A STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT OF THE JOINT MILITARY TASK FORCE IN THE NIGER DELTA, 2003-2010 MEJABI, HENRY OLORUNDARE Matriculation Number 25507 B.Sc (Hons.) Geography (Ibadan), M.Sc Land Surveying (ABU), M. A. Peace & Conflict Studies (Ibadan) A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN FEBRUARY 2012 UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN CERTIFICATION I certify that this work which has been read and approved as meeting the requirement for the award of the Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D) Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, was carried out by HENRY OLORUNDARE MEJABI under my supervision at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. _________________ _____________________________ Date Supervisor ISAAC OLAWALE ALBERT Professor of African History/Peace Studies Institute of African Studies University of Ibadan Ibadan, Nigeria. UNIVERSITYii OF IBADAN DEDICATION This Thesis is dedicated to the Glory of God Almighty, the Source of knowledge, the Giver and Sustainer of life. The grace, energy and favour with which this work was completed emanated from Him who is my all in all. Thank you Father. UNIVERSITYiii OF IBADAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank the Almighty God for His Grace, the enablement for making everything possible and this thesis in particular a reality. My gratitude and appreciation goes to my amiable supervisor and mentor Professor Isaac Olawale Albert an acclaimed scholar and committed academic for painstakingly supervising this work. He worked tirelessly to ensure that I become grounded as a Peace and Conflict Studies Practitioner. My immense gratitude also goes to Drs Femi Olaoba, Sola Olorunyomi, Adekunle, Nathaniel Danjibo and Kayode Samuel, for their various contributions. I thank Dr. (Mrs) Ome Mejabi for helping in designing the survey. I also thank my cousins Mr. Dayo Mejabi and Dr. (Mrs) Sade Yemi-Esan who enthusiastically encouraged me to press on. To my parents, Brothers and Sisters, I say thank you for your prayers and support. The Nigerian Army and the Joint Task Force Field Commanders are appreciated for granting permission for data collection. To all respondents who agreed to participate in the study, I say a big thank you. I am extremely appreciative of the contributions of Surv. Olugbenga Obembe, Miss Onyinye Onyido, Lieutenant Colonels NU Efik and C.G. Musa who assisted with data collection. I also extend my thanks to all Corporate Organizations, Communities and JTF Field Commanders that participated in the in-depth interviews and interactive fora that were components of the study. The professional contributions of the following brothers, friends and colleagues deserve special recognition Major General Muraina, Major General Tahir Umar, Colonel KK Shaw, Colonel Oladele Babajamu, Messers. Oluwadare Oguntebi, Remi Olufe, Benson Eluma, James Ameh, APS Arogundade, Surv. Winston Ayeni and Mrs.Moji Osunrinade; their untiring efforts have gone a long way to improve the quality of the Thesis. To my wife Olajumoke „a precious gift‟ for her support in taking care of the home front and for the typesetting of this thesis and also to my children Seyifunmi, Jesunifemi, Olaoluwa and Jesubukunmi for their patience and understanding throughout the period of this study, I love you all. UNIVERSITYiv OF IBADAN TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Title page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgements iv Table of contents v List of tables viii List of figures x List of appendices xi List of plates xii List of abbreviations xiv Abstract xvi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Historical Background of the Niger Delta Conflict 1 1.1.1 Location and Strategic Importance of the Niger Delta 9 1.1.2 Causes of the Niger Delta Conflict 12 1.1.3 Implications of the Niger Delta Conflict for National Security 16 1.1.4 Attempts at Solving the Problems in the Niger Delta 25 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem 27 1.3 Research Objectives 29 1.4 Research Questions 30 1.5 Justification for the Study 30 1.6 Scope and problems of Delta Collection 31 1.7 Definition of terms 32 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Conceptual Discourse 34 2.1.1 Military Task Force in Global Perspectives 34 Joint Task Force 36 UNIVERSITYv OF IBADAN Combined Task Force 37 Combined Joint Task Force 37 2.2 Conceptual Framework 37 2.2.1 Peace Support Operations 37 2.2.2 Internal Security Operations 39 2.2.3 Military Operations Other Than War 41 2.3 Literature Review 43 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Background Information 52 3.1.1 Concept of Strategy Circle 52 3.2 Research Instruments 56 3.3 Method of Data Collection 57 3.4 Method of Data Analysis 60 3.5 Samples and Sampling procedures 61 3.6 Problems of Data Collection 61 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Attempts at Solving the Problems in the Niger Delta 63 4.2 Assessment of Joint Military Task Force and Niger Delta Conflict 63 4.2.1 Evolution of Military Operations in the Niger Delta 63 4.2.2 Historical Context of the JTF 73 4.2.3 Assessments of Operation RESTORE HOPE 78 4.3 Strategies Adopted by JTF Towards Achieving its Vision and Goals 84 4.4 Achievements of Operation RESTORE HOPE 88 4.5 Challenges to Military Joint Task Force – Operations in the Niger Delta 96 4.6 Community Perception of JTF 110 4.6.1 Summary of Demographic Characteristics of Perception Survey of Respondents 110 4.6.11 Data Presentation and Discussion of the Perception Survey 116 UNIVERSITYvi OF IBADAN 4.7 Discussion of Findings 148 Endnotes 154 CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Summary 155 5.2 Conclusions 159 5.3 Recommendations 160 BIBLOGRAPHY UNIVERSITYvii OF IBADAN LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE Table 1 Gender of Respondents 111 Table 2 Ages of Respondents (Age at last Birthday) 111 Table 3 Educational Qualifications (Highest Level of Education) 112 Table 4 Occupation of Respondents 113 Table 5 Marital Status of Respondents 114 Table 6 Religion of Respondents 114 Table 7 Length of Stay in Community 115 Table 8 Status of “Militant” Group in Niger Delta 116 Table 9 Perception on the causes of the Militants Acts in the Niger Delta 117 Table 10 Perception on Best Ways of Conflict Management in the Niger Delta 118 Table 11 Perception on Why Joint problem Solving Approach Has Not Been Employed in the Niger Delta 119 Table 12 JTF Intervention of Sustainable Peace 120 Table 13 Perception of Niger Delta Youths on JTF operations 122 Table 14 Perception of Niger Delta NGO‟s on JTF Intervention 123 Table 15 Public Perception of the JTF Operation 124 Table 16 Perception of State Governments on JTF as Necessary Peace Mechanism 126 Table 17 Approaches Adopted by JTF in Dealing with Niger Delta Conflict 127 Table 18 Mean Showing Differences in Level of Perception Across States 128 Table 19 Attainment of Peace with JTF Intervention 129 Table 20 Effectiveness of JTF Intervention 131 Table 21 Education Output of Respondents 132 Table 22 Perception on Security Situations in the Niger Delta under JTF 134 Table 23 Justification for the Establishment of JTF in the Niger Delta 135 UNIVERSITYviii OF IBADAN Table 24 Perception on Whether Observable Mistakes were Made by the JTF During their Operation in the Niger Delta 136 Table 25 Perception on Challenges Facing the JTF in the Niger Delta 137 Table 26 Perception on Activities of Youth Organisations in the Niger Delta 138 Table 27 Roles of Government (Federal, States, LGA) in Resolving the Niger Delta Conflict 140 Table 28 Role of Political Elites and Politicians Towards Resolving the Niger Delta Conflict 141 Table 29 Perception on the Roles of Civil Society organizations (CSOs) In the Resolution of the Niger Delta Conflict 142 Table 30 Perception on the Roles of Oil & Gas Companies in the Resolution of the Niger Delta Conflict 143 Table 31 Perception on the Roles of Youths in the Resolution of the Niger Delta Conflict 144 Table 32 The Roles of the Niger Delta Communities in the Resolution of the Niger Delta Conflict 145 Table 33 Perception on the Roles of the Community Leaders in the Resolution of the Niger Delta Conflict 146 Table 34 Perception on the Roles of Joint Military Task Force (JTF) in the Resolution of the Niger Delta Conflict 147 Table 35 Systemic Analysis of JTF Tasks and Strategies 150 Table 36 Correlation Between the Adopted JTF Strategies and Actions Adopted by the JTF 153 UNIVERSITYix OF IBADAN LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE Figure 1 Map of Nigeria Showing the Niger Delt 1 Region Figure 2 Incidences of Hostage Taking in Niger Delta in 2008 20 Figure 3 Crude Oil Theft in the Niger Delta 2003 – 2008 28 Figure 4 Components of Strategy Circle 53 Figure 5 Organogram Showing the JTF Organisation as at 2008 77 Figure 6 Conflict Transformation Diagram 158 UNIVERSITYx OF IBADAN LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES PAGE Appendix 1 Questionnaire used for Perception Study 171 Appendix 2 Assessment of the Joint Task Force Impact on the Niger Delta Conflict 179 Appendix 3 List of Key personnel Interviewed (Primary Sources) 182 Appendix 4 Details of Identified Militants‟ camps in Niger Delta 184 Appendix 5 Statistics of Petroleum Recovered from Illegal Bunkering Activities, 2001 – 2008 187 UNIVERSITYxi OF IBADAN LIST OF PLATES PLATE PAGE Plate 1 Shell Operations in Oloibiri , Bayelsa State 2 Plate 2 Shell Opeartions in Oloibiri Showing Polluted Areas 2 Plate 3 Activities of Illegal Refineries Polluted Areas 2 Plate 4 Captured Militants Weapons Magazine 3 Plate 5 Captured Militants Weapons 3 Plate 6 Typical
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