September 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1521 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RANKED IN mother fell unconscious while on a shopping percent and helped save 1,026 lives. Blood TOP TEN trip. Bobby freed himself from the car seat and donors like Beth Groff truly give the gift of life. tried to help her. The young hero stayed calm, She has graciously donated 18 gallons of HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS showed an employee where his grandmother blood. OF TEXAS was, and gave valuable information to the po- John D. Amos II and Luis A. Perez were lice. While on his way to school, Mike two residents of Northwest Indiana who sac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Spurlock came upon an accident scene. As- rificed their lives during Operation Iraqi Free- Tuesday, September 7, 2004 sisted by other heroic citizens, Mike broke out dom, and their deaths come as a difficult set- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, it is my great one of the automobile’s windows and removed back to a community already shaken by the honor to recognize five communities within my the badly injured victim from the car. After the realities of war. These fallen soldiers will for- district for being acknowledged as among the incident, he continued on to school as usual to ever remain heroes in the eyes of this commu- ‘‘Top Ten Suburbs of the Dallas-Fort Worth take his final exam. nity, and this country. Area,’’ by D Magazine, a regional monthly The Red Cross is also recognizing the fol- I would like to also honor Trooper Scott A. publication. Top honors went to Southlake, lowing Northwest Indiana residents for using Patrick and Detective William Rolniak, Jr. Colleyville, Highland Village, Flower Mound, their training in life saving techniques to assist Trooper Patrick was the 40th Indiana State and Coppell based on these communities’ ex- victims in life threatening situations. Mr. Daniel Police Officer to be killed in the line of duty. cellent schools, affordability, and low crime Luczak, an EMT, administered care to an in- While stopping to aid a stranded motorist, he rates. jured worker which reduced further injury to was shot by the motorist who had stolen the Every two years, the magazine ranks some the victim’s lumbar spine. Lt. Yvonne Hogan car. Detective William Rolniak, Jr, a 14-year fifty plus suburbs of the Dallas-Fort Worth re- Foster used CPR to revive a 90-year-old fe- police veteran, was killed in the line of duty gion, the State of Texas’ largest metropolitan male who was unconscious. The tragic out- when a suspect took him as a hostage and area. Southlake was ranked number three on come of this heroic attempt to save a life later killed him. this year’s top ten after receiving top marks as should not diminish the fact that Lt. Hogan- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other a community dedicated to its school’s athletics Foster reacted quickly to the situation and put distinguished colleagues join me in com- and music. D Magazine also noted the city’s her lifesaving training to use. Dave Mays and mending and acknowledging these out- efforts to encourage resident involvement Kandis Pigg are lifeguards trained and cer- standing heroes of Northwest Indiana. Their through SPIN (Southlake Program for the In- tified by the YMCA. Dave Mays activated the bravery and selfless deeds to others are wor- volvement of Neighborhoods), which ‘‘helps YMCA’s emergency procedure and safely res- thy of the highest honor and respect. residents communicate with the city govern- cued a young man in the water complaining of f ment.’’ As a congressman, I appreciate severe back pain. Ms. Kandis Pigg’s training MARRIAGE PROTECTION ACT OF Southlake’s efforts to encourage civic engage- in delivering oxygen proved to be a lifesaving 2004 ment because constituent communication is technique after she was able to remove a man from the water who complained of shortness essential to improving our communities. SPEECH OF I applaud Mayor Andy Wambsganss and the of breath. This heroic rescue resulted in the City Council of Southlake for building the City man’s full recovery. The members of the Cour- HON. DENNIS MOORE of Southlake into a distinguished community. I age Aktion Club feel that they are in good OF KANSAS am proud to represent such a vibrant city. hands whenever James Harris is around. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While having lunch, James noticed a woman f Thursday, July 22, 2004 choking and performed the Heimlich maneuver CONGRATULATING AN EXCEP- to dislodge the food. A week later, while riding Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposi- TIONAL GROUP OF NORTHWEST the bus, James helped a passenger who was tion to H.R. 3313, which would bar federal INDIANA RESIDENTS having a seizure. Without the courageous ef- courts, including the Supreme Court, from forts of these individuals: Karl Samuel, Higinio hearing cases related to provisions in the De- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Martinez, Hank Carmona, Brian Gregory, Paul fense of Marriage Act [P.L. 104–199]. Under OF INDIANA Jacquez, Sam Rhoten, and Bill Curtis, a heart that law, the definition of marriage as a union IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES attack victim would not have survived. Their between a man and a woman extends to all CPR/AED training revived the victim until the aspects of federal law and prevents states Tuesday, September 7, 2004 EMS arrived. from being forced to recognize same-sex mar- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with Carrie Clemens, Laura Layman, Stacey Gib- riages from other states. In addition to P.L. great pride and enthusiasm that I wish to con- bons, Sarah Udchitz, Stephen Kolodziej, 104–199, 38 states—including Kansas—have gratulate an exceptional group of Northwest Adam Wythe, and Matt Plassman were all adopted laws limiting marriage to a man and Indiana residents. The Lake County Chapter working at a local Schoops restaurant when a a woman. H.R. 3313 would not bar state of the American Red Cross will be honoring tragic automobile accident occurred. The driv- courts from hearing cases related to same sex several local heroes for their bravery and self- er of a pickup truck suffered a fatal heart at- marriage. less acts of kindness during the ‘‘In Honor of tack that resulted in the truck crashing into the While Congress has broad authority under Heroes’’ banquet on Thursday, September 9, restaurant. The heroic employees stepped Article III of our Constitution to regulate the ju- 2004 at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Indi- right in to assist and aid the injured. Also risdiction, procedures and remedies available ana. They will also be recognizing two fallen being recognized are Randy Edmaiston and in state and federal courts, this power is gen- military heroes and two fallen police heroes. Martin Chelich, two courageous men that en- erally not used as a means to affect sub- The First Congressional District is proud to tered the home of a senior citizen while her stantive law. Over the years, various pro- commend the following youth for their acts of home was on fire and evacuated the woman. posals have been made—but not enacted—to bravery. Thomas Jones displayed courage Because of this selfless act, the woman’s life limit the jurisdiction of federal courts to hear when he dialed 9–1–1 while his mother was was saved. cases regarding particular, controversial areas having a seizure. The 9–1–1 dispatcher, It takes dedication and hard work to make of constitutional law, such as school busing, Debbie Kochis, kept 5-year-old Thomas calm a blood drive a success. Hyles Anderson Col- abortion, prayer in school, and recitation of the and feeling secure while she dispatched help. lege and First Baptist Church work together to Pledge of Allegiance. Congress’ Article III au- Thomas bravely responded to Kochis’s re- make blood drives successful. Due to the hard thority is generally used to address broad quest for information needed to get help and work of Kris Grafton, Karen Basham, Pastor issues of court efficiency and resource alloca- followed her instructions to help save his Jack Schaap, and all the others involved, they tion, rather than to allocate judicial power in a mother. Five-year-old Bobby Bodnar’s grand- have increased their blood collections by 40 way that affects or influences the result in ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:16 Sep 09, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07SE8.001 E08PT1 E1522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 8, 2004 cases concerning specific constitutional DOMA’s constitutionality if H.R. 3313 becomes IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL issues. Limiting the jurisdiction of any court for law.’’ ASSISTED LIVING WEEK any particular class of cases raises questions Mr. Speaker, for all of these reasons, H.R. regarding both the separation of powers doc- 3313 is neither good law nor good policy. My HON. ELLEN O. TAUSCHER trine and the Equal Protection Clause of our personal belief is that marriage is a union be- OF CALIFORNIA Constitution. tween a man and a woman, but that the regu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Additionally, it is not settled doctrine that lation of marriage should be left to the states. Tuesday, September 7, 2004 Congress has the power to eliminate Supreme Amending the Constitution of the United Court review of constitutional questions.
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