E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1996 No. 50 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE munist Comeback Has Many in Russia called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Packing Bags.'' pore [Mr. QUINN]. gentleman from Kansas [Mr. TIAHRT] With all our attention on the ad- f come forward and lead the House in the vance of communism in Russia, we Pledge of Allegiance. have taken our eyes off the resurgence DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Mr. TIAHRT led the Pledge of Alle- of Stalinist style communism that PRO TEMPORE giance as follows: threatens elsewhere. Next Sunday, the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Italian people go to the polls in what is fore the House the following commu- United States of America, and to the Repub- their most important election, for they nication from the Speaker: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, must make a basic choice: Will they se- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. WASHINGTON, DC, lect these Communists, no matter what f April 18, 1996. name they call themselves, to rule I hereby designate the Honorable JACK MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE their nation? QUINN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. A message from the Senate by Mr. We may be appalled by the thought, NEWT GINGRICH, Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- but it is not difficult to achieve in this Speaker of the House of Representatives. nounced that the Senate agrees to the disordered political system. These are f report of the committee of conference the facts: There are more than 20 polit- on the disagreeing votes of the two ical parties. The center right is pro- PRAYER Houses on the amendment of the House jected to win 45 percent of the vote. to the bill (S. 735) ``An act to prevent The Chaplain, Rev. James David The Communists under the banner of and punish acts of terrorism, and for Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- ``Progressive Democrats of the Left'' other purposes.'' er: will have 21 percent. A union of mem- The message also announced that We look at our world and too often bers of the discredited parties of the pursuant to Public Law 70±770, the we see distrust and strife, and yet we past will add 14 percent. The Northern Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, look elsewhere in our world and we see League will probably give its 5 to 7 per- appoints Mr. BREAUX to the Migratory acts of kindness and deeds of good will. cent to make it 40 percent. Bird Conservation Commission, vice We live in our communities and are Mr. PRYOR. That leaves the Stalinist Communist saddened by the strife of living and we Refoundation Party with its 11 percent. f also know people who work to They are the swing vote, and the left strengthen our communities and build ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER must join them if they want to rule. respect for every person. O gracious PRO TEMPORE Thus, Stalinist Communists will write God, from whom comes the power for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The national policy. us to be people of good will, enable us Chair will entertain ten 1-minutes on to choose to be builders of character This scenario played out in the re- each side. and models of integrity so we will con- cent election for mayor of Rome. tribute to the health of our Nation and f At issue in this campaign is electoral strengthen the lives of those about us. DANGER OF A COMMUNIST reform. The center right parties want Bless us today and every day, we pray. COMEBACK TO THE WEST an American Presidential-type govern- Amen. ment, elected directly by the people, (Mr. HYDE asked and was given per- not by the political parties. The Com- f mission to address the House for 1 munists bitterly oppose. They are minute and to revise and extend his re- against it, they say, and hold on to THE JOURNAL marks.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, those of us your hats with this one, because it is Chair has examined the Journal of the who thought the end of the cold war not democratic. last day's proceedings and announces ended the danger of communism to the I bring this to your attention because to the House his approval thereof. West had better think again. The head- what happens in Italy has con- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- line on the front page of the New York sequences for NATO, Europe, and ulti- nal stands approved. Times recently read ``Fear of a Com- mately the rest of the world. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3583 H3584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 18, 1996 STOP CODDLING CRIMINALS TIME TO RAISE THE MINIMUM ALLOW VOTE TO RAISE MINIMUM WAGE WAGE (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was given permission to address the House (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given for 1 minute.) and was given permission to address permission to address the House for 1 Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, I the House for 1 minute and to revise minute and to revise and extend her re- thought I heard it all. Richard Allen and extend his remarks.) marks.) Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, the Davis, the murderer of 12-year-old Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. House Republican leadership continues Polly Klaas, now says, yes, I killed her. Speaker, you just heard it and the to pursue policies that hurt America's I admit I killed her, but I did not rape American people heard it. The Repub- licans are talking a lot about working working families. her. Just look at their continued opposi- Check this out. Davis abducted 12- families, but it is time that they did more than just talk about it. It is time tion to the minimum wage. Even year-old Polly Klaas from her own though the typical minimum wage home. She was later found with her they decided to actually raise the min- imum wage. worker is a woman in her twenties who miniskirt above her waist and her skull is often the sole wage earner in the completely separated from her body. Seventy percent of Americans believe that the minimum wage must be in- family, the House Republican leader- Now Davis is ready to admit the mur- ship continues to dig in its heels in op- der, but he said ``I didn't rape her.'' creased. Now at least 20 Republicans are backing the increase in the mini- position to raising the minimum wage Only as a ploy to avoid the death mum wage. It is time, Mr. Speaker, by a mere 90 cents from its 40-year low. The fourth-ranking House Repub- penalty, Mr. Speaker. Unbelievable. that we bring this to a vote. lican said yesterday that raising the Davis should not live to see the month Yesterday the Democrats on our minimum wage ``is horrible economic of May. And I say instead of free health Committee on Economic and Edu- policy.'' And the Republican majority care for Davis, free television for cational Opportunities asked our chair- Davis, free food for Davis, Davis should leader says he would fight the mini- man of the committee to hold hearings mum wage, ``with every fiber of my only get one thing free from the Amer- on the minimum wage. Democrats un- ican taxpayers: 50,000 volts. being.'' derstand that the purchasing power of But despite their rock-like resist- And it is time for Congress to stop the minimum wage will soon be the murdering our country by coddling ance, the Republican leadership can no lowest it has been in 40 years. longer duck voting to increase the min- criminals and letting the Constitu- American families are working hard tion's amendments be used to get imum wage. to get ahead, but it is tough to get by Stop toying with the lives of Ameri- around the death penalty. when working full-time does not even ca's hard working families. Let us have pay to get off welfare. An increase of a vote to raise the minimum wage. f $0.90 means an additional $1,800 a year f in the pockets of full-time workers. HOW TO DO THE RIGHT THING Republicans have an opportunity to STRANGE COMPASSION join us in helping America's working (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given (Mr. BAKER of California asked and families. It is time to pass the mini- permission to address the House for 1 was given permission to address the mum wage increase bipartisanly. minute and to revise and extend his re- House for 1 minute.) marks.) Mr. BAKER of California. Mr. Speak- f Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, with er, I could not agree more with the middle-class families paying 38 to 44 gentleman from Ohio [Mr. TRAFICANT]. AMERICANS DESERVE TAX RELIEF percent of family income in taxes, the That tragedy occurred in California; (Mr. BALLENGER asked and was claim that the era of big Government the trial has gone on long enough.
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