredità artistica. Antonio Colli da discepolo a collaboratore 381 Lydia Safviucci, Richard Biise~ Mostra su Andrea Pozzo SJ., pittore e architetto 407 Elisabetta Corsi, ''Ai crinali della storia". Matteo Ricci S.J. fra Roma e Pechino 414 Emanuele Colombo, Jesuits, Jews and Moslems 419 Pau/ Beghryn SJ., Bibliography 427 Book Reviews 549 Jesuit Historiographical Notes 591 Scientific activity of the members of IHSI 603 Index 606 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS 2010 Paul Begheyn, S.J. I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting toge­ ther this bibliography: Bernard Barthet (Paris), Nicoletta Basilotta (Rome), Wim Beuken SJ (Leuven), Clemens Brodkorb (Miinchen), Thomas Busch (Miinchen), Carlos Coupeau SJ (Rome), Bernard Deprez (Louvain), Ad Du­ dink (Louvain), Luce Giard (Paris), Luis Gonzalez-Quevedo SJ (Itaici, Bra­ zii), Miroslav Herold SJ (Rome), Charles Libois SJ (Cairo), Helmut Moli (Co­ logne), Catherine Mooney (Chestnut Hill MA), Eddy Murphy SJ (Harare), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), and Gabriel Maria Verd SJ (Malaga). For a more detailed bibliography on spirituality, please turn to the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to www.ignaziana.org, a re­ view of theological research. You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to: Paul Begheyn, S.J. Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies Singel448, 1017 AV Amsterdam [email protected] GENERAL INDEX l. THE ENTIRE SOCIETY A Generai history 1. Auxiliary sciences 1-3 2. Historical works 4-15 B. Special history 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola 16-58 2. Institute 59-68 428 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THEjESUITS 3. Spiritual Exercises 69-80 4. Spirituality 81-87 S. Pastoral activities 88-95 6. Cultura! activities 96-116 7. Polemica! writings 117-119 II. COUNTRIES A. Africa 120-125 B. America 126-221 c. Asia 222-269 D. Europe 270-467 E. Oceania 468 III. PERSONS Persons in alphabetical order 469-977 Complementary list of persons p.537 Index of authors p. 538 I. THE ENTIRE SOCIETY A. GENERAL HISTORY 1. Auxiliary Sciences 1. P. Begheyn, 'Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus 2009', Archivum Historicum Societatis lesu 78 (2009), 473-569. 2. C. Hechai:mé, 'Les Jésuites et les lettres arabes et musulmanes. Biographies et oeuvres' [in Arabic], Al Machriq 80 (2006), 315-354, 81 (2007), 49-72, 329-355, 82 (2008), 323-342, 83 (2009), 101-119, 393-434. 3. C. Hechai:mé, Les Jésuites et la culture arabe et musulmane [in Arabic], Beyrouth, Dar el Machreq, 2009, 416 p. PAUL BEGHEYN, SJ. 429 2. Historical Works 4. M.F. Cusack, Black pope. A history of the ]esuits, Whitefish Montana, Kessin­ ger Publishing, 2003, 406 p. 5. P.F. Gehl, 'Religion and politics in the market for books: The Jesuits and their rivals', Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 97 (2003), 435- 460. 6. P. Hersche, 'Die ambivalente Rolle derJesuiten', in his Mujle und Verschwen­ duffg. Europiiische Gesellschqft und Kultur im Barockzeitalter, Freiburg l Basel l Wien, Herder, 2006, 203-211. 7. S. Ditchfield, 'Of rnissions and models: The Jesuit enterprise (1540-1773) reassessed in recent literature', Catholic Historical Review 93 (2007), 325- 343. 8. J.E. Franco & C.C. Tavares, Jesuitas e Inquisiçào: cumplicidades e confrontaçòes, Rio de Janeiro, Editoria da Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro, 2007,133 p. 9. M. Friedrich, 'Communication and bureaucracy in the early modern So­ ciety of Jesus', Schweizerisches Zeitschrift.ftir Religions- und Kulturgeschichte 101 (2007), 49-75. 10. K. Cerny &J.M. Havlik,Jeif4ité amor [The Jesuits and the plagu~]. Praha, Nakladatelstvi Lidové noviny, 2008,216 p. 11. S. Mostaccio, 'A conscious ambiguity: The Jesuits viewed in comparative perspective in the light of some recent ltalian literature',Journa/ of Ear!J Modern History 12 (2008), 409-441. 12. A. Arnold-Becker & R. Haub (eds.),]esuiten. Die Welt ist unser Haus: Die Jesuiten ~schen regionalem und universalem Horizont, Lindenberg im Allgau, KunstverlagJosef Fink, 2009, 64 p. 13. W.V. Bangert, Storia della Compagnia di Gesù, Genova l Milano, Marietti, 22009' 623 p. 14. M. Catto, La Compagnia divisa. Il dissenso nell' ordine gesuitico tra '500 e '600, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2009, 248 p. 430 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THE )ESUITS 15. JJ. Widmanstetter, Die Anfonge der Gesellschaft ]esu, ihre Entwicklung, einzelne Ereignisse. Originai und OberseP.(Jing, Miinchen, Gruppe fiir Ignatianische Spiritualitat, 2009, 55 p. B. SPECIAL HISTORY 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 490, 612, 765. 16. G. Randle, Ignacio de Ù!)ola: Lo que pasaba por su alma. La lucha espiritual en el fundadorde la Compatila de Jesus (jesuitas) 1491-1556, Buenos Aires, Centro de Espiritualidad Ignaciana de Argentina (CElA), 2000, 149 p. 17. M.F. Schmidt, Ignace de Ù!)ola, Monaco, Ed. du Rocher, 2000, 197 p. 18. F.J. Arnaiz, San Ignacio de Loyola. Maestro de la vida en el espiritu, Santo Do­ mingo, Fundaci6n Garda Arévalo, 2001, 259 p. 19. B. Pranger, 'Normative centering and decentering as a textual process: Calvin, Ignatius, Eckhart', in R. Suntruo & J.R. Veenstra (eds.), Normative Zentrienmg / Normative centering, Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2002, 65-82. 20. L. Devolder, "Een mystieke manager en een rationele mysticus: Igna­ tius van Loyola en Benedictus Spinoza", in D. Sacré & M. De Schepper (eds.), 'Et scholae et vitae: Acta selecta van twee colloquia van Orbis Neolatinus, Amersfoort, Florivallis, 2004, 97-100. 21. F. Mateos, 'El castellano de Iiiigo de Loyola', Encuentros en Catqy 18 (2004), 221-243. 22. O. Steggink, 'Iiiigo L6pez de Loyola, de pilgrim van Montserrat uit het Baskenland, en de Moderne Devotie', Ons Geestelijk Eif 78 (2004), 184- 193. 23. A.W Kirkwood, Loyola: de caballero a santo, Cochabamba, Verbo Divino, 2005,137 p. 24. A. Longchamp, Petite vie d'Ignace de Loyola, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2005,125 p. 25. M. Aumont, Ignace de Loyola et Gaston Fessard: l'un par l'autre, Paris, L'Har­ mattan, 2006, 289 p. PAUL BEGHEYN, S.J. 431 26. D. Bertrand, Discernement en politique avec Ignace de Lt!Jola, Paris, Cerf, 2006, 94p. 27. ]. Bolewski, 'Sw. Ignacy Loyola i Don Kichote', Studia Bobolanum 1 (2006), 93-115. 28. R. Charvin, Saint Ignace de Lt!Jola:fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus, Paris, P. Téqui, 2006, 77 p. 29. J. Martin, 'Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: Ignatius of Loyola', in his My /ife with the saints, Chicago, Loyola Press, 2006, 73-102. 30. E. Padoan, S. Ignazio di Lt!Jola e la Compagnia di Gesù, Roma, AdP, 2006, 50 p. 31. M.A. Schroeder, Experiéncia de Deus e finguagem do interior: o caminho da conversào e a oraçào contemplativa em lndcio de Loyola, Porto Alegre, Liv. Ed. Padre Reus, 2006, 176 p. 32. M. Aumont, Ignace de Lt!Jola: seui contre tous... et pour tous!, Paris, L'Harmat­ tan, 2007, 399 p. 33. S. Crestani, A pie y no solo. Ignacio de Loyola y Descartes. Ejercicios Espirituales y rejlexion jilosrfjica, Montevideo, Cardona, 2007, 78 p. 34. C. Dominguez Morano, 'Inacio de Loyola à luz da psicanilise', in M.C. Bingemer a. o., A globalizaçào e os jesuitas: origens, his!Oria e impactos, Sào Pau­ lo, Loyola, 2007, 85-126. 35. A. Guillermou, Saint Ignace de Lt!Jola et la Compagnie de Jésus, Paris, Du Seui!, 2007, 206 p. 36. J.M. Marin Sevilla, Ignacio de Loyolay los enfermos, Salamanca, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2007, 288 p. 37. M. Sievernich, 'lgnatius von Loyola als "Pilger" der Epochenschwelle', in R. Decot (ed.), Konfessionskonflikt, Kirchenstruktur, Kulturwandel Die Jesu­ iten im Reich nach 1556, Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2007, 1-22. 38. M. Aumont, Universel Ignace de Lt!Jola!, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2008, 260 p. 432 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE HISTORY OF THEjESUITS 39. A. Guillausseau, 'Los relatos de milagros de lgnacio de Loyola: un ejem­ plo de la renovaci6n de las pricticas hagiogrificas a finales del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XVII', Anuario del Instituto Ignacio de Loyola 15 (2008), 137-200. 40. M. lvens, An approach to Saint Ignatius of Ù(yola, Oxford, The Way, 2008, 68 p. 41. S. Kiechle, Ignace de Loyola, maltre spiritua4 mystique et pragmatique 14 91- 1556, Paris, Salvator, 2008,214 p. 42. S. Madrigal, Ec/esialidad, reforma y misùin. El legado teolOgico de Ignacio de Lo­ yola, Pedro Fabro y Francisco de Javier, Madrid, San Pablo / Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2008, 334 p. 43. R. Paiva (ed.), Ignacio de Ù(yola, Cartas escolhidas, Sào Paulo, Ediçòes Lo­ yola, 2008, 176 p. 44. M. Ruiz Jurado, 'Sant'Ignazio di Loyola nella Teologia mistica di Charles André Bernard', in Teologia e mistica in dialogo con le scienze umane. Primo convegno internazionale Charles André Bernard, Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2008, 334-344. 45. M. Ruiz Jurado, '~Escritura de Polanco o de S. Ignacio?', AHSI 77 (2008), 321-345.
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