CAVALIE" ^ THE HIGHLAND R CeCeSratmg 50 years oj student news at Wa-Wise UehmeSe^lluinfeerlZ UnKKrdti •( UhUnla's COHege «t Wsc •pril22,2ll5 Engineering class connects students and community Students'project to build evidence database for police is 'stepping stone'for College ByBreaniwDttson businesses, there are a lot of CanposUfcEdtor opportunities," Grable said, The software engi• adding that the class is provid• neering class at UVa-Wise is ing a public service and is making history for the Depart• making a difference in our ment of Mathematics and area. He also said that this is Computer Science. Dr. Ross an innovative project for the Grable and his students have class and a stepping stone for been given the opportunity to the College. build an evidence database for Coby Addison, one of the Washington County Police the students working on the Department. If the database is project said that the project is approved, it could be nation• progressing well. ally known and used by other "We are just in the de• police departments. velopmental stages of the soft• This is the first time ware, but it's going as that students in the course planned," Addison said. have had the opportunity to The students are also build software for a real cli• clearly excited about their ent. Grable was contacted by project's implementation Karen Jackson of the Center upon its completion. for Innovative Technology "Once the project is (CIT) for the project, and he finished, it will be imple• then received the details and mented by the SherifTs de• has had kept in touch with the partment, and they will use it Washington Coimty Police for a long time to come," said Department to make sure Jason Brooks, another student progress is being made. The working on the project. first major project was to pro• The students also feel duce j user's guide and test Jhat ttte class pr^ect will al• plan, and progress has contin• low them to reap important moTO lY KXIU HAOV. flL ued from there. benefits. Addison said that af• Computer science students Coby Addison, Jason Brooks, Joey Papuckoski, Cole PhUlips and John Malene work on their "This has a lot of po• ter the project's completion, project for the software engineering course. The students are building an evidence database for Washington County police, tential and if we can continue he will take away "the skills which marks the first time that students in the course have ever worked on a project ft>r a client external to the College. to make connections with ENGINEERING. Pulitzer Prize-winner'Garrett speaks on global health, hioterrorism ByDMiMGIison Chancellor's Lecture Series, "Bioterrorism: The Modem tion to be shared about AIDS, SttfrOMter j Pulitzer Prize-winning jour• Peril," only briefly addressed health care workers in hospi• Imagine walking into nalist and author Laurie bioterrorist attacks. tals are not encouraged to take a clinic for yqur flu shot. How Garrett addressed the state of When asked about the the precautions with infected long would you stand in line global health care on April 11 possibility and imminence of blood and fluid samples, and if you noticed the person in• at UVa-Wise. a bioterror attack, Garrett said often these hospitals simply jecting the shiots was reusing The first speech was that the "crucial weakness" in spread disease to the health the same needle after just rins• an informal talk with a ques- detecting and preventing care woricers who were there ing it with luk,ewarm water, tion-and-answer period in the bioterrorist attacks is "the gap to help the sick. patient after patient? Would Science Building. Addressing in intelligence." She also said Lack of health care you return to a hospital if you an audience prinuuily com• that "we don't have hard data" vastly increases the mortality knew that surgical instruments posed of science majors, to really know where a rate for sub-Sabaran Afiican were rinsed and reused as Garrett spoke of the World bioterror attack would come HIV and AIDS patients. As a well? Health Organization and the from or whether one is immi• result, the oiphaned survivors Americans take Center for Disease Control's nent. The disparity of pre• of devastated countries grow simple things like basic sani• continuing concerns for the paredness is cause for concern up in crime-ridden, violenten- tary conditions for granted discrepancies between the with most of the focus on vironments that, in the end, when entering a hospital. health care provided in smallpox, while disregarding only encourage the perpetua• When hospitals operate under wealthy coimlries and in de• other potentially devastating tion of the problem. severe lack of medical sup• veloping countries. threats. Garret pointed out that plies and staff, less than ster• The second speech The multimedia pre• the main concern of the worki ile conditions create hazards was to an audience of approxi• sentation further elaborated is for the public health crises for health care providers and mately 170 students, faculty on the problems with the pub• in each of the countries to be patients in the developing and members of the commu• lic health systems worldwide. handled consistently to im• world. nity in the Chapel later that In countries where govern• prove the overall health of de• veloping countries. As part of the evening. This speech, entitled ments will not allow informa• couNcu or ratooN uunoM mofo CampusUfe Ertertalnraent SpMtS Bristol gives students glimpse of sHe for Rocky fights on P82, Lady Cava splK Wins With Appalachian fossils Mantco and Capcom team up TWC. stay atop AAC ETSU'paleontotogist presented a lecture to This Issue's Press Play features a The College's Softball team students and faculty on April 4 about a fossil site review by Devin Petro for the PS2's continues to play strong after In Qray, Tenn. ttiat features aotualfosslls from "Rocky: Legends,' whHs Audra splitting vkjtories wHh Tennes- the Appalachian regkm. For more Infonnatkm, BowMng previews Namco and see Wesleyan to hoM onto first check out ttie complete stoiy on page 2. Capcom's crossovor strategy RPG, place In the conference. (=0r "Mamco X Capcom,' all on page 3. game details, see page 4. toll 22. IMS AMPUS LIFE NTERTAINMENT Paae3 IIPI1I2Z.2005 Bristol gives students COMING TO THEATERS Summer sohocri glimpse of site for financial aid FiWay.Afltllffi PRESS PLAY Rodiu fights on PS2, Hamco 6 Capcom team up Those students attencHng summer sdiool and wtsNng to Appalachian fossils The Interpietsr Rgvlew Preview apply for financial aid siwuM A dramaWirfller staning NkX)ie Rocky: Legends Namco X Capcom now visit the Office of ByUorinaniMde the crowd that fossils from Kidman and Sean Penn. Publisher: Ubisoft Publishers: Namco, Capcom Rnandal Aid for Infonnatlon. StafflMttr animals such as elephants, RatedPQ-ISforvtolence, Console: Playstation 2 Console: Playstation 2 The Gray Fossil alligators and saber- sonte sexual content and brief UVa-Wlsepraamits strong language. Geiuc: Boxing Genre: Strategy RPG "Miners and MUmande" Site in Gray, Tenn. gives toothed cate have already Held at College Theatre paleontologists a chance to been discovered at the Gray King's Ransom By Deuhi Petit By fludra Bowling examine what life was like Fossil Site. Some remains A crims/gangster comedy staff Uittcr CntotoiMMfltMw Friday and Saturday, in the Appalachian region that have been found have starring Anthony Anderson, Apr. 12-13 "Yo, Adrian!" While there is little in the Miocene era. Larry not yet been identified. rtated PG-13 fc)r cmde and 8pjn. sexual humor and language. Rocfy: Legends is a word on the possibility of it Bristol, the ETSU Paleon• Bristol himself dis• new game for the Playstation being shipped to the United Friday and Saturday, tology Coordinator, spoke covered a unique fossil that Friday. April 2fl 2 that oflers an interesting States, the joint RPG venture Apr. 29-30 about the Gray Fossil Site was unidentified. He sent premise, solid (yet unspec• of famed gaming publishers 8 p.m. in the Science Building lec• pictures to various colleges The Hitchhiker's tacular) controls and medio• Namco and Capcom, simply ture hall at 1 p.m. on Mon• and universities to help him GuWetotheQalwty cre sound and animation. Med Namco XCapcom, is an Sunday, May 1 A comedk) science ftctioo day, Aprir4, to a large identify the fossil. An as• 2 p.m. movie starring Martin Frseman, Rocky: Legends cov• interesting title that has been group of UVa-Wise stu• sisting paleontologist in• Rated PQ for thematto ers the events leading up to getting loads of attention re• Outdoor Reoieatlon dents and faculty. formed Bristol that he had elements, action and mlM each of the five Rocky fihns. cently. Overnight Canoe Trip mOTO BV ROOM HAOV, JR. "It is very interest• discovered a panda tooth, language. April 22-23 However, Rocky: Legends The storyline follows ing to know that all of these which was a remarkable does not just go through the the adventures of two origi• Matural'ninnel State Parte Dr. Ross Grable leaches the students In his software engineering course. Grable's course XXX: State of the Unkm different species lived in find because until then, it lectures provide the students with the inft)rmalion and skills necessary to make continued An adhNVedventure sequel movie plots like many of the nal characters, Reiji and Southwest Virginia Early our area," said Amanda was unknown that pandas progress in their software project for local police. starring ice Cube and Samuel previous Rocky games has Shaomu of the organization Childhood Conference Meade, a science major at existed in the Appalachian L Jackson. done, but lets the gambr play Shinra, as they try to put a Saturday, April 13 the College.
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