ASMSU Ex onent · Frida , November 18, 1994 VOL. 87 NO. 25 Civil engineering class eyes campus transportation pertains to this university. The modes that existing parking on campus, some of the minute walk to class, but is a ren minute Ken Hedge we have are the pedestrian mode, the bi- parking plans that have been proposed, walk excessive when you had to drive a h.tlf­ Exponent news editor cycle mode, the automobile and Bobcat current parking lot construction taking hour just to get that close to campus?" Transit," he The bus committee is looking ar rhc With increasing congestion from auto­ said. "It' · d akin Bobcat Transit system as it currently exists, mobile and pedestrian traffic in and around C e c i l i a S a very aggressive Un ert . g to according ro the class participant. He s.iid the Montana State campus, a civil engineer­ Vaniman,MSU study ail of these facets of transportation in the group was looking at ways of making it ing class is studying alternative modes of facilities plan- I h b · d ·th more suitable tO student needs, and if it 11 as transportation. ning director, one semester. ave een impresse Wl possible to integrate the system with .1 More specifically, the class (CE 454, who has met what they have done so far." municipal bus system. Transportation Planning), under the guid­ with the class Cecilia Vaniman, The bicycle group is looking at current · th Facilities Planner b ance ofJoe Armijo, is looking at intermodal once d unng e ike policy on campus, along with the transportation as it relates to MSU. semester com- inrermodal aspecrs of bicycle usage. Clinton Class pamc1pant James Clinton ex­ mented that she has been impressed with place, parking facilities that will be lost and used an Oregon example, where some cine' plained mtermodal transportation in terms what the class has done so far. the impact of future facilities that will have a facility on the bus where people c.rn of an airplane tnp: as someone walks to "It's a very aggressive undertaking to require more parking or encroach upon store their bikes while they use the bm their car, they are in the walking mode; study all of these facets of transportation in existing parking. When they get off the bus," rhey then usi: when they drive to the airport parking lot, one semester," she said. "I have been im- Clinton said that westerners and Mon- their bicycles to finish their trip. they are in the driving mode; and, if they pressed with what they have done so far." tanans, in particular, are used to jumping in Another aspect the group is looking .u take a shuttle to the doors of the airport, Vaniman said that the group is plan- their cars and driving to the from door of concerns the quantity and location of lii­ they engage in a separate mode. ning to offer feedback to Facility Services the place where they intend to do business. cycle racks. In 1991, Congress enacted the once the semester is complete. He said that in school of 10,000 students Clinton added that because of the n- Intermodal Surface Transportation Effi­ The engineering class is divided into and 2,000 faculty and staff it is not possible pense of doing a thorough transportation ciency Act (!STEA), the purpose of which, three separate groups: a bus committee, a for everybody to get in at the front door. study, the scope of the class i~ fairly limm.:d. according to Clinton, was to promote parking committe, and a bicycle commit- "The most convenient parking is full, "What the class is involved in currenrlv mtermodal transportation. tee. but there is never a day when all parking is is really an academic e>.ercise with apphci°- "We are looking at intermodalism as it The parking group has been looking at full," Clinton said. "You may have a ten tion," he said. News Flash Bridger Bowl to open after Thanksgiving Bridger Bm1 I Ski Area will open the new season with a three day ski weekend, beginning the dar after Thanksgiving. Friday, Nm-. 25, Bridger is scheduled to be 100 percent open, with all lifts runnmg benn:en 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., on Fnday, Saturda\ and Sunday. The ski area \\ill be open the following weekend, Dec. 3-4, and will begm full-time operation, even d.1ys a week, starting Dec. 10. This }car, Bridger Bowl has expanded he eastern boundarv off the backside of :Pierre's Knob. The expansion will proYide more skiable terrain and longer, umnrer­ rupted runs off the southern side of the knob Bridger Bowl Ski Area has also built a lnew terraced sraiway between the unload- 1111g an:a in the parking lot and the Jim ridger Lodge, providing skiiers easier cces~ up the hill to the lodge, lifts and 'cket windows. The sk.i area is offering a promotional, Coalition to commemorate World AIDS Day ~" o-day, one-111ghr ski package for $60. l..odging is in Bozeman and includes two In observance. of the sev- fected with the disease, world- will take place at 4 p.m., Nov. ers will do a reading at the enth annual World AIDS Day, wide. In the state of Montana, 27. A Sack Lunch Seminar in ~ll days of skiing ·ar Bridger Bowl. The Emerson Cultural Center at the Southern Montana AIDS/ 229 people have AIDS, 148 room 106EoftheStrandUnion is good all season and is based on 7·30 p.m. that evernng. ~er HIV Coalition will be coordi- people have died and 461 people Building at 12 p.m. on Nov. 30 :va1libilit:y. Call the Bridger Bowl reserva­ Wear a red ribbon to sho\\' nating various events. are HIV positive. will discuss the disease. ~ns number at 1-800-223-9609 for res- your support. For mon: infor­ 1ervations and information. For more in­ As of mid-1994 the World Red ribbons will be distrib- On World AIDS Day, an mation or to volunteer, call the .futmation, call Doug Wales at 5 8 7 -2111. Heath Organization estimated uted Nov. 22 and a service at information table will be set up Southern Montana AIDS/HIV that 17 million people are in- Pilgrim Congregational Church in the SUB. The Vigilante Play- Coalition at 587-0681. • • • • I I 2 frid.ly, .:-;ovember 18, 199-l A'>.\ I'\ l' Exponent Turkeys are guests, not WyoMont to construct i1ew plant entrees at vegetarian dinner said ir \\tit ne.HL ~:; to 100 '>In! R\ 1\1' -·11w Den­ Cl.u k s.ud .dthough .1 fc\\ A.\llitRST, ~.Y. (AP)-A through th t b.mquct hm: and 'a\ ' n 1-.i,ed \\", 01110111 C otT. h.1s kc\· cl.:ml'llts ot rhc t'l~n .ire m­ permanent jobs.. 1bour 30 per­ \·cger.man group had a problem they missed h,t\ 111g a dead btrd." cent of them hight~· paid pro­ .rnnounccd i1l.rn' 111 hut!J J ..:omplete, he has no doubr the How ro celcbr arc Thanksg1nng The nsmng rurkevs ,\re O\\ ned ':. t 25 111illto1111011 e.1rh1de pl.111r pl.im " 111 he bu ti r. fession.ii po,trtons \\"tthour makmg .l ..:asualty of one b\ R1..:k and • andy K11anka, ''ho • 11e.11here111ch.:11.:\t I\\•> \·cars. ":-helh\ 1s dd1111tel\' the \lte, The pl.111r "di being 280 of 1rs fearhered friends. reh,1bd1tate miured arnmals on ro 350 consrru..:uon 1obs, and fhc onh other such planr and 1l11s 1s »omerh111g ·.\ c arc The solunon for the Animal rhcu- farm in Burt, .1bour 30 mile~ 111 rhc "orld '' 111 Tr1111d.id, and 1110\' l ll" forward w~ th very exccpr for some specialized R1ghrs Advocares oflVestern, cw north of Buffalo. Emily is a \\'tld rhc Shclln· pl.1111 \\tit h,i\ c rw:ce qu1..:kl~ ':·Cl.irk said. "This plan·r concraemrs most workers will York was to sene cur keys as rurkcv who \\'as htt by a car se,·er.ll come from the helbv area, 1t' ..:.ipa..:n~. \\'n>mom Pres1- 1 the No. 1 pr1or1ty for guests-not the main course. years ago. The K1jankas nursed denr Rohen .Cluk "r '-lid. \\1\'0mOtH" Pinson said. · Florian and Emily, two rur- her back ro health, then acquired The norrh-cenrrJl 1\ lonrana Wvomont h.is yet ro buy a Shelby Mayor Larry keys who gave up their traditional Florian c:o keep her company. Bonderud said local officials \HC "as ..:hosen ch1eflv because site, bur negoriarions for land from-row scats so that they might Joy..:e Eggers of North h ave been working with tt "on J key c.1~r-w.:s1 r.itl line sourh of Shelby are nc.irly com­ live to sec another T hanksgiving, Tonawanda said she has attended .111d h.1s ab;1nd.rnr su1'pl11:s of plcrc, he said Wyomonr since March 1993 . munched on bread and grapes on several of the dinner . Tlus year. ( .1n.1d1an 11arur.1l g,1,, ( 'l,l rk rold The companies also have not The planr will use iron ore Sunday with about 150 humans he brought her husband for th( 'ome 80 loc.d J~1d '1.lte offi­ ycr scn1red rhe ne..:cssary state from rhe ,\lesabi range 10 Mm­ '''ho attended the group's 10th first nmc. c1.ib .rnd lo..:al permtrs, bur rhey nesora and ulltvan, Mo., and annualgathenngat Amherst Com- 'Tm lo\\ l\' ..:on,·erting," Curi to Ii e '.u d ,\Ion 1.111.\ • s r J x shottld he no problem, proieer natural ga, from Canada munirv Church.
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