Guide to Installations Worldwide 2017 USAF Almanac Whiteman AFB, Mo. A1C Michaela R. Slanchik/USAF Active Duty Installations This section includes Air Force-owned and mand: AFTC/AFMC. Unit/mission: Arnold became a hero of the Mexican-American War -operated facilities around the world. (It also Engineering Development Complex (AFTC/ and early developer of California, as well as a lists the former USAF bases now under other AFMC), flight, space, and missile ground testing. senior appointee/diplomat for four Presidents. service leadership as joint bases.) The section History: dedicated June 25, 1951. Named for Transferred to USAF 1948. Designated AFB does not list all units or agencies at each base. Gen. of the Air Force Henry H. “Hap” Arnold. April 1951. Many USAF installations also host numerous tenants, including other USAF major com- Aviano AB, Italy APO AE 09604. Nearest city: Buckley AFB, Colo. 80011. Nearest city: Den- mand units and civil, DOD, federal, and other Aviano. Phone: 011-39-0434-30-1110. Own- ver. Phone: 720-847-9431. Owning command: service entities. ing command: USAFE. Unit/mission: 31st AFSPC. Unit/mission: 140th Wing (ANG), air FW (USAFE), fighter operations; 724th AMS mobility, fighter operations, mobile missile warn- Altus AFB, Okla. 73523. Nearest city: Altus. (AMC), air transportation services. History: ing; 460th SW (AFSPC), space surveillance, Phone: 580-482-8100. Owning command: dates from 1911 as Italian air base. USAF missile warning; 566th IS (ACC), intelligence; AETC. Unit/mission: 97th AMW (AETC), train- began operations 1954. Air Reserve Personnel Center, Guard and ing. History: activated January 1943. Inactivated Reserve personnel support. History: activated May 1945. Reactivated August 1953. Barksdale AFB, La. 71110. Nearest city: Bossier April 1, 1942, as gunnery training facility. ANG City. Phone: 318-456-1110. Owning command: assumed control from Navy 1959. Became Andersen AFB, Guam APO AP 96543. Nearest AFGSC. Unit/mission: 2nd BW (AFGSC), Active Duty Air Force facility Oct. 1, 2000. city: Yigo. Phone: 671-366-1110. Owning com- bomber operations; 307th BW (AFRC), bomber Named for 1st Lt. John H. Buckley, WWI flier, mand: PACAF. Unit/mission: 9th Operations operations, training; Hq. AFGSC, manage- killed Sept. 17, 1918. Group Det. 3 (ACC), RPA operations; 22nd ment; Hq. 8th Air Force (AFGSC), operational SOPS Det. 5 (AFSPC), space operations; 36th leadership; Global Power Museum (AFGSC). Cannon AFB, N.M. 88103. Nearest city: Clo- Wing (PACAF), support; 36th CRG (PACAF), History: activated Feb. 2, 1933. Named for Lt. vis. Phone: 575-784-4131. Owning command: bare base operations; 44th APS (AFRC), aerial Eugene H. Barksdale, WWI airman killed in AFSOC. Unit/mission: 27th SOW (AFSOC), port operations; 254th ABG (ANG), support, August 1926 crash. special operations. History: activated August bare base operations (254th RED HORSE); 1942. Named for Gen. John K. Cannon, WWII 724th ASTF (AFRC); 734th AMS (AMC), air Beale AFB, Calif. 95903. Nearest city: Marys- commander of all Allied air forces in the Mediter- transportation services. History: activated 1945 ville. Phone: 530-634-3000. Owning command: ranean Theater and former commander, Tactical as North Field. Renamed 1949 for Brig. Gen. ACC. Unit/mission: 7th SWS (AFSPC), missile Air Command. James R. Andersen, lost at sea Feb. 26, 1945. warning; 9th RW (ACC), ISR, RPA operations; Became part of Joint Region Marianas 2009. 548th ISRG (ACC), DCGS; 940th Wing (AFRC), Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla. 32925. Nearest city: C2, ISR, RPA operations. History: opened Cocoa Beach. Phone: 321-853-1110. Owning Arnold AFB, Tenn. 37389. Nearest city: Man- October 1942 as Army’s Camp Beale. Named command: AFSPC. Unit/mission: 45th Space chester. Phone: 931-454-3000. Owning com- for Edward F. Beale, a former Navy officer who Wing (AFSPC), space launch operations. 82 JUNE 2017 H WWW.AIRFORCEMAG.COM History: formerly NAS Banana River. Site of Mortuary Affairs Operations (USAF). History: Acronyms Joint Long Range Proving Ground 1949. USAF activated December 1941. Inactivated 1946. and Abbreviations took sole control 1950. Combined with NASA Reactivated February 1951. and Abbreviations to form John F. Kennedy Space Center 1973. AAB Army Air Base Designated Cape Canaveral AS 1974. Dyess AFB, Texas 79607. Nearest city: Abilene. AAF Army Airfield Phone: 325-696-4820. Owning command: AB Air Base Cape Cod AFS, Mass. 02561. Nearest city: AFGSC. Unit/mission: 7th BW (AFGSC), ABG Air Base Group Sandwich. Phone: 508-968-3283. Owning bomber operations; 317th AG (AMC), air mobility ABW Air Base Wing command: AFSPC. Unit/mission: 6th SWS operations. History: Abilene AAB opened Dec. ACC Air Combat Command (AFSPC), missile warning. History: established 18, 1942. Inactivated Jan. 31, 1946. Reopened ACG Air Control Group April 4, 1980, as Cape Cod Missile Early Warn- and renamed Dec. 1, 1956, for Lt. Col. Wil- ACS Air Control Squadron ing Station. Renamed Jan. 5, 1982. liam E. Dyess, WWII pilot who escaped from ACTS Air Combat Training Squadron a Japanese prison camp, killed in P-38 crash ACW Air Control Wing Cavalier AFS, N.D. 58220. Nearest city: Cava- in December 1943. AETC Air Education and Training Command lier. Phone: 701-993-3292. Owning command: AFB Air Force Base AFSPC. Unit/mission: 10th SWS (AFSPC), Edwards AFB, Calif. 93524. Nearest city: AFDW Air Force District of Washington missile warning. History: established 1975 as Rosa mond. Phone: 661-277-1110. Owning AFGSC Air Force Global Strike Command Army’s Mickelsen Complex, an anti-ballistic mis- command: AFMC. Unit/mission: 412th TW AFMC Air Force Materiel Command sile facility. All but perimeter acquisition radar (AFMC), T&E, base support; Hq. Air Force AFNWC Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center inactivated 1976. USAF took radar operational Test Center (AFMC), T&E management; US AFRC Air Force Reserve Command control 1977 and site control 2007. Air Force Test Pilot School (AFMC), training. AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory History: Muroc Bombing and Gunnery Range AFS Air Force Station Cheyenne Mountain AFS, Colo. 80914. Nearest established September 1933. Designated Muroc AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command city: Colorado Springs. Phone: N/A. Owning AAB 1942. Renamed in 1949 for Capt. Glen AFSPC Air Force Space Command command: AFSPC. Unit/mission: 721st MSG W. Edwards, killed June 5, 1948, in crash of AFTC Air Force Test Center (AFSPC), support; NORAD/NORTHCOM Al- YB-49 “Flying Wing.” AG Airlift Group ternate Command Center, Integrated Tactical AGOW Air Ground Operations Wing Warning and Attack Assessment operations, Eglin AFB, Fla. 32542. Nearest city: Niceville- AGS Air Guard Station training. History: operational April 20, 1966. Valparaiso. Phone: 850-882-1110. Owning ALC Air Logistics Complex command: AFMC. Unit/mission: 20th SPCS AMC Air Mobility Command Clear AFS, Alaska 99704. Nearest city: Fair- (AFSPC), space surveillance; 33rd FW (AETC), AMOG Air Mobility Operations Group banks. Phone: 907-585-6384. Owning com- training; 53rd Wing (ACC), OT&E; 96th TW AMOW Air Mobility Operations Wing mand: AFSPC. Unit/mission: 13th SWS (AF- (AFMC), T&E, base support; Air Force Ar- AMS Air Mobility Squadron SPC), 213th SWS (ANG), missile warning. mament Museum (AFMC); AFRL Munitions AMW Air Mobility Wing History: dates from 1961. Directorate (AFMC), R&D; PEO-Weapons/Air ANG Air National Guard Force Life Cycle Management Center Arma- ANGB Air National Guard Base Columbus AFB, Miss. 39710. Nearest city: ment Directorate (AFMC), acquisition. History: ANGS Air National Guard Station Columbus. Phone: 662-434-1110. Owning com- activated 1935. Named for Lt. Col. Frederick APO AP Army/Air Force Post Office Pacific mand: AETC. Unit/mission: 14th FTW (AETC), I. Eglin, WWI flier killed in aircraft accident APO AE Army/Air Force Post Office Europe training. History: activated 1942 for pilot training. Jan. 1, 1937. AOC Air and Space Operations Center AOG Air and Space Operations Group Creech AFB, Nev. 89191. Nearest city: Indian Eielson AFB, Alaska 99702. Nearest city: APS Aerial Port Squadron Springs. Phone: 702-404-1110. Owning com- Fairbanks. Phone: 907-377-2116. Owning ARB Air Reserve Base mand: ACC. Unit/mission: 232nd Operations command: PACAF. Unit/mission: 168th ARG Air Refueling Group Sq. (ANG), 432nd Wing (ACC), 726th Opera- ARW (ANG), air mobility operations; 354th Arpt. Airport tions Group (AFRC), RPA operations; 799th ABG FW (PAC AF), aggressor force, fighter, Red ARS Air Refueling Squadron or (ACC), support. History: Built in 1943 as auxiliary Flag-Alaska operations, Joint Pacific Alaska Air Reserve Station landing field to support air-to-air gunnery and Range Complex support; Arctic Survival ARW Air Refueling Wing other AAF training. Called Indian Springs Arpt. School (AETC), training. History: activated AS Air Station or Airlift Squadron Closed in 1947. Reopened in 1949. Became October 1944. Named for Carl Ben Eielson, ASOG Air Support Operations Group Indian Springs AFB in 1951. Transferred to Arctic aviation pioneer who died in Arctic ASOS Air Support Operations Squadron Air Research and Development Command in rescue mission November 1929. ASTF Aeromedical Staging Flight 1952. Redesignated Indian Springs Air Force ATKW Attack Wing Auxiliary Field and assigned to Nellis AFB in Ellsworth AFB, S.D. 57706. Nearest city: Rapid AW Airlift Wing 1964. In 2005, renamed Creech AFB for Gen. City. Phone: 605-385-5056. Owning command: BW Bomb Wing Wilbur L. “Bill” Creech, commander, Tactical AFGSC. Unit/mission: 28th BW (AFGSC), C2 command and control Air Command, 1978 to 1984. bomber operations; Air Force Financial Services C3I command, control, communications, Center (AFMC). History: activated January and intelligence Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. 85707. Nearest city: 1942 as Rapid City AAB. Renamed June 13, C4 command, control, Tucson. Phone: 520-228-3900. Owning com- 1953, for Brig. Gen. Richard E. Ellsworth, killed communications, and computers mand: ACC. Unit/mission: 55th ECG (ACC), March 18, 1953, in RB-36 crash. CACS Command and Control Squadron electronic combat operations; 214th RG (ANG), CBCS Combat Communications Squadron RPA operations; 309th Aerospace Maintenance Fairchild AFB, Wash.
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