CONTENTS de Havilland SEA VAMPIRE APRIL. 194* No. 4 the Editors 7 10 ARTICLES Fallmouth for Orders 12 They Write of ttie See Reuben Ranlo 15 Voyage to Heard and Kerguelen 20 "Zeelendia" "Rocky Derby" 25 Half-Way House John Clark 31 PERSONALITIES Caw: H.M.S. "Glory" UK ol GUR- Captain Ray Russell Dowling, D.S.O., A.D.C.. R.A.N. 18 <»» H.M.S. HMTOUR—"S.M. Commander W. S. Bracegirdle, D.S.C. and Bar, R.A.N. 24 Commander (S) J. D. Bates, R.A.N.V.R. 28 Editor: OVERSEAS NIWS. 6. H. GILL, Meritime News of the World 23 News of the World's Nevies 37 AUKMI Editor: Captain SPECIAL MATURES W. 6. LAWRENCE. M.S.E. Seas, Ships and Sailors Norton 17 Navy Spotlight 26 Moaogleg Editor: On Board the "Cestlocrag" Mr. Pryka 34 BARRY E. KEEN. HUMOUR locorporatlat tha "Navy League Jour- Navy Mixture nal." Official Organ of the Navy Laagua 10 of Australia, and "Tin Merchant Nary," Prendorgast . 30 Journal of the Merchent Service Guild The first carricr-bornc jet aircraft, the de Havilland of Auatrelesie. NAVAL OCCASIONS Sea Vampire represents a tremendous step forward in Clrcelotfeq through the Royel Amtre- What the Navy is Doing et See end Ashore— naval aviation. Now in production for the R.N. Ben end New Zeelend Navies, the Mer- Squadron Dispositions 38 chent Service end to the generel public. The land version of this famous aeroplane is in service Generel 40 with the R.A.F. and foreign Air Forces, and is to be od by The Nevy Leegue, Royel Personal 41 Exchange Building, 54a Pitt Street, Syd- produced in Australia for the R.A.A.F. ney. N.S.W. Telephone: BU 5808. BOOR REVIEWS Frenk C. Bowen 43 S.bscriptloa Rote: '"Tbe Flag of the Southern Cron, 1939-1945" 12 issue, post free ia the British Empire, NOTION 12/6; foreign, 16/-. It's en III Wind Austin Blake 33 DE HAVILLAND AIRCRAFT PTY. LTD. Wholesale Distributors: GORDON t GOTCH (A/sie) LTD., Aorirelie end New Zealand. "Tho Nevy" for Neat Month •;» Melbourne Steamship Company Ltd.—Chairman's Speech 34 BOX JO, P.O. nP^ BANKSTOWN "THE HAVy" is pjblid^nio*M».Utero^ cofiWMRicMIORi, photographs ond litttfi for Nautical Quiz 41 AUSTRALIA iasaittoe (otildi should be start) should be Awards Won in Varying Fields . ... 45 oddraaaed to G. H. Sill, 2SI laocoaaltald Editor does not hold himself raapoeribta for Nevel Appointments, etc. 4B forode, Mlddl, Port, Melbourne, Vic. Hie manuscripts, though every effort will bo made CANADA • NEW ZEALAND • INDIA • AFRICA to letum thoM found aanitobla »Hk <rtik» e ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS. stomped ond oddrotted tnvtlopt Is enclosed. Tho opinions expressed in signed orticlet on Tho Novy League 5 thoso of tho wriltfi ond not nocettorily those tho Hovy L . Et-NeveJ Men's Association of Australia 44 OF OOQM - i f ™ NAVY FOR NEXT MONTH GO TO SEA MY LAD COPPER, BRASS AND In March of this year the examination for a new scheme of entry as Cadets into the Royal Navy was held, M.V. "DUKTROON"—10.500 ton. OTHER NON-FERROUS and the first entries under the new system will enter the WIRE CABLES & TUBES Royal Naval College at Dartmouth in September next. MELBOURNE In announcing the scheme in January last, the First Lord STEAMSHIP of the Admiralty, Viscount Hall, explained that the~sys- tem has been designed to ensure that no boy is prevented CO. LTD. from competing by reason of his social status, school, or METAL MANUFACTURES LTD HEAD OFFICE: PORT KEMBLA. N.S.W. financial standing. It is a system that has been in force in Australia ever since the foundation of the Royal Aus- 31 King St., Melbourne. SELLING AGENTS tralian Naval College. In an article in the May issue of BRANCHES OR AGENCIES (with Distributors in ail Sreua) "The Navy," the author will discuss past avenues of entry AT ALL PORTS. into the Royal Navy, and will also review methods of the MANAGING AGENTS TUBES « BRASS WIRE WIRE St CABLES past and the present of going to sea in the Merchant for Service, and how one can act on the exhortation to "Go HOBSONS BAY DOCK >X SCHLAPP PTY LTD. BRITISH INSULATED to sea, my lad; go to sea." CALLENDER-S CABLES LTD AND ENGINEERING llins House, Melbourne . " SAILING DAY 84 William St., Melbourne COY. PTY. LTD. mbU Building, Sydney 44 Margaret St., Sydney. The light touch is acceptable at times in leavening SHIP REPAIRERS, ETC. the more serious material in a magazine, and we have in Works: preparation for the forthcoming issue of "The Navy" an Williamstown, Victoria. article, illustrated by thumbnail sketches, which essays to describe sailing day in a passenger ship ieaving Austra- lia for overseas. The impressions are from the points of view of the ship's staff and of the passengers. It may be that, as either, or possibly as both, you will find in this article something to touch the chord of memory. Time for a The freighter shown hero on the launching ways SALUTE TO THE QUEENS at the 8.H.P. Whyalla Shipyard is one of several The announcement early this year of Britain's deci- built there for the Australian Shipbuilding Board. sion to dispose of the remaining ^Qucen Elizabeth" class battleships, has inspired the article "Salute To The Queen URING the wer The Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd. wet Elizabeths," which will appear in the May issue of "The CAPSTAN D associated in the earliest action taken to meet the Navy." In announcing the disposal decision, the First shortage of ships. In 1940, e shipbuilding yerd wes Lord of the Admiralty said "The ships whose scrapping established at Whyelle, South Austrelie, end, since the first the Admiralty is announcing are real old friends in every vessel wes launched in Mey, 1941, the yerd hes completed sense of the word. They are the friends of every officer and man in the Royal Navy and those who, like myself, ' eleven ships, including four nevel petrol vessels end seven have close associations with the service." The author of CAPSTAN freighters, the largest being of 9.000 tons. the forthcoming article writes of the "Queens" as old friends, and with a keen appreciation of their fine service At present, severel vessels ere in course of construction, and of their strong influence in the preservation of peace including 12,500-ton freighters especially designed for the and of the winning of war. This is an article you will Company's own service, which includes the trensport of Iron enjoy. ore to the steel works at Newcestle and Port Kemble. N.S.W. The B.H.P. fleet at present engaged in this work THE "HUNGRY GOOSE" LINE comprises eight vessels." Those who know Western Australia will remember the ships of Messrs. Trinder Anderson and Co., which, with the black swan on their funnels, were well-known THE BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY COMPANY LTD. visitors to the West from England. In an article shortly Offices: Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, London end Singepore. to appear in "The Navy," an ex-Merchant Service man CAPSTAN: THE EMPIRE'S Steelworks: NEWCASTLE, N.S.W. Shipbuilding Yard: WHYALLA, S.A Vfho spent much of his sea life in these ships, has some- thing to tell you of them and of the Line. FAVOURITE CIGARETTE ApHI, IMS. The Navy League Patron: H.M. The King. DELICIOUS WHEN SPREAD Head Office: Grand Buildings, ON BISCUITS OR BREAP/ Trafalgar Square, LONDON, W.C.2. Branches: Great Britain, New South Wales, OELjGHTFUL FOR SAVOURIES Victoria, South Australia, Tas- mania, New Zealand, Ceylon, W^HAT o•af yesterday's experienc e — can it be used today ENRICHES AIL GRAVIES ' Rhodesia. " to help formulate a plan for successfully meeting tomorrow's problems? Affiliated Leagues: More men seek to establish themselves within business The Navy League of Canada. careers by specializing in one subject, or an associated The Navy League of South Africa group of subjects, and by passing the requisite basic examinations. But how much further they progress to NEW SOUTH WALES. - the more senior positions depends upon the broadening ccuUe of their knowledge to encompass business activities and Patron: administration qs a whole. His Excellency the Governor of Plan Today ior Tomorrow . MAKES A DELICIOUS BEEF BREW N.S.W. Mental stagnation can halt a man's progress . continue learning more about business — the characteristic of men IN A MOMENT OR TWO/ President: who hnve gone far beyond the part success mark. T. H. Silk, M.I.C.E., M.I.N.A. Consult HRI on the higher and broader aspects of adult education. Our half century of personal individual training Hon. Treasurers: and tutorial experience is the logical step for your future GLOB EX BEEF EXTRACT D'Arcy M. Shelley success in business. C. M. C. Shannon. - HJFVJ. Career Training - Hon. Auditors: • Accountancy • Secretaryship «Cost Accountancy •Practical Book Robertson, Crane and Gibbons. keeping •Marketing — Selling — Advertising eBusiness Adminiatra- tion Couraea • Banking • Local Government Exam* • Psychology Hon. Secretary: • Ticket A Showcard Writing •Economics •Effective Correspondence ESTABLISHED IH) Comdr. F. W. Hixson, O.B.E. Under H.R.I. You Make No Experiment. DAVEY'S FLOUR . - . Secretary: | — —To H.R.I., Pleaae send me your 96-page handbook "Guide to Careers in Business" — daveys'lion W. W. Beale, O.B.E. Sam* Ag* VICTORIA. • (Incorporating Navy League Sea Infretted in... Cadet Corps) Hemingway Robertson Institute ' Patron: Founded and Owned by Hemingway A Rotwrtson Pty. Ltd. Established in Australia for over Comultino Accountant* it u Proffuhonal Tutor• His Excellency the Governor of 153 BAKRACK HOUSE .
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