Nuclear debate forum Robert H. Keyserlingk take place on November 18 between George Ignatieff and John Gellner, protagonists In today's heated atmo- in the nuclear question. sphere, peaceniks and real- They will square off on the politikers do not usually issue of Pershing and Cruise get together to debate and missile deployment in West- discuss the atomic issue. ern Europe, only days before A new organization recent- the West German parliament ly formed in the Glebe att- takes a final position on empts to do just this, and that issue. is succeeding. The Forum Former Under-Secretary of on Nuclear Politics, brain- State for External Affairs child of Fourth Avenue re- and Canadian representative sident Joe Levitt, has re- on the Committee of the Con- cently been launched with ference on Disarmament in the help of men and women Geneva, George Ignatieff is Photo: Margie Schieman from both the disarmament presently Chancellor at the and armament camps. University of Toronto. The new Dow's Lake Pavilion is very near completion and The aim is to bring both An expert on military will be officially opened on January 16. One of its sides together to discuss matters, John Gellner served restaurants - Gow's Chinese Food - has already opened, in a reasonable way and in the RCAF, taught stategic and three more restaurants are scheduled to open in the learn about the facts of the studies at York University, Pavilion within the next two months. atomic problems from ex- wrote for the Toronto Globe perts, whatever their views. and Mail and is currently What at first seemed im- editor of the Canadian De- Seniors' Outreach Survey possible, and liable to dis- fence Quarterly. integration into stubborn By inviting well-known Ellen Schowalter own homes with an average position-taking and name- persons from both sides, who length of residency of 30 calling, has in fact suc- are at the same time experts years. Of the seniors inter- ceeded in lowering tempers in the area, the new Forum "Seniors' Outreach Services" viewed 51.8% expressed one and raising toleration. on Nuclear Politics hopes to sponsored by the Glebe Centre or more needs for services. Glebe residents involved bring both sides together in Inc., offering support ser- Most often requested was in this novel experiment a more reasonable and reason- vices to seniors in the include Wendy Feldberg, ed fashion. home-help; including light Glebe, Ottawa South, and Donn Kushner, Robin Mathews, The debate on November 18 housekeeping, heavy shores, part of Ottawa East, has been Marjorie Wesche and Bob will take place at 8 pm. in outdoor functioning successfully now work, and minor Keyserlingk. They have been Room 224 of Morriset Hall, repairs. Next for six months. The service came re- planning together with other Central Library, 65 Hastey quests for has steadily been increas- transportation Ottawa residents for a first Street, University of Ottawa. with 17% ing its scope and defines requiring trans- public debate. All are welcome; there is no portation to medical appoint- its mandate as follows: This first debate will admission fee. ments and "to enhance and preserve shopping. Friend- ly visiting, escort for the good health and well- shopping, being of seniors living in appointments and outings changes their own homes by developing was desired by 9.9%. Secondary School and maintaining adequate In the area of health care, support services." A sur- 13% requested foot-care, Marjorie Loughrey A panel of speakers, with dental care, vey funded by the Kiwanis, community parent, Ministry and admin- the United Church and Glebe clinics and preventive Beginning in 1984 struct- istrative representatives, services, and 9.9% Centre Inc., was conducted would ural changes will be taking will address these issues like referral and informa- over the summer to pinpoint place in our children's and answer questions. tion services in financial, specific needs as expressed high school education. All All parents who are con- legal, and recreational by seniors. students will be required cerned about their child- areas. Also The survey was carefully requested to complete 30 credits for ren's education are urged were advocacy designed with introductory assistance, a diploma. This means that to attend this meeting. interpretation, letters mailed at random represen- general level students will tation and to 672 senior households. "go-between" need three more credits help Staff and volunteers from between themselves than they do now. Many ad- and agencies, business or the community completed 324 vanced Level students will government. interviews. This represents expect to complete their Inside While 51.8% of the total a 6.5% sampling of the university entrance require- number interviewed senior population of the de- expres- ments in four years as sed one or more needs at Council on Aging 6 signated area. This includes opposed to five. The impli- the present time, 59.9% 44.1% from the Glebe, 27.2% cations of these changes - Restaurant review 8 projected the need for from Ottawa South, and are far-reaching. services in five New book on Ottawa's 28.7% from East. An years. This The Citizens' Committee Ottawa architecture 12 average 52.2% of all the is quite a significant in- on Children, with parent re- crease. seniors were between the Telephone check presentatives from the four backs were done ages of 60 and 74, while with 33 school boards in the Ottawa seniors. Of these, 47.8% were 75 years of age 42.4% Carleton region, will be and over. Of the sample requested home help and 9% holding a public meeting at transportation services. 71.6% were female, 28.4% Ridgemont High School on male, with 50.3% living Wednesday, November 23 at alone, 71.9% owning 8 pm. their Meetings p. 3 NEWS Health Centre are we missing something E. Korba and P. Deline A variety of arrangements ial not only for improved tre in our area on and off In Ottawa there are curr- made with community agenc- preventative care for the over the past five years. ently nine community-based ies allow the centres to individual, but also for The group grew out of the multi-service centres, four offer social services - development in special comm- two Neighbourhood Studies' of which (Centretown, Sandy parent support, legal aid, unity interest areas. observations regarding the Hill, Dalhousie and Ste. assertiveness training, Health Centre staff, oper- gaps in health and social Anne) offer primary medical seniors support, etc. The ating on a salary, are free services available in the care as a major component. centre also provides commun- to spend longer periods with Glebe and Ottawa South. Re- These centres, which have ity information and the clients, whether in person cently revived, under the been operating for approx- opportunity to co-ordinate or over the phone. In such chairmanship of Dr. Ken imately ten years, offer a its services with those al- an environment, profession- Goodwin, Social Affairs Di- growing variety of services ready offered in the area alism is de-emphasized in rector for the Glebe Commu- in respose to their commun- by churches, community cen- favour of staff members nity Association, the group ities' requirements. tres, agencies and individ- working together as a team, has held preliminary meet- The health care provided uals. Joint programmes can with, rather than for, their ings over the summer which in these centres emphasizes further utilize theses re- clients. Use of nurse- have indicated a keen in:- a holistic preventative sources. Thus, a whole practitioners, providing terest among former mem- approach. Complementary range of human services teaching in areas such as bers and newcomers. programmes such as back geared to the needs and re- well-baby care and birth care, nutrition and life- sources of the area are control, exemplifies the Survey on style improvement workshops accessible in one space. benefits of such a system. issue and counselling are avail- The community partici- The centre's functioning is At a meeting held Novem- able. pates directly in centre further enriched by commun- ber 3, the Capital Ward operation through volunteers ity participation in pro- Health Centre Group decided Comprehensive care elected to the board of di- gramme development and ser- to go ahead with a survey rectors. Closely in touch vice implementation. to take the public pulse on Each centre employs fami- with the desires of the this issue. ly physicians who offer client population, they de- Gaps in services People are needed to ex- comprehensive medical care termine programmes, operat- plore the question and to during office hours, plus a ing hours and out-reach ser- The Capital Ward Health work in specific interest twenty-four hour on-call vices. The integration of Centre Group has been in- areas. Let us hear from service including time and these services in one con- vestigating the prospects you. home visits. venient place offers potent- of a community health cen- or la I " * ' 41,- 6 ' 1 la21E=II Mr Ur , I 41t- il 1.--Me S C._\nr 1 5 rn C\ 5 * N Akiimii ,A 2 i * ,1 $4 * 7tAp 4.ftisupt._ ok. Eels 785 BANK St_ 232-74o7 * (A4t4._ uth,L,106-c.:7-L0,14. , faAtti .6. , , . 1 cain41/2 ,2X40-4):4,-0erztiAtxa,, . ,r(-- * ilk _+ -,It * ___*____att_ * BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM GLASSES Specially Priced for Christmas Giving A SET OF SIX $ 795 I ' ' r-n FL] [-)) Fifth Avenue Court ---LF Bank at Fifth Avenue f) 235-5715 _FL it " FIFTH AVENUE COURT 233-0215 November 18, 1983, GLEBE REPORT - 2 IF YOU HAVE NEWS, Call the Editor at 233-3858 or write to the GLEBE REPORT P.O.
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