May 15, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E447 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FOOD ALLERGY AWARENESS allergy families with the life-saving information hatred. There is unlimited U.S. fake news, the WEEK they need. Chinese Communist Party is relentless with I am proud to fight for food allergy families propaganda, Russia blogs sow absurd dis- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI and during this year’s Food Allergy Awareness content, Iranian zealots flat out lie, but in the OF CALIFORNIA Week, I urge my colleagues to join with me in midst of this madness it should be gratefully recognized there are rare beacons of truth as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support of the more than 32 million Americans affected by life-threatening food allergies. evidenced on March 19th with The Epoch Friday, May 15, 2020 f Times editorial The Web of Lies Spun Around Ms. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, this is a the CCP Virus. special week for the more than 32 million HONORING THE CAREER OF CIR- It is especially noteworthy what was cor- Americans living with potentially life-threat- CUIT COURT JUDGE ANDREW rectly opined months ago is still rarely true ening food allergies. Food Allergy Awareness HOWORTH today. It is so important and correct it should Week, May 10 through 16, is dedicated to be worthy of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for raising awareness about the challenges our HON. TRENT KELLY the American people to know today and histo- ECORD food allergy families and friends face each and OF MISSISSIPPI rians in the future. I include in the R a piece authored by Heng He, a commentator every day. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Of course, this year’s Food Allergy Aware- on Sound of Hope Radio, a China analyst for ness Week comes at a critical time. Our coun- Friday, May 15, 2020 NTD and a writer for The Epoch Times news- try is grappling with its greatest public health Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, paper. threat in over a century. The COVID–19 pan- I rise today to commemorate the outstanding ‘‘THE WEB OF LIES SPUN AROUND THE CCP demic has made life even more challenging career of Judge Andrew Howorth. Mr. Howorth VIRUS’’ for most Americans, including our food allergy chose to create his first Facebook post to an- The world can learn much by paying atten- families. The New York Times recently re- nounce to friends and family his plans on retir- tion to how the outbreak of the CCP virus— commnonly known as the novel ported on the lack of safe, healthy, and afford- ing as of June this year. In his nearly two dec- coronavirus—has been handled in China. able food choices for allergic families. In addi- ades on the bench, Mr. Howorth has honor- There were at least two well-known doc- tion, CNBC reported that the threat of con- ably served the state of Mississippi and the tors at Wuhan Central Hospital during the tracting the corona virus is keeping people people of the Oxford-Lafayette County in his outbreak, the whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang away from visiting emergency rooms. In ordi- commitment to both his career and the well- and whistle-provider Dr. Ai Fen. nary times, a food allergy reaction sends one being of North Mississippi. Ai is the emergency room director who saw Mr. Howorth best described his dedication a SARS coronavirus-positive test report for person in the U.S. to the emergency room a patient on Dec. 30, 2019, and sent the report every three minutes. During the pandemic, to public service in this way: ‘‘This is an op- to a friend. The report immediately cir- food allergy families have needed to change portunity . to work to preserve the integrity culated in a circle of eight doctors that in- the way they prepare for emergency care re- of the judicial system as is the responsibility of cluded Li. lated to anaphylaxis. every judge. The part I’m most looking forward The reaction was almost instantaneous. At Individuals and families with food allergies to is meeting and working with new people.’’ 10:20 p.m., the hospital sent a message con- are resilient, and I have long been inspired by Mr. Howorth is not only an example of judicial veying a Wuhan Health Commission notice their courage to navigate life’s challenges. leadership but embodies a commitment to his that anything about the ‘‘unknown pneu- monia’’ shouldn’t be made public. One hour That’s why I have been working for the past community that is nothing short of admirable. later, the hospital sent another, similar no- year with FARE (Food Allergy Research & He has served on the Mississippi Drug Court tice. Then, on Jan. 2, Ai was called to the Education), the world’s leading food allergy Advisory committee and is a Mississippi Bar hospital office and was rebuked by a hospital advocacy organization, to improve the quality Foundation fellow. He is an active member of official, who also conveyed orders from high- of life for the more than 1.5 million Americans the Oxford Rotary Club, has served on the er authorities. Ai didn’t talk about the virus allergic to sesame. Oxford Housing Authority and the Oxford-La- afterward, not even to her husband, until Sesame is a common ingredient and is fayette County United Way. Last year, he was Jan. 20. Li and seven other doctors who were con- found in food like bread, cookies, and pizza honored as the county Chamber of Commerce sidered whistleblowers got more serious pun- dough. But many people don’t know that it is Citizen of the Year, and I cannot think of an ishment. They also were censured, and not also found in other items such as candy corn, award that better suits Mr. Howorth. by hospital officials, but by police on Jan. 3. ice cream, and sushi. In his retirement, Mr. Howorth plans to The censorship effort turned out to be very Sesame’s widespread use is why those al- spend time on his farm in Abbeville with his successful; all of the doctors who knew about lergic to it desperately need to know what wife, Elizabeth. They have an extensive buck- the outbreak kept silent. foods it is found in so they can avoid this in- et list they intend on checking off, and I wish Meanwhile, the rest of China and the world gredient. Unfortunately, that information does were kept in the dark for at least another 20 them the best in this treasured season of life. days. not exist. Currently, sesame is often labeled I commend Judge Howorth for his admirable The coverup and censorship had begun be- as a ‘‘natural flavor’’ or as a ‘‘spice’’ on the in- service to the state of Mississippi and his fore Ai shared the test report. Wuhan Cen- gredients label leaving millions of Americans commitment to advocating for justice. Whom- tral Hospital sent out the first ‘‘unknown unable to make smart and healthy food deci- ever is to be appointed by the Governor has pneumonia’’ patient sample on Dec. 24, 2019. sions to protect themselves or their family a substantial legacy to live up to. The report, which the hospital received Dec. 27, indicated that a coronavirus was found in members. f Thankfully, there is hope. Last year, I wrote the sample, with 70 percent similarity to THE WUHAN VIRUS WEB OF LIES SARS coronavirus. A report from a second and introduced the Food Allergy Safety, Treat- test facility stated simply, ‘‘SARS.’’ Both fa- ment, Education, and Research (FASTER) cilities were private companies. Act, H.R. 2117 that would require sesame be HON. JOE WILSON The hospital reported the results to the added to the list of allergens that must be la- OF SOUTH CAROLINA Wuhan Health Commission the same day, which means that Wuhan officials knew of beled. It would join other common allergens IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like milk, eggs, and peanuts that are already the disease three days earlier than Ai. While labeled. The FASTER Act is the first meaning- Friday, May 15, 2020 the Wuhan Health Commission can directly order the hospital to silence doctors, only ful food allergy legislation at the federal level Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam administrative officials can order the police in more than a decade and would change the Speaker, as a former journalist myself, it is to punish whistleblowers. lives for millions of Americans. The FASTER sad the mainstream media is so biased due to The coverup was already at the city gov- Act is a bipartisan solution that provides food Trump Derangement Syndrome of mindless ernment level as early as Jan. 3. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:33 May 16, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MY8.001 E15MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E448 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 15, 2020 Other organizations also covered up the This pattern is captured in the CCP slogan, something so obviously wrong that nobody outbreak. On Jan. 1, the Hubei Provincial ‘‘disasters make the nation strong.’’ It might around the world would believe? The CCP is Health Commission notified gene-sequencing be difficult to understand that natural or trying to turn the coronavirus controversy companies not to take the Wuhan pneumonia even man-made disasters can be transformed to its advantage, especially in China.
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