Faculteit Farmaceutische, Biomedische en Diergeneeskundige Wetenschappen Bone Homeostasis as a Multifaceted Puzzle: From WNT Ligands to Metal-ion Transporters Bothomeostase als een Veelzijdige Puzzel: Van WNT Liganden tot Metaal-ion Transporters Proefschrift voorgelegd tot het behalen van de graad van Doctor in de Biomedische Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Antwerpen te verdedigen door Gretl HENDRICKX Bone Homeostasis as a Multifaceted Puzzle: From WNT Ligands to Metal-ion Transporters Doctoral dissertation, University of Antwerp, Belgium ISBN: 978-94-6299-582-6 Author: G. Hendrickx Cover Design: Lien Campo, concept by G. Hendrickx Printing: Ridderprint BV © Copyright G. Hendrickx, Antwerpen 2017 All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of the holder of the copyright. Curiosity-Driven MEMBERS OF THE JURY Prof. Dr. Wim Van Hul, promotor Center of Medical Genetics, University of Antwerp and University Hospital of Antwerp, Belgium Dr. Eveline Boudin, co-promotor Center of Medical Genetics, University of Antwerp and University Hospital of Antwerp, Belgium Prof. Dr. Vincent Timmerman, chairman VIB Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Antwerp, Belgium Prof. Dr. Marc Cruts VIB Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Antwerp, Belgium Prof. Dr. Bart Loeys Center of Medical Genetics, University of Antwerp and University Hospital of Antwerp, Belgium Prof. Dr. Geert Carmeliet Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, KU Leuven, Belgium Prof. Dr. Martine Cohen-Solal Department of Rheumatology, University Paris-Diderot, France TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents I. Summary/Samenvatting 9 II. Introduction 15 Chapter 1 17 A Look Behind The Scenes: The Risk and Pathogenesis of Primary Osteoporosis Gretl Hendrickx, Eveline Boudin and Wim Van Hul Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2015; 11;462–474 Chapter 2 51 An Introduction to WNT Signaling III. Objectives 59 IV. Results 65 Part 1 – Osteoporosis 67 Chapter 3 69 Variation in the Kozak Sequence of WNT16 Results in an Increased Translation and is Associated with Osteoporosis Related Parameters Gretl Hendrickx, Eveline Boudin, Igor Fijałkowski, Torben Leo Nielsen, Marianne Andersen, Kim Brixen and Wim Van Hul Bone 2014; 59:57-65 Chapter 4 91 WNT16 Requires Gα Subunits as Intracellular Partners for Both its Canonical and Non-Canonical WNT Signaling Activity in Osteoblasts Gretl Hendrickx, Eveline Boudin and Wim Van Hul Work in progress Table of Contents Chapter 5 109 Genetic Screening of WNT4 and WNT5B in Two Populations with Deviating Bone Mineral Densities Gretl Hendrickx, Eveline Boudin, Ellen Steenackers, Torben Leo Nielsen, Marianne Andersen, Kim Brixen and Wim Van Hul Calcified Tissue International 2017; 100:244–249 Part 2 – Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna 123 Chapter 6 125 Conditional Mouse Models Support the Role of SLC39A14 (ZIP14) in Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna and in Bone Homeostasis Gretl Hendrickx, Vere M. Borra, Ellen Steenackers, Timur A. Yorgan, Christophe Hermans, Eveline Boudin, Jérôme J. Waterval, Ineke D.C. Jansen, Tolunay Beker Aydemir, Niels Kamerling, Geert J. Behets, Christine Plumeyer, Patrick C. D’Haese, Björn Busse, Vincent Everts, Martin Lammens, Geert Mortier, Robert J. Cousins, Thorsten Schinke, Robert J. Stokroos, Johannes J. Manni and Wim Van Hul Submitted V. General Discussion 165 VI. List of Abbreviations 179 VII. Curriculum Vitae 185 VIII. Dankwoord 193 SUMMARY / SAMENVATTING 10 Summary/Samenvatting Summary Bone homeostasis is a process characterized by the constant and lifelong remodeling of bone tissue to sustain bone mineral density (BMD) and quality. Here, mainly genetic factors contribute to the determination of BMD, which is why genetic variation also contributes to the development of skeletal pathologies characterized by a too low or high BMD, encompassing a multifaceted spectrum. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent skeletal disorder, characterized by a low BMD and an increased fracture risk and with a complex genetic background. Just as well, there are bone disorders with deviating BMD values caused by only one mutation with a large impact on the skeleton. Unlike osteoporosis, these monogenic bone disorders are mostly rare. Studying BMD and bone homeostasis by means of different genetic skeletal disorders was already proven to be an efficient strategy. The aim of this thesis was therefore to further elucidate the regulation of BMD by performing genetic and functional research on two different bone disorders; osteoporosis and Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna. Osteoporosis was investigated in the first part of this thesis through the study of WNT4, WNT5B and WNT16, three genes associated with BMD in previous genetic studies and are all part of the WNT signaling pathway. First, a candidate gene association study of WNT16 identified additional associations with BMD at distinct skeletal sites. Further genetic screening of WNT16 in two populations with deviating BMD values detected a functional variant in the Kozak consensus sequence of WNT16, resulting in a higher translation efficiency and being associated with a higher BMD. A follow-up functional study investigating the mechanism of action of WNT16 on the canonical and non-canonical WNT signaling pathways demonstrated differential actions of WNT16 in different cell types and a possible orchestrating role for Gα subunits herein. In contrast to WNT16, genetic screening of WNT4 and WNT5B did not reveal interesting variants for further analysis. In the second part of this thesis, we performed research of Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna (HCI). HCI is a monogenic skeletal disorder characterized bone overgrowth at the calvarium and skull base, resulting in cranial nerve entrapment and associated symptoms. By performing whole- exome sequencing, we identified a mutation (p.L441R) in the SLC39A14 (ZIP14) gene, encoding a zinc transporter. In vitro studies indicated that the subcellular localization of p.L441R ZIP14 is disturbed with consequent defects in cellular zinc homeostasis. Two conditional knock-in mouse models were generated, overexpressing p.L438R Zip14 in osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Remarkably, the calvaria of these mice were unaffected, whereas the rest of the skeleton was affected by Zip14L438R in vivo. Both mouse models, and mainly the osteoblast-specific knock-in 11 Summary/Samenvatting mice, exhibit an increased cortical bone volume. Trabecular bone volume was differentially modulated by Zip14L438R, i.e. decreased (osteoblast knock-in) or unaffected (osteoclast knock-in). We therefore hypothesize that Zip14L438R, similar to estrogen and opposite to parathyroid hormone, modulates bone remodeling differently in the cortical and trabecular compartment. Of note, both knock-in models exhibit an increased cortical thickness, owing to an increased endosteal bone formation, which is the underlying cause of intracranial osteosclerosis in patients with HCI. We therefore believe we identified the disease causing gene for Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna and that this rare, unique bone disorder is the result of appropriate compensatory mechanisms in the appendicular skeleton and vertebral column and/or a calvarium-specific lack of such mechanism in HCI patients. In conclusion, by investigating two different bone disorders, we contributed to the genetic knowledge on BMD. Functional studies towards the mechanisms of action of WNT16 and ZIP14 additionally led to novel insights in the multifaceted process of bone homeostasis. 12 Summary/Samenvatting Samenvatting Bothomeostase is een proces dat gekenmerkt wordt door constante en levenslange remodellering van botweefsel om de botmineraaldensiteit (BMD) en –kwaliteit te onderhouden. Bij het bepalen van de BMD spelen voornamelijk genetische factoren een rol, waardoor genetische variatie ook bijdraagt tot de ontwikkeling van skeletaandoeningen die gekenmerkt worden door een abnormaal lage of hoge BMD en tezamen een veelzijdig spectrum aan botaandoeningen vormen. Osteoporose is de vaakst voorkomende botaandoening die gekenmerkt wordt door een verlaagde BMD, een verhoogd fractuurrisico en een complexe genetische achtergrond heeft. Anderzijds zijn er ook botaandoeningen met afwijkende BMD waarden die veroorzaakt worden door slechts één mutatie met een grote impact op het skelet. In tegenstelling tot osteoporose zijn deze monogene aandoeningen meestal zeldzaam. BMD en bothomeostase bestuderen door middel van onderzoek naar de genetische oorzaak van verschillende botaandoeningen, is in het verleden al een succesvolle strategie gebleken. Het doel van deze thesis was daarom om de regulatie van BMD beter te begrijpen door genetisch en functioneel onderzoek te verrichten op twee verschillende botaandoeningen; osteoporose en Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna. Osteoporose werd in het eerste deel van deze thesis onderzocht door de studie van WNT4, WNT5B en WNT16, drie genen die in voorafgaande genetische studies reeds werden geassocieerd met BMD en deel uitmaken van de WNT signaalweg. Vooreerst werden in een WNT16 kandidaatgen associatiestudie nog bijkomende associaties met BMD gevonden op verschillende plaatsen in het skelet. In een daaropvolgende genetische screening van WNT16 in twee populaties met afwijkende BMD waarden, detecteerden we een functionele variant in de Kozak consensus sequentie van WNT16. Deze variant verhoogt de translatie-efficiëntie en is geassocieerd met een verhoogde BMD. Een follow-up functionele studie naar het werkingsmechanisme
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