The University of Arizona Program in Applied Mathematics January 2021 Number XXI Greetings from the Chair, Program in Applied Mathematics info. This significant change in the program tion; and it provides the opportunity to the curriculum was considered and approved incoming class to meet each other, program by a specially formed committee of Applied professors and staff. Dr. Colin Clark was in- Math faculty in 2019. The change was also strumental in smoothly running the Applied approved by the Graduate Committee of Mathematics component of the workshop. the Math Department in December of 2020, 5) We have continued the old tradition of con- and we expect the updated curriculum to ducting the Los Alamos – Arizona days, (res- be finalized in the UArizona course catalog urrected after a 15-year break) in 2019. This shortly -- in time for the start of the 2021-22 year the event was virtual (over zoom). Please academic year. check all the great talks by our students, b) The same committee of Applied Math professors and Los Alamos postdocs and fac- faculty has worked out respective ad- ulty, made available at https://appliedmath. justments in the program’s qualification arizona.edu/events/los-alamos-arizona-days. process. Our new qualification process We are also working on extending our is linked to the successful passing of six collaborations with other National Laborato- Dear Students, Alumni, Professors and exams (from 3 core courses) and it is mon- ries and Industry. In particular, in the fall of Friends of the Applied Math program at UA, itored and approved by three committees 2020, we hosted virtual visits for teams from 2020 was a difficult year for everybody, to (one per core course) each consisting of Lawrence-Livermore NL and from the Nevada say the least. However, and in spite of many six faculty. Absolute majority of our (now National Security Site. Many collaborations COVID-related obstacles, I am happy to report second year) students passed the qualifica- with Raytheon/Tucson and other companies good progress on a number of fronts. tion process successfully last May – which in Tucson, such as Critical Path, are ongoing. is good proof that the program continues to Those activities help to set up internships, 1) Our work on updating the program attract great students. fellowships and future employment oppor- curriculum and qualification process is tunities for our students. Five of our 1st year 2) Our admission numbers went up last year; almost complete: students had (virtual) summer internships 16 PhD students were admitted in 2020 (vs 10 with our National Lab and Industry partners a) 2019-2020 was the first -trial- year (two in 2019). We expect to maintain the numbers last summer. semesters) for the new edition of our three steadily, within the 12-18 range, in the coming core courses in Applied Mathematics: years. Our next recruitment event (virtual, due Theory, Methods and Algorithms. Content to COVID, utilizing both Zoom and GatherTown of the new courses is now up-to-date and platforms) is scheduled jointly with the Grad- CONTENTS balanced with the state-of-the-art in Ap- uate Program in Mathematics and Graduate Greetings from the Chair .................... 1 plied Mathematics (which is significantly Interdisciplinary Program in Statistics & Data Obituary Tribute to Bob O’Malley .......2 broader what it was 40 years ago, when the Science for February 28-March 1, 2021. program was created). Our AM core courses The Don Wilson Fund ........................ 3 combine traditional subjects in Applied 3) Thanks to efforts of the program steering Al Scott Lecture ..................................4 Mathematics (such as Complex and Fou- committee, 45 new affiliate members and 2 rier Analysis, ODEs, PDEs and Variational new members across 28 Departments of UAr- New Program Calculus) with a number of more contem- izona were added to the list of the program’s Affiliate Profiles .................................4 faculty in 2020. The total number of UArizona porary subjects (Optimization, Control and Alumni Profiles ..................................6 Elements of Data Science and Statistics for faculty affiliated with the program is now 113. Current Student Profiles ....................9 Inference and Learning). In 2019-20 and 4) The program joined forces with the De- 2020-21 academic years the courses were partment of Mathematics in setting up the News from Members led by Prof. Shankar Venkataramani (the- Integration workshop which we co-ran for the and Affiliates .................................... 12 ory), Prof. Mikhail Stepanov (algorithms) first time in the August of 2020. The work- Recent Graduates ..............................13 and your humble servant (methods). Dr. shop, which we aim to continue annually, Colin Clark, the program Postdoctoral Fel- focuses on reviewing basic undergraduate News from Alumni ........................... 14 low, was helping the core instructors with mathematics that are critical for the students’ Current Student inter-course coordination (e.g. via recita- future success in the program; identifying Achievements................................... 16 tions). See https://appliedmath.arizona. gaps in our students’ preparation for careers Incoming Class Fall 2020 ..................17 edu/students/new-core-courses for more in Applied Mathematics that need atten- 1 Greeting (continued) 6) The new Applied Math Laboratory opened interruption via zoom. Moreover, a majority and the team have received an extension of its doors to the program students and fac- of the presentations made at the traditional the NIH training grant “Computational and ulty in February, 2020. The Lab is located in venues, and some temporary venues (such as mathematical modeling of biomedical sys- renovated office space on the 5th floor of the a working seminar in Applied Mathematics tems”. These two training grants are financing Physics and Atmospheric Science building. about Pandemics that we ran in April-June of 8 semesters in the 2020-21 academic year of This is a great location with an open space for 2020), are now recorded and posted online at our students’ Research Assistantships. We are individual work and discussions (equipped https://appliedmath.arizona.edu/events/sem- also expecting responses to a number of other with a sufficient number of tables, monitors inar-videos-fall-2020. grant submissions made on behalf of the and whiteboards), small-scale gatherings and 8) We continue to work on bringing new fund- program recently. also containing two rooms, e.g. suitable for ing to the program. Faculty of the program are I would like to thank all of you for your help small table-top experiments. key participants of the newly awarded NSF and support. Finally, I am especially grateful 7) The pandemic did not stop our program Research and Training Grant (RTG) in “Applied to Stacey and Keri working days and often colloquia and seminars. All of our regular Mathematics and Statistics for Data-Driven nights for keeping the program running. weekly activities have continued without Discovery”, led by Kevin Lin. Tim Secomb Sincerely Yours, Misha Chertkov Obituary tribute for Robert E. O’Malley Jr., 1939–2020 by Mark Kot (MS 1984), Professor, University of Washington In 1973, Bob moved to the University of Ari- the Editor of the Book Reviews section of zona. In Tucson, Bob founded the Program in SIAM Review, a job he loved so much that Applied Mathematics in 1976. He also worked he continued in this role through 2014, five on singular perturbation problems in control years after his retirement. theory. Bob was a forceful advocate for applied I never got to know Bob at Arizona — he was mathematics at Arizona and was especially leaving just as I was arriving as a graduate supportive of young faculty. Many years later, student. He was, however, my neighbor and he (and I) would fondly reminisce about all colleague at the University of Washington for the wonderful people in Tucson. many years. I quickly learned four things about In 1981, Bob moved to Rensselaer Polytech- Bob: (1) He loved his work. He came into work, nic Institute, where he was Ford Foundation even after he retired, until the pandemic hit, Professor, Chairman of the Faculty, and Head and I had a better chance of running into Bob of a Department of Mathematical Sciences than any other colleague. Bob wrote his 2014 that emphasized applied mathematics and book on Historical Developments in Singular It is with great sadness that I report that Bob computer science. Many years later, in 1999, Perturbations after retiring, and he was working O’Malley, the founder of the Program in Ap- Bob’s colleagues at RPI hosted an O’Mal- on a new book on differential equations when plied Mathematics at the University of Arizona, ley-fest, a workshop on singular perturbations he passed away. (2) Bob loved books. He loved passed away December 31, 2020 at the age of 81. that brought some 60 mathematicians to Troy, reading them, writing them, reviewing them, Bob was born on May 23, 1939 and grew up in New York to celebrate Bob’s 60th birthday. and talking about them. His office was always Somersworth, New Hampshire. He began his At the end of 1990 and soon after a sabbatical to filled with stacks of books, dangerously so higher education at the University of New the Technical University of Vienna, Bob moved during his many years as Book-Review Editor Hampshire, where he earned a B.S. in Elec- to the Department of Applied Mathematics at for SIAM Review. (3) Bob loved the history of trical Engineering in 1960 and an M.S.in Math- the University of Washington. He served our mathematics. He loved reading and writing ematics in 1961. Bob then earned his Ph.D. in department as Chair, as Graduate Program about this history, and he often peppered his Mathematics in 1966 at Stanford University, Coordinator, and in many other ways, for many lectures with fascinating historical anecdotes.
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