1964 VICTORIA EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD OF VICTORIA FOR THE PERIOD I ST JULY, I 962, TO 30TH JUNE, I 963 PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 5 (2) OF THI<: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1961 [A.pprorimate Cost of Reporl.-Preparation, not given. Printing (226 copies), £241.] By Autboniy: A. C. BROOKS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 12.-(2s. 3n.].-8049j64. INDEX PAGE Introduction 5 The Board 6 Legislation 6 Planning Schemes Commenced, in Course of Preparation, or Approved 7 Planning Schemes Examined by the Board 15 Fern Tree Gully District Planning Scheme 16 Phillip Island Planning Scheme 17 French Island Planning Scheme 18 Waratah Bay Planning Scheme 18 Eppalock Planning Scheme 19 Tower Hill Planning Scheme 20 Lake Bellfield Planning Scheme 21 Buffalo Reservoir Planning Scheme 22 Eildon Reservoir Planning Scheme (Shire of Alexandra) 23 Eildon Reservoir Planning Scheme (Shire of Mansfield) 23 Hazelwood Planning Scheme 24 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 24 Schemes under Section 605, Local Government Act 25 Land Use Zoning-By-laws under the Local Government Act 25 Visits by the Board 25 Planning Congress-Hobart 26 Staff and Office Accommodation 26 Town and Country Planning Board EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT 179 Queen-street, Melbourne, C.l. The H onorable the Minister for Local Government, 61 Spring-street, JJlelbourne, 0.1. Sm, 1. In accordance with the proVIsiOns of Section 5 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1961 (No. 6849) the Board has pleasure in submitting to you for presentation to Parliament the following report on its activities during the twelve months ended 30th June, 1963. 2. During the period under review the Board held 47 meetings and was represented at a number of conferences held in Melbourne and various country centres on matters relevant to its activities. 3. The Board has to report a considerable expansion in activity in the planning field and has noted with satisfaction the increasing interest of Councils in the preparation of planning schemes for their respective municipal districts, and the lists which follow present in detail the number and scope of schemes and the stage reached. 4. The Board in its Sixteenth Annual Report pointed out that at the 30th June, 1961, 90 · 6 per cent. of the State's population was domiciled in areas subject to planning control. 5. At June 1963 the estimated percentage of population in planning areas was 92 per cent. 6. Some of the Councils now undertaking the preparation of schemes and using Interim Development Order powers represent areas where considerable activity took place or was taking place in the over-subdivision of land into building lots for speculation and this action had the effect of preventing a serious and uneconomical position becoming worse. 7. The planning position in Victoria is now such that there are very few developing centres of population without planning control and in a number of cases land use control is exercised over the whole of some Shires. 8. This action should have the effect of preventing a repetition of the serious after­ effects of the excessive subdivision of land into building lots under the guise of development, and in places where public services are not likely to be made available. 9. The Board derives great satisfaction from the knowledge that such schemes as the Latrobe Valley Sub-Regional Planning Scheme over an area of 334 square miles of the Latrobe Valley and embracing the brown coal deposits, and the Ocean Road Planning Scheme for 60 miles of picturesque coastal scenery, made by it at the request of the Government in 1949 and 1955 respectively and prior to tremendous increases in land subdivision of recent years, have given adequate protection against the type of development referred to above and protected national assets of inestimable value, 6 10. As mentioned in later pages this type of planning is now being carried out by the Board in the vicinity of reservoirs and other areas of special concern to the State. 11. The Board will continue to bring to your notice the desirability of similar action being taken in any other areas which it considers should be given protection under the town planning powers available in this State. THE BOARD. 12. On the 19th February, 1963, the Governor in Council approved the re-appointment of Mr. A. N. Kemsley as a member of the Board for a further period of three years ending the 26th February, 1966, and on the 4th June, 1963, the Governor in Council approved the re-appointment of Mr. A. C. CollinB as a member of the Board for a further period of three years ending the 26th June, 1966. LEGISLATION. 13. In the Board's previous annual report reference was made to the proclamation of the consolidating Town and Country Planning Act 1961 (No. 6849) on the 6th February, 1962, and also to the revision being undertaken of the Town and Country Planning Regulations with a view to consolidating the regulations and including those matters which were considered necessary following the coming into operation of the new legislation. 14. The revised and consolidated regulations known as the "Town and Country Planning Regulations 1962 "were approved by the Governor in Council on the 7th November, 1962, and were published as Statutory Rules No. 70, 1962. The regulations have been so framed that they follow closely the sequence of the Town and Country Planning Act and their presentation has been kept as clear and concise as possible. 15. In the preparation of the regulations the Board received every assistance from the Parliamentary Draftsman, Mr. J. J. Lynch, and his staff and the Board desires to express its appreciation to Mr. Lynch for his co-operation and in particular to Mr. P. J. P. White, Assistant Parliamentary Draftsman for his guidance in the compilation of the regulations. 7 PLANNING SCHEMES COMMENCED, IN COURSE OF PREPARATION, OR APPROVED AS AT 30TH JUNE, 1963. LrsT " A " PLANNING ScHEMES APPROVED. Board's Report I Date of t" Minister Approval by Government Scheme. Pursuant to Date. Section 30 (2) Governor in Gazette No. of the Act. Council. -~······ Cities. Ararat (7,930) . .. 15.12.53 15.11.55 870 24.10.56 Ararat 1953, Amendment No. 1,1961 .. 9.10.61 17 .I0.6I 90 18.10.61 Ararat 1953, Amendment No. 2 .. 26.2.63 9 .4:. 63 3I 10.4.63 *Broadmeadows, Part 1 (66,I67) .. 13.9.50 14.10.52 833 22.10.52 *Broadmeadows, Part 1, Amendment No. I .. 26.2.54 4.5.54 333 I2.5.54 *Broadmeadows, Part I, Amendment No. 2 .. 30.3.54 30.11.54 1148 8.12.54 *Broadmeadows, Part I, Amendment No. 3 . .. 4.3.55 27.4.55 233 4.5.55 *Broadmeadows, Amendment No. 7, I961 .. I8.8.6I 29.8.61 77 30.8.61 *Broadmeadows, Amendment No. 8 .. 13.12.62 22.1.63 5 23.1.63 *Brunswick No. 1 .. 10.6.49 25.10.49 879 26.10.49 *Brunswick No. 2 .. 25.7.52 25.8.53 768 2.9.53 ·Brunswick No. 3 .. 21.5.54 16.6.54 587 23.6.54 *Brunswick 1956 (52,817) .. 27.3.57 22.10.57 264 4.12.57 *Brunswick 1956, Amendment No. I .. 2.12.58 22.12.58 7 21.1.59 *Brunswick 1956, Amendment No. 3 .. 9.11.59 17.11.59 106 2.12.59 *Brunswick 1956, Amendment No. 4 .. 1.2.61 11.4.61 36 10.5.61 *Brunswick 1956, Amendment No. 5, 1960 . .. 8.9.61 12.9.61 81 13.9.61 *Brunswick 1956, Amendment No. 6, 1960 . .. 29.8.61 3.4.62 34 4.4.62 *Cambcrwell 1954 (99,206) . .. I4.2.56 8.10.57 252 30.10.57 *Camberwell 1954, Amendment No. 1 .. .. 7.4.61 20.6.6I 50 21.6.61 *Camberwell 1954, Amendment No. 2 .. .. 8.5.62 22.1.63 5 23.1.63 *Camberwell 1954, Amendment No. 4, 1962 . .. 8.6.62 12.6.62 59 13.6.62 *Camberwell 1954, Amendment No. 5, 1962 . .. 19.6.62 26.6.62 67 27.6.62 *Camberwell 1954, Amendment No. 6 .. .. 28.8.62 28 .8. 62 96 29.8.62 *Camberwell 1954, Amendment No. 7 .. .. 26.9.62 27.11.62 122 28.11.62 *Coburg No. 1 Bell-street, Extension . .. 19.3.51 21.8.51 843 22.8.51 ':\ioe-Newborough 1951 (15,454) . .. 12.2.54 12.10.54 933 20.10.54 M oe-Newborough 1951, Amendment No. 1 . .. 18.6.58 2.7.58 65 16.7.58 M oe-Newborough 1951, Amendment No. 2 .. 20.8.59 3.2.60 10 17.2.60 M oe-Newborough 1951, Amendment No. 3 . .. 2.7.59 28.7.59 73 12.8.59 ]}ioe-'-Newborough 1951, Amendment No. 4 . .. 21.2.62 14.3.62 27 14.3.62 *Moorab bin, Section 1 . .. 20.2.52 9.12.52 3 7 .1.53 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No. 1 . .. 18.1.53 15.9.53 777 16.9.53 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No. 2, 1956 23.7.57 20.8.57 243 18.9.57 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No. 3, 1957 .. 14.3.58 1.4.58 41 14.5.58 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No. 5 .. 16.12.59 8.3.60 29 6.4.60 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No. 6 . .. 12.4.61 20.6.61 50 21.6.61 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment :Xo. 7, 1960 .. 6.6.61 11.7.61 56 12.7.61 *Moorabbin, Section 1, Amendment No.
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