1963 tes ght ?erfield ZIrtic °attictb troll Schul- - School ?morial Vol. XXXVIII Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Mass., November 23, 1963 Number 5 eerfield al Hall narches Glee Club Auditions !hildren Public Figures Will Convene Here Then Prospective Singers >ting of For DecemberPolitical Symposium 7-drawn In Annual Tryouts costum- devoting either all to- Students Will Question Panelists student body in eet The annual Glee Club auditions During Of The "Deerfield Family" or at least part of their lives to began Monday night as juniors and Hall On Current Politics public service." al seniors trying out were required to college Alumni sing the chorus of "Lord Jeffrey Numerous Participate then McNitt re Amherst" individually. This year by Ben Participating in the panel discus- )rmance candidates for either first or second The Deerfield Public Affairs sion on "The future of the states the tile bass were also asked to sing the line Symposium, which will bring to- in the Federal system" will be cos- dry "Rocked in the cradle of the deep," gether members of the "Deerfield moderator Richard C. Van Dusen, to test their range of voice. From family" who are in the government, class of '43, legal advisor to Mich- this group will be chosen a smaller will be held on campus, December igan's Governor George Romney; one for second auditions between 13 and 14. Twenty-five alumni and Governor John Chaffee, class of Thanksgiving and Christmas; ap- friends of the school will partici- '40, from Rhode Island; Winston proximately 45 singers will be pate in four panel discussions per- Healy '25, representative in the either >d selected from these final auditions tinent to contemporary govern- Massachusetts legislature; Richard will who to join the 39 seniors returning ment. A. Hunter '40, chairman of the him, I to from last year. Mr. Robert Crow, general chair- Berkshire County Republican com- etern- [is The Glee Club, led by President man and organizer of the Sympo- mittee; James R. Nolen, Jr. '40, nterested Gib Suitor, performs on Spring Day sium, will be aided by the Messrs. from the New Hampshire House sion, Mr. and at Commencement and travels Harwell and Morsman. of Representatives; and David F. idea of to (Continued on Page 8) the Bushnell Auditorium in Hart- The Symposium will be initiated ing force ford for an annual concert with Friday evening with a welcoming of a per- The new basketball court in the Gymnasium addition awaits the Choate, Hotchkiss, Loomis, and first varsity game. speech by the Headmaster. Gover- Taft. —photo by Salvati Mrs. Homer Smith This year the club will also nor John Chaffee '40 of Rhode Participate in a concert at Worcester will deliver the key- for a Island then To Leave Academy group of Deerfield alumni. Second Floor Of New Gymnasium Opens; note address. Reporting the two- Plans day affair will be representatives Well-Rounded Program Shortly the Academy Admissions Provides Additional Space For Basketball of the New York Times, the Na- The club hopes to try numbers Office will lose the able services of Which tional Broadcasting Company, and will interest all music lovers. its head secretary, Mrs. Homer For the Associated Press. those who like classical select- The upper floor of the addition Enlarges Trainer's, Skiers' Area Smith. The former Miss Helene !ohs, several pieces by Bach are be- to the Gym was opened to the One of the important results of Students Will Participate Smith has resigned ing Herzig, Mrs. considered. Moreover, the club student body, November 19. Its this addition was the fact that the is Proceedings for all four discus- from her post in the Admissions Of- planning to sing a variety of faster two parallel basketball courts have area vacated in the old building n sions will be the same. Each fice after having served there for umbers, among which are "Joshua tripled the space available for could be used for other activities member of the panel will open the past seven years. ,F ft the Battle of Jericho" and boys to practice simultaneously. which had lacked ample space be- with a brief statement concerning Mrs. Smith, a graduate of Arms The Last Words of David." Construction of the new Gymnas- fore. Skiing now has a large room the topic, and then questions from Academy and Northampton Comm- ium was begun in September, 1962, for storage and for sale of equip- the student body will be directed ercial College, has been working in by Ernest F. Carlson, Inc., of ment. The trainer, too, has more at the panel. Government students the Admissions office since she came Springfield and was completed room in which to take care of will act as escorts for the visitors to Deerfield from the Millers Falls with only a slight delay. boys' numerous aches and bruises. and will be given ample opportun- Tool Company in 1956. In addition Before Gym Has Modern Conveniences the addition was built ity to increase their knowledge of to her services at the Academy, one of the main problems facing politics. Mr. Crow commented, "An Smith works with a youth The recently-completed Gym con- Mrs. winter athletics was that the bas- important purpose of the Sympos- her former home, Colrain, tains several features lacking in group in ium is to interest the Deerfield Massachusetts. the old one. Among these are fold- (Continued on Page 7) ing bleachers which have elimin- Mrs. Ann Sennett Arrives ated bleacher duty — much to the The position vacated by Mrs. delight of the students. Also in- Carving Competition To Highlight Smith will be filled by Mrs. Ann cluded are such fixtures as mer- Sennett. Having attended Smith cury vapor lights, a public-address Festivities At Thanksgiving Dinner College and Northampton Comm- system, acoustic boards to limit ercial College, Mrs. Sennett is well- noise, and a lobby. qualified for the position. A for- Tuesday evening, November 26, the student body will gather in mer resident of Turners Falls, Mass- Mr. Russ A. Miller Since the beginning of school the Dining Hall for the annual Thanksgiving Banquet. this fall, the student body has oc- achusetts, Mrs. Sennett has returned On this last night before Thanksgiving vacation the Dining Hall cupied the ground floor of the to this area from Albany, New will assume a festive appearance as tables are decorated with white addition. This area contains a stock York, where she was employed as a tablecloths and a centerpiece filled with candy and fruit and topped Mr. Miller Gets room, an athletic supply store, a secretary for eight years. Her ex- with a candle for use when the lights are dimmed. drying system which allows teams perience includes seven years at the CACAC Post to practice in the rain, and four After the students enjoy a fancy fruit cup, traditional Thanksgiv- Travelers Insurance Co. and a year locker rooms — one sub-varsity, ing dishes will be served, including, of course, a plump, golden-brown with the Albany Medical Company. one varsity, and two for visiting turkey. Mr. Miller has recently been a teams. Carving Contest Will Be Held ppointed to the College Admissions Center Advisory Committee, a group A highlight of the evening will of re presentatives from various sec- 1963 Pocumtuck Attains occur after the table masters carve ondary schools across the country their turkeys and the birds are Who work with and the Columbia Medalist Rating entered in the carving contest. lege advise Col- Admissions Mr. Poland, head judge of the con- ter is Center. The Cen- a clearing-house for students test, has already begun to make Who The Columbia Scholastic Press have not preparations for the big night. lege. been accepted at col- Association recently awarded the These cre students send their 1963 Pocumtuck a Medalist rating Prizes are awarded by Mr. Pol- dentials to Evanston, Illinois, for yearbook excellence. Out of a and and Mr. Corkum, assistant Where the Center has its headquar- possible 1000 points, the yearbook judge, only after they make a ters, and s their records are then received 943, enough to earn the as- careful study of the various car- ubmitted to colleges which are sociation's highest honor. Sponsored casses. They carry out the study seeking to fill vacancies. by Columbia University, the organ- by means of an expedition through Founded In 1958 ization stated that the rating "is the Dining Hall equipped with a The based on intangible qualities that hand lens and flashlight, essential Center, a non-profit organ- ization, become evident to the judges and for a fair estimation of the carv- was founded in 1958. There which could be characterized as the ing in the dimmed light. are now over 1700 affiliated schools personality of the entry." and colleges; 5200 students Last year Mr. DalNegro, now in applied for help last year. The Besides Columbia, the Pocumtuck graduate school, carried away the advisory committee meets twice a is also rated by the National School "Golden Goose" by winning top Year, the next meeting being in Yearbook Association and the Nat- honors in the contest. He broke Toledo, Ohio, II next January. Of the ional Scholastic Press Association. Mr. Hindle's two-year winning members on the streak. Mr. Hanlon, who was not Miller committee, Mr. From all three organizations the is the Poland, and from only representative yearbook earned high honors in so lucky, was awarded the "Dirty The Messrs. Corkum, Danielski admire the Thanks- a private secondary school. athletic coverage and printing. Duck." giving banquet birds. —photo by Salvati t•occrs 2 THE DEERFIELD SCROLL November 23, 1963 Influence For Character Deerfield does not pride itself upon the num- ber and variety of courses offered; it cannot boast of presenting a choice of 10 or 12 languages or six or seven sciences.
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