PAGE THIRTY-TWOr- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Thurs., May 10,1973 Waitt9d-Raal Batata 77 The Weather Striving Today Skies partly cloudy tonight, lows 50-55. iSkylabCrewRehearsingFor Launch Saturday partly sunny with highs near 70. for a Precipitation probability 10 per cent Better Tomorrow tonight, 20 per cent Saturday. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) Wearing space suits, Charles rocket is to hoist them into or­ orbit 270 miles high. The will conduct numerous medical, eight-week stays. — The Skylab 1 astronauts Conrad Jr., Paul J. Weitz and bit to begin pursuit of the astronauts will follow at 1 p.m. scientific and earth resources Kfton Sslale Cco m p a n ^ MANCHESTEH, c o n n ., FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1973- VOL. XCII, No. 188 Manchester—A City of Village Charm TW ENTY .EIGHT PAGES - TW O SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS rehearse their launching into Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin Skylab workshop which is to be the next day. experiments in an effort to _________^ ^ ^ ____________________ _ earth orbit today as the count­ scheduled most of the day in a their orbiting home for four Conrad, Weitz and Kerwin learn whether man can live and On the Saturn 5 launch pad SPECIALIZING IN BOLTON PROPERTIES down continued for the rocket simulator at the Johnson Space weeks. are to execute a series of in­ perform useful tasks in space today, crews purged fuel tanks firings which will send the men Center in Houston. -The Skylab, large as a three- tricate maneuvers over a 7 Vi- over long periods. on the rocket and.fed electrical BOLTON CENTER ROAD — BOLTON, CONN. and hardware for this nation’s They want to sharpen their bedroom house, is to be hour period as they track down The Skylab 2 and 3 crews will power to the Skylab vehicle to Phone 646-2311 first space station aloft next skills for the real ttog next launched by a Saturn 5 rocket at and link up with the big rocket up to thasam e skylab in test its electrical systems and week. Tuesday when a Saturn IB 1:30 p.m. EDT Monday into an laboratory. Once aboard they August and November, each for miles of wiring. Ex-Cabinet Officials Indicted THINKING of selling? For the service you want, call Bill Charbonneau, Char-Bon Agen­ cy, 643-0683. News Mitchell, Stans SELLING your property? Call Capsules us first. We’ll buy your home Confident Facts immediately at a fair price, all cash. Cali Lou Arruda, 644-1539, Arruda Realty. Hvidaire Gray Testifies Vindicate Them F w w ' - , -------------- WASHINGTON (AP) - L.,. ------------- Patrick Gray III, the former NEW YORK (AP) — Former Atty. Gen. John N. Bolton submarine commander,.from Mitchell and former Commerce Secretary Maurice H. Stonington who ^Ifruptly Stans say they believe they will be vindicated when the resigned as actin^head of the facts behind their indictments are known. PTO Seeks FBI, says he’s confident Presi­ dent Nixon isn't involved in the They were indicted Thursday on charges of obstruction President Watergate Scandal. of justice, conspiracy and perjury in connection with their Gray-'gave closed-door roles as cabinet officers and leaders of President Nixon’s DONNA HOLLAND testimony Thursday before the re-election campaign. The case involves a secreL'^m- Correspondent l^ a te select committee in-i paign contribution and alleged improper goverprfient in­ Tel. 646-0375 vestigating the Watergate The nominating committee episode. Before his appearance. fluence. for the 1973-74 ^Iton Parent Gray told newsmen he was cer­ Financier Robert L. Vesco, a plaint on Noit 27, charging that Teacher Organization (PTO) tain Nixon was not implicated fugitive, and New Jersey Vesco, 20 other persons and a has been unable to find anyone in the bugging affair or the sub­ Republican leader Harry L. score corporations looted who is willing to devote the sequent coverup attempt. Sears, Vesco’s lawyer, were $224 imllion from Investors time necessary to be president charged in the indictments with Overseas Services (lOS), four of the PTO. conspiracy and obstruction of foreign mutual funds they con­ The PTO sponsors an Awards FRIGIDAIRE justice. trolled. Steel Prices Raised Day, Lutz Junior Museum The four will be arraigned In U.S. Atty. Whitney North projects, the science fair, and PITTSBURGH (AP) - U.S. U.S. District Court here May Seymour Jr., who announced the book fair. It raises money to Steel Corp. has c^nnounced price 21. If later convicted of all the indictments, said there was purchase such school gifts as a increases effective June 15 of $8 charges, Mitchell and Stans nothing to implicate President • kiln and tape recorder. to 39 a ton on major sheet would face maximum prison Nixon in the alleged con­ products widely used in the Anyone intersted in serving terms of up to 50 years, Vesco spiracy. The President’s automotive and appliance in­ as president of the PTO is asked Form Long Line For Sesquicentennial Medallions and Sears, 20 years. former counsel, John W. Dean THIS IS A dustries. to call Gretchen Wiedie, 647- IR, was mentioned in the in­ The nation’s largest steel Mitchell denied any 9612. This is only a small part of the crowd lined up Thursday evening to of those in line were still in line when the edition was exhausted. wrongdoing Thursday and said, dictments. company said the hikes would buy silver and bronze medallions, commemorating Manchester’s With 2,000 of the bronze medallions on sale, they lasted longer and Mitchell, who resigned last Senior Citizens apply to flat-rolled products, or “I am certain that the judicial Modal FPCK-170TS Sesquicentennial Celebration. ’The line started forming at 4:45 in some were left when the sale ended at 10 p.m. Those.were placed for proceedings in this case will July as director of Nixon's re- Bolton Senior Citizens are sheet and strip steel. Flatrolled election campaign, is alleged to going by bus to Mystic Seaport, products account for about 40 front of the Municipal Building and wound its way into the parking sale today in town banks. The silver medallions sold for $15, with a fully vindicate and confirm the lot. Many people drove by and left when they couldn’t find a place to absence of any wrongdoing.” have arranged a meeting Wednesday, June 6. per cent of all industry limit of 5 per person. The bronze are $4, with no limit placed. The between Sears and William J. There are still eight seats shipments. park. Some of them returned later. The sale opened at 7:30 and by first in line Thursday was Richard J. Luko of 26 Sunrise Lane, East Stans said he was “greatly Casey, then chairman of the available on the biis. 8:45 the limited supply of 500 silver medallions was sold out. Many Hartford — a former Manchester resident. (Herald photo by Pinto) dismayed” by the grand jury SEC, on the day the $200,000 The seats will be reserved on action and added: “I expect contribution from Vesco was a first-come, first-served basis Helicopters Downed ^ j , m /r.- 1 11 that when all the facts are received by Stans. to any member of the senior heard, I will be vindicated.” Subsequent meetings were citizens. McCord Claims Mitchell Sears also claimed innocence. held by Sears, Casey and G. Anyone desiring to go on the We Have Carloads Of helicopters carrying 10 Viet Guerrillas Reported The indictment alleges that Bradford Cook, who succeeded trip is requested to call Mrs. Appliances At Orastically Vesco, 37, made a secret $200,- Cong and two South Vietnamese Casey as SEC chairman. Richard Noren, South Rd., no 000 cash gift to the GOP cam­ officers were forced down by Approved Watergate Plan, Mitchell was also said to have later than Sunday. Returning To Syria paign on April 10 in an attempt Frigidaire Appliances Reduced Prices! gunfire today in Communist- asked Dean to delay the SEC in­ to influence a Securities and “Dollars for Scholars” controlled terrtory near An vestigations and to have sup­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Although much of what —Elliot L. Richardson Exchange Commission probe of pressed a written threat from M ’The Bolton Scholarship Fund BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Ordered And Arriving If You Are Going To Buy A Loc, the Saigon command said. James W. McCord Jr. has McCord said was reported testified at Senate hearings on Palestinian guerrillas from Inc. "Dollars for Scholars” his far-flung financial Vesco to disclose the $200,000 Lt. Col. Le ’Trung Hien, the testified under oath that he second-hand before, the 383- his nomination to be attorney Syria shelled a border post in northern Lebanon today, but drive has been completed. operations. gift unless the SEC dropped its command spokesman, said never would have participated page transcript of his testimony general that he feels “betrayed elsewhere along the frontier thousands of the guerrillas Anyone who wishes to make a Weekly And We MUST Have Refrigerator, Freezer, The SEC filed a civil com­ subpoena of the financier. there was no immediate word in the Watergate operation is his first sworn statement of­ by the shoddy standard of were moving back into Syria donation but was not visited by on casualties. lodal FPI3-1S2TS FRnKMRE without assurances that Atty. ficially made public. morals of those whose ac­ a student may send it to Mrs. -------- S.III The Warehouse Space The two helicopters were Gen. John N. Mitchell had ap­ An army communique said the guerrillas based in Lebanon Range, Washer, Dryer or Air There were other tivities have recently come to the border post at Arida came Enrico Fiano, Tanglewood returning to Saigon from a proved it.
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