w usm to imaum ^ MAIMIBM PULASM MMTM A blot or iod this notice ••bscriptlo and ihould be roa with; r stopped, ootiiy immediate irwise it will be __ definitely, observe and xreetly plMM obaervt aad obUfla tke publiiher VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 12 and THE ALTO SOLO LOWELL, MICHIGAN, AUG. 21,1M4 SCHOOLS OPEN MRS. MARY ADAMS HARVEST PICNIC UP & DOWN TOWN, K *011 SEPTEMBER 2 HAS BROKEN HIP LOWELL, AUG 27 AU ROUND TOWN ^i/e fl The time of year has arrived when Mrs. Mary Adams, who was en- Everybody Is invited to the picnic Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown were in ty dinner at Island park at noon. The TOUR SUMMER READING t is 'iiack to school again." With- route for Milwaukee, is in St. Luke s Grand Rapids last Thursday. out doubt the enrollment in the Low- hospital, Chicago, where she was stores are requested to close at noon Mr. and Mrs. G. Brink of Grand ell public schooli will be greater taken after, a fall Saturday in the until after the wienie roast. Tables Rapids called on friends here Sun- than ever before. Last year the total Chicago A Northwestern depot in will be provided at the island for day. At tha camp or in the cottage you will naad Sr o w i h was over 600, with each grade daim- that city, in .which she sustained the use of the picnickers. Follow- Miss Ella Rolf is' spending two 11 ng about their alolted share of 50, fractures of the left leg below the ing the dinner will be a concert by weeks with her sister in Grand Rap- ft good book to while away" the hours—we have except in the ninth grade where hip and cf her left wrist. the Lowell Community band and an ids. it for you. about 70 started and the eleventh A telegram announcing the acci- excellent program of speeches. Miss Douglis Perce of Gallatin, grade where there were 60. With so dent was received here Monday The quoit tournament at Recre- Tenn., is visiting her uncle and flunL When an inatitution ahowa a healthy growth large a-senior class and the expect- front- the Chief Surgeon of the Chi- ation park starts at 2 p. m., with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Boylan, 250 New Titles Just recehed*^ Books 17 (* ed large freshman class the nigh cago ft Northwestern railroad, who Howard White manager. Progres- Mrs. H. J. Fuller and children of that formerly sold for $1.80 to |2.00| only • OC over a period of yeare, tha raaaon ia apt to ba school is due for quite an increase. had undoubtedly given her first aid. sive in doubles. First prize, *5, 2nd, Grand Rapids spent Sunday with found in tha character of tha aervica it randara But there is ample room, the only In a letter received by Harry Day *3. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Lawrence. necessity mlgfal be a few more Kelts Wednesday morning, a niece. Bertha Next comes the exhibition drill by Robert HooRer and family of ita clientele. in the assemblies. Lyon Hawley, who was with her tlpe Lowell platoon of Co. L, 126th Grand Rapids visited Sundav with Itie aomawhat aignificant that tha dapoaita All indications point toward a aunt, writes that the doctor says lafantry, M. N. G. Capt. Barendse in Mrs. Martha Layer of South Lowell. First Aid very pleasant and successful school Mrs. Adams must lie on her back for Cgarge. Music by the Lowell Com- Miss Geraldine Spencer of Grand For the Baby of thia bank have grown to ONE HALF MILLION year in every respect. The teachers six or eight weeks and sit in a munity band. Rapids spent Saturday afternoon at The new grandstand is ready for Emergency Kit ($500,000.00) ainca 1907. ^ are especially well prepared for wheel chair for two or three weeks Mrs. E. P. Sweet's visiting with Mrs, Sweet and sound sleep for heir work. The minimum standard before st e will be able to be brought a stellar attraction of the day, the Elizabeth Covert of Pasadena, Cal. A convenient kit for treat- Is two years of professional training home. What her condition will be base ball game between the Fats and Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Roughley and all babies wrben dusted with Thaee are facte that tall a atory of aatiafiad ^ at one of the leading teachers* col- afterward can not now be deter- Leans at 3:30 p. m. The men have ing alight wounde, bruisea, foster daughter Ivah leave today on Purete»t Zinc Sterate. dapoaitora; of clianta wall aarvad. leges. Nearly all of the 23 teachers mined, chances for her complete re- been in training for this event since a lO-days' drive and visit at Berrien cuts, etc., in the home or employed are experienced. Nine covery and activity being the more the fourth of July and very likely Springs and South Bend, Ind. office and forcampera, Auto- It is pure, smooth and In aoliciting your bualnaaa, we offer our* have degrees which means four or doubtful on account of her age, 74 the winning,team will represent Mrs. Klixa McMalion, daughter and more years of work, from leading years. Lowell in the West Michigan base grandson from Lake City visited at lata and travelera. delicately scented. aelvaa not aimply aa a depoaitory for your funda, educational institutions. The major- Mrs. Adams is a daughter of Mor- ball tournament championship ser- the home of her sister, Mrs. John S. Containa Cotton, Adbe- Absolutely Waterproof. but ae a aervice giving inetitution, able and ity have done extra work beyond gan Lyon, a Vergennes pioneer, who ies at Grand Rapids this fall. Shcr^ Hergin. last week. the life certificate or degree. The came to this locality about ISS?^ and iff W. L, Smith will umpire the Mr. uml Mrs. M. J. Coons, Mrs. A, iivs Tape, Iodine, Gaure Prevents ail irritation. willing to co-operate with you in the promotion organisation is entirely departmental is one of the best known old resi- game. Charges of professionalism 1.. Coons and Miss Myrtie Taylor and Banda^ea 6O0. Large Size ' ans 26C. of your own buaineaa activitiae; giving you a and each teacher has specialiied for dents of Lowell and Vergennes. as well as being under weight have left Tuesday morning for Bay View, aafe, atrong and1 conaervativa bank with which the department for which they been It is a coincidence that her moth- been lodged against Frank McMalion expecting to return about the mid- assigned. er, Mrs. Louisa Lyon, also suffered a and if these are substantiated Man- dle of next week. to do your bueinaaa. Some changes have been made in broken hip and spent the last ager Ashley of the Fat men )»ays Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Conklin and the courses to keep In step with the months of Her life in bed. Frank Johnson will work out for baby of Flint are visiting their par- modern development in education. Her many old friends will wish his place ;it short stop. Mr. Ashley ents at the Conklin and Mattern D- G. LOOK The text book list has been revised for Mrs. Adams a rapid and com- refuses to protest any of the Leans homes in Ionia ami Lowell. slightly for the same reason and we plete recovery. although he thinks he h/'is a good Mrs. Peter Kineis entertained at One of the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores. now feel rather proud of the show- case against R. M. Shivel, their e«p> her home Wednesday with a benefit City State Bank of Lowell ing in this fundamental feature. So, McQUEEN AND MURPHY FAM- tain and catcher. bridge and euchre party for the all in all, as far as we can see in ad ILIES SURPRISED BY YOUNG Manager Ashley says: "Being pos- altar society uf the Catholic church. 4 Per Cent For Your Savings vance everything appears very FOLKS. itive tiiat the physical condition and A grate tire was burned all after- bright for students and teachers Under Stata and National Superviaion. Bruce McQueen and Miss Olive teamwork of the Fats is perfect, the noon Sunday, Aug. 17, in a Lowell alike for a most satisfactory start. Murphy sprang a complete surprise possible chance of loss is reduced to home, where guests who came in an School opens in all grades 9:00 a. upon the McQueen and Murphy fam- a minus quantity. 1 am extremely open car and were chilled, WI.TO en-, m., Tuesday, September 2, fast time. ilies by slipping away on a vacation sorry that our list of players a; jhev lertained, m m No classification Is necessary before trip with nothing but the marriage appeared in last week's paper was When .lohn Horgerson gets up' that time. Students should not se- license report In the Grand Rapids not complete. 1 have several sur- every morning he looks where the cure supplies until after attending papers to indicate the nature of the prises for the (.cans. The Fats sun should he ami mutters: "Is it Sewing Machine Buyers Lose Money their first classes. occasion. Report says Ihey are vis pledge themselves to hold in so that raining yet or again alretty, \ We hope you will read carefully iting Mr. anuMrs. Walter Kropf in the game wilt be interesting from dunno'?" the outlined facilities of the l^>well Saginaw. Indications are that they start to linish." Mrs, Joseph Rank'* ui Rlanchard, from $1S to $50 per buy, if they buy schools which appears elsewhere In will return home as f|uletly as they Manager Shepard refuses to say sister of t|ie late E.
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