UNITED NATIONS TD UnitedNations Distr. Conference GENERAL onTrade and TD/SYMP.TE/INF.1 Development 10 August 1995 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TRADE EFFICIENCY Columbus, Ohio, 17 October 1994 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES Note: The format and data of the entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat GE.95-52801 2 REPRESENTATIVES ALBANIE * H.E. Mr. Selim BELORTAJA, Minister for Industry and Trade ** Ms. Elisabeta GJONI, President’s Economic Advisor Mr. Arben PAPARISTO, Deputy Director, Center for Foreign Investments and Promotion ALGERIA * S.E. M. Saci AZIZA, Ministre du commerce ** M. Mohamed LAMARI, Directeur, Relations économiques et culturelles, Ministère des affaires étrangères M. Abdelhamid BRAHIMI, Directeur Général du commerce extérieur, Ministère du commerce M. Amar AOUIDEF, Directeur de la promotion des échanges commerciaux, Ministère du commerce M. Smaïl CHERAK, Directeur Général, Observatoire des marchés extérieurs M. Ahmed AKROUR, Directeur de la coopération, Ministère des transports M. Sid Ahmed KARCOUCHE, Sous-Directeur de la planification, Ministère des postes et télécommunications M. Kaci ABES, Directeur de la coopération, Direction générale des douanes M. Hamza MASMOUDI, Président, Fonds de participation "Agro- Alimentaire" M. Ahmed BAGHDADI, Président, Fonds de participation "Services" M. Fawzi BEDJAOUI, Directeur, Caisse Algérienne d’Assurance Transport (CAAT) M. Mohamed CHAMI, Directeur Général, Chambre nationale du commerce M. Lahcewe BESSIKRI, Conseiller, Ambassade, Washington, D.C. M. Mourad DALI BEY, Sous-directeur, Banque d'Algérie ANGOLA * Mr. Filomeno CEITA, Commercial Attaché, Embassy, Washington, D.C. ** Mr. António ALBUQUERQUE, Senior Expert, National Department for Interchange ________ * Représentant/Representative/Representante ** Représentants suppléants/Alternate representatives/Representantes Suplentes *** Conseillers/Advisers/Consejeros 3 ARGENTINA * Mr. Daniel POLSKI, Minister, Director, Foreign Trade Strategies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade ** Mr. Ricardo GAUTHIER, General Consul, Chicago, Illinois Mr. Antonio SEWARD, Minister, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. José L.S. PEREZ GABILONDO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Mario JORIS, Undersecretary, Foreign Trade, Province of Santa Fe, Director, Trade Point, Santa Fe Mr. Héctor José CAVALLERO, Mayor, City of Rosario Mr. Jorge Alberto OBEID, Mayor, City of Santa Fe Mrs. Rita LASSUR, Director, Foreign Trade, Province of Santa Fe Mr. Mario CAFIERO, President, Export Processing Zone, La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires Mr. Miguel Alberto BULLRICH, Counsellor, City of Santa Fe, President, Counsellor’s Block of the Partido Demócrata Progresista Mr. Teofilo GOMILA, Director, Export Processing Zone, La Plata Mr. Oscar LAGO, Free Trade Zone, La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires ARMENIA * H.E. Mr. Hrant BAGRATIAN, Prime Minister ** H.E. Mr. Vahan MELKONYAN, Minister for Trade Mr. Armen DARBINIAN, Deputy Minister for Economy Mr. Vahagn KHATCHATRIAN, Mayor, Yerevan Mr. Stepan ASLANIAN, Assistant to the Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Rouben SHUGARIAN, Ambassador, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Garnik NANAGULIAN, Minister Counsellor, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Tigran MARTIROSSIAN, First Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Sergey MANASARIAN, Head, Staff of the Prime Minister AUSTRALIA * H.E. Mr. Don RUSSELL, Ambassador, Embassy, Washington, D.C. ** Mr. Douglas CHESTER, Counsellor, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Ms. Rachel THOMPSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to GATT, Geneva Mr. Alan MURRAY, Senior Australian Customs Representative, Embassy, Washington, D.C. AUSTRIA * H.E. Mr. Viktor SEGALLA, Ambassador, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs ** Mr. Gerhard WAAS, Director General, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs Ms. Elke ATZLER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Andreas KLADE, Economic Chamber, Vienna AZERBAIJAN * H.E. Mr. Rizvan GUSEINOV, Minister for Trade BAHAMAS * H.E. Mr. Luther E. SMITH, Ambassador, High Commissioner to Canada 4 BANGLADESH * H.E. Mr. M. Shamsul ISLAM, Minister for Commerce ** Sheikh Tayebur RAHMAN, Mayor, Khulna City Corporation Dr. Akbar Ali KHAN, Chairman, National Board of Revenue, Dhaka Mr. K.M. Ejazul HUQ, Economic Minister, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Syed JAMALUDDIN, Economic Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Ghulam RAHMAN, Joint Secretary (ITO), Ministry of Commerce, Dhaka Mr. Mizanur RAHMAN, Counsellor, Embassy, Washington, D.C. BELARUS * S.E. Mr. Mikhail MARINICH, Minister for Foreign Economic Relations ** H.E. Mr. A. LUKASHOV, Minister for Transportation Mr. P. KRECHKO, Chairman, State Customs Committee Mr. V. GONCHARENOK, Trade Counsellor, Embassy, USA BELGIUM * M. Christian LEPAGE, Conseiller commercial, Ambassade, Washington, D.C. BELIZE * The Honourable Salvador Jesus FERNANDEZ, Minister for Trade and Industry ** Mr. Crescencio SOSA, Permanent Secretary BENIN * S.E. Mr. Adam Fassassi YACOUBOU, Ministre du commerce et du tourisme ** Mr. Wassi ADEKPEDJOU, Directeur, Commerce Extérieur Mr. René Lantonkpode, Administrateur des Douanes, Chef, Service Informatique Mr. Issa BADAROU, Directeur Général, Port Autonome, Cotonou BHUTAN * H.E. Mr. Ugyen TSHERING, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, New York BOLIVIA * S.E. Sr. Carlos MORALES LANDIVAR, Secretario Nacional de Industria y Comercio ** Sr. Luis Fernando PEREDO, Subsecretario, Promoción Económica, Ministeriode Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sra. Rosa CHÁVEZ BUSTÍOS, Encargada de Negocios a.i., Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Guillermo LORÍA, Director, Asuntos Económicos Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto BOTSWANA * Mr. G.L. MOTSEMME, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Industry ** Mrs. M. DAMBE, Director of Commerce and Industry *** Mr. C. SECHELE, Director, Customs and Excise Ms. T. MONGWA, First Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C. 5 BRAZIL * H.E. Carlos Alberto DE AZEVEDO PIMENTEL, Ambassador, Head, Department of Scientific, Technical and Technological Cooperation, Ministry of External Relations ** Mr. Jorge CHAMI BATISTA, Secretary of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism Mr. Luis Guilherme MORAIS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Paulo César DE CAMARGO, Acting Chief, Division of Programmes of Commercial Promotion, Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of External Relations Mr. José Mauro DA COSTA COUTO, Acting Chief, Division of Fairs and Tourism, Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Zuhair WARWAR, Consultant, Department of Scientific, Technical and Technological Cooperation, Ministry of External Relations Mrs. Inês Araripe DE PAULA FREITAS, Chancellery Officer, Division of Programmes of Commercial Promotion, Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of External Relations Mrs. Patrícia TÂMEGA RIBEIRO, Chancellery Officer, Division of Programmes of Commercial Promotion, Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Luis Gastón LAMBERT MORALES, Consultant, Commercial Efficiency Centre Project (CPEC), Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Celso GOUVÊA DUTRA, Consultant, Commercial Efficiency Centre Project (CPEC), Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Ricardo MENEZES, Consultant, Commercial Efficiency Centre Project (CPEC), Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of External Relations Mr. LUCENA, National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. Tarso Fernando HERZ GENRO, Mayor, Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul Mr. Rogério SANTANNA DOS SANTOS, Director, System Information and Telecommunications, Trade Point, Porto Alegre and Chairman, Data Processing Company, Porto Alegre (Procempa) Mr. Leodir SENGER, Operating Manager, Trade Point, Porto Alegre and Marketing Manager, Brazilian Service for Support to the Small and Medium Size Companies (SEBRAE) Mr. José Eduardo UTZIG, President, Administration Council, Trade Point, Porto Alegre Mr. Antonio ROSAT FILHO, System Analist, Trade Point, Porto Alegre Mr. Henry ULIANO QUARESMA, Director, Trade Point, Florianópolis and Chief, Department of Technology and Trade (FIESC) Mrs. Sílvia Lúcia REGUEIRA BREDA, Assistant, Trade Point, Florianópolis Mr. João Cláudio TODOROV, President, Trade Point, Brasília Mr. João BOSCO RIBEIRO, Director, Trade Point, Brasília Mrs. Dayse KÜNZE, Director, Trade Point, Brasília Mr. Walfrido ATAÍDE, Industries Federation of Brasília (FIBRA) Mr. Jefferson da SILVA LEÃO, Operation Manager, SEBRAE - São Paulo Mr. Irani CAVAGNOLI, Director, SEBRAE - São Paulo Mr. Ulisses SEMEGHINI, President, Trade Point, Campinas Mr. Carlos de CARVALHO, Trade Point, Campinas Mr. José Newton CARPINTERO, University of Campinas Mrs. Irenilza de ALENCAR NÄÄS, University of Campinas Mr. Paulo PROTÁSIO, President, Trade Point, Rio de Janeiro Mrs. Gilson OLIVEIRA LARIÚ, Foreign Trade Accounts Manager (SERPRO) BRAZIL (continued) 6 Mrs. Rosana da CONCEIÇÃO TEIXEIRA, Users System Support Coordinator (SERPO) Mr. José Luiz VALLE, Marketing Communication Manager (EMBRATEL) Mr. Álvaro ALBUQUERQUE Jr., Advisor to the President (EMBRATEL) Mr. Alexandre ROSA DE PAIVA, Management Technician for Foreign Trade, Banco do Brasil Mr. Adyr da SILVA, President, TELEBRAS Mr. Helena Anicet FISCHER, Community TELECENTRE Coordinator Mr. Shoichi Shibuya KISHI, Foreign Affairs Division Manager Mr. Jorge Alberto FISCHER, Advisor, TELEBRAS BRUNEI DARUSSALAM * H.E. Mr. Abdul Rahman TAIB,
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