credo – economic beliefs in a world in crisis Wittfogel, K. A. (1957). Oriental Despotism. A Comparative Study of Total Power. New Haven: Yale University Press. Index Wkipedia. (2013, August). Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency. Retrieved December 29th, 2013, from Wkipedia: Abatement cost conceived of like an insurance premium, 381 Australian aboriginal people, 118, 129, 131 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaldor%E2%80%93Hicks_efficiency Aborigines and land care, 118-131 Austrian economists, 64, 176, 296, 312, 314 Adaptation level, 53 Austrian school, 311 WorkingGroup1. (2013). IPCC Process. Retrieved January 3rd, 2014, from Inter-governmental Panel on Advertisers, 71, 75-76 Authenticity, 80, 83, 354 Climate Change: http://www.climatechange2013.org/ipcc-process/ Advertising, 73-77, 79-80, 88, 97, 237, 301, 351 Autistic economics, 54, 435 Xenophon, & Dakyns(Tr), H. H. (2013, January). The Economist. Retrieved December 31st, 2013, from Affluenza, 80, 83-84, 95, 420, 444 Autonomy, 12, 124, 234, 321, 437 Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1173/1173-h/1173-h.htm Age of Commerce, 29-30, 122, 127, 152 Autopoiesis, 124 Agricultural policy, 157 ‘Bads’ and goods, 414 Yan, K. (2012, February 2nd). The Global CDM Hydro Hall of Shame. Retrieved January 3rd, 2014, from China, 15, 23, 79, 157-158, 195, 198, 226, 291, 297, 379, 440 Banks, 99, 173, 230, 289, 291, 293, 315, 325, 328, 331, 335-337, 339-340, 343-344, 346, 352-354, 356-360, 362-363, 366 International Rivers: http://www.internationalrivers.org/blogs/246/the-global-cdm-hydro-hall-of-shame Ming sheng, 157 Bank credit creation, 173, 335, 339 Mughal India, 157 Bank reform, 354-365 Young, R., Cowe, A., Nunan, C., Harvey, J., & Mason, L. (1999, October). The Use and Misuse of Physiocrats, 155-159, 173 Antibiotics in UK Agriculture. Retrieved December 31st, 2013, from Soil Association: Best way to rob a bank is to own one, 365, 434 Agricultural trends http://www.soilassociation.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=RcHBJXC1Mxc%3d&tabid=1715 JAK bank, 364, 447 Approaching a tipping point?, 153 Origins of, 2 Biodiversity collapse, 145-148, 152 Tamed banks, 354, 356 Fossil fuel based agriculture, 149-150 Bardsley, Nicholas, 59, 285 Monocultures, 43, 127, 146-148-153 Becker, Gary, 21, 69 Permaculture, 145, 148, 210, 434 Bentham, Jeremy, 45-51, 127, 139, 155 Ricardian development, 145, 148 Beer, Stafford 320-322, 422 Alcohol, 349 Bias, 232, 247-248, 251, 265-267, 281, 408-409, 426 Alternative economic models in India, 329 Big Society, 19-20 Alternatives foregone, 132, 134, 148 Biochar, 401, 405-406, 434-435 Anthropocentric views of nature, 175 Bio-diversity, 43, 101-102, 145, 345 Aquinas St Thomas, 24, 26, 33 Commons and, 133-134 Aristotle, 9, 22-24, 26, 46, 433 Land specialisation, 146-153 Chrematistics, 22, 26 Monocultures, 43, 127, 146-148-153 Flourishing, 22-23, 83, 385, 420 Permaculture, 145, 148, 210, 434 Self-actualisation, 22 Ricardian development, 145, 148 Slavery, 23-24, 26-29, 79, 315, 363 Biodiversity collapse, 145-148, 152 Asbestos, 267, 269, 272, 275 Biofuels, 153, 232, 244-246, 291, 403, 434 Assumptions, 9-10, 41-43, 54, 57-60, 62, 64, 66, 83, 118, 128-130, 134, 143, 178, 185, 268, 273, 347, 351, 376 Biofuels as granfalloons, 244-245 Attention grabbing, 71, 77 Bio-piracy, 31 Attention seeking, 77, 85, 317 Biosphere, 40, 124, 152, 221, 263, 433 Augustine, St. 24, 33 Bubbles, 62, 173, 230, 315, 337, 342, 413, 426 Austerity, 293, 326, 338, 392, 413-414, 438 Collective euphoria, 173, 315, 342 458 459 credo – economic beliefs in a world in crisis index Leverage, 291, 342, 351, 363 City of London, 292, 311, 325-326 Fracking, 8-9, 62, 92, 102, 187, 247-248, 251, 255, 257, Specialist uses for land, 43, 104, 127, 132, 146, 147-152 259-261, 267-279, 281, 291-292, 357-358, 385, 389, 413, Prodigals and projectors, 335 Civic epistemology, 368, 372 Tragedy of the commons, critique of, 140-142 423, 432-433, 439-440, 443, 446, 450, 453, 455 Reputational collapse, 349, 353 Civic rules for controlled markets, 25 Water commons, 157, 281 Fugitive methane emissions, 257 Buen Vivir, 103, 236, 417, 420, 438, 441 Civil Society Organisations, 106, 111, 250, 384 Community finance, 354 Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, 440 Calvin, John, 335-336, 366 Great Transition, 113, 420 Community land trusts, 425 Greenhouse gas emissions, 43, 79, 198, 259, 394, 401 Camus, Albert, 202-203 Hawken, Paul, 111 Comparative advantage, 42, 44 Kaldor-Hicks Compensation, 264, 379 Cantillion, Richard, 155-156, 311-312 Non Governmental Organisations, 111-113 Comparative statics, 43 Kaya identity, 389 Cap and share, 395, 426, 447 Values, 21, 43, 58, 67, 70, 80, 83-84, 88-89, 95-96, 113, Complexity entails unpredictability, 240 Land use and land use change, 401, 403 115-116, 118, 128, 172-173, 176, 182, 185, 211, 232, Cap and trade, 393-394, 396-397, 398 Consensus trance, 85, 88, 202, 278, 384, 409 237, 317, 322, 330-332, 337, 343, 346, 349, 351-352, Large scale agribusiness, 401 Capital, 16-17, 41, 43-44, 96, 98-99, 109, 139, 143-144, 146, 360, 372, 378, 382, 408-409, 414, 417, 420, 422, 453 Consequentialism, 46 Market in Delusion, 368 156, 158, 163-170, 175, 190, 220, 223, 226-227, 233, 248, Clean Development Mechanism, 399-400, 404, 452, 457 Consequentialist, 46, 384 252, 262, 276, 290, 315-317, 327, 330, 332, 336, 341, 343- Merchants of Doubt, 89, 373, 449 344, 359, 361, 366, 379, 383, 417, 425, 433, 435-436, 450 Cleaners, 194, 197, 201-202 Consultants, 256, 268, 305-306, 372 Price of a life controversy, 379-380 Capital immobility, 44 Climate change, 6-8, 43, 81, 89, 92, 102, 111, 153, 188, 202, Consumption, 21, 46, 58, 71, 73, 76, 87, 97, 116, 135, Reductions in carbon emissions 219, 223, 228, 243, 246-247, 259, 262, 270, 285, 299, 312, 145, 149, 158-159, 190, 193-194, 196, 198, 205, 212, 228, Capital in neoclassical theory, 167 345, 368-372, 374-388, 392, 394, 401-402, 409, 418-419, 428, Runaway climate change, 368, 387-388, 419, 428 230, 241, 270, 278, 290, 295, 309, 311, 347, 357, 360, Capital theory, 167 430-434, 437, 440-441, 443, 447, 449, 453-454, 457-458 381, 383, 385, 387, 392, 402, 416-418, 422, 436, 438 Sea level rise, 369, 374 Natural capital, 43, 99, 143-144, 175, 5th Assessment report of the International Advertisers, 71, 75-76 Stern Review, 377-378, 380-384, 453 220, 223, 290, 379, 383, 425, 436 Panel on Climate Change, 369 Advertising, 73-77, 79-80, 88, 97, 237, 301, 351 Syria, 7-9, 375, 430 Capping emissions upstream, 396-398 Better Growth Better Climate, 440 Affluenza, 80, 83-84, 95, 420, 444 Tar sands, 225, 291, 390 Carbon, 78, 149-150, 184, 193, 196, 222, 230, 241-242, Cap and share, 395, 426, 447 Conspicuous consumption, 71, 73, 159 245-247, 254-255, 259-260, 263, 279, 291, 315, 332, Tipping points, 32, 188, 428 Cap and trade, 393-394, 396-397, 398 337, 345, 360, 369, 374, 376-377, 385-399, 401-406, Consumerism, 71, 80, 95, 210, 332-333, 412 Unconventional gas, 247, 251-256, 259, 261, 264- 416, 419, 426, 429, 435, 438, 441, 443, 446, 454 Capping emissions upstream, 396-398 269, 271-272, 274, 276, 280-281, 412, 448 Consumer society, 71-74, 76, 227, 237 Carbon capture and storage, 246-247, 386 Civic epistemology, 368, 372 Coal seam fires, 263, 436 Helbig society (Potemkin Society), 73-74 Carbon emissions, 150, 196, 245, 254, 332, Clean Development Mechanism, 399-400, 404, 452, 457 Coal seam gas. 251, 255-257 Manufacture of wants, 71, 75 376, 387-390, 395, 402, 404, 416, 441 Climate economics, 368, 379, 387 “De-watering” of coal seams, 255 Marketing personality, 317, 353 Carbon in soils, 401-402 Climate policy, 245, 253, 377, 379, Coase, Ronald, 111 Narcissism, 71, 318 Carbon intensity of energy, 390 382, 387, 393, 400, 403, 456 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), 81-82 Positional goods, 73 Carbon sequestration, 393, 403, 406 Climate science, 368-370, 373-376, 379 Commons, 25-27, 29, 32, 39-40, 48, 50, 57, 86, 101, 103- The facade, 78-79, 308 Care, 5, 11, 20, 22, 45, 86, 96, 107, 118, 120-121, 125- Corporate forestry, 401, 403 104, 109-110, 120, 132, 137, 139-146, 148, 157, 177, 187, 126, 128-130, 186, 192, 195, 201-202, 204-206, 215, 286, Contingency valuation, 183-185, 188 Decarbonisation, 390, 393, 416, 426 190, 193, 236-237, 281, 329, 337, 345, 393, 398, 404-405, 296, 304, 307-309, 332, 347, 354, 408, 424, 449 417-420, 423, 433, 441, 443, 445-446, 449, 456-457 Polluter pays principle, 183-184 Deforestation, 368, 393, 402-404 Casino, 335, 341 Commoning, 137, 142, 236 Willingness to accept, 183-185, 187, 264 Delusionary ideas, 371 Catalonia, 195, 296-297, 436 Commons, extent of, 143 Willingness to pay, 183-187, 264 Discount rate for climate policy, 345-348, 382-383 Central banks, 99, 230, 289, 354, 356-358 Enclosures of, 32, 36, 40, 48, 104, 110, 120, 132- Continuous improvement, 30, 298, 301 Earth’s atmosphere as a common pool resource, 398 139, 142, 148, 161, 187, 280, 348, 398, 425 Chantier de l’economie sociale, 424 Control fraud, 311, 324-327, 366, 434 Energy intensity of GDP, 389 Features of sustainable commons, 137, 141 Charter of the Forests, 25, 451 Control freakery, 311, 320 EU climate policy, 387, 393, 394, 399 Global commons, 398 Chicago School, 66, 68 Conviviality, 437 EU emissions trading system, 387, 393, 394, 399 Hardin, Garreth, 139-140 Child slaves, 23 Convivial technology, 232-233, 421 EU ETS, 393-398 Non rivalrous resources, 136 China, 15, 23, 79, 157-158, 195, 198, 226, 291, 297, 379, 440 Co-operatives, 318, 320, 322, 327-332, 365-366, 423, 433, 456 European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme, 393 Ostrom, Elinor, 135, 140-142 Chomsky, Noam, 116-117 Co-operative federations,
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