50 51 NATURE 52 ature in Calabria is generous for the extension of its woods and highlands but also for the beauty and Nhealth of its parks (Pollino ,Sila, and Aspromonte) and of its protected areas, and not the least for the diversity of its landscapes made of valleys, rivers, gorges, lakes, wo- ods and massifs which the Institution of the 3 parks protect and make possible to visit through paths ,visiting centres, refugee a wide number of games and sports activities, and educational journeys. All this for an active and nature tou- rism all year round. But the particular thing of Calabrian parks are that, though they are near the coast it permits to, within a few km drive to reach the seashore, so to have a differ holiday. 53 “In the eastern side of Pollino, 54 ancient bulwarks-shaped rocky mountains change into massive stonelike-waves, whose feet are bathed by impetuuos torrent-like rivers such as Raganello” 55 56 POLLINO WILD SPIRIT he widest and one of the wildest protec- 15th and 16th century. For the ones that T ted area in Italy. On the border line of love high altitude the Pollino is the ideal Basilicata and Calabria are the highest pe- place. Lots of geological routes promoted aks of the middle part of Italy covered with by local association, to discover and fol- 57 snow for great part of the year. The Lori- low the “timpe” (a local way to define the cato pine is symbol of the park. It’ s a very rocky paths) through a breathless natural big conifer that survives only on rocky pe- landscapes where you can go across the aks of the Pollino, and where you can find flights of eagles. A great number of caves over 2ooo specimen. To see them you need and gorges that can be explored only with to walk for a couple of hours among spec- specific sport activities like potholing and tacular beeches and a lot of them that go on mountain streaming, give excitement to excursion would like to touch and take pho- those who love these extreme sports ma- tos. The vast and uncontaminated territory king the Pollino a unique Place, like a book has many Paleonthological sites like the open on the history of the earth and its be- Romito cave and the Mercure valley and ginning. The accommodation at the park Archaeological sites dated up to the Greek of Pollino is characterized by a number colonization Sanctuaries, Convents, Cast- of Bed and Breakfast and Agri-tourism les , historical squares. Still today we can that give the possibility to see the territory breathe the fascination of its history joined through different activities and tasting the to the agricultural life, tradition feasts and typical products such as cheese, sausages the traditions of the Albanian origin of the and homemade pasta. Wildlife reserve of Pollino VALLEY OF “rAGANELLO” find the Ecomuseum of Raganello and the Devil’s Certainly the most spectacular and wildest valley of the Bridge, the ethnic Museum of Arbresh culture. From Pollino Park and it’s completely in the Calabrian area Civita you can go canoeing through the gorges of near the borderline with Basilicata. Here in a very im- Raganello. pressive scenery we can find: rocky faces hundreds Cassano allo Ionio: Saint Angelo’s Caves, Archeolo- of meters high ,deep gorges and impressive woods gical Museum of Sibari and State Museum of Sibari. of beech(in Fagosa) and oak (Wood of Santa Venere), Frascineto: Icon Museum, Arbresh costume Mu- fairy-tale sources. The stream Raganello goes deep seum. It’s possibile to practice climbing. down the Barile gorge and comes back out 3 km further Castrovillari: Archeological Museum on in front of San Lorenzo Bellizzi (CS) Here the valley is Morano Calabro: The Nibbio centre of Natural bright and clear but just for a few km where it narrows Studies, Museum of pasteurization. up again creating the extraordinary Canyon del Raga- Francavilla Marittima: Archeological Park of Raga- nello. After about 7km of a tortuous and dark course nello which seems to be the longest and most interesting and Cerchiara di Calabria: Thermal baths in the Cave of beautiful gorge of the Pollino if not of the entire Ap- Ninfee Lusiadi, Sanctuary of Madonna delle Armi. 58 penninic Mountain range, the stream flows freely again San Lorenzo Bellizzi: The gorges of Barile from towards Civita (CS) quickly after the Devil’s bridge and where yuo can reach the gorges of Raganello under the inhabitant area the valley opens towards the EVENTS Gulf of Sibari in a wide swollen river embellished during Italian Albanians Easter summer with oleander flowers. Le Vallje – An epic folkoristic dance to honour MAIN SITES Skanderberg-Tuesday after Easter. Civita: town of Italian Albanian origins where we can Pollino Carnival – Castrovillari Pollino Civita Vallje International Summer Folklore – Castrovillari MAIN SITES Pita Feast – Alessandria del Carretto - The Ghost Village of Laino Borgo Radications – Alessandria del Carretto - Rafting and other sports activities on the river Lao THINGS TO TASTE - Prehistorical Cave of Romito at Papasidero. Home made pasta, wild boar and kid, and typical EVENTS Italian – Albanian dishes(Civita) Festival of the Village (August) – Laino Borgo The wine Pollino DOC of Frascineto La Guidaica (Easter) – Laino Borgo The Passito of Saracena – Garrison slow food. Donkey Race (August) – Laino Borgo VALLEY OF LAO ARGENTINIAN VALLEY The Valley of Lao is of extraordinary beauty and The principal aim of the Natural Reserve of the Val- of great natural and historical interest.Once it en- ley of the Argentinian river is to protect the wonder- ters the Calabrian Territory, the river Lao crosses ful area of wilderness, a virgin area never touched the towns Laino Borgo, Laino Castello, Papasidero, by man. Studies have been done on the Biology of and Orsomarso The National Reserve of the Valley the Italic roe-deer to protect and preserve specie. of Lao extends in the valley captured between high Among the most wild and protected areas of Cala- 59 banks and woods with an environment full of ca- bria, the Natural reserve of the Valley of Argentino ves where prehistorical remains have been found, river is assessable from the town of Orsomarso. above all, those of Romito. Together with the Ar- Apart from the typical excursions and nature acti- gentino river, the natural reserve of the Lao Valley vities that permit to look at the wild environment , is visited by many people because of the possibility the reserve offers the possibility to practice rafting to do rafting. down the Argentinian river. Valley of Lao Pollino 60 61 62 THE SILA THE WILDLIFE PARK FOR ALL he word Sila derives from the Latin word Abbot, Theologian and writer Giocchino da TSilva for the great number of forests that Fiore, the traditional handmade textiles, cover the territory, and for this reason it is goldsmiths, pasteurization of cheese, meet called “Great Wood of Italy” and it has been and mushrooms. used by Greeks and Romans to build their You can visit the park by foot, horse-riding ships. Its symbols are attached to its history ,mountain-bike, take pictures, go bird- and territory and therefore to its pines, wol- watching, practice sports such as canoeing , ves, lakes and bandits. The inaccessible and snow sports during the winter season, watch wild nature and smooth declines enchants syberian husky while crossing the hills with the traveller that embraced by the immense dog sleigh in the month of February For those space, breathes the perfume of wood, the best that love snow Camigliatello Silano, Lorica, 63 unpolluted air in Europe. Symbol of Wildli- and Villaggio Mancuso have all the services fe is the Appeninic Wolf now considered the and equipments for winter sports. “mascot” of the park, and that together with Of big interest seem to be the specialized area its friends of the Fallistro Company, gui- for the environmental education,Museums des and educates to respect the park. In the built in natural spaces like Centro Visite Cu- Biogenetic Reserve “The Giants of Fallistro” pone and Centro Visite Antonio Garcea. In there are the most imposing specimen called these Museums it is possible to follow a senso- “Giants of the Sila” 53 plants, comprehen- rial journey for blind and for those that have ding 5 mountain maples over 450 years old handicaps. For families and children there The Natural Biogenetical Reserve of Fallistro are 2 adventure – parks for horse-riders 100 also called Giants of Sila, is one of the most km to follow the routes of history and tales, visited areas of the Sila, obligatory for who that surround the bandits. For families that comes to visit the National Wildlife Park of like to travel in camper, just in front of the the Sila. The National Wildlife Park of the Head-Office of the National Wildlife Park of Sila is not only nature but also history, cul- the Sila is the equipped area that faces to the ture and tradition and among its resources Arvo Lake, Its scenery reminds us the Scan- we have to recall the artist Mattia Preti, the dinavian Landscape. Main Sites 64 TAVERNA in a healthy place amongst the green woods. The A town in the Catanzaro Province where you can houses with the outside decorations of white and find Villaggio Mancuso and Ciricilla the place whe- brown sticks bring us in mind the Mountain Chalets re to practice winter sports.Taverna is also famous in the valley of Switzerland. The village has a good for Mattia Preti’s origins. A visit to Taverna is very service for accommodations, it’s near to most of the important because here you find the Civic Museum important local tourism places of the “Sila Piccola”
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