Moscow, September 2014 valdaiclub.com GLOBAL PROBLEMS FOR GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Valdai Discussion Club Grantees Report Global Problems for Global Governance Valdai Discussion Club Grantees Report Moscow, September 2014 valdaiclub.com Authors This report was prepared within the framework of the Research Grants Alexander Konkov Program of the Foundation for (Russian Federation) Development and Support of the Valdai PhD in Political Science. Head of the Discussion Club. International Peer Review at the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian The views and opinions of authors Federation, member of the Peer Сouncil at expressed herein do not necessarily state the Institute for Socio-Economic and Political or reflect those of the Valdai Discussion Research, visiting lecturer at the Moscow State Club, neither of any organizations University and at the Financial University the authors have been affiliated under the Government of the Russian with or may be affiliated in future. Federation, member of the board at the Russian Political Science Association The paper had been prepared by the authors before the outbreak Hovhannes Nikoghosyan of the Ukrainian crisis, and therefore (Armenia) the text of the report does not contain PhD in Political Science, visiting lecturer at any analysis of the events. the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (Yerevan), research fellow at the Information and Public Relations Centre under the Administration of the President of Armenia (2010-2012), visiting scholar at Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University (2012–2013) ISBN 978-5-906757-09-8 Contents 4 Introduction 8 Chapter 1. Russia in Global World 24 Chapter 2. Global Trends of Global Governance 24 2.1. Institutions for international order 28 2.2. The regional arrangements 30 2.3. The role of Russia in the face of global challenges 31 2.4. The Responsibility to Protect 33 2.5. Discussing the Arab awakening and its impact on global governance 40 2.6. How many poles in a modern world? 43 2.7. Rule-based order, regionalism and balance of power 46 Chapter 3. Future System of Global Governance: Neutralize Threats 47 3.1. The regime of nuclear (and other WMD) non-prolifer- ation 49 3.2. Establishment of international regime on arms trade 52 3.3. Elaboration of the general approaches to drone wars and cyber aggression 53 3.4. The reform of the UNSC and system of global gover- nance of international peace and security 55 Conclusions Global Problems for Global Governance Introduction It’s been a long time the international commu- conflicts among nations or within societies nity has been thinking to establish an effective emerge to once more testify our inability to system of international agreements that could prescribe the right recipe for resolution or meet the needs of each member of the world management. community, but so far such a system does not exist. The world has been changing faster, than it could have been predicted at the moment, Such a question, of course, would not stand when the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union out should we live in the world of UN Charter, faded away. With the demise of the Iron Cur- where all conflicts, international trade rela- tain, the last physical barrier for the world ‘to tions, as well as issues of development, inter- get connected’ was overcome. This said, never- national cooperation and others alike would theless, the early 1990s was a strange period: be solvable within the frameworks of the UN the war – cold or hot – ended without a formal and its affiliated bodies. Unfortunately, that peace treaty. There could be nothing new in this has never been the case ever since 1945. Obvi- situation – after all the World War II was ended ously, all the regional arrangements, criminal without a formal peace treaty between Soviet tribunals, trade organisations and economic Union and Japan – if not its global scale. unions were established to complement the pitfalls of the UN system with its ups and The balance of power with old institutions downs. Over time these organisations have was broken, and the new one was not created. been interacting and improving multilaterally, The broad international coalition against Iraqi the whole of it reminding a self-cooking pot, aggression in Kuwait, and most importantly – where ingredients (i.e. the organisations) are the consensus in the UN Security Council to adjusted with no ready-to-go recipe. While act under Chapter VII measures – created the 4 MOSCOW, SEPTEMBER 2014 Global Problems for Global Governance euphoria, which unfortunately did not live for The present research maintains the lines of long. The breakup of Yugoslavia, as well as arguments, that global governance does not the ethnic conflicts in the territory of former imply any top-down hierarchy, based on some Soviet Union – exposed the major disagree- sort of agreement(s), but is a microcosm of ments between the Kremlin and the NATO arrangements aimed at building peace, stabili- alliance. Quite unsurprisingly, the countries of ty and development through legitimate control Far East – the ‘Asian tigers’ – chose to remain or regulation over issues of international con- by-standers as long as their vital national cern, such as nuclear non-proliferation regime interests remained unchallenged, and con- or accountability for international crimes – in tinue unhindered economic growth. essence, a “continuing process”.2 The UN-sponsored Commission on Global It is true, that the system of global gover- Governance published its report in 1995, where nance – based on inviolability of post-war borders, United Nations legiti- macy and UN Security Council responsibility for conflict settle- While conflicts among nations or within ment – was not seriously threat- societies emerge to once more testify our ened after the collapse of bipolar inability to prescribe the right recipe for system. The challenges to post- war world order appeared to be resolution or management more active since the beginning of the XXI century, and they have facilitated a hot pursuit of new models of cooperation through it described the global governance phenomena a system of global governance. Some actors as a ‘continuing process’, rather than merely would interpret those as substitutes, others an interaction of already established networks would consider them as complementary, and and institutions. An often observed misper- none of them would likely to come out with the ception between global governance and global final solution. But the beginning of the century government is a casual mistake to avoid. The could be definitely characterized with a boom report provided that the term of ‘global gover- of emerging regional and trans-regional coop- nance’ “[shall] not imply world government or eration initiatives. Global economic crisis has world federalism».1 Generally speaking, Glob- certainly fueled the process. al Governance is an outgrow of the UN system with its numerous affiliated bodies and other If previously waves of instability that shook international organizations, that is here to the global security system outflew from auto- provide more public good – from environmen- cratic and failed states like Iraq, Afghani- tal protection to human rights – to the inde- stan or post-Yugoslavian and post-Soviet pendent states and nations across the globe. breakaway territories (which have dramati- 5 VALDAI DISCUSSION CLUB GRANTEES REPORT Introduction unipolar world, Russia hesitat- Russia has chosen the avenue of ed, and was actually not ready to no-or-little political confrontation but join the globalizing internation- all possible economic cooperation to al community. It was not satis- fied with the change of its geo- bring in innovations and technological political role to be ‘one of many’. advancement Years later present-day Russia has almost come into terms with continuing degradation (for the lack of a better word) of its cally influenced indeed), in the modern period image internationally and, despite rather the non-state actors emerged on the global phlegmatic stance against it, considers those agenda. Threats or the practice of terrorism soft-power threats as deliberately hostile and extremism penetrated in many regions policy of its international partners aimed at and countries, thus revealing the fragility of enforcing conformity and loyalty to the new, international state-centric security architec- liberal hierarchic, ‘status quo’ order. Tradi- ture. Illegal arms trade and drug trafficking tionally Russia tries to be symmetric vis-a- have created uncontrolled, shadow economies, vis those accusations by the Western powers, which grew sufficiently strong in financial e.g. human rights or rule of law ‘lecturing’ terms to support global ambitions of networks (like publishing reports on human rights4 competing with official, state institutions. and the ‘Dima Yakovlev Law’5), but recently it gets likely to build a clear-cut long-term Conflicts between states had been less observed, strategy in the wider sense as well. Such a whereas domestic trends challenged the peace strategy is based on long-term objectives and stability of nations. As such, popular dem- posed by the national political leadership onstrations and self-organized movements and growing number of different sectoral made it possible to overthrow governments plans (programs) for 5–10 years6. during the ‘Arab Spring’, and ‘color revolutions’ shook some post-Soviet states. ‘Occupy’ move- Taking a look at Russian strategy of coping with ments conquered people’s minds in developed global challenges, it obviously has chosen the countries, along with the economic crisis deep- avenue of no-or-little political confrontation ening. And the social media revolution is only but all possible economic cooperation to bring part of the answer here. When Time magazine in innovations and technological advance- announced ‘The Protester’ to be the Person of ment. Along with the economic moderniza- the 2011 Year3, it was just a perfect definition tion – a top declared priority – Russia has of the trend of preceding decade.
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