Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-10-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1964). Winona Daily News. 495. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/495 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fair, Colder - tr smuthtm AWn tui | \ Tonight; Increasing A WiirMEWsAosJ y 'Y iWw <)^r)wmh*J&. Cloudiness Tuesday Hi^( , Coriferees ZMcM^^!ZZ3 Dead in Bpy, 12 Di(lhvt TaWBillDiM Minnesota See Second WASHINGTON (AP)-Senate- their differences are considered to Jan. 1 of this year, ; House conferees on the tax ; cut minor/ Somewhere between the two Freight train bi!l agreed today to President figures, the conferees hope to Road Mishaps By MARY BARWISE; : Not in controversy are , Johnson's request' for a speedy the reach agreement before?Feb. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Daily News Staff Writer cut in the wage and salary with- cuts for individual and corpo- 22, which would leave the Sen- holding rate to 14 per cent. rate taxpayers. ate and the House six working Three persons died in traffic A new pair of skates, a red .' :- The effect will be to pour an Taxpayers subject to with- days to consider the compro- accidents in Minnesota over the skating cap and a hockey stick . holding deductions will have an Weekend. fourth Minnesota additional $800 million a month mise and send it to the Presi- A? with the name Darryl Polus estimated $800 million more in dent vbefore March 1. ? resident was killed in a quad- into the economy as soon as the their pay envelopes every ruple fatality in South Dakota. printed on it were grim remind- new rate takes effect. The pres- The President wants quicker- ent withholding level;is 18 per month. ? The in - state deaths raised ers in police headquarters this the? extra money for 80 mil- action. He would like to have Minnesota's 1964 highway toll to morning of a train accident that cent.-?-, the lower withholding rates go The Senate had amended the lion individuals arid 550,000 busi- 53, compared with 56 one year killed the young Winona skater ness taxpayers is expected by into effect as soon as possible. ago today. hill to establish a 14 per cent The boolckeeping machinery to Four young men died ¦when Sunday night,; rate for this year, instead of the the administration to give the Darryl, 12, was returning from national economy a shot in the do this takes an estimated two their car roared across the Iowa 15 per cent voted by the House, weeks or more to get into high border onto icy S,D. 38, skidded skaitmg at Lake Winona with and House conferees agreed at arm to inoculate it/ ., against a ' three companions when he no- business slump. gear.;- '? . broadside and wrapped around today's initial conference to go Wages and salaries are now a 10-inch-thick tree late Satur- ticed: a slow moving . Milwaukee along with this. The Senate passed the bill subject to 18 per cent withhold- day night. Road switch engine approaching The conferees did not settle Friday ahead of schedule, Its ing rates. The House voted to from the east toward Main the time for the 14 per cent rate version called for an $11.6 bil- drop this to 15 per cent for this Dead are Donald J. Van Voor- Street. Darryl reportedly shout- to go into effect. The Senate lion- reduction. year and ?14 per cent starting en, 23, Hills, Minn., and Charles ed?to v his companions, ''Don't voted to make it one week after The House measure passed neixt Jan. 1. Tlie Senate, ait the Ernest Huisman, 21; Roger worry; kids I can make it" and the bill was signed. Sept. 25-provided for cuts of President's prodding, voted to Dean Hubers, 23, and Elmer started ' -r.u i .ni n g across the " . Although the Senate and about $11.1 billion. drop the rate to 14 per cent im- LeRoy Kohrty34. all of the Rock tracks; . ' ' • " :¦ .. House are $500 million apart on , , Most reductions in both plans mediately to put iftore sp ending Rapids Iowa area. Huisman - GRIM MEMENTOS .y? . Police Sgt. with a Milwaukee train at the Main Street HOWEVER,: couldn over-all reductions, most of would be effective retroactively money into workers' pockets. was believed to have been the he 't see driver. ;. ¦; ¦:.-?_? George McGuire surveys the bright red railroad crossing. McGuire also holds a hpek- another unit to the north of the The Senate and House voted David Foss, 16, of Racine, stocking cap and new hockey skates : that key stick with the boy's, name on it. (Daily to cut individual rates from Minn.? died early Sunday when were found scattered near the body of Darryl News photo) : v their present 20 to- 91 per cent a car scraped a tree, jerking off V Polus late Sunday night after he lost a race range to 14 to 70 per cent Two- the rear door and throwing him thirds of the reduction would out oh a township road eight become effective this year -and miles south of Rochester. ? one-third next year, Suffering minor injuries were ; Both branches voted to re- driver Allah Hehsley? 16, Ra- duce "existing corporate rates , cine, and Alice Alcott and Mari- from 52 per cent to 50 per cent lyn Dubbels, both 16 and of this year and to 48 per cent " "" ¦?'-' Stewartville? 2^ riext. year? Albert T.; Summers, Owaton- na, was - killed when his car overturned six miles west of West Concord early Sunday. He IriV^ B. MALCOLM W. BROWNE nist Viet Cong terrorists from in 1957. We are resolved to con- was alone; ' ' Goldwater and Art Johnson, 64, rural CLither- SAIGON, Viet N_m (AP ) vr- some distance away. - . tinue extending full [ assistance all, died Sunday after lying out- TwO bombs planted by terror- Names of? the victims have to the government arid people side all night. Dr. Carl J. Lund, ists1 destroyed a bleachers dur- not been released pending noti- of Viet Nam in their struggle .to ing a softball game in Pershing fication of their next of kin, put an end to such Communist Blast Otter Tail County coroner , said ' ' Romney a man who gave Johnson a ride Stadium Sunday night. Two terrorism."?- ? . .- ?/- U.S. servicemen were killed In Washington the State De- The carefully prepared bomb- home_ from a tavern Saturday partment night" apparently backed over and 23 other Americans were issued a .statement ing brought to three the toll of injured.!?. - saying:' - ' . ?.? U.S. servicemen's , deaths and Cuban Policies him without realizing it. ? Darryl Polus Johnson, first thought the vic- An entire American ' family "This isvthe. most serious " of to more than 27 the number of ? - was injured, The father was the series ol ? incidents which WASHINGTON CAP) — Two tim of a fall or beating, crawled : Americans wounded by Viet switch engine. This short freight Republican presidential possi- from the road to his steps. The kept in the hospital, but his the Viet Cong have perpetrated Cong guerrilla action in the train was approaching from the bilities — Arizona Sen. Barry driver was identified as "Wally wife and their young daughter against the Americans, starting Saigon area in a week. Same direction but more rapid- Goldwater and Michigan Gov, Osberg, Blriomi_igton. were released after treatment. ly. It hit him.? . George Romney—have blasted Three other - women also were The cow-catcher struck tha the Johnson administration's wounded slightly, v boy and hurled or carried him Cubcn p.y.y. Vietnamese police reported 65 feet from , the -west cross- Goldwater, an announced can- they had arrested three sus- Comrnlssion Johnson pects in the bombing. H ^ walk and 10¦ feet north of the didate for the G-OP nomination, tracks. ?? ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ IK . .- . ... -¦ :¦ . ;- . • , ¦*¦ . - . • -:: ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ;-;¦:- The bombs had been planted * _ •*• ' ' . ' - v. * . ' ' - . ,. , ' " " '?. * - renewed his attack on President Darryl was taken to Commu- Johnson s plan to make Guan- under six inches of earth about TWO FIRSTS FOR JSEIV-. SMITH, . , v Sen. Margaret ' 20 feet apart beneath the Oswald 's Mother nity Memorial Hospital by am- Chase Smith (R-Maine) steps down^from snow bank after tanamo Naval Base self-suf'i- Asks Medical bulance and was pronounced cient rather than fo» ce Cuban bleachers and presumably were inspecting sign marking 45 north latitude just below Pitts- set off electrically by Commu- By W. B. RADSDALE JR. tial tribunal investigating the dead on . arrival. He was the Premier Fidel Castro to turn WASHINGTON (AP) Mrs. : Kennedy assassination, is ex- son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Polus, burg, the northernmost town in New Hampshire. Sen. Smith its water supply back on. -- started campaign for Republican nomination for president Marguerite Oswald took "new pected to contradict testimony 127 E. Sanborn St. i The senator held a news con- Insurance made last week by Oswald's 22- Brakeman R. P. Gerber, St. today in 25 below zero weather. She claims record not only ference Sunday in Yuma , Ariz. evidence" before the Warren year-old widow, as first woman candidate but WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- Paul, told police that he saw first of all numerous candi- He also dealt with the Cuoan commission today which she dates for March 10 presidential primary to campaign so far dent Johnson , declaring that Russ Security Marina Oswald told the com- someone dash in front of the situation in a taped appearance Americans need , want and can says will prove that her son, trairt and then he heard the north , (AP Photofax) on ABCs radio-television pro- Lee Harvey Oswald , did not mission, and later a news con- afford "the best of health," ference, that she did not like to thump.
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