Rescue pJaia n fo r S p o hzane Farm CC zed itS a n hk ^ n o w J n jeeo p a rd p ^-^-^ 5 C lip p in g ■w.v J o . 0 0 3 ' ' <Sl _ _ 1 J - n y u j B CORf> 7 9 5 ' - €1 ' e ______________ t r r ^ , — ........ — SOthyear,:ar,:N0.-2W I ;^-:; -------------------------^-------- - T w ir w irrfallsT iaafT ir------------------------- 7 _ Z .y . ^ ____ 1 -- f^rlday,y,.July19.1M J 5'“ :;i; ' 'i • v J 11 i n i l p5S—I i By H. JO SEF HEBERT the varletjrlety of new cars jivalIab le,to con-co ministration issued a tenatinaUve decision Uial Uie.reduction, ITje Associated Press on, b ut boUi sald they would pressss ,going to read; 'Here Lies AmcTimerica's Energy sum ers." reduces the standard to 282G mpg f ^ Uie 1936 for h ^ ln g UieUm standard lowered to 26 m pg in Policy'," said Chrysler ChalrmiIrman Lee Iaco^ :i . Generalral Motors1 Corp. and the Ford Motlotor-- model'yearT'S’^nnarhigul)gulaUon Is expecled“ Iufife years-s as£ well. GM said Uiat unless Uiehe ca. WASHINGTON - Sayin aying the country’s two Co. hadI askedasi that the 27.5 mpg standardrd be1 within a few months wbenn Uieth agency also wUr rollback is exie x te n d ^ beyond 19M. it might still ■ largest autom akers will r ill Chrysler lias opposed lowerlwering Uie slan- '111 not be able to meet reduced] andan warned H no action were takaken consider rollbacks In future;ure model yeors, of- be forced to) reducere large cA* production. fucl-cconomy standards, dard, a id in g Uiat il spentt mm< ore Uian $300 ds, the government on they wouldmid be forced to produce few er largarge, fidalssaid. Helen 0 . Petrauskas,Pc Ford’s vice president Thuraday .tentatively ra nt - million to develop a fleet of fuel*efficlent- . ' railed back overaU less-effideiicient c ars.to avoid m illions of dollallian “Serious adverse econonnomic consequcnccs forcnvironmtment and safety engineering, call-11- automobiles that w ouldjnw t th« _ .-j^erp^-gaUoarcquireme itth e government • em ents foMfisWcars.-r-: Inclvii penjpenalUes.: . : ■ - ■' —sudirasT»iaht-closlngs, •rancmploymcnrand^etflKC-NHTSAuna 'SA'^efcUToiT'acomroon-sense'vlc^ lc- “ requB m ents set'dowh a dw a d F It also safd it would w r :adeago.' " 1 consider reductions In The twowo autom akers in recent y e a n haveba restrlctionsonconsumerchichoice could result if tory for consuisum ers who need and want to buyiiy Clarence DlUow, executive dli luture years; e director for Uie been unablnable to meet the government stan-sts the standard Is not changed,jed." Ute agency said fam llysedansinsaridstallotiwagons." . _ , _ Cehter.for.Au.to.Sale^, charged!theTranspor* ____ '2 f c 'fransportatlon De Department said the dard,, bm ut: t have avoided penalUes by usiilUiDg in a statem ent. It c jte d aa,Commerce O Depart- ButUieacU ed tallon Department wlUi '!destro: — ;cilifcnl_standard--of 27.5 stioylng Uie most 27.5 miles p tf gallon credits frorfrom previous years-ln whlch-theytr « - - m e n t- ^ H m a le lh a t iitf;ooo"i00 auto Industry Jobs by Uie natiorion's No. 3 autbmater, Chryslerer effecUve energy cohservallorrj •would resull In “ substant JorTprogram Uils tantial sales losses for ceeded the fuel economy r^ulrementsrTholhose could be lost If large^ar prioproduction wero cur* Corp.,. and bybj the Center for Auto Safety, a country has ever had" and si the manufacturers and in d said his group :d Increased jinemploy- credits,, however,hov have runout. taUed. consumer groi[roup rounded by Ralph Nader, , woul^Uy.Jo.haM.UiQjoUbacluiickjjvertumed by— Q .. njent In the auto industry5t»xqgjwellju,limiting— JThe. NaUNaUonal.Hlghway. TrafUc. Satety.iSf.A diG M -andJ?ord issued, sts statements-praising ._r“Wearfrab{about topul^tbmbstorie upend It's-1-5---------- ^-------• SeePU ELon Page - 1 I& g S tb rai j g e ........f • ■*' H lEiea^ KHpz — G r o u j ^ r t _ argets By PAULA EUBANKS toxic chenemicals TImcs-tiews writer ■' - ' ByANNETTECARY-' r(mes*New5wr/fer, >TWIN FALLS - Rcpnicpresentatlves Irom elghl area countyy commissionscc 1 TWIN F A L L S -AI thUir i^ m o n th col- gaye the ntral District laboraUon by area1 residents,re gov- Ih o t in th e arm - ' «him«nt<and lndusb7try-hfis^leldeda -l ........ W c ^ ^ a y ' w hen they p y passed'a' L-clearer,..aad. less restrlcstrlcUve ptan-for - ....... percent Increase in the dc e departm ent’s {-.regulfitlag:. ,storage.J:.o}.J:-of..hazardous. Duaget.— ..... chemicaUiBTwinFalls.'alls, >T be budget hike, ol, [, » e .800 came The groiqi proposesfes resUi'cUngI all after two years ol (is(»):a) austerity€ at - ' Dew businesses storing,Ing, handling. U8- .th e departm ent and wUl fl - Ql fund mainly . I Ing or selling laigei amountsam of has- - ^Increased opcfaUng_cp5li and cfistr ^ ardous cbemTcals to»a a specialsi overlay-------- J. ..oM ivlng^J^lments tofo employm'''-I 1 ^ 1 "Hlstrlct. deslgnated^^t w - ¥ i j n t h e p a y . I ^ B -sOuUteastcorDer^^u..- “ T he 51.5-mllII6n budget' gct'wlll'go'lntb" : It is fair to boUi busln<uslnesses and res- • , ' effect 'Oct. 1. CounUes w s will'pravlde: ■ id^ta, say membersoMsbf-the hazardous $507,064 of lh a i b u d ^t«:«34,!»6 :«a m ore. 1 *<®i^*committee. I ____!thfln->a<> luuoit—:— le residential area : • "We feel very-fortunate J V w ( 1 ^ 9 vfould m ean a safer TwliTwin Falls," says Increase." said Gerald lid Hurst, the representing-Uie---------i dlslHcrdepaftmentTdlrccii r ^ o r . - I(Wto N d ^ » r s NBtwork.,The e ^ o com- o r the six countles-repi feprcsented-st*' •' mittee, does' not IntendInu to hurt' '; tbe W cdn^ay budget hes hearing a t the ; ^ ■ business developmenl.'ml. "but to look to department's admlnlstrat offices : . safety of the peopleKiple, so we don’t 1 .. in Twin Falls, Blaine Cou County Repre* Wm -* ' ^ v e anoUier BuenaI VVis ista. That’s Uie sCnlalive Alan Reynolynolds voted ’ bottom line.'.* against the increase. ' . Now UieTwln Fallslls CityC Code does 1 decreased revenue to BlaineBla County not dlrecUy address» UieU storage of j as the reason. such chemicals. But; threeUin months ago : ■ Counties voting for th Increase n n ■ ■ afteriiuT ilng dowTIdvwi Uie s ^ n d were Cassia, Gooding. Jc Lin* regulatory proposalI In two yean - 'ColnandTwln Falls. - Uie City^:ouncU supportiported the forma--------- 'Camas and Minidoka coi tlonofat^inmmce'toi‘ to come up wiui' - -not represented. - - - ‘ yetanotherproposal. ' The cl^t countlos si i support the Tnm S»»i Phnl.>(SKYC SAVEAVEsoN Committee meniibers;lers say Uiey have health department's sei serv ic^ , In- A t r a i l i corrected flaws InUieeoleearlierplans. ■ pluding dairy and restaur lo fsp rd y au ra n t Inspec- Ttft latest one ,^v<gives a clearer . tion, Immunizations, foodood and nutri- R ichard F w i ra y R lv tr above Sboabiute1 FaUsF Wedoeaday. stayiovogi PwtberstM leaves a trail of apra] ogue, u temperaturei are expected2 l!2 ______ ,dcflnl{iMoLb9?8DjQW6Jou s chemicals, by tc-women-wiih------------b«blDd-hlmHlm-a»-beH»ater-*kto-ap-ttw-SnaJa cooUngTportTBUouid— KffialnBbftot for tlie'namew dayiT ■ -using the one In Uie UnliU nifoon BuUdlng children, refugee services,serv en* vlronmental heaith, famil;mily planning, - ■■■-; ■■"I ' • ^ S T O I U GIEooPageA2 E o i ' J ^ and crippled children’sI servicesser to the MaglcValley. The department provid(>vided services V ^ O I I C in controlling the measlesisles epidemic, • igress’ ‘riidiculouss’ budget*± deadlocck persis.sts - I removing poisoned waten il^elonsjgfl The Associated Pres’rcss Majority Le cheese from store6,'and in' L eader Robert Dole of Kan* “All All it takes Is thc art of com-m- “I didn’t write that speech.:h." Dole not yet fallen on tbee taUcsta aimed at ^cotUe deaths, reportedi td S i l K WASHINGTONN •— White House sas, who calledca Republican senators pron-romise.” said. " I'd have singled outoi Uie drafUng a compromis<m ise version of * division directors at thes me m S J r^ chlcfofstaffDonaldnaldT. Regan angrily together loc0 consider Uielr next move. DoleDo said Uie Senate was seekinging House." fiscal 1986 budgets paspassed by each . ; lie meeting, Dote said it is alter ____ Each county, providesIm ; a riifforpnt denounced the "rii"ridiculous" budget Afler the IternaUvc proposals, bul that it Sen, P ete.V , Dorpenlci, R-N.M.,R chamber. percentage <rf tbe acparlmenl'jde; to to k o" CapMljllol KUI Thursday as "uptothcH<1 House w hether we’re on Uie woulould take a while before Uiere Is anymy chairman of thc Senate BudgeIget Com* "No. I don’t Uilnklink Ifs over,” ■ budget, based on tb e count eaders argued over vergeofanyinyUiing.” consionsensus. mitlec, recessed budgel talltalks be- Domenici said. But "It’s•It’s in pretty bad tlon and property valuation to m ake an offer thal House Sp<Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill HeHe said it would lake "two o r threercc tween the House and Senate! onoi Wed- shape." deflclt*reduction ef- Jr.. D-Mass.ss.. said hc hoped thc Senate more The county Contributtohlion llgured “ ''’“S' I tore conferences before we decidcidc nesday after rejecting a bottoittom-linc Republican senatorsors agreed that : is would returr based on 70 p e r ^ t of th um to the talks. wher'here we want to go." offer from Uie House in1 an for the time being theyey w in try lo keep •• 5 up In the air, "We thinkink It's kind of childish to be DoleDo and other senators also brush*sh* acrimonious session.
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