Property of the Watertown Historical Society TIM Wcrt.rtown-Ookville-MiddfeburXftmey Weekly e Timely Coverage Of News In .The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County VOL. 22 NO. 1078 Subscription Price, $5,110 Per Year .. Piie« 15 Cent* SEPTEMBER 5. 1968 Mrs. Daniel Fenton To Be Reception Guest Sunday Steps To Secure New Mrs. Daniel Fenton, former 'later this month. Executive Secretary of tbe Wa- Mrs. Fenton, who Joined the tertown Chapter, American Red Red 'Cross-on December "7, 1941, will be 'fie guest of bon- 'worked, tirelessly tor the Wa- tertown chapter from' then until Manager Instituted her recent retirement. She 'has, The machinery which will bring served as a volunteer and as a about tte appointment of a new salaried employee' for more than Mrs.- Ge&. Christie Heads Town Manager was put. In motion 25 fears. 'In, 1966 the Board of last, month when advertisements 'Directors paid tribute to' Mrs. listing the local opening were Fenton, tor a quarter of a cent- Local limited Fund Drive placed in various publications ury of dedication to the people Mrs. 'George Christie,, North- needs of 'the thousands, of Wa- dealing with the 'Town; Manager of Watertown through 'the offices flel'd Rd,, has been, named chair- terbury area residents." gove r rune nt fie Id. of tte Red, 'Cross. man of 'the Watertown-Oakville .Among the Watertown-dakvflle Town Council Chairman Rich- Although her "pet" programs portion 'Of the 1969 Waterbury agencies benefiting from 'the Oc- ard C. Bozzuto said 'be Instruct- ' have 'been service to' members Area United Fund Campaign to tober fund drive are 'both, tte Boy ed that the advertisements 'be of 'the. Armed Forces and their raise $1,060,000 for 31 member and Girl, .Scouts and tte Public placed so that there would be no families and 'the vital Red, Cross agencies, General Chairman Leo Health Nursing Association. more delay than necessary in Blood Program since Its, in- J. Sneenaa announced this week,. Volunteer workers are needed securing a list of candidates • for the post to be vacated by ception In, 1950f many towns- for all phases of the campaign. people can attest to' the fact, Those Interested In assisting can Allan F. Muglia. that' Mrs. Fenton has, been vit- obtain, .further Information from 'Mr. Muglia1 s resignation was ally., interested in all phases of Mrs. Christie at 27 4-450'3. announced Aug. 5, throe weeks Red Cross: 'work. .after it. reportedly was asked for Several .former chairmen of by the Town Council at an ex- 'the Red Cross Board of Direc- Variety Show ecutive session on July 1.5. The tors agree that, Mrs. Fenton has Benefit Friday resignation was made known, fin- been 'the guiding spirit behind'the ally, when, minutes of the July Mn. Daniel Feotom . local chapter and has consistent- For Atlaw Ergete 15 meeting were made public. Sunday, September 8, from 2:30 ly maintained a, personal Inter- The minutes simply stated that A variety show, tte 'Genera- Mr. Muglia had. submitted his to 4:30' p.m. at 'the Wesfbury est in. all areas of 'Red Cross tion Gaposls,, will be held Fri- Boom, 666 Tbomaston Road. 'Mrs. activity:" personal 'tragedy, nat- •resignation, to 'be effective Nov. day, Sept. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at 15. Fenton Is planning to. 'lake up ural disaster, and war service. •Swift Junior High School, with residence in, California with her On, July 1, 1966, Mrs. Fenton proceeds to' be used to aid At- Mr. Bozzuto said Tuesday that: ado, David Fenton and his family, (Continued 'On Page 12} law Ergete In. Ms schooling. he didn't know whether any ap- Mr. Ergete, who previously was plications, for the manager's post, an exchange student here from have been received as yet. 'The 'Us native Ethiopia, attending Wa- first advertisements concerning Local School Enrollment Mrs. George Christie the opening should have been 'Mrs. Christie, 'the mother of placed just after the' budget three children, has 'been, active' town meeting of August 15, he Expected To Top 5,000 in local 'Girl' Scout affairs and said. Watertown's public " and paro- public schools this year has, just •presently Is serving as junior He indicated that, the Council chial schools opened for the 1968- about, fl'Ued the' schools to capa- consultant, to Girl .Scout Troops hopes to screen, the initial list, 69 school year Wednesday, with city, and, school 'Officials are to tte 'Watertown., Oak.vU.le and 'Of candidates as quickly as pos- 'tie largest enrollment In the' anxious to see tbe three-phase Bethlehem are-... She also serves sible, 'and, then to hold personal town's history. program of schools 'additions, in- as a volunteer at Fairfleld Hills Interviews with the top candi- Public school enrollment on, stituted so that additional space, Hospital,,, Newtown, and last year dates on the list. When Town tte elementary and secondary hopefully, can, be' ready on some was. chairman of tte United Managers were chosen in the levels was expected to top 4,500' levels by next fall. Fund's 'residential drive locally. past, as in the case of James and could go is 'high as 4,550, Estimates have been for 'higher 'In. accepting the post, Mrs. L. .Sullivan in 1962 and. Mr. Mug- according to estimates by Super- enrollments at all grade levels,. Christie said; '"The $10,754 goal lia in 1966, the process from intendent tf Schools 'George H. Last year on opening day,, when for Watertown and Oakvffle Is ti me of annou nc e me nt of t he ope n- WUber. Enrollment of St. John's enroll meat bit 4,305, those listed, approximately 28 per cent higher Ing' until the post was filled took and St. Mary Magdalen School by the various schools were: than tte amount raised locally between three and four mortis,. probably will push the town's Baldwin, 485; Judson, 343; South, last, year. This Increase 'has Should, Mr. Muglia leave his total school population to more 638: Polk, 474; Falls Ave,,, 59; 'been, brought about by 'increased post prior to Nov. 15, 'as, he In- than 5,6851 ^N. Heminway Park, 463; Junior High, requirements of tte -31 member dicated he might early last month higher enrollment in the 609; and Senior High, 1,234. agencies In meeting the basic I Continued On, .Page 12) F'r. Nadonly To Atlaw tertown. High to, 1966-67 under Address C ounci 1 the sponsorship of tte United, The Rev. Edmund 8. Nadonly, Methodist Church,, will attend a native of New Britain, will be Lycoming 'College, Wllliamsport, guest speaker Monday, Sept. 9, Pa., tor the next four years. at the opening meeting of the After his return to Ethiopia fol- Council of Catholic Women of .St.. lowing his high school year here, he attended Halle Selassie Uni- John's Church. There will be a versity In Addis .Ababa. During brief business meeting' at 6p.m., his stay in, the United States he followed by a dinner. will reside at the tome of'George Father Nadonly has 'been serv- Dletz, Jr., Watertown. ing .St.. Michael's Church in Hart- ford for the past three years as Featured at the_ show will be associate pastor,, working among dance routines by members of some '40,000 Spanish 'and, Negro the Carol Wooding Studio of people In the city's north end. Dance, the Scottish Bagpipe Brig- ade, vocal, medlies by Mrs. Marie In addition to his pastoral duties. Wynne, a piano solo by Melinda Father Nadonly is seen, in a half MacKenzie, folksongs by Sally hour television program, "Mar- & Bev, excerpts from, Hans Chris- riage in Today's Society," each tian .Anderson,, and many other Wednesday at 6 p.m. on Channel interesting acts tor the 'entire 20, Waterbury. family. Mrs. Bernard Beauchamp, Gordon Dletz, director, has an- president, 'asked members plan- nounced the following chairmen: ning to attend to make their reser- Kenneth Knight, tickets; Mrs. vations by Saturday, .Sept. 7. Mrs. Richard Bozzuto and Mrs. didate Ibr State Rep re- Paul Shade,, publicity; Sumner RepubllcsM Kunln, technical advisor; Keith Robert Oownes are co-chairmen V.S. BUck, lighting; Lois Dletz, for the evening. omce H.B scenery and makeup; Larry The meeting' is .open, to all members of the parish,, as well •—*- (Continued On Page 1,2) as, husbands of Council members. Page 2--Town 'Times (Watertown, Cann..),, September 5, 1968 midway platform.. .... The Fulton Barbara, Peter and David Smith, ~ 'DREAMER' ~ all of Watertwry, .and from Beth- Property of the Watertown HistoricalAmerican Band of Waterbur Societyy will 1 A man. may be ttie architect be' on. 'hand both days to' offer lehem HIT , "and 'Mrs. Truman of Ms fortune, but he still can't hand concerts, 'and another two "Minor, Dr. and Mrs. E. R, Mil- 1 BETHLEHEM NEWS day offering Is: "the amateur tal- ler, Mrs. May Allen Johnson, get the sip' in every room. — — .. Louise Johnson and Phoebe R, If Paul Johnson ent .show which. Is 'to offer 'this watertownhistoricalsociety.orgyear 'the performance of a Beth- Smith. lehem resident, "Papino, 'the Bethlehem is to have two pri- last minute 'work fin prepara- 'grounds to' 'bouse 'displays,, and Clown". A, hobby show which maries — the first, in history HEMINWAY tion of the 44th Bethlehem Fair secretaries of the fair report, a. is. .an annual feature may be' for town offices — with en- which takes place this Satur- record number of entries in var- viewed on. both days In. the main (Con Co Page 3) day and Sunday . Is centered at ious categories. ..... Among the exhibit hall.
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