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The new Macombs Dam Park stands in the shadow of Yankee Stadium, with ballfields just south of the stadium. It includes the foot- print of the former stadium in in- OPPOSED delible blue marked out on the three new baseball fields in the park, and should be a real gem and a gate- way to Yankee Stadium, said 161st Mott Haven fi ghts social programming Street BID executive director Cary Goodman. BY KIRSTEN SANCHEZ proval of the project without any However Goodman is con- A plan to build a 60-unit mid- community input, the hyper sat- cerned about vandalism and litter rise for the severely mentally ill uration of similar housing and he already sees in the park even be- and those with drug dependencies, support services in a small geo- fore its official ribbon cutting, and was met with fierce opposition on graphic area, the concentration by what he has said he has heard Saturday, January 28. of residents with different mental from the Parks Department about ‘We Are Mott Haven,’ a coali- illnesses with their individual lack of resources in terms of main- tion of local property owners and stress points in one building, the taining the park, he said. tenants, banded together to black location is near schools, the prox- “[Bronx Parks] Commissioner the project’s start. imity to the area of small 1- to Aponte has said that he has not been “We are not opposed to pro- 2-family private homes, and the given any additional staff or fund- grams for those in need,” Maxi Ri- safety of all the residents of the ing for the maintenance of the park, vera, a resident, said, while speak- neighborhood. and yet it is a large investment that ing on behalf of the group. “We are In a letter addressed to Gover- should be properly maintained,” opposed to the location, and the nor Cuomo, the group voiced their Goodman stated. “Building this over saturation of residential and concerns and questions why there park was a great effort, but it has to outpatient treatment programs. are so many government and pri- be maintained.” The initiators of the project and vate programs for people with Goodman is hoping that a con- Photo by Patrick Rocchio the elected officials failed to notify mental illness and drug or alcohol servancy could be formed in sup- Cary Goodman stands against the “frieze,” a replica of the historic upper deck the community.” dependency in community boards port of the park that includes public roofing on the old Yankee Stadium that has been installed on the corner of Some of the concerns of the 1 through 6 and so few in commu- Continued on page 42 Jerome Avenue and West 161st Street in the new Macombs Dam Park. community group were the ap- Continued on page 42 A CNG Publication • Vol. 18 No. 8 BRONX TIMES Feb. 23-29, 2012 2 BRONX GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com (718) 547-5280 3 BRONX TIMES Feb. 23-29, 2012 3 BRONX HONDA Bronxites socked by 335% OF NEW ROCHELLE higher No-Fault premiums Legislature sought to curb lawsuit abuse BY PATRICK ROCCHIO mon schemes used by these dence that the services billed A coalition of insurers, medical mills is to have a were medically necessary. elected officials, and com- “runner” wait near or in a Assemblyman Peter munity leaders are coming hospital where auto accident Rivera has signed onto the together to stop what some victims are brought, steer- Fraud Costs NY coalition, and Open 7 Days A Week see as a “fraud tax” on Bronx ing unsuspecting victims to is the sponsor of legislation MON-FRI 7:30AM-8PM, SAT 7:30AM-6PM, SUN 9AM-4PM drivers. the mills, which then bill for called the NY Automobile In- Fraud Costs NY is seek- extra or nonexistent treat- surance Fraud and Premium No Appt. Necessary, Oil Changes, 30 Min. Or Less. ing to have laws re-written ments, Baldwin stated. In the Reduction Act, which would Tire Rotation, Batteries, Wipers, Filters & MORE! and others enacted that will New York City metro area, make it a crime to stage an stop fraud and lawsuit abuse 44% of claimants used four automobile accident and then when it comes to excessive or more medical providers, bill the insurance company or fraudulent medical claims as opposed to 14% upstate, for medical and other costs, WATCH FOR on no-fault auto insurance Baldwin said. She also said said Rivera’s chief of staff THE WRENCH policies that are being filed that this could not be attrib- Danny Figueroa. It is one of about 25 bills dealing with by clients of “medical mills” uted to a higher concentra- YOUR VEHICLE’S MAINTENANCE MINDER SYSTEM TRACKS THE REMAINING ENGINE OIL LIFE IN YOUR VEHICLE. IT throughout the borough and tion of medical providers in auto insurance fraud cur- FOR ANY 1ST TIME HONDA OF NEW ROCHELLE CUSTOMER THEN DISPLAYS MAINTENANCE SERVICE SYMBOLS IN THE ODOMETER/TRIP METER AREA. AS PART OF THE MAINTE- NANCE MINDER SYSTEM, A SEPARATE “WRENCH” ICON APPEARS, INDICATING THAT REQUIRED MAINTENANCE IS DUE. the city, said Fraud Costs NY the metro area as opposed to rently on record at the New Valid at Honda of New Rochelle only. Must present prior to write up. No two offers can be combined. No prior services apply. EXP: 2/29/12 Bronx Times Edition Valid at Honda of New Rochelle only. Must present prior to write up. No two offers spokeswoman Kristina Bald- upstate. York State Assembly. can be combined. No prior services apply. EXP: 2/29/12 Bronx Times Edition win, who is also assistant “In the area of durable “There is a fraud tax for vice president for the Prop- medical equipment, like living in the Bronx and want- HONDA erty Casualty Insurers Asso- canes or walkers, we see that ing to own a car,” Figueroa 888.905.3771 ciation of America. the use of durable medical said. “It is not right for driv- OF NEW ROCHELLE 30 MAIN STREET, NEW ROCHELLE The high prevalence of equipment is four times more ers and it is not right for the (ACROSS FROM NEW CAR SHOWROOM) medical mills downstate are likely in the New York City residents of New York City.” costing Bronx drivers when metro area,” Baldwin said. Some of the costs of no HONDAOFNEWROCHELLE.COM they pay their premiums, “We are seeing a tremendous fault auto insurance premi- which are 335% of the New amount of fraud in billing for ums for Bronx drivers, like York State average, and the medical equipment that the those related to fraud, can be highest of any borough in injured party doesn’t need controlled with legislation New York City, Baldwin said, or in some cases were never as a useful tool, Figueroa citing statistics that were cal- given.” stated. Other factors, like re- culated by the PCIAA. Among the changes the ducing higher incidence of “By and large, most Fraud Costs NY is pushing auto theft, could prove more medical providers are hon- for are fast and fair dispute elusive, Figueroa stated.
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