No. 30-02/202 0-ws Government of lndia Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PO Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi- 110 001 Dated: 8th September, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE SUBJECT: SEEKtNG suGGEsrloNs/FEEDBAcK/coMMENTS/|NpursrurEWs FROM GENERAL PUBLIC/STAKEHOLDERS ON THE DRAFT "INDIAN POST OFFICE RULES,2020" The central Government proposes to make a new set of lndian post office Rules' 2020 (lPo Rules, 2020) which wiil be in supersession of lpo Rures, 1933. passage 2- with the of time and induction of technorogy, the working of the post office has changed significanfly since 1933, so there is a need for a new set of rules in sync with the today's environment. 3. ln the new set of rpo Rures, 2020. some new rures have been framed, obsolete rules have been dereted from and many rures have been re- framed/modified in sync with the present scenario. The lndian post office Rules, 2020 will be a new set of Rures which wiil govern the functioning of the post offices henceforth. 4. ln the context of the above, the draft of proposed rpo Rures,2020 is hereby notified for information, seeking suggestions/feedbacucomments/inputs/views from general public/stakehorders/customers. Notice is hereby given that the suggestions/feedbacucomments/inputs/views received with regard to the said draft lPo Rules, 2020 will be taken into consideration tilr 6:00 p.m. of 9th october, 2020. 5. Suggestions/Feedback/comments/rnputsA/iews, if any, may be addressed to Ms. Sukriti Gupta, Assistant Director General (postal Operations, Room No. 340, Third Floor, Dak Bhawan, sansad Marg, New Derhi-i10001 , Ter. 011-23096005, email:- [email protected] ov. tn 6. suggestions/Feedbacucomments/lnputsA/iews are soricited from general public/stakeholders/users of post offices as it will make the lndian post office Rules more comprehensible and public friendly. over the years, the post office has reinvented itself and has been al the forefront of delivering the various prod ucts/services to meet the needs of customers across the country. This is a further attempt to be more responsive towards general public/stakeholders/customers. Enclosure:- Draft IPO Rules 2020 (s U Gupta) Assistant Director General (Postal rations) Tel. 01 1-23096005 The following information need to be furnished along with the document (attachment) to be uploaded in lndia post website:- Proforma for u ploadinq docum ent on lndia Post Website sl. Subject Document Start End Date No. Document Sub Content /Order No. Date Cate o Ca o Author 1 Seeking 30-02t2020- 8.9.2020 9.10.2020 Notice Postal Sukriti Gupta, suggestions/feedback/comments/inputs/views WS dated 6:00 p.m. Operations ADG(PO) 8.9.2020 from general public/stakeholders on the draft "lndian Post Office Rules, 2020,' 1 Draft Indian Post Office Rules, 2020 2 Issued by the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, Government of India under Notification No. ……………………. dated, New Delhi, the ……………………………….. GSR No. ……………. –In exercise of the powers conferred by the Indian Post Office Act, 1898 under section 74, the Central Government makes the following rules, to have effect from the date of its publication in official gazette. These rules shall be issued in supersession of existing Indian Post Office Rules, 1933 and shall be called as Indian Post Office Rules, 2020. 3 CONTENTS SL. PART NO. NAME OF PART NO. 1 I PRELIMINARY 2 II FEATURES OF POSTAL ARTICLES & SERVICES AND MAIN CONDITIONS OF TRANSMISSION OF POSTAL ARTICLES I. INLAND POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES LETTERS LETTER CARDS BILL MAIL SERVICE RAKHI MAIL SERVICE NATIONAL BILL MAIL SERVICE POSTCARDS GREETING POST BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPES & CARDS BOOK PACKETS BOOK PACKET CONTAINING PRINTED BOOKS BOOK PACKET CONTAINING PERIODICALS PATTERN AND SAMPLE PACKETS BLIND LITERATURE PACKETS REGISTERED NEWSPAPERS PARCELS BUSINESS PARCEL LOGISTIC POST SPEED POST II. FOREIGN POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES LETTERS AEROGRAMME MAIL BAG PARCEL SMALL PACKETS & PRINTED PAPERS BLIND LITERATURE PACKETS POST CARD AIRMAIL POSTCARD INTERNATIONAL SPEED POST SERVICES INTERNATIONAL AIR PARCELS INTERNATIONAL TRACKED PACKETS OTHER FEATURES OF AIR MAIL ARTICLES 3 III OFFICIAL POSTAL ARTICLES 4 I. INLAND OFFICIAL POSTAL ARTICLES POSTAL BALLOT II. FOREIGN OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE 4 IV VALUE ADDED SERVICES I. REGISTRATION OF POSTAL ARTICLES -INLAND POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES -FOREIGN POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES II. INSURANCE OF POSTAL ARTICLES -INLAND POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES -FOREIGN POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES III. VALUE PAYABLE POST & CASH ON DELIVERY(COD) ARTICLES -VALUE PAYABLE POST -CASH ON DELIVERY(COD) ARTICLES 5 V PHILATELY 6 VI MONEY ORDER I. INLAND MONEY ORDERS -ELECTRONIC MONEY ORDERS -FAMILY ALLOTMENT MONEY ORDERS II. FOREIGN MONEY ORDER 7 VII INDIAN POSTAL ORDERS -INDIAN POSTAL ORDER -e-IPO (ELECTRONIC INDIAN POSTAL ORDER) -FIELD POSTAL ORDER 8 VIII GENERAL RULES I. PREPAYMENT OF POSTAGE AND OTHER CHARGES OF POSTAL ARTICLES II. PRICE OF STAMPS III. LATE LETTERS, POST CARDS OR PACKETS IV. REDELIVERY TO THE SENDER OR ALTERATION OR CORRECTIONS OF ADDRESS OF POSTAL ARTICLES IN THE COURSE OF TRANSMISSION BY POST V. DETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF UNDELIVERED POSTAL ARTICLES -AT THE POST OFFICE OF ADDRESS -RETURNED LETTER OFFICE(RLO) 5 VI. AUTHORISING POSTAL OFFICIALS TO SEARCH FOR AND TO INTERCEPT CERTAIN PROHIBITED ARTICLES VII. INTRODUCTION AND(OR) DISCONTINUATION OF PRODUCTS & SERVICES VIII. ROLE IN DISASTER MITIGATION & RELIEF IX. REDIRECTION OF POSTAL ARTICLES X. SUSPENSION OR RESTRICTION OF TRANSMISSION OF POSTAL ARTICLES XI. RECOVERY OF DUES IN RESPECT OF UNPAID AND INSUFFICIENTLY PAID ARTICLES 9 IX PROHIBITIONS OF POSTAL ARTICLES I. INLAND POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES II. TREATMENT OF POSTAL ARTICLES FROM ABROAD BEARING FICTITIOUS OR PREVIOUSLY USED STAMPS 10 X RATES OF POSTAGE/TARIFF I. INLAND POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES II. FOREIGN POSTAL ARTICLES& SERVICES 6 PART-I PRELIMINARY (all rules of Preliminary are newly inserted) 1. Short title and commencement : (1) These Rules may be called the Indian Post Office Rules, 2020. (2) They shall come in to force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions : (a) “Act” means Indian Post Office Act (IPO), 1898. (b) “Rule” means a rule of the Indian Post Office Rules, 2020. (c) “Director General Postal Services” means Director General Postal Services or the person authorised by the Central Government for exercising the powers of Director General Postal Services. (d) “Head of the Circle” means Chief Postmaster General or the person exercising the powers of Chief Postmaster General concerned. (e) “Head of the Region” means Postmaster General concerned or the person exercising the powers of Postmaster General concerned. (f) “Director Postal Services” means Director in Region, Circle Headquarters, Mails & Business Development, Foreign Post, General Post Offices etc. or the person exercising the powers of Director concerned. (g) “Head of Division” means Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of Postal/RMS Division or the person exercising the powers of Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of Postal/RMS Division concerned. (h) “Postmaster” means Chief Postmaster of General Post Office/ Sr. Postmaster/ Head Postmaster of Head Office or the person exercising the powers of Postmaster, as the case may be, who will be the Head of such Post Office. (i) “Letter Box” means box installed in the post offices/mail offices, in public places and in mobile post offices for posting of fully prepaid letters, postcards, inland letter cards & packets. (j) “Sender” means a person who intends to send all kinds of mail including parcels etc. with the intention of passing information to others (k) “Addressee” means intended recipient or the person to whom all kinds of mail including parcels etc. is to be delivered. (l) “Remitter” means a person or institution who intends to send money through Money remittance services. (m) “Payee” means a person or institution who intends to receive the money through money remittance services. 7 (n) “Agent” means a person, authorized by the addressee or the payee, to receive the postal article. (o) “Tariff” means the charges for the services offered by means of these rules. (p) “Redirection” means the action of assigning or directing postal article to a new or different place for a specific reason. (q) “Philatelic Bureau” means a branch of a Head or Sub Post office specifically set up by the Department of Posts to deal with the receipt and sale of all philatelic items, like special/commemorative stamps, First Day Covers(FDCs), special covers, new issue of definitive stamps , new stationery etc. It provides special cancellations on First Day Covers (F.D.Cs) and special covers or on covers presented to the bureau for the purpose of special cancellations. It maintains up-to date record and relevant information of all the issues for supply to the stamp collectors and intending purchasers. It maintains Philatelic Deposit Accounts and deals with mail orders of the account holders. (r) “Philatelic Counter” means a counter for sale of philatelic items and is a part of the post office specially selected for the purpose. A Philatelic counter functions in each Head Post Office. These counters, however, do not provide special cancellation on F.D.Cs or special covers, but a standard cancellation of "First Day of Issue" only, which is similar for all the philatelic issues. These counters offer registration facility for opening of Philatelic Deposit Accounts with supply of material by the parent bureau. (s) Words and Expressions used herein but defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. (t) “Poste Restante” is a service operated by post offices by which letters, parcels etc. that are sent to an addressee/agent are kept at a particular post office until the addressee/agent collects them. (u) “Railway Mail Service(RMS)” is a wing of Department of Posts which is responsible for transmission of mails by road, rail & air for their distribution to and from post offices and mail offices.
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