Hannover 2016 – P Overview Plasma Physics Division Fachverband Plasmaphysik (P) Navid Mahdizadeh ABB Switzerland Ltd Brown-Boveri-Strasse 5 CH-8050 Zürich [email protected] Overview of Invited Talks and Sessions (Lecture rooms b302 and b305; Poster Empore Lichthof) Invited Talks P 2.1 Mon 11:00–11:30 b305 Mid-infrared cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy of gas and surface species — ∙Jean-Pierre van Helden, Norbert Lang, Andy Nave, Jürgen Röpcke P 3.1 Mon 14:30–15:00 b302 Advances in Laser Manipulation of Dusty Plasmas — ∙Jan Schablinski, Frank Wieben, Dietmar Block P 4.1 Mon 14:30–15:00 b305 Impact of electron attachment processes on nonthermal plasmas — ∙Jürgen Meichsner, Sebastian Nemschokmichal, Robert Tschiersch, Thomas Wegner P 6.1 Tue 11:00–11:30 b302 ns-Pulsed Micro-Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressures — ∙Uwe Czarnetzki P 7.1 Tue 11:00–11:30 b305 Erste Ergebnisse an Wendelstein 7-X — ∙Hans-Stephan Bosch, W7-X Team P 8.1 Tue 14:30–15:00 b302 Nanometer-scale characterization of laser-driven plasmas, compression, shocks and phase transitions, by coherent small angle x-ray scattering — ∙Thomas Kluge, Melanie Rödel, Alexander Pelka, Emma McBride, Luke Fletcher, Christian Rödel, Siegfried Glenzer, Michael Buss- mann, Ulrich Schramm, Thomas Cowan P 9.1 Tue 14:30–15:00 b305 Computer simulations of correlated fermions–from quantum plasmas to ultracold atoms and plasma-surface interaction — ∙Michael Bonitz P 13.1 Wed 11:00–11:30 b302 Power exhaust by impurity seeding in fusion reactors — ∙Matthias Bern- ert, Felix Reimold, Arne Kallenbach, Bruce Lipschultz, Ralph Dux, Marco Wischmeier, the ASDEX Upgrade team, the EUROfusion MST1 Team P 17.1 Wed 14:30–15:00 b305 Plasma measurement and control: challenges and recent advances — ∙Timo Gans P 21.1 Thu 11:00–11:30 b302 The behavior of helium in fusion plasmas — ∙Athina Kappatou, Rachael M. McDermott, Clemente Angioni, Thomas Pütterich, Ralph Dux, Michael G. Dunne, Rudolf Neu, Alexander Lebschy, Eleonora Viezzer, Marco Cavedon, the EUROfusion MST1 Team, the ASDEX Upgrade Team P 21.2 Thu 11:30–12:00 b302 Energy and Particle Core Transport in Tokamaks and Stellarators com- pared — ∙Marc Beurskens, Clemente Angioni, Craig Beidler, Andreas Dinklage, Golo Fuchert, Matthias Hirsch, Thomas Puetterich, Robert Wolf P 22.1 Thu 11:00–11:30 b305 Fluid-kinetisches Hybrid Modell für Plasmarandtransport in He-Plasma am Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X — ∙Michael Rack, Detlev Reiter, Felix Hasenbeck, Yuhe Feng, Petra Börner P 24.1 Thu 14:30–15:00 b305 Design and characteristics of the COST Reference Microplasma Jet for bio-medicine — ∙Judith Golda, Julian Held, Volker Schulz-von der Gathen 1 Hannover 2016 – P Overview Invited talks of the joint symposium SYAD See SYAD for the full program of the symposium. SYAD 1.1 Tue 11:00–11:30 e415 Artificial gauge fields and topology with ultracold atoms inoptical lattices — ∙Monika Aidelsburger SYAD 1.2 Tue 11:30–12:00 e415 Many-body physics with impurities in ultracold quantum gases — ∙Fabian Grusdt SYAD 1.3 Tue 12:00–12:30 e415 How to determine the handedness of single molecules — ∙Martin Pitzer SYAD 1.4 Tue 12:30–13:00 e415 Quantum systems under gravitational time dilation — ∙Magdalena Zych Sessions P 1.1–1.5 Mon 11:00–13:05 b302 Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physices I P 2.1–2.7 Mon 11:00–13:10 b305 Plasma Diagnostics I P 3.1–3.5 Mon 14:30–16:10 b302 Dusty Plasmas I P 4.1–4.6 Mon 14:30–16:35 b305 Plasma Technology P 5.1–5.32 Mon 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session- Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physics P 6.1–6.6 Tue 11:00–12:55 b302 Low temperature plasmas I P 7.1–7.6 Tue 11:00–12:55 b305 Magnetic Confinement I P 8.1–8.9 Tue 14:30–17:00 b302 Laser Plasmas I P 9.1–9.7 Tue 14:30–16:40 b305 Theory and Modelling I P 10.1–10.13 Tue 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session- Dusty Plasmas P 11.1–11.3 Tue 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session- Plasma Wall Interaction P 12.1–12.10 Tue 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session: Magnetic Confinement P 13.1–13.4 Wed 11:00–12:15 b302 Plasma Wall Interactions P 14.1–14.5 Wed 11:00–12:25 b305 Dusty Plasmas II P 15 Wed 12:30–13:30 b305 Mitgliederversammlung Fachverband Plasmaphysik P 16.1–16.9 Wed 14:30–16:55 b302 Theory and Modelling II P 17.1–17.6 Wed 14:30–16:35 b305 Plasma Diagnostics II P 18.1–18.4 Wed 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session- Plasma Technology P 19.1–19.6 Wed 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session- Laser Plasmas P 20.1–20.28 Wed 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session- Low Temperature Plasmas P 21.1–21.5 Thu 11:00–12:55 b302 Magnetic Confinement II P 22.1–22.7 Thu 11:00–13:10 b305 Theory and Modelling III P 23.1–23.5 Thu 14:30–16:25 b302 Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma II P 24.1–24.6 Thu 14:30–16:25 b305 Low Temperature Plasmas II P 25.1–25.18 Thu 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session- Theory and Modelling P 26.1–26.21 Thu 16:30–19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session-Plasma Diagnostics P 27.1–27.7 Fri 11:00–12:45 b305 Low Temperature Plasmas III Annual General Meeting of the Plasma Physics Division Wednesday 12:30–13:30 b305 ∙ Bericht ∙ Wahl ∙ Verschiedenes 2 Hannover 2016 – P Monday P 1: Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physices I Time: Monday 11:00–13:05 Location: b302 Fachvortrag P 1.1 Mon 11:00 b302 of deuterium into tungsten is increased. The lower temperature associ- Non-linear simulations of ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade — ated with a reduction in diffusivity as well as the deeper implantation ∙Alexander Lessig1, Matthias Hoelzl1, François Orain1, of deuterium lead to an increase of deuterium concentration within Sibylle Guenter1, Marina Becoulet2, Guido Huysmans2, and the implantation zone. Deuterium is stepwise implanted into poly- the ASDEX Upgrade Team1 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Plasma- crystalline tungsten up to a fluence of 1×1022 D/m2 with an energy of physik, Boltzmannstrasse 2, 85748 Garching, Germany — 2CEA- 3:0 keV/D at a sample temperature of 134 K. The retained deuterium IRFM, Cadarache, 13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France is measured in-situ by nuclear reaction analysis. For low fluence ap- Large edge localized modes (ELMs) are a severe concern for the oper- proximately 100 % of the implanted deuterium is retained, while for ation of future tokamak devices like ITER or DEMO due to the high higher fluence the retention saturates. Close to the surface deuterium transient heat loads induced on divertor targets and wall structures. concentrations up to 64 % are reached. This leads to massive grain ori- It is therefore important to study ELMs both theoretically and ex- entation dependent blistering with blister sizes between 100 − 1000 nm perimentally in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the at depths between 30 − 150 nm. Besides the characterization of the underlying mechanisms which is necessary for the prediction of ELM blisters their influence on deuterium transport is studied. properties and the design of ELM mitigation systems. Fachvortrag P 1.4 Mon 12:15 b302 Using the non-linear MHD code JOREK, we have performed first simulations of full ELM crashes in ASDEX Upgrade, taking into ac- High frequency magnetic fluctuations correlated with the inter-ELM pedestal recovery — ∙Florian M. Laggner1, Elis- count a large number of toroidal Fourier harmonics. The evolution 2 2 2 of the toroidal mode spectrum has been investigated. In particular, abeth Wolfrum , Felician Mink , Marco Cavedon , Mike G. Dunne2, Gregor Birkenmeier2, Friedrich Aumayr1, the AS- we confirm the previously observed non-linear drive of linearly sub- 2 2 dominant low-n components in the early non-linear phase of the ELM DEX Upgrade Team , and the EUROfusion MST1 Team — 1Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Fusion@ÖAW, Wiedner crash. Preliminary comparisons of the simulations with experimental 2 observations regarding heat and particle losses, pedestal evolution and Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 Vienna, Austria — Max Planck Institute for heat deposition patterns are shown. On the long run we aim at code Plasma Physics, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany validation as well as an improved understanding of the ELM dynamics In H-mode plasmas, the maximum achievable pressure gradient at and possibly a better characterization of different ELM types. the plasma edge (pedestal) is usually set by an ideal MHD limit (peeling-ballooning), which if exceeded is leading to edge localised Fachvortrag P 1.2 Mon 11:25 b302 modes (ELMs), that relax the pedestal. However, the mechanisms Study of TEM-ITG turbulence transitions using setting the final pedestal shape (height and width) are not fully un- Poloidal Correlation Reflectometry at AUG — ∙Dmitrii derstood. This contribution focuses on the temporal evolution of the Prisiazhniuk1;2, Andreas Krämer-Flecken3, Garrard pedestal density and temperature profiles. After the maximum pre- Conway1, Peter Manz1, Tim Happel1, Ulrich Stroth1;2, ELM pedestal gradients are established a phase that is accompanied and The ASDEX Upgrade Team1 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für by the sharp onset of radial magnetic fluctuations with frequencies Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstraße 2, 85748 Garching, Germany — larger than 200 kHz is identified. During their presence the gradients 2Physik-Department E28, Technische Universität München, 85748 of the edge electron density and temperature are clamped.
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